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24          <th colspan="3" align="center">LPRng Reference Manual: 5
25          Sep 2003 (For LPRng-3.8.22)</th>
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33          18. Accounting</td>
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43      <h1 class="SECT1"><a name="AEN9696">18.3. Accounting
44      File</a></h1>
46      <p>The Accounting File (<var class="LITERAL">:af=</var>)
47      option value specifies the destination of accounting
48      information. If the format of the <var class=
49      "LITERAL">:af</var> option is <var class="LITERAL">:as=|
50      ...</var> , then the value is assumed to be a program to be
51      run to record start and end of job information. The program
52      is run in the same manner as a print filter. The values of
53      the <var class="LITERAL">:as</var> and <var class=
54      "LITERAL">:ae</var> options are written to the program's <var
55      class="LITERAL">STDIN</var> and the output from the program's
56      <var class="LITERAL">STDOUT</var> is used as described below
57      for authorization.</p>
59      <p>If the <var class="LITERAL">:af=</var> option has the
60      format <var class="LITERAL">host%port</var> then a TCP/IP
61      connection is opened to the specified port on the indicated
62      host. The values of the <var class="LITERAL">:as</var> and
63      <var class="LITERAL">:ae</var> options are written to the
64      remote host. The port that the connection originates from
65      will be in the range set by the configuration or printcap
66      <span class="emphasis"><i class="EMPHASIS"><a href=
67      "rfc1179ref.htm#LPDPORT">originate_port</a></i></span>
68      option.</p>
70      <p>Finally, if the <var class="LITERAL">:af=</var> has
71      neither of these formats then it will be treated as a
72      pathname to a file. If the file exists or the <var class=
73      "LITERAL">create_files</var> option is true, then the file
74      will be opened and the values of the <var class=
75      "LITERAL">:as</var> and <var class="LITERAL">:ae</var>
76      options are written to the file. The accounting file should
77      be periodically truncated.&#13;</p>
79      <p>&#13;By convention the <var class="LITERAL">:af=</var>
80      value is passed to filters as a command line option. LPRng
81      will pass the option value only if it is specifies a file or
82      network destination. This implies that accounting information
83      can be written to the accounting file or network destinations
84      by the print spooler, <var class="LITERAL">:of</var> filters,
85      or print file filters. The filters are responsible for
86      opening the accounting file or network connection.</p>
88      <p>The following is an example of information written to the
89      accounting file:</p>
91      <div class="INFORMALEXAMPLE">
92        <a name="AEN9722"></a>
93<pre class="SCREEN">
94    jobstart '-Hh4.private' '-nroot' '-Pps' '-kcfA938h4.private' \
95    '-b1093' '-tNov  5 19:39:25'
96    start '-p12942' '-kcfA938h4.private' '-nroot' '-hh4.private' '-Pps' \
97    '-c0' '-Fo' '-tSun Nov  5 19:39:25 1995'
98    filestart '-p12944' '-kcfA938h4.private' '-nroot' '-hh4.private' '-Pps' \
99    '-c0' '-Ff' '-tSun Nov  5 19:39:27 1995'
100    fileend '-p12944' '-kcfA938h4.private' '-nroot' '-hh4.private' '-Pps' \
101    '-b3' '-c0' '-Ff' '-tSun Nov  5 19:39:58 1995'
102    end '-p12942' '-kcfA938h4.private' '-nroot' '-hh4.private' '-Pps' \
103    '-b2' '-c0' '-Fo' '-tSun Nov  5 19:39:59 1995'
104    jobend '-Hh4.private' '-nroot' '-Pps' '-kcfA938h4.private' \
105    '-b1093' '-tNov  5 19:39:59'
107      </div>
108      <br>
109      <br>
111      <p>The <var class="LITERAL">jobstart</var> and <var class=
112      "LITERAL">jobend</var> lines are written by <b class=
113      "APPLICATION">lpd</b> and are the expanded <var class=
114      "LITERAL">:as</var> and <var class="LITERAL">:ae</var>
115      values. The <var class="LITERAL">start</var> and <var class=
116      "LITERAL">end</var> line are added by the <var class=
117      "LITERAL">:of</var> filter. This filter usually queries the
118      printer and gets printer dependent accounting information
119      such as the pagecounter value. The <var class=
120      "LITERAL">:of</var> filter is then suspended and the job is
121      processed by the various format dependent filters. The the
122      <var class="LITERAL">filestart</var> and <var class=
123      "LITERAL">fileend</var> lines are produced by the other
124      filters.</p>
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144          <td width="33%" align="left" valign="top">Accounting
145          Information</td>
147          <td width="34%" align="center" valign="top"><a href=
148          "accountingref.htm" accesskey="U">Up</a></td>
150          <td width="33%" align="right" valign="top">Authorization
151          and Quotas</td>
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