/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * @OSF_FREE_COPYRIGHT@ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* * File: kern/task.c * Author: Avadis Tevanian, Jr., Michael Wayne Young, David Golub, * David Black * * Task management primitives implementation. */ /* * Copyright (c) 1993 The University of Utah and * the Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL). All rights reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL ALLOW FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS * IS" CONDITION. THE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH AND CSL DISCLAIM ANY LIABILITY OF * ANY KIND FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * CSL requests users of this software to return to csl-dist@cs.utah.edu any * improvements that they make and grant CSL redistribution rights. * */ /* * NOTICE: This file was modified by McAfee Research in 2004 to introduce * support for mandatory and extensible security protections. This notice * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License, * Version 2.0. * Copyright (c) 2005 SPARTA, Inc. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* for thread_wakeup */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if CONFIG_TELEMETRY #include #endif #include #include #include /* for kernel_map, ipc_kernel_map */ #include #include #include #include /* * Exported interfaces */ #include #include #include #include #include #if CONFIG_COUNTERS #include #endif /* CONFIG_COUNTERS */ #include #include #if CONFIG_ATM #include #endif #include #if KPERF extern int kpc_force_all_ctrs(task_t, int); #endif task_t kernel_task; zone_t task_zone; lck_attr_t task_lck_attr; lck_grp_t task_lck_grp; lck_grp_attr_t task_lck_grp_attr; /* Flag set by core audio when audio is playing. Used to stifle EXC_RESOURCE generation when active. */ int audio_active = 0; zinfo_usage_store_t tasks_tkm_private; zinfo_usage_store_t tasks_tkm_shared; /* A container to accumulate statistics for expired tasks */ expired_task_statistics_t dead_task_statistics; lck_spin_t dead_task_statistics_lock; ledger_template_t task_ledger_template = NULL; struct _task_ledger_indices task_ledgers __attribute__((used)) = {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, { 0 /* initialized at runtime */}, #ifdef CONFIG_BANK -1, -1, #endif }; void init_task_ledgers(void); void task_footprint_exceeded(int warning, __unused const void *param0, __unused const void *param1); void task_wakeups_rate_exceeded(int warning, __unused const void *param0, __unused const void *param1); void __attribute__((noinline)) THIS_PROCESS_IS_CAUSING_TOO_MANY_WAKEUPS__SENDING_EXC_RESOURCE(void); void __attribute__((noinline)) THIS_PROCESS_CROSSED_HIGH_WATERMARK__SENDING_EXC_RESOURCE(int max_footprint_mb); int coredump(void *core_proc, int reserve_mb, int ignore_ulimit); kern_return_t task_suspend_internal(task_t); kern_return_t task_resume_internal(task_t); void proc_init_cpumon_params(void); // Warn tasks when they hit 80% of their memory limit. #define PHYS_FOOTPRINT_WARNING_LEVEL 80 #define TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_LIMIT 150 /* wakeups per second */ #define TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_INTERVAL 300 /* in seconds. */ /* * Level (in terms of percentage of the limit) at which the wakeups monitor triggers telemetry. * * (ie when the task's wakeups rate exceeds 70% of the limit, start taking user * stacktraces, aka micro-stackshots) */ #define TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_USTACKSHOTS_TRIGGER 70 int task_wakeups_monitor_interval; /* In seconds. Time period over which wakeups rate is observed */ int task_wakeups_monitor_rate; /* In hz. Maximum allowable wakeups per task before EXC_RESOURCE is sent */ int task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct; /* Percentage. Level at which we start gathering telemetry. */ int disable_exc_resource; /* Global override to supress EXC_RESOURCE for resource monitor violations. */ int max_task_footprint = 0; /* Per-task limit on physical memory consumption */ #if MACH_ASSERT int pmap_ledgers_panic = 1; #endif /* MACH_ASSERT */ int task_max = CONFIG_TASK_MAX; /* Max number of tasks */ int hwm_user_cores = 0; /* high watermark violations generate user core files */ #ifdef MACH_BSD extern void proc_getexecutableuuid(void *, unsigned char *, unsigned long); extern int proc_pid(struct proc *p); extern int proc_selfpid(void); extern char *proc_name_address(struct proc *p); #if CONFIG_JETSAM extern void memorystatus_on_ledger_footprint_exceeded(int warning, const int max_footprint_mb); #endif #endif #if MACH_ASSERT extern int pmap_ledgers_panic; #endif /* MACH_ASSERT */ /* Forwards */ void task_hold_locked( task_t task); void task_wait_locked( task_t task, boolean_t until_not_runnable); void task_release_locked( task_t task); void task_free( task_t task ); void task_synchronizer_destroy_all( task_t task); int check_for_tasksuspend( task_t task); void task_backing_store_privileged( task_t task) { task_lock(task); task->priv_flags |= VM_BACKING_STORE_PRIV; task_unlock(task); return; } void task_set_64bit( task_t task, boolean_t is64bit) { #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__) thread_t thread; #endif /* defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__) */ task_lock(task); if (is64bit) { if (task_has_64BitAddr(task)) goto out; task_set_64BitAddr(task); } else { if ( !task_has_64BitAddr(task)) goto out; task_clear_64BitAddr(task); } /* FIXME: On x86, the thread save state flavor can diverge from the * task's 64-bit feature flag due to the 32-bit/64-bit register save * state dichotomy. Since we can be pre-empted in this interval, * certain routines may observe the thread as being in an inconsistent * state with respect to its task's 64-bitness. */ #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__) queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { thread_mtx_lock(thread); machine_thread_switch_addrmode(thread); thread_mtx_unlock(thread); } #endif /* defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) || defined(__arm64__) */ out: task_unlock(task); } void task_set_dyld_info(task_t task, mach_vm_address_t addr, mach_vm_size_t size) { task_lock(task); task->all_image_info_addr = addr; task->all_image_info_size = size; task_unlock(task); } void task_atm_reset(__unused task_t task) { #if CONFIG_ATM if (task->atm_context != NULL) { atm_task_descriptor_destroy(task->atm_context); task->atm_context = NULL; } #endif } #if TASK_REFERENCE_LEAK_DEBUG #include decl_simple_lock_data(static,task_ref_lock); static btlog_t *task_ref_btlog; #define TASK_REF_OP_INCR 0x1 #define TASK_REF_OP_DECR 0x2 #define TASK_REF_BTDEPTH 7 static void task_ref_lock_lock(void *context) { simple_lock((simple_lock_t)context); } static void task_ref_lock_unlock(void *context) { simple_unlock((simple_lock_t)context); } void task_reference_internal(task_t task) { void * bt[TASK_REF_BTDEPTH]; int numsaved = 0; numsaved = OSBacktrace(bt, TASK_REF_BTDEPTH); (void)hw_atomic_add(&(task)->ref_count, 1); btlog_add_entry(task_ref_btlog, task, TASK_REF_OP_INCR, bt, numsaved); } uint32_t task_deallocate_internal(task_t task) { void * bt[TASK_REF_BTDEPTH]; int numsaved = 0; numsaved = OSBacktrace(bt, TASK_REF_BTDEPTH); btlog_add_entry(task_ref_btlog, task, TASK_REF_OP_DECR, bt, numsaved); return hw_atomic_sub(&(task)->ref_count, 1); } #endif /* TASK_REFERENCE_LEAK_DEBUG */ void task_init(void) { lck_grp_attr_setdefault(&task_lck_grp_attr); lck_grp_init(&task_lck_grp, "task", &task_lck_grp_attr); lck_attr_setdefault(&task_lck_attr); lck_mtx_init(&tasks_threads_lock, &task_lck_grp, &task_lck_attr); task_zone = zinit( sizeof(struct task), task_max * sizeof(struct task), TASK_CHUNK * sizeof(struct task), "tasks"); zone_change(task_zone, Z_NOENCRYPT, TRUE); /* * Configure per-task memory limit. * The boot-arg is interpreted as Megabytes, * and takes precedence over the device tree. * Setting the boot-arg to 0 disables task limits. */ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("max_task_pmem", &max_task_footprint, sizeof (max_task_footprint))) { /* * No limit was found in boot-args, so go look in the device tree. */ if (!PE_get_default("kern.max_task_pmem", &max_task_footprint, sizeof(max_task_footprint))) { /* * No limit was found in device tree. */ max_task_footprint = 0; } } if (max_task_footprint != 0) { #if CONFIG_JETSAM if (max_task_footprint < 50) { printf("Warning: max_task_pmem %d below minimum.\n", max_task_footprint); max_task_footprint = 50; } printf("Limiting task physical memory footprint to %d MB\n", max_task_footprint); max_task_footprint *= 1024 * 1024; // Convert MB to bytes #else printf("Warning: max_task_footprint specified, but jetsam not configured; ignoring.