_DYNAMIC _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ __gmon_start__ _gp_disp _init _fini __dso_handle __cxa_finalize __deregister_frame_info __register_frame_info realloc gift_calloc array_unset array_new array_push free array_count array_pop __assert_fail array_shift array_unshift memmove array_index array_splice array_list strchr __strdup malloc file_stat log_trace_pfx log_trace platform_error log_error strcmp list_find_custom gift_strlen0 dataset_lookup config_set_str dataset_insertstr list_append config_set_int sprintf config_get_str config_get_int __strtol_internal dataset_clear string_trim string_isempty config_write snprintf fopen fgets gift_strdup string_sep strlen fputs fclose file_mv fseek config_new config_new_ex config_free gift_config_new gift_conf_path file_exists log_warn file_host_path strcpy platform_local_dir string_init string_set_buf string_append string_appendc string_appendvf string_finish gift_conf_path_r gift_conf_pathkey stringf_dup file_expand_path file_create_path recv fdbuf_new fdbuf_free tcp_open net_ip_str net_connect net_close tcp_accept net_accept net_peer tcp_bind net_bind input_remove tcp_send platform_net_error input_add tcp_close tcp_flush input_remove_all tcp_close_null memcpy tcp_write tcp_writestr gift_strlen net_send tcp_readbuf tcp_recv tcp_peek ds_data_init gift_memdup memset memcmp calloc list_free dataset_new dataset_foreach_ex abort list_nth_data dataset_lookup_node_ex dataset_lookup_node list_prepend dataset_insert_ex dataset_insert list_remove_link list_remove dataset_remove_node dataset_remove_ex dataset_remove dataset_removestr dataset_lookup_ex dataset_lookupstr list_foreach dataset_foreach dataset_find_node dataset_find dataset_length list_length dataset_flatten dataset_uniq32 stderr fprintf dataset_dump timer_add timer_remove_zero input_suspend_all input_resume_all platform_gettimeofday rand list_insert timer_reset timer_remove event_init time srand event_quit poll fflush getsockopt platform_net_errno event_poll_once event_loop string_new string_free fdbuf_fill string_appendu fdbuf_delim fdbuf_release fdbuf_data __xstat file_direxists file_dirname strrchr file_basename file_secure_path string_sep_set gift_strmove file_read_line string_appendf platform_home_dir string_finish_keep file_mkdir mkdir file_temp mkstemp fdopen file_rmdir file_opendir file_readdir unlink file_closedir rmdir file_cp fread fwrite rename file_slurp fileno __fxstat file_dump file_open file_close file_unlink opendir readdir closedir file_unix_path __ctype_b interface_new interface_free tree_foreach tree_destroy interface_set_command interface_set_value strcasecmp tree_find interface_get interface_put tree_insert interface_foreach_ex interface_foreach string_free_keep gift_strndup interface_serialize interface_unserialize interface_send libgift_init platform_init log_init mime_init libgift_finish mime_cleanup log_cleanup platform_cleanup list_nth list_last list_insert_sorted list_copy list_find list_sort list_foreach_remove list_lock_new list_lock_free list_lock list_unlock list_lock_append list_lock_prepend list_lock_remove list_lock_insert_sorted tree_destroy_free tree_remove stdout openlog closelog localtime strftime log_print syslog log_info vsnprintf log_fatal log_debug log_dump_memory gift_malloc gift_free gift_realloc platform_data_dir stringf mime_type string_lower gift_strcmp mime_type_lookup shutdown close socket net_ip net_set_blocking connect __errno_location accept setsockopt bind listen fcntl net_sock_error net_sock_adj_buf send inet_addr inet_ntoa net_ip_strbuf getpeername net_peer_ip net_local_ip getsockname net_mask net_match_host gift_strtol net_get8 net_get16 net_get32 net_put8 net_put16 net_put32 stringfv string_upper toupper tolower gift_strncpy strncpy gift_strcasecmp gift_strtoul __strtoul_internal gift_ltostr gift_ultostr strstr platform_plugin_dir getenv access signal exit kill unix_cleanup gettimeofday waitpid platform_child_sendmsg platform_child_recvmsg socketpair fork nice _exit platform_child platform_version uname platform_errno strerror stopwatch_init stopwatch_finish stopwatch_new stopwatch_start stopwatch_free stopwatch_free_elapsed stopwatch_elapsed stopwatch_stop libnsl.so.1 libgcc_s.so.0 libc.so.6 _ftext _fdata _gp _edata __bss_start _fbss _end libgift.so.0 GLIBC_2.0 GLIBC_2.2 
