1<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN"[]>
3<book id="lk-hacking-guide">
4 <bookinfo>
5  <title>Unreliable Guide To Hacking The Linux Kernel</title>
7  <authorgroup>
8   <author>
9    <firstname>Paul</firstname>
10    <othername>Rusty</othername>
11    <surname>Russell</surname>
12    <affiliation>
13     <address>
14      <email>rusty@rustcorp.com.au</email>
15     </address>
16    </affiliation>
17   </author>
18  </authorgroup>
20  <copyright>
21   <year>2001</year>
22   <holder>Rusty Russell</holder>
23  </copyright>
25  <legalnotice>
26   <para>
27    This documentation is free software; you can redistribute
28    it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
29    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
30    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
31    version.
32   </para>
34   <para>
35    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
36    useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
38    See the GNU General Public License for more details.
39   </para>
41   <para>
42    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
43    License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
44    Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
45    MA 02111-1307 USA
46   </para>
48   <para>
49    For more details see the file COPYING in the source
50    distribution of Linux.
51   </para>
52  </legalnotice>
54  <releaseinfo>
55   This is the first release of this document as part of the kernel tarball.
56  </releaseinfo>
58 </bookinfo>
60 <toc></toc>
62 <chapter id="introduction">
63  <title>Introduction</title>
64  <para>
65   Welcome, gentle reader, to Rusty's Unreliable Guide to Linux
66   Kernel Hacking.  This document describes the common routines and
67   general requirements for kernel code: its goal is to serve as a
68   primer for Linux kernel development for experienced C
69   programmers.  I avoid implementation details: that's what the
70   code is for, and I ignore whole tracts of useful routines.
71  </para>
72  <para>
73   Before you read this, please understand that I never wanted to
74   write this document, being grossly under-qualified, but I always
75   wanted to read it, and this was the only way.  I hope it will
76   grow into a compendium of best practice, common starting points
77   and random information.
78  </para>
79 </chapter>
81 <chapter id="basic-players">
82  <title>The Players</title>
84  <para>
85   At any time each of the CPUs in a system can be:
86  </para>
88  <itemizedlist>
89   <listitem>
90    <para>
91     not associated with any process, serving a hardware interrupt;
92    </para>
93   </listitem>
95   <listitem>
96    <para>
97     not associated with any process, serving a softirq, tasklet or bh;
98    </para>
99   </listitem>
101   <listitem>
102    <para>
103     running in kernel space, associated with a process;
104    </para>
105   </listitem>
107   <listitem>
108    <para>
109     running a process in user space.
110    </para>
111   </listitem>
112  </itemizedlist>
114  <para>
115   There is a strict ordering between these: other than the last
116   category (userspace) each can only be pre-empted by those above.
117   For example, while a softirq is running on a CPU, no other
118   softirq will pre-empt it, but a hardware interrupt can.  However,
119   any other CPUs in the system execute independently.
120  </para>
122  <para>
123   We'll see a number of ways that the user context can block
124   interrupts, to become truly non-preemptable.
125  </para>
127  <sect1 id="basics-usercontext">
128   <title>User Context</title>
130   <para>
131    User context is when you are coming in from a system call or
132    other trap: you can sleep, and you own the CPU (except for
133    interrupts) until you call <function>schedule()</function>.  
134    In other words, user context (unlike userspace) is not pre-emptable.
135   </para>
137   <note>
138    <para>
139     You are always in user context on module load and unload,
140     and on operations on the block device layer.
141    </para>
142   </note>
144   <para>
145    In user context, the <varname>current</varname> pointer (indicating 
146    the task we are currently executing) is valid, and
147    <function>in_interrupt()</function>
148    (<filename>include/asm/hardirq.h</filename>) is <returnvalue>false
149    </returnvalue>.  
150   </para>
152   <caution>
153    <para>
154     Beware that if you have interrupts or bottom halves disabled 
155     (see below), <function>in_interrupt()</function> will return a 
156     false positive.
