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25          <th colspan="3" align="center">LPRng Reference Manual: 5
26          Sep 2003 (For LPRng-3.8.22)</th>
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34          18. Accounting</td>
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44      <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN9787">18.7. <b class=
45      "APPLICATION">LPRng</b> accounting.pl Utility</a></h1>
47      <p>The <b class="APPLICATION">LPRng</b> <tt class=
48      "FILENAME">accounting.pl</tt> utility provides the basic
49      framework for using the <var class="LITERAL">:as=|</var>,
50      <var class="LITERAL">:ae=|</var>, and pagecounter information
51      written to the accounting file to do reliable accounting, and
52      may be found in the <b class="APPLICATION">LPRng</b>
53      distribution <var class="LITERAL">UTILS</var> directory.
54      Usually this is modified according to local site needs and
55      installed in the filter directory.</p>
57      <p>The utility maintains the accounting file by inserting a
58      <var class="LITERAL">START</var> record at the start of a job
59      and an <var class="LITERAL">END</var> record at the end of
60      the job. It is assumed that the last <var class=
61      "LITERAL">END</var> record in the file marks the last place
62      that accounting was completed.</p>
64      <p>The following shows the printcap entry for using the <var
65      class="LITERAL">accounting.pl</var> utility. The <var class=
66      "LITERAL">start</var> and <var class="LITERAL">end</var>
67      options are used to specify that the utility is being called
68      at the job start or end.</p>
70      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
71        <a name="AEN9805"></a>
72<pre class="SCREEN">
73    printer
74     :af=acct
75     :as=|/usr/local/libexec/filters/accounting.pl start
76     :ae=|/usr/local/libexec/filters/accounting.pl end
78      </div>
79      <br>
80      <br>
82      <p>At the start of each job the utilty writes a <var class=
83      "LITERAL">START</var> record into the accounting file. This
84      record can contain information suitable for use by local
85      site. The exit code and information written to the utility
86      <acronym class="ACRONYM">STDOUT</acronym> is used by the <var
87      class="LITERAL">lpd</var> server to determine if the job is
88      to be printed. This allows job quotas to be implemented in a
89      simple way by having the <var class=
90      "LITERAL">accounting.pl</var> utility query a database with
91      the user quotas and reject the job if the user's quota is
92      exceeded.</p>
94      <p>At the end of the job, the utilitity will read the
95      accounting file and use the recorded information to update
96      the accounting information. In order to make this reliable,
97      the following steps are taken.</p>
99      <ol type="1">
100        <li>
101          <p>The accounting file is read and scanned for the last
102          <var class="LITERAL">END</var> record. If there is none,
103          then the next step starts at the beginning of the
104          accounting file.</p>
105        </li>
107        <li>
108          <p>The file is scanned for <var class=
109          "LITERAL">START</var> lines and <var class=
110          "LITERAL">pagecounter</var> information determined at the
111          start of a job.</p>
112        </li>
114        <li>
115          <p>If the last line in the accounting file does not
116          indicate successful completetion of the job and contain
117          pagecounting information, then the accounting procedure
118          is abandoned until the next job completes
119          successfully.</p>
120        </li>
122        <li>
123          <p>If the last line in the accounting file indicates
124          successful completion, then its pagecounter value is used
125          as the last page counter value.</p>
126        </li>
128        <li>
129          <p>Job information is updated by finding the start and
130          end pagecounter values for each job. It is possible that
131          a job will not have a pagecounter value recorded at its
132          start; in this case the page usage will be 0, as it did
133          not even get initialized.</p>
134        </li>
136        <li>
137          <p>After determining the accounting information, the
138          procedure will then update and databases and the
139          accounting file. During this update, interrupts should be
140          disabled and the amount of time taken to update the
141          accounting information and/or file should be
142          minimized.</p>
143        </li>
144      </ol>
145      <br>
146      <br>
148      <p>Administrators can use this script as a starting point for
149      more advanced accounting. For example, rather than just
150      recording the information, at the job start the script can
151      query either a local database or a remote server to see if
152      the user has permissions to access the printer. At the end of
153      the job or when an <acronym class="ACRONYM">END</acronym>
154      line is written to the accounting file, the local database or
155      remote accounting server can be updated.</p>
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175          <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Reliable
176          Accounting</td>
178          <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
179          "accountingref.htm" accesskey="U">Up</a></td>
181          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">RFC 1179 -
182          Line Printer Daemon Protocol</td>
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