element != ((void *)0xdeadbeef) array.c array_pop array_shift offset >= 0 array_splice length >= 0 offset < (*a)->nmemb length <= (*a)->nmemb - offset conf.c config_update resynching %s unable to stat %s: %s %i %s.tmp w = config_write removing garbage %s/%s %s = %s Can't open %s: %s r fseek: %s giFT gift.conf %s/%s.conf deprecated configuration found at %s: looking for giftd.conf... giftd.conf ldir != ((void *)0) conf_path_r %s=%s c->wqueue == ((void *)0) tcpc.c tcp_free shift_queue array_unshift() failed! tcp_send(%p,%u): %s msg->data != ((void *)0) msg->len > 0 msg->off < msg->len c->fd == fd shift_queue_cb c->wqueue_id == id push_queue eep! c->wqueue_id > 0 % I m o - 7 E Q g $ 6 aR { G Iq ~ 9> g] ) > ] ! B dsdata != ((void *)0) dataset.c ds_data_init data != ((void *)0) ds_data_free node != ((void *)0) free_node ds_data_dup data->len > 0 node->value == ((void *)0) new_node 333333 ?ret != ((void *)0) d_array_insert key->len > 0 dataset_insert_ex key != ((void *)0) dataset_insert key_len > 0 dataset_insertstr value != ((void *)0) d_list_foreach_remove args[2] == ((void *)0) find_wrap node->value != ((void *)0) dataset_find %p(%p[%hu,%d]) => %p(%p[%hu,%d]) fd >= 0 event.c get_fd_index id validate_timeout %d, %d [%d]: FIXME id < 4096 next_input_id input->fd >= 0 input_add_queue input->dirty > 0 poll_fds[input->poll_id].fd == input->fd input->poll_id == pid set_pollfd input_add maximum input count exceeded find_input unable to locate id %d in fd index %d unable to locate fd index %d poll_id < poll_ids remove_pollfd input_remove_queue input->dirty < 0 inputs[id].fd >= 0 remove_full input->validate == 0 input_resume input->poll_id == 0 timer->link != ((void *)0) timer_find start < timers_size next_timer_id timers == ((void *)0) resize_timers timers_size == 0 newsize < 2147483647 ffffff ?id < timers_size timer_new cmpfn != ((void *)0) list_insort prev == ptr->prev prev->next != ptr *list == ptr->prev prev->next != ((void *)0) timer != ((void *)0) insort_timer remove_timer timer->id >= 0 && timer->id < timers_size timer->used == 1 timer->link->data != ((void *)0) &timers[*id] == timer ret == 0 dispatch_timer dispatch_input input->fd == poll_fds[input->poll_id].fd bad_fd_abort %p: %i 0xEBADFBAD == 0 poll: %s id != ((void *)0) poll_once t != ((void *)0) t->used == 1 data != ((void *)0) fdbuf.c find_delim len > 0 delim_len > 0 buf->peekfn != ((void *)0) fdbuf_delim \/ %.*s %s/ %s/%s.XXXX %s w %s/%s unlink failed on %s: %s stat failed on %s: %s rmdir failed on %s: %s rb wb unable to write to %s: %s unable to open %s (write): %s unable to open %s (read): %s unable to unlink %s: %s failed to read %s: %s Can't stat %s: %s Can't open %s: %s Can't write to %s: %s Can't create %s: %s / \%c {%c }%c %s (%s) ; 4 4 dir != 0 list.c list_nth tail != ((void *)0) list_append_link entry != ((void *)0) list_append list_prepend list_insert lock != ((void *)0) list_lock.c list_lock_append list_lock_prepend w+t Can't open %s: %s log_file != ((void *)0) log.c log_init log_file_fd == ((void *)0) [%H:%M:%S] %s %s %s "" != ((void *)0) log_info fmt != ((void *)0) *** GIFT-WARNING: "*** GIFT-WARNING: " != ((void *)0) log_warn *** GIFT-ERROR: "*** GIFT-ERROR: " != ((void *)0) log_error *** GIFT-FATAL: *** Often times more information can be found in the log file or with the -v command line switch. "*** GIFT-FATAL: " != ((void *)0) log_fatal ** gift-debug: "** gift-debug: " != ((void *)0) log_debug [%s]: %s:%i(%s): fmt log_trace %02x %04x: %-48.48s %-16.16s failed to allocate %u bytes %s/mime.types r failed to open %s filename != ((void *)0) mime.c load_types application/octet-stream bind: %s ALL LOCAL / . dst != ((void *)0) parse.c gift_strncpy src != ((void *)0) len > 0 %li %lu HOME $HOME not set, falling back to /home/$USER... USER /home/%s ~/.giFT /shares/ASUS_D/shmb_share/gift-nasoc/lib/giFT /shares/ASUS_D/shmb_share/gift-nasoc/share/giFT active_children == ((void *)0) platform.c unix_init unable to locate a sane home directory, consider using --home-dir or passing the appropriate parameters to libgift:platform_init Unable to initialize giFT. Please see above errorsfor more information. reaped child process %d got ECHILD reaping pid %d. Discarding. sdata->pid > 0 subprocess_cleanup pid_t fork: %s socketpair: %s %s/%s giFT 0.11.8 (%s %s %s) .A sobj != ((void *)0) strobj.c string_init string_finish sobj->can_resize == 1 string_finish_keep %s %c
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