157    </para>
158   </caution>
159  </sect1>
161  <sect1 id="basics-hardirqs">
162   <title>Hardware Interrupts (Hard IRQs)</title>
164   <para>
165    Timer ticks, <hardware>network cards</hardware> and 
166    <hardware>keyboard</hardware> are examples of real
167    hardware which produce interrupts at any time.  The kernel runs
168    interrupt handlers, which services the hardware.  The kernel
169    guarantees that this handler is never re-entered: if another
170    interrupt arrives, it is queued (or dropped).  Because it
171    disables interrupts, this handler has to be fast: frequently it
172    simply acknowledges the interrupt, marks a `software interrupt'
173    for execution and exits.
174   </para>
176   <para>
177    You can tell you are in a hardware interrupt, because 
178    <function>in_irq()</function> returns <returnvalue>true</returnvalue>.  
179   </para>
180   <caution>
181    <para>
182     Beware that this will return a false positive if interrupts are disabled 
183     (see below).
184    </para>
185   </caution>
186  </sect1>
188  <sect1 id="basics-softirqs">
189   <title>Software Interrupt Context: Bottom Halves, Tasklets, softirqs</title>
191   <para>
192    Whenever a system call is about to return to userspace, or a
193    hardware interrupt handler exits, any `software interrupts'
194    which are marked pending (usually by hardware interrupts) are
195    run (<filename>kernel/softirq.c</filename>).
196   </para>
198   <para>
199    Much of the real interrupt handling work is done here.  Early in
200    the transition to <acronym>SMP</acronym>, there were only `bottom 
201    halves' (BHs), which didn't take advantage of multiple CPUs.  Shortly 
202    after we switched from wind-up computers made of match-sticks and snot,
203    we abandoned this limitation.
204   </para>
206   <para>
207    <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/interrupt.h</filename> lists the 
208    different BH's.  No matter how many CPUs you have, no two BHs will run at 
209    the same time. This made the transition to SMP simpler, but sucks hard for
210    scalable performance.  A very important bottom half is the timer
211    BH (<filename class=headerfile>include/linux/timer.h</filename>): you 
212    can register to have it call functions for you in a given length of time.
213   </para>
215   <para>
216    2.3.43 introduced softirqs, and re-implemented the (now
217    deprecated) BHs underneath them.  Softirqs are fully-SMP
218    versions of BHs: they can run on as many CPUs at once as
219    required.  This means they need to deal with any races in shared
220    data using their own locks.  A bitmask is used to keep track of
221    which are enabled, so the 32 available softirqs should not be
222    used up lightly.  (<emphasis>Yes</emphasis>, people will
223    notice).
224   </para>
226   <para>
227    tasklets (<filename class=headerfile>include/linux/interrupt.h</filename>) 
228    are like softirqs, except they are dynamically-registrable (meaning you 
229    can have as many as you want), and they also guarantee that any tasklet 
230    will only run on one CPU at any time, although different tasklets can 
231    run simultaneously (unlike different BHs).  
232   </para>
233   <caution>
234    <para>
235     The name `tasklet' is misleading: they have nothing to do with `tasks', 
236     and probably more to do with some bad vodka Alexey Kuznetsov had at the 
237     time.
238    </para>
239   </caution>
241   <para>
242    You can tell you are in a softirq (or bottom half, or tasklet)
243    using the <function>in_softirq()</function> macro 
244    (<filename class=headerfile>include/asm/softirq.h</filename>).  
245   </para>
246   <caution>
247    <para>
248     Beware that this will return a false positive if a bh lock (see below)
249     is held.
250    </para>
251   </caution>
252  </sect1>
253 </chapter>
255 <chapter id="basic-rules">
256  <title>Some Basic Rules</title>
258  <variablelist>
259   <varlistentry>
260    <term>No memory protection</term>
261    <listitem>
262     <para>
263      If you corrupt memory, whether in user context or
264      interrupt context, the whole machine will crash.  Are you
265      sure you can't do what you want in userspace?
