import sys, subprocess, os, re, time, getopt, shlex import lldb from functools import wraps from ctypes import c_ulonglong as uint64_t from ctypes import c_void_p as voidptr_t import code import core from core import caching from core.standard import * from core.configuration import * from core.kernelcore import * from utils import * from core.lazytarget import * MODULE_NAME=__name__ """ Kernel Debugging macros for lldb. Please make sure you read the README COMPLETELY BEFORE reading anything below. It is very critical that you read coding guidelines in Section E in README file. """ # End Utility functions # Debugging specific utility functions #decorators. Not to be called directly. def static_var(var_name, initial_value): def _set_var(obj): setattr(obj, var_name, initial_value) return obj return _set_var def header(initial_value): def _set_header(obj): setattr(obj, 'header', initial_value) return obj return _set_header # holds type declarations done by xnu. #DONOTTOUCHME: Exclusive use of lldb_type_summary only. lldb_summary_definitions = {} def lldb_type_summary(types_list): """ A function decorator to register a summary for a type in lldb. params: types_list - [] an array of types that you wish to register a summary callback function. (ex. ['task *', 'task_t']) returns: Nothing. This is a decorator. """ def _get_summary(obj): def _internal_summary_function(lldbval, internal_dict): out_string= "" if internal_dict != None and len(obj.header) > 0 : out_string += "\n" + obj.header +"\n" out_string += obj( core.value(lldbval) ) return out_string myglobals = globals() summary_function_name = "LLDBSummary" + obj.__name__ myglobals[summary_function_name] = _internal_summary_function summary_function = myglobals[summary_function_name] summary_function.__doc__ = obj.__doc__ global lldb_summary_definitions for single_type in types_list: if config['showTypeSummary']: if single_type in lldb_summary_definitions.keys(): lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("type summary delete --category kernel \""+ single_type + "\"") lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("type summary add \""+ single_type +"\" --category kernel --python-function " + MODULE_NAME + "." + summary_function_name) lldb_summary_definitions[single_type] = obj return obj return _get_summary #global cache of documentation for lldb commands exported by this module #DONOTTOUCHME: Exclusive use of lldb_command only. lldb_command_documentation = {} def lldb_command(cmd_name, option_string = ''): """ A function decorator to define a command with namd 'cmd_name' in the lldb scope to call python function. params: cmd_name - str : name of command to be set in lldb prompt. option_string - str: getopt like option string. Only CAPITAL LETTER options allowed. see README on Customizing command options. """ if option_string != option_string.upper(): raise RuntimeError("Cannot setup command with lowercase option args. %s" % option_string) def _cmd(obj): def _internal_command_function(debugger, command, result, internal_dict): global config, lldb_run_command_state stream = CommandOutput(result) # need to avoid printing on stdout if called from lldb_run_command. if 'active' in lldb_run_command_state and lldb_run_command_state['active']: debuglog('Running %s from lldb_run_command' % command) else: result.SetImmediateOutputFile(sys.__stdout__) command_args = shlex.split(command) lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('type category disable kernel' ) def_verbose_level = config['verbosity'] try: stream.setOptions(command_args, option_string) if stream.verbose_level != 0: config['verbosity'] += stream.verbose_level with RedirectStdStreams(stdout=stream) : if option_string: obj(cmd_args=stream.target_cmd_args, cmd_options=stream.target_cmd_options) else: obj(cmd_args=stream.target_cmd_args) except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Execution interrupted by user" except ArgumentError as arg_error: if str(arg_error) != "HELP": print "Argument Error: " + str(arg_error) print "{0:s}:\n {1:s}".format(cmd_name, obj.