\n"); #endif } #if MACH_ASSERT PE_parse_boot_argn("pmap_ledgers_panic", &pmap_ledgers_panic, sizeof (pmap_ledgers_panic)); #endif /* MACH_ASSERT */ if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("hwm_user_cores", &hwm_user_cores, sizeof (hwm_user_cores))) { hwm_user_cores = 0; } proc_init_cpumon_params(); if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("task_wakeups_monitor_rate", &task_wakeups_monitor_rate, sizeof (task_wakeups_monitor_rate))) { task_wakeups_monitor_rate = TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_LIMIT; } if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("task_wakeups_monitor_interval", &task_wakeups_monitor_interval, sizeof (task_wakeups_monitor_interval))) { task_wakeups_monitor_interval = TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_INTERVAL; } if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct", &task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct, sizeof (task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct))) { task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct = TASK_WAKEUPS_MONITOR_DEFAULT_USTACKSHOTS_TRIGGER; } if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("disable_exc_resource", &disable_exc_resource, sizeof (disable_exc_resource))) { disable_exc_resource = 0; } /* * If we have coalitions, coalition_init() will call init_task_ledgers() as it * sets up the ledgers for the default coalition. If we don't have coalitions, * then we have to call it now. */ #if CONFIG_COALITIONS assert(task_ledger_template); #else /* CONFIG_COALITIONS */ init_task_ledgers(); #endif /* CONFIG_COALITIONS */ #if TASK_REFERENCE_LEAK_DEBUG simple_lock_init(&task_ref_lock, 0); task_ref_btlog = btlog_create(100000, TASK_REF_BTDEPTH, task_ref_lock_lock, task_ref_lock_unlock, &task_ref_lock); assert(task_ref_btlog); #endif /* * Create the kernel task as the first task. */ #ifdef __LP64__ if (task_create_internal(TASK_NULL, COALITION_NULL, FALSE, TRUE, &kernel_task) != KERN_SUCCESS) #else if (task_create_internal(TASK_NULL, COALITION_NULL, FALSE, FALSE, &kernel_task) != KERN_SUCCESS) #endif panic("task_init\n"); vm_map_deallocate(kernel_task->map); kernel_task->map = kernel_map; lck_spin_init(&dead_task_statistics_lock, &task_lck_grp, &task_lck_attr); } /* * Create a task running in the kernel address space. It may * have its own map of size mem_size and may have ipc privileges. */ kern_return_t kernel_task_create( __unused task_t parent_task, __unused vm_offset_t map_base, __unused vm_size_t map_size, __unused task_t *child_task) { return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } kern_return_t task_create( task_t parent_task, __unused ledger_port_array_t ledger_ports, __unused mach_msg_type_number_t num_ledger_ports, __unused boolean_t inherit_memory, __unused task_t *child_task) /* OUT */ { if (parent_task == TASK_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); /* * No longer supported: too many calls assume that a task has a valid * process attached. */ return(KERN_FAILURE); } kern_return_t host_security_create_task_token( host_security_t host_security, task_t parent_task, __unused security_token_t sec_token, __unused audit_token_t audit_token, __unused host_priv_t host_priv, __unused ledger_port_array_t ledger_ports, __unused mach_msg_type_number_t num_ledger_ports, __unused boolean_t inherit_memory, __unused task_t *child_task) /* OUT */ { if (parent_task == TASK_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); if (host_security == HOST_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_SECURITY); /* * No longer supported. */ return(KERN_FAILURE); } /* * Task ledgers * ------------ * * phys_footprint * Physical footprint: This is the sum of: * + internal * + internal_compressed * + iokit_mapped * - alternate_accounting * * internal * The task's anonymous memory, which on iOS is always resident. * * internal_compressed * Amount of this task's internal memory which is held by the compressor. * Such memory is no longer actually resident for the task [i.e., resident in its pmap], * and could be either decompressed back into memory, or paged out to storage, depending * on our implementation. * * iokit_mapped * IOKit mappings: The total size of all IOKit mappings in this task, regardless of clean/dirty or internal/external state]. * * alternate_accounting * The number of internal dirty pages which are part of IOKit mappings. By definition, these pages * are counted in both internal *and* iokit_mapped, so we must subtract them from the total to avoid * double counting. */ void init_task_ledgers(void) { ledger_template_t t; assert(task_ledger_template == NULL); assert(kernel_task == TASK_NULL); if ((t = ledger_template_create("Per-task ledger")) == NULL) panic("couldn't create task ledger template"); task_ledgers.cpu_time = ledger_entry_add(t, "cpu_time", "sched", "ns"); task_ledgers.tkm_private = ledger_entry_add(t, "tkm_private", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.tkm_shared = ledger_entry_add(t, "tkm_shared", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.phys_mem = ledger_entry_add(t, "phys_mem", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.wired_mem = ledger_entry_add(t, "wired_mem", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.internal = ledger_entry_add(t, "internal", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.iokit_mapped = ledger_entry_add(t, "iokit_mapped", "mappings", "bytes"); task_ledgers.alternate_accounting = ledger_entry_add(t, "alternate_accounting", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.phys_footprint = ledger_entry_add(t, "phys_footprint", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.internal_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "internal_compressed", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile = ledger_entry_add(t, "purgeable_volatile", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile = ledger_entry_add(t, "purgeable_nonvolatile", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "purgeable_volatile_compress", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed = ledger_entry_add(t, "purgeable_nonvolatile_compress", "physmem", "bytes"); task_ledgers.platform_idle_wakeups = ledger_entry_add(t, "platform_idle_wakeups", "power", "count"); task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups = ledger_entry_add(t, "interrupt_wakeups", "power", "count"); sfi_class_id_t class_id, ledger_alias; for (class_id = SFI_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED; class_id < MAX_SFI_CLASS_ID; class_id++) { task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id] = -1; } /* don't account for UNSPECIFIED */ for (class_id = SFI_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED + 1; class_id < MAX_SFI_CLASS_ID; class_id++) { ledger_alias = sfi_get_ledger_alias_for_class(class_id); if (ledger_alias != SFI_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED) { /* Check to see if alias has been registered yet */ if (task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[ledger_alias] != -1) { task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id] = task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[ledger_alias]; } else { /* Otherwise, initialize it first */ task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id] = task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[ledger_alias] = sfi_ledger_entry_add(t, ledger_alias); } } else { task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id] = sfi_ledger_entry_add(t, class_id); } if (task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[class_id] < 0) { panic("couldn't create entries for task ledger template for SFI class 0x%x", class_id); } } #ifdef CONFIG_BANK task_ledgers.cpu_time_billed_to_me = ledger_entry_add(t, "cpu_time_billed_to_me", "sched", "ns"); task_ledgers.cpu_time_billed_to_others = ledger_entry_add(t, "cpu_time_billed_to_others", "sched", "ns"); #endif assert(task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[MAX_SFI_CLASS_ID -1] != -1); if ((task_ledgers.cpu_time < 0) || (task_ledgers.tkm_private < 0) || (task_ledgers.tkm_shared < 0) || (task_ledgers.phys_mem < 0) || (task_ledgers.wired_mem < 0) || (task_ledgers.internal < 0) || (task_ledgers.iokit_mapped < 0) || (task_ledgers.alternate_accounting < 0) || (task_ledgers.phys_footprint < 0) || (task_ledgers.internal_compressed < 0) || (task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile < 0) || (task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile < 0) || (task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile_compressed < 0) || (task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed < 0) || (task_ledgers.platform_idle_wakeups < 0) || (task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups < 0) #ifdef CONFIG_BANK || (task_ledgers.cpu_time_billed_to_me < 0) || (task_ledgers.cpu_time_billed_to_others < 0) #endif ) { panic("couldn't create entries for task ledger template"); } ledger_track_maximum(t, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, 60); #if MACH_ASSERT if (pmap_ledgers_panic) { ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.phys_footprint); ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.internal); ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.internal_compressed); ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.iokit_mapped); ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.alternate_accounting); ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile); ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile); ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_volatile_compressed); ledger_panic_on_negative(t, task_ledgers.purgeable_nonvolatile_compressed); } #endif /* MACH_ASSERT */ #if CONFIG_JETSAM ledger_set_callback(t, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, task_footprint_exceeded, NULL, NULL); #endif ledger_set_callback(t, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, task_wakeups_rate_exceeded, NULL, NULL); task_ledger_template = t; } kern_return_t task_create_internal( task_t parent_task, coalition_t parent_coalition __unused, boolean_t inherit_memory, boolean_t is_64bit, task_t *child_task) /* OUT */ { task_t new_task; vm_shared_region_t shared_region; ledger_t ledger = NULL; new_task = (task_t) zalloc(task_zone); if (new_task == TASK_NULL) return(KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); /* one ref for just being alive; one for our caller */ new_task->ref_count = 2; /* allocate with active entries */ assert(task_ledger_template != NULL); if ((ledger = ledger_instantiate(task_ledger_template, LEDGER_CREATE_ACTIVE_ENTRIES)) == NULL) { zfree(task_zone, new_task); return(KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } new_task->ledger = ledger; #if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_MULTIQ) new_task->sched_group = sched_group_create(); #endif /* if inherit_memory is true, parent_task MUST not be NULL */ if (inherit_memory) new_task->map = vm_map_fork(ledger, parent_task->map); else new_task->map = vm_map_create(pmap_create(ledger, 0, is_64bit), (vm_map_offset_t)(VM_MIN_ADDRESS), (vm_map_offset_t)(VM_MAX_ADDRESS), TRUE); /* Inherit memlock limit from parent */ if (parent_task) vm_map_set_user_wire_limit(new_task->map, (vm_size_t)parent_task->map->user_wire_limit); lck_mtx_init(&new_task->lock, &task_lck_grp, &task_lck_attr); queue_init(&new_task->threads); new_task->suspend_count = 0; new_task->thread_count = 0; new_task->active_thread_count = 0; new_task->user_stop_count = 0; new_task->legacy_stop_count = 0; new_task->active = TRUE; new_task->halting = FALSE; new_task->user_data = NULL; new_task->faults = 0; new_task->cow_faults = 0; new_task->pageins = 