266     </para>
267    </listitem>
268   </varlistentry>
270   <varlistentry>
271    <term>No floating point or <acronym>MMX</acronym></term>
272    <listitem>
273     <para>
274      The <acronym>FPU</acronym> context is not saved; even in user
275      context the <acronym>FPU</acronym> state probably won't
276      correspond with the current process: you would mess with some
277      user process' <acronym>FPU</acronym> state.  If you really want
278      to do this, you would have to explicitly save/restore the full
279      <acronym>FPU</acronym> state (and avoid context switches).  It
280      is generally a bad idea; use fixed point arithmetic first.
281     </para>
282    </listitem>
283   </varlistentry>
285   <varlistentry>
286    <term>A rigid stack limit</term>
287    <listitem>
288     <para>
289      The kernel stack is about 6K in 2.2 (for most
290      architectures: it's about 14K on the Alpha), and shared
291      with interrupts so you can't use it all.  Avoid deep
292      recursion and huge local arrays on the stack (allocate
293      them dynamically instead).
294     </para>
295    </listitem>
296   </varlistentry>
298   <varlistentry>
299    <term>The Linux kernel is portable</term>
300    <listitem>
301     <para>
302      Let's keep it that way.  Your code should be 64-bit clean,
303      and endian-independent.  You should also minimize CPU
304      specific stuff, e.g. inline assembly should be cleanly
305      encapsulated and minimized to ease porting.  Generally it
306      should be restricted to the architecture-dependent part of
307      the kernel tree.
308     </para>
309    </listitem>
310   </varlistentry>
311  </variablelist>
312 </chapter>
314 <chapter id="ioctls">
315  <title>ioctls: Not writing a new system call</title>
317  <para>
318   A system call generally looks like this
319  </para>
321  <programlisting>
322asmlinkage int sys_mycall(int arg) 
324        return 0; 
326  </programlisting>
328  <para>
329   First, in most cases you don't want to create a new system call.
330   You create a character device and implement an appropriate ioctl
331   for it.  This is much more flexible than system calls, doesn't have
332   to be entered in every architecture's
333   <filename class=headerfile>include/asm/unistd.h</filename> and
334   <filename>arch/kernel/entry.S</filename> file, and is much more
335   likely to be accepted by Linus.
336  </para>
338  <para>
339   If all your routine does is read or write some parameter, consider
340   implementing a <function>sysctl</function> interface instead.
341  </para>
343  <para>
344   Inside the ioctl you're in user context to a process.  When a
345   error occurs you return a negated errno (see
346   <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/errno.h</filename>),
347   otherwise you return <returnvalue>0</returnvalue>.
348  </para>
350  <para>
351   After you slept you should check if a signal occurred: the
352   Unix/Linux way of handling signals is to temporarily exit the
353   system call with the <constant>-ERESTARTSYS</constant> error.  The
354   system call entry code will switch back to user context, process
355   the signal handler and then your system call will be restarted
356   (unless the user disabled that).  So you should be prepared to
357   process the restart, e.g. if you're in the middle of manipulating
358   some data structure.
359  </para>
361  <programlisting>
362if (signal_pending()) 
363        return -ERESTARTSYS;
364  </programlisting>
366  <para>
367   If you're doing longer computations: first think userspace. If you
368   <emphasis>really</emphasis> want to do it in kernel you should
369   regularly check if you need to give up the CPU (remember there is
370   cooperative multitasking per CPU).  Idiom:
371  </para>
373  <programlisting>
374if (current-&gt;need_resched)
375        schedule(); /* Will sleep */ 
376  </programlisting>
378  <para>
379   A short note on interface design: the UNIX system call motto is
380   "Provide mechanism not policy".
381  </para>
382 </chapter>
384 <chapter id="deadlock-recipes">
385  <title>Recipes for Deadlock</title>
387  <para>
388   You cannot call any routines which may sleep, unless:
389  </para>
390  <itemizedlist>
391   <listitem>
392    <para>
393     You are in user context.
394    </para>
395   </listitem>
397   <listitem>
398    <para>
399     You do not own any spinlocks.
400    </para>
401   </listitem>
403   <listitem>
404    <para>
405     You have interrupts enabled (actually, Andi Kleen says
406     that the scheduling code will enable them for you, but
407     that's probably not what you wanted).