__doc__.strip()) return False except Exception as exc: if not config['debug']: print """ ************ LLDB found an exception ************ There has been an uncaught exception. A possible cause could be that remote connection has been disconnected. However, it is recommended that you report the exception to lldb/kernel debugging team about it. ************ Please run 'xnudebug debug enable' to start collecting logs. ************ """ raise if config['showTypeSummary']: lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('type category enable kernel' ) if stream.pluginRequired : plugin = LoadXNUPlugin(stream.pluginName) if plugin == None : print "Could not load plugins."+stream.pluginName return plugin.plugin_init(kern, config, lldb, kern.IsDebuggerConnected()) return_data = plugin.plugin_execute(cmd_name, result.GetOutput()) ProcessXNUPluginResult(return_data) plugin.plugin_cleanup() #restore the verbose level after command is complete config['verbosity'] = def_verbose_level return myglobals = globals() command_function_name = obj.__name__+"Command" myglobals[command_function_name] = _internal_command_function command_function = myglobals[command_function_name] if not obj.__doc__ : print "ERROR: Cannot register command({:s}) without documentation".format(cmd_name) return obj command_function.__doc__ = obj.__doc__ global lldb_command_documentation if cmd_name in lldb_command_documentation: lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("command script delete "+cmd_name) lldb_command_documentation[cmd_name] = (obj.__name__, obj.__doc__.lstrip(), option_string) lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("command script add -f " + MODULE_NAME + "." + command_function_name + " " + cmd_name) return obj return _cmd def lldb_alias(alias_name, cmd_line): """ define an alias in the lldb command line. A programatic way of registering an alias. This basically does (lldb)command alias alias_name "cmd_line" ex. lldb_alias('readphys16', 'readphys 16') """ alias_name = alias_name.strip() cmd_line = cmd_line.strip() lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("command alias " + alias_name + " "+ cmd_line) def SetupLLDBTypeSummaries(reset=False): global lldb_summary_definitions, MODULE_NAME if reset == True: lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("type category delete kernel ") for single_type in lldb_summary_definitions.keys(): summary_function = lldb_summary_definitions[single_type] lldb_cmd = "type summary add \""+ single_type +"\" --category kernel --python-function " + MODULE_NAME + ".LLDBSummary" + summary_function.__name__ debuglog(lldb_cmd) lldb.debugger.HandleCommand(lldb_cmd) if config['showTypeSummary']: lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("type category enable kernel") else: lldb.debugger.HandleCommand("type category disable kernel") return def LoadXNUPlugin(name): """ Try to load a plugin from the plugins directory. """ retval = None name=name.strip() try: module_obj = __import__('plugins.'+name, globals(), locals(), [], -1) module_obj = module_obj.__dict__[name] defs = dir(module_obj) if 'plugin_init' in defs and 'plugin_execute' in defs and 'plugin_cleanup' in defs: retval = module_obj else: print "Plugin is not correctly implemented. Please read documentation on implementing plugins" except: print "plugin not found :"+name return retval def ProcessXNUPluginResult(result_data): """ Look at the returned data from plugin and see if anymore actions are required or not params: result_data - list of format (status, out_string, more_commands) """ ret_status = result_data[0] ret_string = result_data[1] ret_commands = result_data[2] if ret_status == False: print "Plugin failed: " + ret_string return print ret_string if len(ret_commands) >= 0: for cmd in ret_commands: print "Running command on behalf of plugin:" + cmd lldb.debugger.HandleCommand(cmd) return # holds tests registered with xnu. #DONOTTOUCHME: Exclusive use of xnudebug_test only lldb_command_tests = {} def xnudebug_test(test_name): """ A function decoratore to register a test with the framework. Each test is supposed to be of format def Test(kernel_target, config, lldb_obj, isConnected ) NOTE: The testname should start with "Test" else exception will be raised. """ def _test(obj): global lldb_command_tests if obj.