0; new_task->messages_sent = 0; new_task->messages_received = 0; new_task->syscalls_mach = 0; new_task->priv_flags = 0; new_task->syscalls_unix=0; new_task->c_switch = new_task->p_switch = new_task->ps_switch = 0; new_task->t_flags = 0; new_task->importance = 0; #if CONFIG_ATM new_task->atm_context = NULL; #endif #if CONFIG_BANK new_task->bank_context = NULL; #endif zinfo_task_init(new_task); #ifdef MACH_BSD new_task->bsd_info = NULL; #endif /* MACH_BSD */ #if CONFIG_JETSAM if (max_task_footprint != 0) { ledger_set_limit(ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, max_task_footprint, PHYS_FOOTPRINT_WARNING_LEVEL); } #endif if (task_wakeups_monitor_rate != 0) { uint32_t flags = WAKEMON_ENABLE | WAKEMON_SET_DEFAULTS; int32_t rate; // Ignored because of WAKEMON_SET_DEFAULTS task_wakeups_monitor_ctl(new_task, &flags, &rate); } #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) new_task->i386_ldt = 0; #endif new_task->task_debug = NULL; queue_init(&new_task->semaphore_list); new_task->semaphores_owned = 0; ipc_task_init(new_task, parent_task); new_task->total_user_time = 0; new_task->total_system_time = 0; new_task->vtimers = 0; new_task->shared_region = NULL; new_task->affinity_space = NULL; #if CONFIG_COUNTERS new_task->t_chud = 0U; #endif new_task->pidsuspended = FALSE; new_task->frozen = FALSE; new_task->changing_freeze_state = FALSE; new_task->rusage_cpu_flags = 0; new_task->rusage_cpu_percentage = 0; new_task->rusage_cpu_interval = 0; new_task->rusage_cpu_deadline = 0; new_task->rusage_cpu_callt = NULL; #if MACH_ASSERT new_task->suspends_outstanding = 0; #endif #if HYPERVISOR new_task->hv_task_target = NULL; #endif /* HYPERVISOR */ new_task->low_mem_notified_warn = 0; new_task->low_mem_notified_critical = 0; new_task->purged_memory_warn = 0; new_task->purged_memory_critical = 0; new_task->mem_notify_reserved = 0; #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE new_task->task_imp_base = NULL; #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ #if defined(__x86_64__) new_task->uexc_range_start = new_task->uexc_range_size = new_task->uexc_handler = 0; #endif new_task->requested_policy = default_task_requested_policy; new_task->effective_policy = default_task_effective_policy; new_task->pended_policy = default_task_pended_policy; if (parent_task != TASK_NULL) { new_task->sec_token = parent_task->sec_token; new_task->audit_token = parent_task->audit_token; /* inherit the parent's shared region */ shared_region = vm_shared_region_get(parent_task); vm_shared_region_set(new_task, shared_region); if(task_has_64BitAddr(parent_task)) task_set_64BitAddr(new_task); new_task->all_image_info_addr = parent_task->all_image_info_addr; new_task->all_image_info_size = parent_task->all_image_info_size; #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) if (inherit_memory && parent_task->i386_ldt) new_task->i386_ldt = user_ldt_copy(parent_task->i386_ldt); #endif if (inherit_memory && parent_task->affinity_space) task_affinity_create(parent_task, new_task); new_task->pset_hint = parent_task->pset_hint = task_choose_pset(parent_task); #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE ipc_importance_task_t new_task_imp = IIT_NULL; if (task_is_marked_importance_donor(parent_task)) { new_task_imp = ipc_importance_for_task(new_task, FALSE); assert(IIT_NULL != new_task_imp); ipc_importance_task_mark_donor(new_task_imp, TRUE); } /* Embedded doesn't want this to inherit */ if (task_is_marked_importance_receiver(parent_task)) { if (IIT_NULL == new_task_imp) new_task_imp = ipc_importance_for_task(new_task, FALSE); assert(IIT_NULL != new_task_imp); ipc_importance_task_mark_receiver(new_task_imp, TRUE); } if (task_is_marked_importance_denap_receiver(parent_task)) { if (IIT_NULL == new_task_imp) new_task_imp = ipc_importance_for_task(new_task, FALSE); assert(IIT_NULL != new_task_imp); ipc_importance_task_mark_denap_receiver(new_task_imp, TRUE); } if (IIT_NULL != new_task_imp) { assert(new_task->task_imp_base == new_task_imp); ipc_importance_task_release(new_task_imp); } #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ new_task->priority = BASEPRI_DEFAULT; new_task->max_priority = MAXPRI_USER; new_task->requested_policy.t_apptype = parent_task->requested_policy.t_apptype; new_task->requested_policy.int_darwinbg = parent_task->requested_policy.int_darwinbg; new_task->requested_policy.ext_darwinbg = parent_task->requested_policy.ext_darwinbg; new_task->requested_policy.int_iotier = parent_task->requested_policy.int_iotier; new_task->requested_policy.ext_iotier = parent_task->requested_policy.ext_iotier; new_task->requested_policy.int_iopassive = parent_task->requested_policy.int_iopassive; new_task->requested_policy.ext_iopassive = parent_task->requested_policy.ext_iopassive; new_task->requested_policy.bg_iotier = parent_task->requested_policy.bg_iotier; new_task->requested_policy.terminated = parent_task->requested_policy.terminated; new_task->requested_policy.t_qos_clamp = parent_task->requested_policy.t_qos_clamp; task_policy_create(new_task, parent_task->requested_policy.t_boosted); } else { new_task->sec_token = KERNEL_SECURITY_TOKEN; new_task->audit_token = KERNEL_AUDIT_TOKEN; #ifdef __LP64__ if(is_64bit) task_set_64BitAddr(new_task); #endif new_task->all_image_info_addr = (mach_vm_address_t)0; new_task->all_image_info_size = (mach_vm_size_t)0; new_task->pset_hint = PROCESSOR_SET_NULL; if (kernel_task == TASK_NULL) { new_task->priority = BASEPRI_KERNEL; new_task->max_priority = MAXPRI_KERNEL; } else { new_task->priority = BASEPRI_DEFAULT; new_task->max_priority = MAXPRI_USER; } } new_task->coalition = COALITION_NULL; #if CONFIG_COALITIONS if (parent_coalition) { coalition_adopt_task(parent_coalition, new_task); } else if (parent_task && parent_task->coalition) { coalition_adopt_task(parent_task->coalition, new_task); } else { coalition_default_adopt_task(new_task); } if (new_task->coalition == COALITION_NULL) { panic("created task is not a member of any coalition"); } #endif /* CONFIG_COALITIONS */ /* Allocate I/O Statistics */ new_task->task_io_stats = (io_stat_info_t)kalloc(sizeof(struct io_stat_info)); assert(new_task->task_io_stats != NULL); bzero(new_task->task_io_stats, sizeof(struct io_stat_info)); bzero(&(new_task->cpu_time_qos_stats), sizeof(struct _cpu_time_qos_stats)); bzero(&new_task->extmod_statistics, sizeof(new_task->extmod_statistics)); new_task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1 = new_task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2 = 0; new_task->task_gpu_ns = 0; lck_mtx_lock(&tasks_threads_lock); queue_enter(&tasks, new_task, task_t, tasks); tasks_count++; lck_mtx_unlock(&tasks_threads_lock); if (vm_backing_store_low && parent_task != NULL) new_task->priv_flags |= (parent_task->priv_flags&VM_BACKING_STORE_PRIV); new_task->task_volatile_objects = 0; new_task->task_nonvolatile_objects = 0; new_task->task_purgeable_disowning = FALSE; new_task->task_purgeable_disowned = FALSE; ipc_task_enable(new_task); *child_task = new_task; return(KERN_SUCCESS); } int task_dropped_imp_count = 0; /* * task_deallocate: * * Drop a reference on a task. */ void task_deallocate( task_t task) { ledger_amount_t credit, debit, interrupt_wakeups, platform_idle_wakeups; uint32_t refs; if (task == TASK_NULL) return; refs = task_deallocate_internal(task); #if IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE if (refs > 1) return; if (refs == 1) { /* * If last ref potentially comes from the task's importance, * disconnect it. But more task refs may be added before * that completes, so wait for the reference to go to zero * naturually (it may happen on a recursive task_deallocate() * from the ipc_importance_disconnect_task() call). */ if (IIT_NULL != task->task_imp_base) ipc_importance_disconnect_task(task); return; } #else if (refs > 0) return; #endif /* IMPORTANCE_INHERITANCE */ lck_mtx_lock(&tasks_threads_lock); queue_remove(&terminated_tasks, task, task_t, tasks); terminated_tasks_count--; lck_mtx_unlock(&tasks_threads_lock); /* * remove the reference on atm descriptor */ task_atm_reset(task); #if CONFIG_BANK /* * remove the reference on bank context */ if (task->bank_context != NULL) { bank_task_destroy(task->bank_context); task->bank_context = NULL; } #endif if (task->task_io_stats) kfree(task->task_io_stats, sizeof(struct io_stat_info)); /* * Give the machine dependent code a chance * to perform cleanup before ripping apart * the task. */ machine_task_terminate(task); ipc_task_terminate(task); if (task->affinity_space) task_affinity_deallocate(task); #if MACH_ASSERT if (task->ledger != NULL && task->map != NULL && task->map->pmap != NULL && task->map->pmap->ledger != NULL) { assert(task->ledger == task->map->pmap->ledger); } #endif /* MACH_ASSERT */ vm_purgeable_disown(task); assert(task->task_purgeable_disowned); if (task->task_volatile_objects != 0 || task->task_nonvolatile_objects != 0) { panic("task_deallocate(%p): " "volatile_objects=%d nonvolatile_objects=%d\n", task, task->task_volatile_objects, task->task_nonvolatile_objects); } vm_map_deallocate(task->map); is_release(task->itk_space); ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, &interrupt_wakeups, &debit); ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.platform_idle_wakeups, &platform_idle_wakeups, &debit); #if defined(CONFIG_SCHED_MULTIQ) sched_group_destroy(task->sched_group); #endif /* Accumulate statistics for dead tasks */ lck_spin_lock(&dead_task_statistics_lock); dead_task_statistics.total_user_time += task->total_user_time; dead_task_statistics.total_system_time += task->total_system_time; dead_task_statistics.task_interrupt_wakeups += interrupt_wakeups; dead_task_statistics.task_platform_idle_wakeups += platform_idle_wakeups; dead_task_statistics.task_timer_wakeups_bin_1 += task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1; dead_task_statistics.task_timer_wakeups_bin_2 += task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2; lck_spin_unlock(&dead_task_statistics_lock); lck_mtx_destroy(&task->lock, &task_lck_grp); if (!ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.tkm_private, &credit, &debit)) { OSAddAtomic64(credit, (int64_t *)&tasks_tkm_private.alloc); OSAddAtomic64(debit, (int64_t *)&tasks_tkm_private.free); } if (!ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.tkm_shared, &credit, &debit)) { OSAddAtomic64(credit, (int64_t *)&tasks_tkm_shared.alloc); OSAddAtomic64(debit, (int64_t *)&tasks_tkm_shared.free); } ledger_dereference(task->ledger); zinfo_task_free(task); #if TASK_REFERENCE_LEAK_DEBUG btlog_remove_entries_for_element(task_ref_btlog, task); #endif #if CONFIG_COALITIONS if (!task->coalition) { panic("deallocating task was not a member of any coalition"); } coalition_release(task->coalition); #endif /* CONFIG_COALITIONS */ task->coalition = COALITION_NULL; zfree(task_zone, task); } /* * task_name_deallocate: * * Drop a reference on a task name. */ void task_name_deallocate( task_name_t task_name) { return(task_deallocate((task_t)task_name)); } /* * task_suspension_token_deallocate: * * Drop a reference on a task suspension token. */ void task_suspension_token_deallocate( task_suspension_token_t token) { return(task_deallocate((task_t)token)); } /* * task_terminate: * * Terminate the specified task. See comments on thread_terminate * (kern/thread.c) about problems with terminating the "current task." */ kern_return_t task_terminate( task_t task) { if (task == TASK_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); if (task->bsd_info) return (KERN_FAILURE); return (task_terminate_internal(task)); } #if MACH_ASSERT extern int proc_pid(struct proc *); extern void proc_name_kdp(task_t t, char *buf, int size); #endif /* MACH_ASSERT */ #define VM_MAP_PARTIAL_REAP 0x54 /* 0x150 */ static void __unused task_partial_reap(task_t task, __unused int pid) { unsigned int reclaimed_resident = 0; unsigned int reclaimed_compressed = 0; uint64_t task_page_count; task_page_count = (get_task_phys_footprint(task) / PAGE_SIZE_64); KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT((MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_VM, VM_MAP_PARTIAL_REAP) | DBG_FUNC_START), pid, task_page_count, 0, 0, 0); vm_map_partial_reap(task->map, &reclaimed_resident, &reclaimed_compressed); KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT((MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_VM, VM_MAP_PARTIAL_REAP) | DBG_FUNC_END), pid, reclaimed_resident, reclaimed_compressed, 0, 0); } kern_return_t task_terminate_internal( task_t task) { thread_t thread, self; task_t self_task; boolean_t interrupt_save; int pid = 0; assert(task != kernel_task); self = current_thread(); self_task = self->task; /* * Get the task locked and make sure that we are not racing * with someone else trying to terminate us. */ if (task == self_task) task_lock(task); else if (task < self_task) { task_lock(task); task_lock(self_task); } else { task_lock(self_task); task_lock(task); } if (!task->active) { /* * Task is already being terminated. * Just return an error. If we are dying, this will * just get us to our AST special handler and that * will get us to finalize the termination of ourselves. */ task_unlock(task); if (self_task != task) task_unlock(self_task); return (KERN_FAILURE); } if (self_task != task) task_unlock(self_task); /* * Make sure the current thread does not get aborted out of * the waits inside these operations. */ interrupt_save = thread_interrupt_level(THREAD_UNINT); /* * Indicate that we want all the threads to stop executing * at user space by holding the task (we would have held * each thread independently in thread_terminate_internal - * but this way we may be more likely to already find it * held there). Mark the task inactive, and prevent * further task operations via the task port. */ task_hold_locked(task); task->active = FALSE; ipc_task_disable(task); #if CONFIG_TELEMETRY /* * Notify telemetry that this task is going away. */ telemetry_task_ctl_locked(task, TF_TELEMETRY, 0); #endif /* * Terminate each thread in the task. */ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { thread_terminate_internal(thread); } #ifdef MACH_BSD if (task->bsd_info != NULL) { pid = proc_pid(task->bsd_info); } #endif /* MACH_BSD */ task_unlock(task); /* Early object reap phase */ // PR-17045188: Revisit implementation // task_partial_reap(task, pid); /* * Destroy all synchronizers owned by the task. */ task_synchronizer_destroy_all(task); /* * Destroy the IPC space, leaving just a reference for it. */ ipc_space_terminate(task->itk_space); #if 00 /* if some ledgers go negative on tear-down again... */ ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint); ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger, task_ledgers.internal); ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger, task_ledgers.internal_compressed); ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger, task_ledgers.iokit_mapped); ledger_disable_panic_on_negative(task->map->pmap->ledger, task_ledgers.alternate_accounting); #endif /* * If the current thread is a member of the task * being terminated, then the last reference to * the task will not be dropped until the thread * is finally reaped. To avoid incurring the * expense of removing the address space regions * at reap time, we do it explictly here. */ vm_map_remove(task->map, task->map->min_offset, task->map->max_offset, VM_MAP_NO_FLAGS); /* release our shared region */ vm_shared_region_set(task, NULL); #if MACH_ASSERT /* * Identify the pmap's process, in case the pmap ledgers drift * and we have to report it. */ char procname[17]; if (task->bsd_info) { pid = proc_pid(task->bsd_info); proc_name_kdp(task, procname, sizeof (procname)); } else { pid = 0; strlcpy(procname, "", sizeof (procname)); } pmap_set_process(task->map->pmap, pid, procname); #endif /* MACH_ASSERT */ lck_mtx_lock(&tasks_threads_lock); queue_remove(&tasks, task, task_t, tasks); queue_enter(&terminated_tasks, task, task_t, tasks); tasks_count--; terminated_tasks_count++; lck_mtx_unlock(&tasks_threads_lock); /* * We no longer need to guard against being aborted, so restore * the previous interruptible state. */ thread_interrupt_level(interrupt_save); #if KPERF /* force the task to release all ctrs */ if (task->t_chud & TASK_KPC_FORCED_ALL_CTRS) kpc_force_all_ctrs(task, 0); #endif #if CONFIG_COALITIONS /* * Leave our coalition. (drop activation but not reference) */ coalition_remove_task(task); #endif /* * Get rid of the task active reference on itself. */ task_deallocate(task); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * task_start_halt: * * Shut the current task down (except for the current thread) in * preparation for dramatic changes to the task (probably exec). * We hold the task and mark all other threads in the task for * termination. */ kern_return_t task_start_halt( task_t task) { thread_t thread, self; assert(task != kernel_task); self = current_thread(); if (task != self->task) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); if (task->halting || !task->active || !self->active) { /* * Task or current thread is already being terminated. * Hurry up and return out of the current kernel context * so that we run our AST special handler to terminate * ourselves. */ task_unlock(task); return (KERN_FAILURE); } task->halting = TRUE; if (task->thread_count > 1) { /* * Mark all the threads to keep them from starting any more * user-level execution. The thread_terminate_internal code * would do this on a thread by thread basis anyway, but this * gives us a better chance of not having to wait there. */ task_hold_locked(task); /* * Terminate all the other threads in the task. */ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { if (thread != self) thread_terminate_internal(thread); } task_release_locked(task); } task_unlock(task); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* * task_complete_halt: * * Complete task halt by waiting for threads to terminate, then clean * up task resources (VM, port namespace, etc...) and then let the * current thread go in the (practically empty) task context. */ void task_complete_halt(task_t task) { task_lock(task); assert(task->halting); assert(task == current_task()); /* * Wait for the other threads to get shut down. * When the last other thread is reaped, we'll be * woken up. */ if (task->thread_count > 1) { assert_wait((event_t)&task->halting, THREAD_UNINT); task_unlock(task); thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL); } else { task_unlock(task); } /* * Give the machine dependent code a chance * to perform cleanup of task-level resources * associated with the current thread before * ripping apart the task. */ machine_task_terminate(task); /* * Destroy all synchronizers owned by the task. */ task_synchronizer_destroy_all(task); /* * Destroy the contents of the IPC space, leaving just * a reference for it. */ ipc_space_clean(task->itk_space); /* * Clean out the address space, as we are going to be * getting a new one. */ vm_map_remove(task->map, task->map->min_offset, task->map->max_offset, VM_MAP_NO_FLAGS); task->halting = FALSE; } /* * task_hold_locked: * * Suspend execution of the specified task. * This is a recursive-style suspension of the task, a count of * suspends is maintained. * * CONDITIONS: the task is locked and active. */ void task_hold_locked( register task_t task) { register thread_t thread; assert(task->active); if (task->suspend_count++ > 0) return; /* * Iterate through all the threads and hold them. */ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { thread_mtx_lock(thread); thread_hold(thread); thread_mtx_unlock(thread); } } /* * task_hold: * * Same as the internal routine above, except that is must lock * and verify that the task is active. This differs from task_suspend * in that it places a kernel hold on the task rather than just a * user-level hold. This keeps users from over resuming and setting * it running out from under the kernel. * * CONDITIONS: the caller holds a reference on the task */ kern_return_t task_hold( register task_t task) { if (task == TASK_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); if (!task->active) { task_unlock(task); return (KERN_FAILURE); } task_hold_locked(task); task_unlock(task); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } kern_return_t task_wait( task_t task, boolean_t until_not_runnable) { if (task == TASK_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); if (!task->active) { task_unlock(task); return (KERN_FAILURE); } task_wait_locked(task, until_not_runnable); task_unlock(task); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * task_wait_locked: * * Wait for all threads in task to stop. * * Conditions: * Called with task locked, active, and held. */ void task_wait_locked( register task_t task, boolean_t until_not_runnable) { register thread_t thread, self; assert(task->active); assert(task->suspend_count > 0); self = current_thread(); /* * Iterate through all the threads and wait for them to * stop. Do not wait for the current thread if it is within * the task. */ queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { if (thread != self) thread_wait(thread, until_not_runnable); } } /* * task_release_locked: * * Release a kernel hold on a task. * * CONDITIONS: the task is locked and active */ void task_release_locked( register task_t task) { register thread_t thread; assert(task->active); assert(task->suspend_count > 0); if (--task->suspend_count > 0) return; queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { thread_mtx_lock(thread); thread_release(thread); thread_mtx_unlock(thread); } } /* * task_release: * * Same as the internal routine above, except that it must lock * and verify that the task is active. * * CONDITIONS: The caller holds a reference to the task */ kern_return_t task_release( task_t task) { if (task == TASK_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); if (!task->active) { task_unlock(task); return (KERN_FAILURE); } task_release_locked(task); task_unlock(task); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } kern_return_t task_threads( task_t task, thread_act_array_t *threads_out, mach_msg_type_number_t *count) { mach_msg_type_number_t actual; thread_t *thread_list; thread_t thread; vm_size_t size, size_needed; void *addr; unsigned int i, j; if (task == TASK_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); size = 0; addr = NULL; for (;;) { task_lock(task); if (!task->active) { task_unlock(task); if (size != 0) kfree(addr, size); return (KERN_FAILURE); } actual = task->thread_count; /* do we have the memory we need? */ size_needed = actual * sizeof (mach_port_t); if (size_needed <= size) break; /* unlock the task and allocate more memory */ task_unlock(task); if (size != 0) kfree(addr, size); assert(size_needed > 0); size = size_needed; addr = kalloc(size); if (addr == 0) return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } /* OK, have memory and the task is locked & active */ thread_list = (thread_t *)addr; i = j = 0; for (thread = (thread_t)queue_first(&task->threads); i < actual; ++i, thread = (thread_t)queue_next(&thread->task_threads)) { thread_reference_internal(thread); thread_list[j++] = thread; } assert(queue_end(&task->threads, (queue_entry_t)thread)); actual = j; size_needed = actual * sizeof (mach_port_t); /* can unlock task now that we've got the thread refs */ task_unlock(task); if (actual == 0) { /* no threads, so return null pointer and deallocate memory */ *threads_out = NULL; *count = 0; if (size != 0) kfree(addr, size); } else { /* if we allocated too much, must copy */ if (size_needed < size) { void *newaddr; newaddr = kalloc(size_needed); if (newaddr == 0) { for (i = 0; i < actual; ++i) thread_deallocate(thread_list[i]); kfree(addr, size); return (KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE); } bcopy(addr, newaddr, size_needed); kfree(addr, size); thread_list = (thread_t *)newaddr; } *threads_out = thread_list; *count = actual; /* do the conversion that Mig should handle */ for (i = 0; i < actual; ++i) ((ipc_port_t *) thread_list)[i] = convert_thread_to_port(thread_list[i]); } return (KERN_SUCCESS); } #define TASK_HOLD_NORMAL 0 #define TASK_HOLD_PIDSUSPEND 1 #define TASK_HOLD_LEGACY 2 #define TASK_HOLD_LEGACY_ALL 3 static kern_return_t place_task_hold ( register task_t task, int mode) { if (!task->active) { return (KERN_FAILURE); } KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT_IST(KDEBUG_TRACE, MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_IPC,MACH_TASK_SUSPEND) | DBG_FUNC_NONE, proc_pid(task->bsd_info), ((thread_t)queue_first(&task->threads))->thread_id, task->user_stop_count, task->user_stop_count + 1, 0); #if MACH_ASSERT current_task()->suspends_outstanding++; #endif if (mode == TASK_HOLD_LEGACY) task->legacy_stop_count++; if (task->user_stop_count++ > 0) { /* * If the stop count was positive, the task is * already stopped and we can exit. */ return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Put a kernel-level hold on the threads in the task (all * user-level task suspensions added together represent a * single kernel-level hold). We then wait for the threads * to stop executing user code. */ task_hold_locked(task); task_wait_locked(task, FALSE); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } static kern_return_t release_task_hold ( register task_t task, int mode) { register boolean_t release = FALSE; if (!task->active) { return (KERN_FAILURE); } if (mode == TASK_HOLD_PIDSUSPEND) { if (task->pidsuspended == FALSE) { return (KERN_FAILURE); } task->pidsuspended = FALSE; } if (task->user_stop_count > (task->pidsuspended ? 1 : 0)) { KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT_IST(KDEBUG_TRACE, MACHDBG_CODE(DBG_MACH_IPC,MACH_TASK_RESUME) | DBG_FUNC_NONE, proc_pid(task->bsd_info), ((thread_t)queue_first(&task->threads))->thread_id, task->user_stop_count, mode, task->legacy_stop_count); #if MACH_ASSERT /* * This is obviously not robust; if we suspend one task and then resume a different one, * we'll fly under the radar. This is only meant to catch the common case of a crashed * or buggy suspender. */ current_task()->suspends_outstanding--; #endif if (mode == TASK_HOLD_LEGACY_ALL) { if (task->legacy_stop_count >= task->user_stop_count) { task->user_stop_count = 0; release = TRUE; } else { task->user_stop_count -= task->legacy_stop_count; } task->legacy_stop_count = 0; } else { if (mode == TASK_HOLD_LEGACY && task->legacy_stop_count > 0) task->legacy_stop_count--; if (--task->user_stop_count == 0) release = TRUE; } } else { return (KERN_FAILURE); } /* * Release the task if necessary. */ if (release) task_release_locked(task); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * task_suspend: * * Implement an (old-fashioned) user-level suspension on a task. * * Because the user isn't expecting to have to manage a suspension * token, we'll track it for him in the kernel in the form of a naked * send right to the task's resume port. All such send rights * account for a single suspension against the task (unlike task_suspend2() * where each caller gets a unique suspension count represented by a * unique send-once right). * * Conditions: * The caller holds a reference to the task */ kern_return_t task_suspend( register task_t task) { kern_return_t kr; mach_port_t port, send, old_notify; mach_port_name_t name; if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); /* * Claim a send right on the task resume port, and request a no-senders * notification on that port (if none outstanding). */ if (task->itk_resume == IP_NULL) { task->itk_resume = ipc_port_alloc_kernel(); if (!IP_VALID(task->itk_resume)) panic("failed to create resume port"); ipc_kobject_set(task->itk_resume, (ipc_kobject_t)task, IKOT_TASK_RESUME); } port = task->itk_resume; ip_lock(port); assert(ip_active(port)); send = ipc_port_make_send_locked(port); assert(IP_VALID(send)); if (port->ip_nsrequest == IP_NULL) { ipc_port_nsrequest(port, port->ip_mscount, ipc_port_make_sonce_locked(port), &old_notify); assert(old_notify == IP_NULL); /* port unlocked */ } else { ip_unlock(port); } /* * place a legacy hold on the task. */ kr = place_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_LEGACY); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { task_unlock(task); ipc_port_release_send(send); return kr; } task_unlock(task); /* * Copyout the send right into the calling task's IPC space. It won't know it is there, * but we'll look it up when calling a traditional resume. Any IPC operations that * deallocate the send right will auto-release the suspension. */ if ((kr = ipc_kmsg_copyout_object(current_task()->itk_space, (ipc_object_t)send, MACH_MSG_TYPE_MOVE_SEND, &name)) != KERN_SUCCESS) { printf("warning: %s(%d) failed to copyout suspension token for task %s(%d) with error: %d\n", proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info), proc_pid(current_task()->bsd_info), proc_name_address(task->bsd_info), proc_pid(task->bsd_info), kr); return (kr); } return (kr); } /* * task_resume: * Release a user hold on a task. * * Conditions: * The caller holds a reference to the task */ kern_return_t task_resume( register task_t task) { kern_return_t kr; mach_port_name_t resume_port_name; ipc_entry_t resume_port_entry; ipc_space_t space = current_task()->itk_space; if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task ) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); /* release a legacy task hold */ task_lock(task); kr = release_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_LEGACY); task_unlock(task); is_write_lock(space); if (is_active(space) && IP_VALID(task->itk_resume) && ipc_hash_lookup(space, (ipc_object_t)task->itk_resume, &resume_port_name, &resume_port_entry) == TRUE) { /* * We found a suspension token in the caller's IPC space. Release a send right to indicate that * we are holding one less legacy hold on the task from this caller. If the release failed, * go ahead and drop all the rights, as someone either already released our holds or the task * is gone. */ if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) ipc_right_dealloc(space, resume_port_name, resume_port_entry); else ipc_right_destroy(space, resume_port_name, resume_port_entry, FALSE, 0); /* space unlocked */ } else { is_write_unlock(space); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) printf("warning: %s(%d) performed out-of-band resume on %s(%d)\n", proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info), proc_pid(current_task()->bsd_info), proc_name_address(task->bsd_info), proc_pid(task->bsd_info)); } return kr; } /* * Suspend the target task. * Making/holding a token/reference/port is the callers responsibility. */ kern_return_t task_suspend_internal(task_t task) { kern_return_t