408    </para>
409   </listitem>
410  </itemizedlist>
412  <para>
413   Note that some functions may sleep implicitly: common ones are
414   the user space access functions (*_user) and memory allocation
415   functions without <symbol>GFP_ATOMIC</symbol>.
416  </para>
418  <para>
419   You will eventually lock up your box if you break these rules.  
420  </para>
422  <para>
423   Really.
424  </para>
425 </chapter>
427 <chapter id="common-routines">
428  <title>Common Routines</title>
430  <sect1 id="routines-printk">
431   <title>
432    <function>printk()</function>
433    <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/kernel.h</filename>
434   </title>
436   <para>
437    <function>printk()</function> feeds kernel messages to the
438    console, dmesg, and the syslog daemon.  It is useful for debugging
439    and reporting errors, and can be used inside interrupt context,
440    but use with caution: a machine which has its console flooded with
441    printk messages is unusable.  It uses a format string mostly
442    compatible with ANSI C printf, and C string concatenation to give
443    it a first "priority" argument:
444   </para>
446   <programlisting>
447printk(KERN_INFO "i = %u\n", i);
448   </programlisting>
450   <para>
451    See <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/kernel.h</filename>;
452    for other KERN_ values; these are interpreted by syslog as the
453    level.  Special case: for printing an IP address use
454   </para>
456   <programlisting>
457__u32 ipaddress;
458printk(KERN_INFO "my ip: %d.%d.%d.%d\n", NIPQUAD(ipaddress));
459   </programlisting>
461   <para>
462    <function>printk()</function> internally uses a 1K buffer and does
463    not catch overruns.  Make sure that will be enough.
464   </para>
466   <note>
467    <para>
468     You will know when you are a real kernel hacker
469     when you start typoing printf as printk in your user programs :)
470    </para>
471   </note>
473   <!--- From the Lions book reader department --> 
475   <note>
476    <para>
477     Another sidenote: the original Unix Version 6 sources had a
478     comment on top of its printf function: "Printf should not be
479     used for chit-chat".  You should follow that advice.
480    </para>
481   </note>
482  </sect1>
484  <sect1 id="routines-copy">
485   <title>
486    <function>copy_[to/from]_user()</function>
487    /
488    <function>get_user()</function>
489    /
490    <function>put_user()</function>
491    <filename class=headerfile>include/asm/uaccess.h</filename>
492   </title>  
494   <para>
495    <emphasis>[SLEEPS]</emphasis>
496   </para>
498   <para>
499    <function>put_user()</function> and <function>get_user()</function>
500    are used to get and put single values (such as an int, char, or
501    long) from and to userspace.  A pointer into userspace should
502    never be simply dereferenced: data should be copied using these
503    routines.  Both return <constant>-EFAULT</constant> or 0.
504   </para>
505   <para>
506    <function>copy_to_user()</function> and
507    <function>copy_from_user()</function> are more general: they copy
508    an arbitrary amount of data to and from userspace.
509    <caution>
510     <para>
511      Unlike <function>put_user()</function> and
512      <function>get_user()</function>, they return the amount of
513      uncopied data (ie. <returnvalue>0</returnvalue> still means
514      success).
515     </para>
516    </caution>
517    [Yes, this moronic interface makes me cringe.  Please submit a
518    patch and become my hero --RR.]
519   </para>
520   <para>
521    The functions may sleep implicitly. This should never be called
522    outside user context (it makes no sense), with interrupts
523    disabled, or a spinlock held.
524   </para>
525  </sect1>
527  <sect1 id="routines-kmalloc">
528   <title><function>kmalloc()</function>/<function>kfree()</function>
529    <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/slab.h</filename></title>
531   <para>
532    <emphasis>[MAY SLEEP: SEE BELOW]</emphasis>
533   </para>
535   <para>
536    These routines are used to dynamically request pointer-aligned
537    chunks of memory, like malloc and free do in userspace, but
538    <function>kmalloc()</function> takes an extra flag word.
539    Important values:
540   </para>
542   <variablelist>
543    <varlistentry>
544     <term>
545      <constant>
546       GFP_KERNEL
547      </constant>
548     </term>
549     <listitem>
550      <para>
551       May sleep and swap to free memory. Only allowed in user
552       context, but is the most reliable way to allocate memory.