__name__.find("Test") != 0 : print "Test name ", obj.__name__ , " should start with Test" raise ValueError lldb_command_tests[test_name] = (test_name, obj.__name__, obj, obj.__doc__) return obj return _test # End Debugging specific utility functions # Kernel Debugging specific classes and accessor methods # global access object for target kernel def GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(array_base, index): """ Subscript indexing for arrays that are represented in C as pointers. for ex. int *arr = malloc(20*sizeof(int)); now to get 3rd int from 'arr' you'd do arr[2] in C GetObjectAtIndexFromArray(arr_val,2) params: array_base : core.value - representing a pointer type (ex. base of type 'ipc_entry *') index : int - 0 based index into the array returns: core.value : core.value of the same type as array_base_val but pointing to index'th element """ array_base_val = array_base.GetSBValue() base_address = array_base_val.GetValueAsUnsigned() size = array_base_val.GetType().GetPointeeType().GetByteSize() obj_address = base_address + (index * size) obj = kern.GetValueFromAddress(obj_address, array_base_val.GetType().GetName()) return Cast(obj, array_base_val.GetType()) kern = None def GetLLDBThreadForKernelThread(thread_obj): """ Get a reference to lldb.SBThread representation for kernel thread. params: thread_obj : core.cvalue - thread object of type thread_t returns lldb.SBThread - lldb thread object for getting backtrace/registers etc. """ tid = unsigned(thread_obj.thread_id) lldb_process = LazyTarget.GetProcess() sbthread = lldb_process.GetThreadByID(tid) if not sbthread.IsValid(): # in case lldb doesnt know about this thread, create one if hasattr(lldb_process, "CreateOSPluginThread"): debuglog("creating os plugin thread on the fly for {0:d} 0x{1:x}".format(tid, thread_obj)) lldb_process.CreateOSPluginThread(tid, unsigned(thread_obj)) else: raise RuntimeError("LLDB process does not support CreateOSPluginThread.") sbthread = lldb_process.GetThreadByID(tid) if not sbthread.IsValid(): raise RuntimeError("Unable to find lldb thread for tid={0:d} thread = {1:#018x} (#16049947: have you put 'settings set target.load-script-from-symbol-file true' in your .lldbinit?)".format(tid, thread_obj)) return sbthread def GetThreadBackTrace(thread_obj, verbosity = vHUMAN, prefix = ""): """ Get a string to display back trace for a thread. params: thread_obj - core.cvalue : a thread object of type thread_t. verbosity - int : either of vHUMAN, vSCRIPT or vDETAIL to describe the verbosity of output prefix - str : a string prefix added before the line for each frame. isContinuation - bool : is thread a continuation? returns: str - a multi line string showing each frame in backtrace. """ is_continuation = not bool(unsigned(thread_obj.kernel_stack)) thread_val = GetLLDBThreadForKernelThread(thread_obj) out_string = "" kernel_stack = unsigned(thread_obj.kernel_stack) reserved_stack = unsigned(thread_obj.reserved_stack) if not is_continuation: if kernel_stack and reserved_stack: out_string += prefix + "reserved_stack = {:#018x}\n".format(reserved_stack) out_string += prefix + "kernel_stack = {:#018x}\n".format(kernel_stack) else: out_string += prefix + "continuation =" iteration = 0 last_frame_p = 0 for frame in thread_val.frames: addr = frame.GetPCAddress() load_addr = addr.GetLoadAddress(LazyTarget.GetTarget()) function = frame.GetFunction() frame_p = frame.GetFP() mod_name = frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename() if iteration == 0 and not is_continuation: out_string += prefix +"stacktop = {:#018x}\n".format(frame_p) if not function: # No debug info for 'function'. out_string += prefix if not is_continuation: out_string += "{fp:#018x} ".format(fp = frame_p) symbol = frame.GetSymbol() if not symbol: symbol_name = "None" symbol_offset = load_addr kmod_val = kern.globals.kmod for kval in IterateLinkedList(kmod_val, 'next'): if load_addr >= unsigned(kval.address) and \ load_addr <= (unsigned(kval.address) + unsigned(kval.size)): symbol_name = symbol_offset = load_addr - unsigned(kval.address) break out_string += "{:#018x} {:s} + {:#x} \n".format(load_addr, symbol_name, symbol_offset) else: file_addr = addr.GetFileAddress() start_addr = symbol.GetStartAddress().GetFileAddress() symbol_name = symbol.GetName() symbol_offset = file_addr - start_addr out_string += "{addr:#018x} {mod}`{symbol} + {offset:#x} \n".format(addr=load_addr, mod=mod_name, symbol=symbol_name, offset=symbol_offset) else: # Debug info is available for 'function'. func_name = frame.GetFunctionName() file_name = frame.GetLineEntry().GetFileSpec().GetFilename() line_num = frame.GetLineEntry().GetLine() func_name = '%s [inlined]' % func_name if frame.IsInlined() else func_name if is_continuation and frame.IsInlined(): debuglog("Skipping frame for thread {:#018x} since its inlined".format(thread_obj)) continue out_string += prefix if not is_continuation: out_string += "{fp:#018x} ".format(fp=frame_p) out_string += "{addr:#018x} {func}{args} \n".format(addr=load_addr, func=func_name, file=file_name, line=line_num, args="(" + (str(frame.arguments).replace("\n", ", ") if len(frame.arguments) > 0 else "void") + ")") iteration += 1 if frame_p: last_frame_p = frame_p if not is_continuation and last_frame_p: out_string += prefix + "stackbottom = {:#018x}".format(last_frame_p) out_string = out_string.replace("variable not available","") return out_string def GetSourceInformationForAddress(addr): """ convert and address to function +offset information. params: addr - int address in the binary to be symbolicated returns: string of format "0xaddress: function + offset" """ symbols = kern.SymbolicateFromAddress(addr) format_string = "{0:#018x} <{1:s} + {2:#0x}>" offset = 0 function_name = "" if len(symbols) > 0: s = symbols[0] function_name = str( offset = addr - s.GetStartAddress().GetLoadAddress(LazyTarget.GetTarget()) if function_name == "": function_name = "???" return format_string.format(addr, function_name, offset) def GetFrameLocalVariable(variable_name, frame_no=0): """ Find a local variable by name params: variable_name: str - name of variable to search for returns: core.value - if the variable is found. None - if not found or not Valid """ retval = None sbval = None lldb_SBThread = LazyTarget.GetProcess().GetSelectedThread() frame = lldb_SBThread.GetSelectedFrame() if frame_no : frame = lldb_SBThread.GetFrameAtIndex(frame_no) if frame : sbval = frame.FindVariable(variable_name) if sbval and sbval.IsValid(): retval = core.cvalue.value(sbval) return retval # Begin Macros for kernel debugging @lldb_command('kgmhelp') def KernelDebugCommandsHelp(cmd_args=None): """ Show a list of registered commands for kenel debugging. """ global lldb_command_documentation print "List of commands provided by " + MODULE_NAME + " for kernel debugging." cmds = lldb_command_documentation.keys() cmds.sort() for cmd in cmds: if type(lldb_command_documentation[cmd][-1]) == type(""): print " {0: <20s} - {1}".format(cmd , lldb_command_documentation[cmd][1].split("\n")[0].strip()) else: print " {0: <20s} - {1}".format(cmd , "No help string found.") print """ Each of the functions listed here accept the following common options. -h Show the help string for the command. -o The output of this command execution will be saved to file. Parser information or errors will not be sent to file though. eg /tmp/output.txt -s The "filter_string" param is parsed to python regex expression and each line of output will be printed/saved only if it matches the expression. -v [-v...] Each additional -v will increase the verbosity of the command. -p Send the output of the command to plugin. Please see README for usage of plugins. Additionally, each command implementation may have more options. "(lldb) help " will show these options. """ return None @lldb_command('showraw') def ShowRawCommand(cmd_args=None): """ A command to disable the kernel summaries and show data as seen by the system. This is useful when trying to read every field of a struct as compared to brief summary """ command = " ".join(cmd_args) lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('type category disable kernel' ) lldb.debugger.HandleCommand( command ) lldb.debugger.HandleCommand('type category enable kernel' ) @lldb_command('xnudebug') def XnuDebugCommand(cmd_args=None): """ command interface for operating on the xnu macros. Allowed commands are as follows reload: Reload a submodule from the xnu/tools/lldb directory. Do not include the ".py" suffix in modulename. usage: xnudebug reload (eg. memory, process, stats etc) test: Start running registered test with from various modules. usage: xnudebug test (eg. test_memstats) testall: Go through all registered tests and run them debug: Toggle state of debug configuration flag. """ global config command_args = cmd_args if len(command_args) == 0: raise ArgumentError("No command specified.") supported_subcommands = ['debug', 'reload', 'test', 'testall'] subcommand = GetLongestMatchOption(command_args[0], supported_subcommands, True) if len(subcommand) == 0: raise ArgumentError("Subcommand (%s) is not a valid command. " % str(command_args[0])) subcommand = subcommand[0].lower() if subcommand == 'debug': if command_args[-1].lower().find('dis') >=0 and config['debug']: config['debug'] = False print "Disabled debug logging." elif command_args[-1].lower().find('dis') < 0 and not config['debug']: config['debug'] = True EnableLLDBAPILogging() # provided by print "Enabled debug logging. \nPlease run 'xnudebug debug disable' to disable it again. " if subcommand == 'reload': module_name = command_args[-1] if module_name in sys.modules: reload(sys.modules[module_name]) print module_name + " is reloaded from " + sys.modules[module_name].__file__ else: print "Unable to locate module named ", module_name if subcommand == 'testall': for test_name in lldb_command_tests.keys(): print "[BEGIN]", test_name res = lldb_command_tests[test_name][2](kern, config, lldb, True) if res: print "[PASSED] {:s}".format(test_name) else: print "[FAILED] {:s}".format(test_name) if subcommand == 'test': test_name = command_args[-1] if test_name in lldb_command_tests: test = lldb_command_tests[test_name] print "Running test {:s}".format(test[0]) if test[2](kern, config, lldb, True) : print "[PASSED] {:s}".format(test[0]) else: print "[FAILED] {:s}".format(test[0]) return "" else: print "No such test registered with name: {:s}".format(test_name) print "XNUDEBUG Available tests are:" for i in lldb_command_tests.keys(): print i return None return False @lldb_command('showversion') def ShowVersion(cmd_args=None): """ Read the kernel version string from a fixed address in low memory. Useful if you don't know which kernel is on the other end, and need to find the appropriate symbols. Beware that if you've loaded a symbol file, but aren't connected to a remote target, the version string from the symbol file will be displayed instead. This macro expects to be connected to the remote kernel to function correctly. """ print kern.version @lldb_command('paniclog') def ShowPanicLog(cmd_args=None): """ Display the paniclog information usage: (lldb) paniclog options: -v : increase verbosity """ panic_buf = kern.globals.debug_buf_addr panic_buf_start = unsigned(panic_buf) panic_buf_end = unsigned(kern.globals.debug_buf_ptr) num_bytes = panic_buf_end - panic_buf_start if num_bytes == 0 : return warn_str = "" if num_bytes > 4096 and config['verbosity'] == vHUMAN: num_bytes = 4096 warn_str = "LLDBMacro Warning: The paniclog is too large. Trimming to 4096 bytes." warn_str += " If you wish to see entire log please use '-v' argument." out_str = "" for i in range(num_bytes): p_char = str(panic_buf[i]) out_str += p_char if p_char == '\n': print out_str out_str = "" if warn_str: print warn_str return @lldb_command('showbootargs') def ShowBootArgs(cmd_args=None): """ Display boot arguments passed to the target kernel """ bootargs = Cast(kern.GetGlobalVariable('PE_state').bootArgs, 'boot_args *') bootargs_cmd = bootargs.CommandLine print str(bootargs_cmd) @static_var("last_process_uniq_id", 1) def GetDebuggerStopIDValue(): """ Create a unique session identifier. returns: int - a unique number identified by processid and stopid. """ stop_id = 0 process_obj = LazyTarget.GetProcess() if hasattr(process_obj, "GetStopID"): stop_id = process_obj.GetStopID() proc_uniq_id = 0 if hasattr(process_obj, 'GetUniqueID'): proc_uniq_id = process_obj.GetUniqueID() #FIXME forces us to do this twice proc_uniq_id = process_obj.GetUniqueID() else: GetDebuggerStopIDValue.last_process_uniq_id +=1 proc_uniq_id = GetDebuggerStopIDValue.last_process_uniq_id + 1 stop_id_str = "{:d}:{:d}".format(proc_uniq_id, stop_id) return hash(stop_id_str) # The initialization code to add your commands _xnu_framework_init = False def __lldb_init_module(debugger, internal_dict): global kern, lldb_command_documentation, config, _xnu_framework_init if _xnu_framework_init: return _xnu_framework_init = True caching._GetDebuggerSessionID = GetDebuggerStopIDValue debugger.HandleCommand('type summary add --regex --summary-string "${var%s}" -C yes -p -v "char \[[0-9]*\]"') debugger.HandleCommand('type format add --format hex -C yes uintptr_t') kern = KernelTarget(debugger) print "xnu debug macros loaded successfully. Run showlldbtypesummaries to enable type summaries." __lldb_init_module(lldb.debugger, None) @lldb_command("showlldbtypesummaries") def ShowLLDBTypeSummaries(cmd_args=[]): """ Enable/Disable kernel type summaries. Default is disabled. Usage: showlldbtypesummaries [enable|disable] default is enable """ global config action = "enable" trailer_msg = '' if len(cmd_args) > 0 and cmd_args[0].lower().find('disable') >=0: action = "disable" config['showTypeSummary'] = False trailer_msg = "Please run 'showlldbtypesummaries enable' to enable the summary feature." else: config['showTypeSummary'] = True SetupLLDBTypeSummaries(True) trailer_msg = "Please run 'showlldbtypesummaries disable' to disable the summary feature." lldb_run_command("type category "+ action +" kernel") print "Successfully "+action+"d the kernel type summaries. %s" % trailer_msg @lldb_command('walkqueue_head', 'S') def WalkQueueHead(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}): """ walk a queue_head_t and list all members in it. Note this is for queue_head_t. refer to osfmk/kern/queue.h Option: -S - suppress summary output. Usage: (lldb) walkqueue_head ex: (lldb) walkqueue_head 0x7fffff80 "thread *" "task_threads" """ global lldb_summary_definitions if not cmd_args: raise ArgumentError("invalid arguments") if len(cmd_args) != 3: raise ArgumentError("insufficient arguments") queue_head = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'struct queue_entry *') el_type = cmd_args[1] field_name = cmd_args[2] showsummary = False if el_type in lldb_summary_definitions: showsummary = True if '-S' in cmd_options: showsummary = False for i in IterateQueue(queue_head, el_type, field_name): if showsummary: print lldb_summary_definitions[el_type](i) else: print "{0: <#020x}".format(i) @lldb_command('walklist_entry', 'S') def WalkList(cmd_args=[], cmd_options={}): """ iterate over a list as defined with LIST_ENTRY in bsd/sys/queue.h params: object addr - value : address of object element_type - str : Type of the next element field_name - str : Name of the field in next element's structure Option: -S - suppress summary output. Usage: (lldb) walklist_entry ex: (lldb) walklist_entry 0x7fffff80 "struct proc *" "p_sibling" """ global lldb_summary_definitions if not cmd_args: raise ArgumentError("invalid arguments") if len(cmd_args) != 3: raise ArgumentError("insufficient arguments") el_type = cmd_args[1] queue_head = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], el_type) field_name = cmd_args[2] showsummary = False if el_type in lldb_summary_definitions: showsummary = True if '-S' in cmd_options: showsummary = False elt = queue_head while unsigned(elt) != 0: i = elt elt = elt.__getattr__(field_name).le_next if showsummary: print lldb_summary_definitions[el_type](i) else: print "{0: <#020x}".format(i) from memory import * from process import * from ipc import * from pmap import * from ioreg import * from mbufs import * from net import * from kdp import * from userspace import * from pci import * from misc import * from apic import * from scheduler import * from atm import * from structanalyze import * from ipcimportancedetail import * from bank import *