kr; if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); kr = place_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_NORMAL); task_unlock(task); return (kr); } /* * Suspend the target task, and return a suspension token. The token * represents a reference on the suspended task. */ kern_return_t task_suspend2( register task_t task, task_suspension_token_t *suspend_token) { kern_return_t kr; kr = task_suspend_internal(task); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { *suspend_token = TASK_NULL; return (kr); } /* * Take a reference on the target task and return that to the caller * as a "suspension token," which can be converted into an SO right to * the now-suspended task's resume port. */ task_reference_internal(task); *suspend_token = task; return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * Resume the task * (reference/token/port management is caller's responsibility). */ kern_return_t task_resume_internal( register task_suspension_token_t task) { kern_return_t kr; if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); kr = release_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_NORMAL); task_unlock(task); return (kr); } /* * Resume the task using a suspension token. Consumes the token's ref. */ kern_return_t task_resume2( register task_suspension_token_t task) { kern_return_t kr; kr = task_resume_internal(task); task_suspension_token_deallocate(task); return (kr); } boolean_t task_suspension_notify(mach_msg_header_t *request_header) { ipc_port_t port = (ipc_port_t) request_header->msgh_remote_port; task_t task = convert_port_to_task_suspension_token(port); mach_msg_type_number_t not_count; if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) return TRUE; /* nothing to do */ switch (request_header->msgh_id) { case MACH_NOTIFY_SEND_ONCE: /* release the hold held by this specific send-once right */ task_lock(task); release_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_NORMAL); task_unlock(task); break; case MACH_NOTIFY_NO_SENDERS: not_count = ((mach_no_senders_notification_t *)request_header)->not_count; task_lock(task); ip_lock(port); if (port->ip_mscount == not_count) { /* release all the [remaining] outstanding legacy holds */ assert(port->ip_nsrequest == IP_NULL); ip_unlock(port); release_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_LEGACY_ALL); task_unlock(task); } else if (port->ip_nsrequest == IP_NULL) { ipc_port_t old_notify; task_unlock(task); /* new send rights, re-arm notification at current make-send count */ ipc_port_nsrequest(port, port->ip_mscount, ipc_port_make_sonce_locked(port), &old_notify); assert(old_notify == IP_NULL); /* port unlocked */ } else { ip_unlock(port); task_unlock(task); } break; default: break; } task_suspension_token_deallocate(task); /* drop token reference */ return TRUE; } kern_return_t task_pidsuspend_locked(task_t task) { kern_return_t kr; if (task->pidsuspended) { kr = KERN_FAILURE; goto out; } task->pidsuspended = TRUE; kr = place_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_PIDSUSPEND); if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { task->pidsuspended = FALSE; } out: return(kr); } /* * task_pidsuspend: * * Suspends a task by placing a hold on its threads. * * Conditions: * The caller holds a reference to the task */ kern_return_t task_pidsuspend( register task_t task) { kern_return_t kr; if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); kr = task_pidsuspend_locked(task); task_unlock(task); return (kr); } /* If enabled, we bring all the frozen pages back in prior to resumption; otherwise, they're faulted back in on demand */ #define THAW_ON_RESUME 1 /* * task_pidresume: * Resumes a previously suspended task. * * Conditions: * The caller holds a reference to the task */ kern_return_t task_pidresume( register task_t task) { kern_return_t kr; if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); #if (CONFIG_FREEZE && THAW_ON_RESUME) while (task->changing_freeze_state) { assert_wait((event_t)&task->changing_freeze_state, THREAD_UNINT); task_unlock(task); thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL); task_lock(task); } task->changing_freeze_state = TRUE; #endif kr = release_task_hold(task, TASK_HOLD_PIDSUSPEND); task_unlock(task); #if (CONFIG_FREEZE && THAW_ON_RESUME) if ((kr == KERN_SUCCESS) && (task->frozen == TRUE)) { if (COMPRESSED_PAGER_IS_ACTIVE || DEFAULT_FREEZER_COMPRESSED_PAGER_IS_ACTIVE) { kr = KERN_SUCCESS; } else { kr = vm_map_thaw(task->map); } } task_lock(task); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) task->frozen = FALSE; task->changing_freeze_state = FALSE; thread_wakeup(&task->changing_freeze_state); task_unlock(task); #endif return (kr); } #if CONFIG_FREEZE /* * task_freeze: * * Freeze a task. * * Conditions: * The caller holds a reference to the task */ kern_return_t task_freeze( register task_t task, uint32_t *purgeable_count, uint32_t *wired_count, uint32_t *clean_count, uint32_t *dirty_count, uint32_t dirty_budget, boolean_t *shared, boolean_t walk_only) { kern_return_t kr; if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); while (task->changing_freeze_state) { assert_wait((event_t)&task->changing_freeze_state, THREAD_UNINT); task_unlock(task); thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL); task_lock(task); } if (task->frozen) { task_unlock(task); return (KERN_FAILURE); } task->changing_freeze_state = TRUE; task_unlock(task); if (walk_only) { kr = vm_map_freeze_walk(task->map, purgeable_count, wired_count, clean_count, dirty_count, dirty_budget, shared); } else { kr = vm_map_freeze(task->map, purgeable_count, wired_count, clean_count, dirty_count, dirty_budget, shared); } task_lock(task); if (walk_only == FALSE && kr == KERN_SUCCESS) task->frozen = TRUE; task->changing_freeze_state = FALSE; thread_wakeup(&task->changing_freeze_state); task_unlock(task); return (kr); } /* * task_thaw: * * Thaw a currently frozen task. * * Conditions: * The caller holds a reference to the task */ extern void vm_consider_waking_compactor_swapper(void); kern_return_t task_thaw( register task_t task) { kern_return_t kr; if (task == TASK_NULL || task == kernel_task) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); while (task->changing_freeze_state) { assert_wait((event_t)&task->changing_freeze_state, THREAD_UNINT); task_unlock(task); thread_block(THREAD_CONTINUE_NULL); task_lock(task); } if (!task->frozen) { task_unlock(task); return (KERN_FAILURE); } task->changing_freeze_state = TRUE; if (DEFAULT_PAGER_IS_ACTIVE || DEFAULT_FREEZER_IS_ACTIVE) { task_unlock(task); kr = vm_map_thaw(task->map); task_lock(task); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) task->frozen = FALSE; } else { task->frozen = FALSE; kr = KERN_SUCCESS; } task->changing_freeze_state = FALSE; thread_wakeup(&task->changing_freeze_state); task_unlock(task); if (COMPRESSED_PAGER_IS_ACTIVE || DEFAULT_FREEZER_COMPRESSED_PAGER_IS_ACTIVE) { vm_consider_waking_compactor_swapper(); } return (kr); } #endif /* CONFIG_FREEZE */ kern_return_t host_security_set_task_token( host_security_t host_security, task_t task, security_token_t sec_token, audit_token_t audit_token, host_priv_t host_priv) { ipc_port_t host_port; kern_return_t kr; if (task == TASK_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); if (host_security == HOST_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_SECURITY); task_lock(task); task->sec_token = sec_token; task->audit_token = audit_token; task_unlock(task); if (host_priv != HOST_PRIV_NULL) { kr = host_get_host_priv_port(host_priv, &host_port); } else { kr = host_get_host_port(host_priv_self(), &host_port); } assert(kr == KERN_SUCCESS); kr = task_set_special_port(task, TASK_HOST_PORT, host_port); return(kr); } kern_return_t task_send_trace_memory( task_t target_task, __unused uint32_t pid, __unused uint64_t uniqueid) { kern_return_t kr = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; if (target_task == TASK_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); #if CONFIG_ATM kr = atm_send_proc_inspect_notification(target_task, pid, uniqueid); #endif return (kr); } /* * This routine was added, pretty much exclusively, for registering the * RPC glue vector for in-kernel short circuited tasks. Rather than * removing it completely, I have only disabled that feature (which was * the only feature at the time). It just appears that we are going to * want to add some user data to tasks in the future (i.e. bsd info, * task names, etc...), so I left it in the formal task interface. */ kern_return_t task_set_info( task_t task, task_flavor_t flavor, __unused task_info_t task_info_in, /* pointer to IN array */ __unused mach_msg_type_number_t task_info_count) { if (task == TASK_NULL) return(KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); switch (flavor) { #if CONFIG_ATM case TASK_TRACE_MEMORY_INFO: { if (task_info_count != TASK_TRACE_MEMORY_INFO_COUNT) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); assert(task_info_in != NULL); task_trace_memory_info_t mem_info; mem_info = (task_trace_memory_info_t) task_info_in; kern_return_t kr = atm_register_trace_memory(task, mem_info->user_memory_address, mem_info->buffer_size, mem_info->mailbox_array_size); return kr; break; } #endif default: return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } return (KERN_SUCCESS); } kern_return_t task_info( task_t task, task_flavor_t flavor, task_info_t task_info_out, mach_msg_type_number_t *task_info_count) { kern_return_t error = KERN_SUCCESS; if (task == TASK_NULL) return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); task_lock(task); if ((task != current_task()) && (!task->active)) { task_unlock(task); return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } switch (flavor) { case TASK_BASIC_INFO_32: case TASK_BASIC2_INFO_32: { task_basic_info_32_t basic_info; vm_map_t map; clock_sec_t secs; clock_usec_t usecs; if (*task_info_count < TASK_BASIC_INFO_32_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } basic_info = (task_basic_info_32_t)task_info_out; map = (task == kernel_task)? kernel_map: task->map; basic_info->virtual_size = (typeof(basic_info->virtual_size))map->size; if (flavor == TASK_BASIC2_INFO_32) { /* * The "BASIC2" flavor gets the maximum resident * size instead of the