553      </para>
554     </listitem>
555    </varlistentry>
557    <varlistentry>
558     <term>
559      <constant>
560       GFP_ATOMIC
561      </constant>
562     </term>
563     <listitem>
564      <para>
565       Don't sleep. Less reliable than <constant>GFP_KERNEL</constant>,
566       but may be called from interrupt context. You should
567       <emphasis>really</emphasis> have a good out-of-memory
568       error-handling strategy.
569      </para>
570     </listitem>
571    </varlistentry>
573    <varlistentry>
574     <term>
575      <constant>
576       GFP_DMA
577      </constant>
578     </term>
579     <listitem>
580      <para>
581       Allocate ISA DMA lower than 16MB. If you don't know what that
582       is you don't need it.  Very unreliable.
583      </para>
584     </listitem>
585    </varlistentry>
586   </variablelist>
588   <para>
589    If you see a <errorname>kmem_grow: Called nonatomically from int
590    </errorname> warning message you called a memory allocation function
591    from interrupt context without <constant>GFP_ATOMIC</constant>.
592    You should really fix that.  Run, don't walk.
593   </para>
595   <para>
596    If you are allocating at least <constant>PAGE_SIZE</constant>
597    (<filename class=headerfile>include/asm/page.h</filename>) bytes,
598    consider using <function>__get_free_pages()</function>
600    (<filename class=headerfile>include/linux/mm.h</filename>).  It
601    takes an order argument (0 for page sized, 1 for double page, 2
602    for four pages etc.) and the same memory priority flag word as
603    above.
604   </para>
606   <para>
607    If you are allocating more than a page worth of bytes you can use
608    <function>vmalloc()</function>.  It'll allocate virtual memory in
609    the kernel map.  This block is not contiguous in physical memory,
610    but the <acronym>MMU</acronym> makes it look like it is for you
611    (so it'll only look contiguous to the CPUs, not to external device
612    drivers).  If you really need large physically contiguous memory
613    for some weird device, you have a problem: it is poorly supported
614    in Linux because after some time memory fragmentation in a running
615    kernel makes it hard.  The best way is to allocate the block early
616    in the boot process via the <function>alloc_bootmem()</function>
617    routine.
618   </para>
620   <para>
621    Before inventing your own cache of often-used objects consider
622    using a slab cache in
623    <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/slab.h</filename>
624   </para>
625  </sect1>
627  <sect1 id="routines-current">
628   <title><function>current</function>
629    <filename class=headerfile>include/asm/current.h</filename></title>
631   <para>
632    This global variable (really a macro) contains a pointer to
633    the current task structure, so is only valid in user context.
634    For example, when a process makes a system call, this will
635    point to the task structure of the calling process.  It is
636    <emphasis>not NULL</emphasis> in interrupt context.
637   </para>
638  </sect1>
640  <sect1 id="routines-udelay">
641   <title><function>udelay()</function>/<function>mdelay()</function>
642     <filename class=headerfile>include/asm/delay.h</filename> 
643     <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/delay.h</filename> 
644   </title>
646   <para>
647    The <function>udelay()</function> function can be used for small pauses.
648    Do not use large values with <function>udelay()</function> as you risk
649    overflow - the helper function <function>mdelay()</function> is useful
650    here, or even consider <function>schedule_timeout()</function>.
651   </para> 
652  </sect1>
654  <sect1 id="routines-endian">
655   <title><function>cpu_to_be32()</function>/<function>be32_to_cpu()</function>/<function>cpu_to_le32()</function>/<function>le32_to_cpu()</function>
656     <filename class=headerfile>include/asm/byteorder.h</filename> 
657   </title>
659   <para>
660    The <function>cpu_to_be32()</function> family (where the "32" can
661    be replaced by 64 or 16, and the "be" can be replaced by "le") are
662    the general way to do endian conversions in the kernel: they
663    return the converted value.  All variations supply the reverse as
664    well: <function>be32_to_cpu()</function>, etc.
665   </para>
667   <para>
668    There are two major variations of these functions: the pointer
669    variation, such as <function>cpu_to_be32p()</function>, which take
670    a pointer to the given type, and return the converted value.  The
671    other variation is the "in-situ" family, such as
672    <function>cpu_to_be32s()</function>, which convert value referred
673    to by the pointer, and return void.
674   </para> 
675  </sect1>
677  <sect1 id="routines-local-irqs">
678   <title><function>local_irq_save()</function>/<function>local_irq_restore()</function>
679    <filename class=headerfile>include/asm/system.h</filename>
680   </title>
682   <para>
683    These routines disable hard interrupts on the local CPU, and
684    restore them.  They are reentrant; saving the previous state in
685    their one <varname>unsigned long flags</varname> argument.  If you
686    know that interrupts are enabled, you can simply use
687    <function>local_irq_disable()</function> and
688    <function>local_irq_enable()</function>.
689   </para>
690  </sect1>
692  <sect1 id="routines-softirqs">
693   <title><function>local_bh_disable()</function>/<function>local_bh_enable()</function>
694    <filename class=headerfile>include/asm/softirq.h</filename></title>
696   <para>
697    These routines disable soft interrupts on the local CPU, and
698    restore them.  They are reentrant; if soft interrupts were
699    disabled before, they will still be disabled after this pair
700    of functions has been called.  They prevent softirqs, tasklets
701    and bottom halves from running on the current CPU.
702   </para>
703  </sect1>
705  <sect1 id="routines-processorids">
706   <title><function>smp_processor_id</function>()/<function>cpu_[number/logical]_map()</function>
707    <filename class=headerfile>include/asm/smp.h</filename></title>
709   <para>
710    <function>smp_processor_id()</function> returns the current
711    processor number, between 0 and <symbol>NR_CPUS</symbol> (the
712    maximum number of CPUs supported by Linux, currently 32).  These
713    values are not necessarily continuous: to get a number between 0
714    and <function>smp_num_cpus()</function> (the number of actual
715    processors in this machine), the
716    <function>cpu_number_map()</function> function is used to map the
717    processor id to a logical number.
718    <function>cpu_logical_map()</function> does the reverse.
719   </para>
720  </sect1>
722  <sect1 id="routines-init">
723   <title><type>__init</type>/<type>__exit</type>/<type>__initdata</type>
724    <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/init.h</filename></title>
726   <para>
727    After boot, the kernel frees up a special section; functions
728    marked with <type>__init</type> and data structures marked with
729    <type>__initdata</type> are dropped after boot is complete (within
730    modules this directive is currently ignored).  <type>__exit</type>
731    is used to declare a function which is only required on exit: the
732    function will be dropped if this file is not compiled as a module.
733    See the header file for use. Note that it makes no sense for a function
734    marked with <type>__init</type> to be exported to modules with 
735    <function>EXPORT_SYMBOL()</function> - this will break.
736   </para>
737   <para>
738   Static data structures marked as <type>__initdata</type> must be initialised
739   (as opposed to ordinary static data which is zeroed BSS) and cannot be 
740   <type>const</type>.
741   </para> 
743  </sect1>
745  <sect1 id="routines-init-again">
746   <title><function>__initcall()</function>/<function>module_init()</function>
747    <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/init.h</filename></title>
748   <para>
749    Many parts of the kernel are well served as a module
750    (dynamically-loadable parts of the kernel).  Using the
751    <function>module_init()</function> and
752    <function>module_exit()</function> macros it is easy to write code
753    without #ifdefs which can operate both as a module or built into
754    the kernel.
755   </para>
757   <para>
758    The <function>module_init()</function> macro defines which
759    function is to be called at module insertion time (if the file is
760    compiled as a module), or at boot time: if the file is not
761    compiled as a module the <function>module_init()</function> macro
762    becomes equivalent to <function>__initcall()</function>, which
763    through linker magic ensures that the function is called on boot.
764   </para>
766   <para>
767    The function can return a negative error number to cause
768    module loading to fail (unfortunately, this has no effect if
769    the module is compiled into the kernel).  For modules, this is
770    called in user context, with interrupts enabled, and the
771    kernel lock held, so it can sleep.
772   </para>
773  </sect1>
775  <sect1 id="routines-moduleexit">
776   <title> <function>module_exit()</function>
777    <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/init.h</filename> </title>
779   <para>
780    This macro defines the function to be called at module removal
781    time (or never, in the case of the file compiled into the
782    kernel).  It will only be called if the module usage count has
783    reached zero.  This function can also sleep, but cannot fail:
784    everything must be cleaned up by the time it returns.
785   </para>
786  </sect1>
788  <sect1 id="routines-module-use-counters">
789   <title> <function>MOD_INC_USE_COUNT</function>/<function>MOD_DEC_USE_COUNT</function>
790    <filename class=headerfile>include/linux/module.h</filename></title>
792   <para>
793    These manipulate the module usage count, to protect against
794    removal (a module also can't be removed if another module uses
795    one of its exported symbols: see below).  Every reference to
796    the module from user context should be reflected by this
797    counter (e.g. for every data structure or socket) before the
798    function sleeps.  To quote Tim Waugh:
799   </para>
801   <programlisting>
802/* THIS IS BAD */
803foo_open (...)
805        stuff..
806        if (fail)
807                return -EBUSY;
808        sleep.. (might get unloaded here)
809        stuff..
810        MOD_INC_USE_COUNT;
811        return 0;
814        if (idx >= __BR_END)
815                __br_lock_usage_bug();
817        read_lock(&amp;__brlock_array[smp_processor_id()][idx]);
819  </programlisting>
821  <para>
822   <filename>include/linux/fs.h</filename>:
823  </para>
824  <programlisting>
826 * Kernel pointers have redundant information, so we can use a
827 * scheme where we can return either an error code or a dentry
828 * pointer with the same return value.
829 *
830 * This should be a per-architecture thing, to allow different
831 * error and pointer decisions.
832 */
833 #define ERR_PTR(err)    ((void *)((long)(err)))
834 #define PTR_ERR(ptr)    ((long)(ptr))
835 #define IS_ERR(ptr)     ((unsigned long)(ptr) > (unsigned long)(-1000))
838  <para>
839   <filename>include/asm-i386/uaccess.h:</filename>
840  </para>
842  <programlisting>
843#define copy_to_user(to,from,n)                         \
844        (__builtin_constant_p(n) ?                      \
845         __constant_copy_to_user((to),(from),(n)) :     \
846         __generic_copy_to_user((to),(from),(n)))
847  </programlisting>
849  <para>
850   <filename>arch/sparc/kernel/head.S:</filename>
851  </para>
853  <programlisting>
855 * Sun people can't spell worth damn. "compatability" indeed.
856 * At least we *know* we can't spell, and use a spell-checker.
857 */
859/* Uh, actually Linus it is I who cannot spell. Too much murky
860 * Sparc assembly will do this to ya.
861 */
863        .asciz "compatability"
865/* Tested on SS-5, SS-10. Probably someone at Sun applied a spell-checker. */
866        .align 4
868        .asciz "compatible"
869  </programlisting>
871  <para>
872   <filename>arch/sparc/lib/checksum.S:</filename>
873  </para>
875  <programlisting>
876        /* Sun, you just can't beat me, you just can't.  Stop trying,
877         * give up.  I'm serious, I am going to kick the living shit
878         * out of you, game over, lights out.
879         */
880  </programlisting>
881 </chapter>
883 <chapter id="credits">
884  <title>Thanks</title>
886  <para>
887   Thanks to Andi Kleen for the idea, answering my questions, fixing
888   my mistakes, filling content, etc.  Philipp Rumpf for more spelling
889   and clarity fixes, and some excellent non-obvious points.  Werner
890   Almesberger for giving me a great summary of
891   <function>disable_irq()</function>, and Jes Sorensen and Andrea
892   Arcangeli added caveats. Michael Elizabeth Chastain for checking
893   and adding to the Configure section. <!-- Rusty insisted on this
894   bit; I didn't do it! --> Telsa Gwynne for teaching me DocBook. 
895  </para>
896 </chapter>