current resident size... */ basic_info->resident_size = pmap_resident_max(map->pmap); } else { basic_info->resident_size = pmap_resident_count(map->pmap); } basic_info->resident_size *= PAGE_SIZE; basic_info->policy = ((task != kernel_task)? POLICY_TIMESHARE: POLICY_RR); basic_info->suspend_count = task->user_stop_count; absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_user_time, &secs, &usecs); basic_info->user_time.seconds = (typeof(basic_info->user_time.seconds))secs; basic_info->user_time.microseconds = usecs; absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_system_time, &secs, &usecs); basic_info->system_time.seconds = (typeof(basic_info->system_time.seconds))secs; basic_info->system_time.microseconds = usecs; *task_info_count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_32_COUNT; break; } case TASK_BASIC_INFO_64: { task_basic_info_64_t basic_info; vm_map_t map; clock_sec_t secs; clock_usec_t usecs; if (*task_info_count < TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } basic_info = (task_basic_info_64_t)task_info_out; map = (task == kernel_task)? kernel_map: task->map; basic_info->virtual_size = map->size; basic_info->resident_size = (mach_vm_size_t)(pmap_resident_count(map->pmap)) * PAGE_SIZE_64; basic_info->policy = ((task != kernel_task)? POLICY_TIMESHARE: POLICY_RR); basic_info->suspend_count = task->user_stop_count; absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_user_time, &secs, &usecs); basic_info->user_time.seconds = (typeof(basic_info->user_time.seconds))secs; basic_info->user_time.microseconds = usecs; absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_system_time, &secs, &usecs); basic_info->system_time.seconds = (typeof(basic_info->system_time.seconds))secs; basic_info->system_time.microseconds = usecs; *task_info_count = TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_COUNT; break; } case MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO: { mach_task_basic_info_t basic_info; vm_map_t map; clock_sec_t secs; clock_usec_t usecs; if (*task_info_count < MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } basic_info = (mach_task_basic_info_t)task_info_out; map = (task == kernel_task) ? kernel_map : task->map; basic_info->virtual_size = map->size; basic_info->resident_size = (mach_vm_size_t)(pmap_resident_count(map->pmap)); basic_info->resident_size *= PAGE_SIZE_64; basic_info->resident_size_max = (mach_vm_size_t)(pmap_resident_max(map->pmap)); basic_info->resident_size_max *= PAGE_SIZE_64; basic_info->policy = ((task != kernel_task) ? POLICY_TIMESHARE : POLICY_RR); basic_info->suspend_count = task->user_stop_count; absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_user_time, &secs, &usecs); basic_info->user_time.seconds = (typeof(basic_info->user_time.seconds))secs; basic_info->user_time.microseconds = usecs; absolutetime_to_microtime(task->total_system_time, &secs, &usecs); basic_info->system_time.seconds = (typeof(basic_info->system_time.seconds))secs; basic_info->system_time.microseconds = usecs; *task_info_count = MACH_TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT; break; } case TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO: { register task_thread_times_info_t times_info; register thread_t thread; if (*task_info_count < TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } times_info = (task_thread_times_info_t) task_info_out; times_info->user_time.seconds = 0; times_info->user_time.microseconds = 0; times_info->system_time.seconds = 0; times_info->system_time.microseconds = 0; queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { time_value_t user_time, system_time; if (thread->options & TH_OPT_IDLE_THREAD) continue; thread_read_times(thread, &user_time, &system_time); time_value_add(×_info->user_time, &user_time); time_value_add(×_info->system_time, &system_time); } *task_info_count = TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT; break; } case TASK_ABSOLUTETIME_INFO: { task_absolutetime_info_t info; register thread_t thread; if (*task_info_count < TASK_ABSOLUTETIME_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } info = (task_absolutetime_info_t)task_info_out; info->threads_user = info->threads_system = 0; info->total_user = task->total_user_time; info->total_system = task->total_system_time; queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { uint64_t tval; spl_t x; if (thread->options & TH_OPT_IDLE_THREAD) continue; x = splsched(); thread_lock(thread); tval = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer); info->threads_user += tval; info->total_user += tval; tval = timer_grab(&thread->system_timer); if (thread->precise_user_kernel_time) { info->threads_system += tval; info->total_system += tval; } else { /* system_timer may represent either sys or user */ info->threads_user += tval; info->total_user += tval; } thread_unlock(thread); splx(x); } *task_info_count = TASK_ABSOLUTETIME_INFO_COUNT; break; } case TASK_DYLD_INFO: { task_dyld_info_t info; /* * We added the format field to TASK_DYLD_INFO output. For * temporary backward compatibility, accept the fact that * clients may ask for the old version - distinquished by the * size of the expected result structure. */ #define TASK_LEGACY_DYLD_INFO_COUNT \ offsetof(struct task_dyld_info, all_image_info_format)/sizeof(natural_t) if (*task_info_count < TASK_LEGACY_DYLD_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } info = (task_dyld_info_t)task_info_out; info->all_image_info_addr = task->all_image_info_addr; info->all_image_info_size = task->all_image_info_size; /* only set format on output for those expecting it */ if (*task_info_count >= TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT) { info->all_image_info_format = task_has_64BitAddr(task) ? TASK_DYLD_ALL_IMAGE_INFO_64 : TASK_DYLD_ALL_IMAGE_INFO_32 ; *task_info_count = TASK_DYLD_INFO_COUNT; } else { *task_info_count = TASK_LEGACY_DYLD_INFO_COUNT; } break; } case TASK_EXTMOD_INFO: { task_extmod_info_t info; void *p; if (*task_info_count < TASK_EXTMOD_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } info = (task_extmod_info_t)task_info_out; p = get_bsdtask_info(task); if (p) { proc_getexecutableuuid(p, info->task_uuid, sizeof(info->task_uuid)); } else { bzero(info->task_uuid, sizeof(info->task_uuid)); } info->extmod_statistics = task->extmod_statistics; *task_info_count = TASK_EXTMOD_INFO_COUNT; break; } case TASK_KERNELMEMORY_INFO: { task_kernelmemory_info_t tkm_info; ledger_amount_t credit, debit; if (*task_info_count < TASK_KERNELMEMORY_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } tkm_info = (task_kernelmemory_info_t) task_info_out; tkm_info->total_palloc = 0; tkm_info->total_pfree = 0; tkm_info->total_salloc = 0; tkm_info->total_sfree = 0; if (task == kernel_task) { /* * All shared allocs/frees from other tasks count against * the kernel private memory usage. If we are looking up * info for the kernel task, gather from everywhere. */ task_unlock(task); /* start by accounting for all the terminated tasks against the kernel */ tkm_info->total_palloc = tasks_tkm_private.alloc + tasks_tkm_shared.alloc; tkm_info->total_pfree = tasks_tkm_private.free + tasks_tkm_shared.free; /* count all other task/thread shared alloc/free against the kernel */ lck_mtx_lock(&tasks_threads_lock); /* XXX this really shouldn't be using the function parameter 'task' as a local var! */ queue_iterate(&tasks, task, task_t, tasks) { if (task == kernel_task) { if (ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.tkm_private, &credit, &debit) == KERN_SUCCESS) { tkm_info->total_palloc += credit; tkm_info->total_pfree += debit; } } if (!ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.tkm_shared, &credit, &debit)) { tkm_info->total_palloc += credit; tkm_info->total_pfree += debit; } } lck_mtx_unlock(&tasks_threads_lock); } else { if (!ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.tkm_private, &credit, &debit)) { tkm_info->total_palloc = credit; tkm_info->total_pfree = debit; } if (!ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.tkm_shared, &credit, &debit)) { tkm_info->total_salloc = credit; tkm_info->total_sfree = debit; } task_unlock(task); } *task_info_count = TASK_KERNELMEMORY_INFO_COUNT; return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* OBSOLETE */ case TASK_SCHED_FIFO_INFO: { if (*task_info_count < POLICY_FIFO_BASE_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } error = KERN_INVALID_POLICY; break; } /* OBSOLETE */ case TASK_SCHED_RR_INFO: { register policy_rr_base_t rr_base; uint32_t quantum_time; uint64_t quantum_ns; if (*task_info_count < POLICY_RR_BASE_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } rr_base = (policy_rr_base_t) task_info_out; if (task != kernel_task) { error = KERN_INVALID_POLICY; break; } rr_base->base_priority = task->priority; quantum_time = SCHED(initial_quantum_size)(THREAD_NULL); absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(quantum_time, &quantum_ns); rr_base->quantum = (uint32_t)(quantum_ns / 1000 / 1000); *task_info_count = POLICY_RR_BASE_COUNT; break; } /* OBSOLETE */ case TASK_SCHED_TIMESHARE_INFO: { register policy_timeshare_base_t ts_base; if (*task_info_count < POLICY_TIMESHARE_BASE_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } ts_base = (policy_timeshare_base_t) task_info_out; if (task == kernel_task) { error = KERN_INVALID_POLICY; break; } ts_base->base_priority = task->priority; *task_info_count = POLICY_TIMESHARE_BASE_COUNT; break; } case TASK_SECURITY_TOKEN: { register security_token_t *sec_token_p; if (*task_info_count < TASK_SECURITY_TOKEN_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } sec_token_p = (security_token_t *) task_info_out; *sec_token_p = task->sec_token; *task_info_count = TASK_SECURITY_TOKEN_COUNT; break; } case TASK_AUDIT_TOKEN: { register audit_token_t *audit_token_p; if (*task_info_count < TASK_AUDIT_TOKEN_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } audit_token_p = (audit_token_t *) task_info_out; *audit_token_p = task->audit_token; *task_info_count = TASK_AUDIT_TOKEN_COUNT; break; } case TASK_SCHED_INFO: error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; case TASK_EVENTS_INFO: { register task_events_info_t events_info; register thread_t thread; if (*task_info_count < TASK_EVENTS_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } events_info = (task_events_info_t) task_info_out; events_info->faults = task->faults; events_info->pageins = task->pageins; events_info->cow_faults = task->cow_faults; events_info->messages_sent = task->messages_sent; events_info->messages_received = task->messages_received; events_info->syscalls_mach = task->syscalls_mach; events_info->syscalls_unix = task->syscalls_unix; events_info->csw = task->c_switch; queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { events_info->csw += thread->c_switch; events_info->syscalls_mach += thread->syscalls_mach; events_info->syscalls_unix += thread->syscalls_unix; } *task_info_count = TASK_EVENTS_INFO_COUNT; break; } case TASK_AFFINITY_TAG_INFO: { if (*task_info_count < TASK_AFFINITY_TAG_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } error = task_affinity_info(task, task_info_out, task_info_count); break; } case TASK_POWER_INFO: { if (*task_info_count < TASK_POWER_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } task_power_info_locked(task, (task_power_info_t)task_info_out, NULL); break; } case TASK_POWER_INFO_V2: { if (*task_info_count < TASK_POWER_INFO_V2_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } task_power_info_v2_t tpiv2 = (task_power_info_v2_t) task_info_out; task_power_info_locked(task, &tpiv2->cpu_energy, &tpiv2->gpu_energy); break; } case TASK_VM_INFO: case TASK_VM_INFO_PURGEABLE: { task_vm_info_t vm_info; vm_map_t map; if (*task_info_count < TASK_VM_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } vm_info = (task_vm_info_t)task_info_out; if (task == kernel_task) { map = kernel_map; /* no lock */ } else { map = task->map; vm_map_lock_read(map); } vm_info->virtual_size = (typeof(vm_info->virtual_size))map->size; vm_info->region_count = map->hdr.nentries; vm_info->page_size = vm_map_page_size(map); vm_info->resident_size = pmap_resident_count(map->pmap); vm_info->resident_size *= PAGE_SIZE; vm_info->resident_size_peak = pmap_resident_max(map->pmap); vm_info->resident_size_peak *= PAGE_SIZE; #define _VM_INFO(_name) \ vm_info->_name = ((mach_vm_size_t) map->pmap->stats._name) * PAGE_SIZE _VM_INFO(device); _VM_INFO(device_peak); _VM_INFO(external); _VM_INFO(external_peak); _VM_INFO(internal); _VM_INFO(internal_peak); _VM_INFO(reusable); _VM_INFO(reusable_peak); _VM_INFO(compressed); _VM_INFO(compressed_peak); _VM_INFO(compressed_lifetime); vm_info->purgeable_volatile_pmap = 0; vm_info->purgeable_volatile_resident = 0; vm_info->purgeable_volatile_virtual = 0; if (task == kernel_task) { /* * We do not maintain the detailed stats for the * kernel_pmap, so just count everything as * "internal"... */ vm_info->internal = vm_info->resident_size; /* * ... but since the memory held by the VM compressor * in the kernel address space ought to be attributed * to user-space tasks, we subtract it from "internal" * to give memory reporting tools a more accurate idea * of what the kernel itself is actually using, instead * of making it look like the kernel is leaking memory * when the system is under memory pressure. */ vm_info->internal -= (VM_PAGE_COMPRESSOR_COUNT * PAGE_SIZE); } else { mach_vm_size_t volatile_virtual_size; mach_vm_size_t volatile_resident_size; mach_vm_size_t volatile_pmap_size; kern_return_t kr; if (flavor == TASK_VM_INFO_PURGEABLE) { kr = vm_map_query_volatile( map, &volatile_virtual_size, &volatile_resident_size, &volatile_pmap_size); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) { vm_info->purgeable_volatile_pmap = volatile_pmap_size; vm_info->purgeable_volatile_resident = volatile_resident_size; vm_info->purgeable_volatile_virtual = volatile_virtual_size; } } vm_map_unlock_read(map); } *task_info_count = TASK_VM_INFO_COUNT; break; } case TASK_WAIT_STATE_INFO: { /* * Deprecated flavor. Currently allowing some results until all users * stop calling it. The results may not be accurate. */ task_wait_state_info_t wait_state_info; uint64_t total_sfi_ledger_val = 0; if (*task_info_count < TASK_WAIT_STATE_INFO_COUNT) { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; break; } wait_state_info = (task_wait_state_info_t) task_info_out; wait_state_info->total_wait_state_time = 0; bzero(wait_state_info->_reserved, sizeof(wait_state_info->_reserved)); int i, prev_lentry = -1; int64_t val_credit, val_debit; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SFI_CLASS_ID; i++){ val_credit =0; /* * checking with prev_lentry != entry ensures adjacent classes * which share the same ledger do not add wait times twice. * Note: Use ledger() call to get data for each individual sfi class. */ if (prev_lentry != task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[i] && KERN_SUCCESS == ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[i], &val_credit, &val_debit)) { total_sfi_ledger_val += val_credit; } prev_lentry = task_ledgers.sfi_wait_times[i]; } wait_state_info->total_wait_sfi_state_time = total_sfi_ledger_val; *task_info_count = TASK_WAIT_STATE_INFO_COUNT; break; } default: error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } task_unlock(task); return (error); } /* * task_power_info * * Returns power stats for the task. * Note: Called with task locked. */ void task_power_info_locked( task_t task, task_power_info_t info, gpu_energy_data_t ginfo) { thread_t thread; ledger_amount_t tmp; task_lock_assert_owned(task); ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, (ledger_amount_t *)&info->task_interrupt_wakeups, &tmp); ledger_get_entries(task->ledger, task_ledgers.platform_idle_wakeups, (ledger_amount_t *)&info->task_platform_idle_wakeups, &tmp); info->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1 = task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1; info->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2 = task->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2; info->total_user = task->total_user_time; info->total_system = task->total_system_time; if (ginfo) { ginfo->task_gpu_utilisation = task->task_gpu_ns; } queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { uint64_t tval; spl_t x; if (thread->options & TH_OPT_IDLE_THREAD) continue; x = splsched(); thread_lock(thread); info->task_timer_wakeups_bin_1 += thread->thread_timer_wakeups_bin_1; info->task_timer_wakeups_bin_2 += thread->thread_timer_wakeups_bin_2; tval = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer); info->total_user += tval; tval = timer_grab(&thread->system_timer); if (thread->precise_user_kernel_time) { info->total_system += tval; } else { /* system_timer may represent either sys or user */ info->total_user += tval; } if (ginfo) { ginfo->task_gpu_utilisation += ml_gpu_stat(thread); } thread_unlock(thread); splx(x); } } /* * task_gpu_utilisation * * Returns the total gpu time used by the all the threads of the task * (both dead and alive) */ uint64_t task_gpu_utilisation( task_t task) { uint64_t gpu_time = 0; thread_t thread; task_lock(task); gpu_time += task->task_gpu_ns; queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { spl_t x; x = splsched(); thread_lock(thread); gpu_time += ml_gpu_stat(thread); thread_unlock(thread); splx(x); } task_unlock(task); return gpu_time; } kern_return_t task_purgable_info( task_t task, task_purgable_info_t *stats) { if (task == TASK_NULL || stats == NULL) return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; /* Take task reference */ task_reference(task); vm_purgeable_stats((vm_purgeable_info_t)stats, task); /* Drop task reference */ task_deallocate(task); return KERN_SUCCESS; } void task_vtimer_set( task_t task, integer_t which) { thread_t thread; spl_t x; /* assert(task == current_task()); */ /* bogus assert 4803227 4807483 */ task_lock(task); task->vtimers |= which; switch (which) { case TASK_VTIMER_USER: queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { x = splsched(); thread_lock(thread); if (thread->precise_user_kernel_time) thread->vtimer_user_save = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer); else thread->vtimer_user_save = timer_grab(&thread->system_timer); thread_unlock(thread); splx(x); } break; case TASK_VTIMER_PROF: queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { x = splsched(); thread_lock(thread); thread->vtimer_prof_save = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer); thread->vtimer_prof_save += timer_grab(&thread->system_timer); thread_unlock(thread); splx(x); } break; case TASK_VTIMER_RLIM: queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { x = splsched(); thread_lock(thread); thread->vtimer_rlim_save = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer); thread->vtimer_rlim_save += timer_grab(&thread->system_timer); thread_unlock(thread); splx(x); } break; } task_unlock(task); } void task_vtimer_clear( task_t task, integer_t which) { assert(task == current_task()); task_lock(task); task->vtimers &= ~which; task_unlock(task); } void task_vtimer_update( __unused task_t task, integer_t which, uint32_t *microsecs) { thread_t thread = current_thread(); uint32_t tdelt; clock_sec_t secs; uint64_t tsum; assert(task == current_task()); assert(task->vtimers & which); secs = tdelt = 0; switch (which) { case TASK_VTIMER_USER: if (thread->precise_user_kernel_time) { tdelt = (uint32_t)timer_delta(&thread->user_timer, &thread->vtimer_user_save); } else { tdelt = (uint32_t)timer_delta(&thread->system_timer, &thread->vtimer_user_save); } absolutetime_to_microtime(tdelt, &secs, microsecs); break; case TASK_VTIMER_PROF: tsum = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer); tsum += timer_grab(&thread->system_timer); tdelt = (uint32_t)(tsum - thread->vtimer_prof_save); absolutetime_to_microtime(tdelt, &secs, microsecs); /* if the time delta is smaller than a usec, ignore */ if (*microsecs != 0) thread->vtimer_prof_save = tsum; break; case TASK_VTIMER_RLIM: tsum = timer_grab(&thread->user_timer); tsum += timer_grab(&thread->system_timer); tdelt = (uint32_t)(tsum - thread->vtimer_rlim_save); thread->vtimer_rlim_save = tsum; absolutetime_to_microtime(tdelt, &secs, microsecs); break; } } /* * task_assign: * * Change the assigned processor set for the task */ kern_return_t task_assign( __unused task_t task, __unused processor_set_t new_pset, __unused boolean_t assign_threads) { return(KERN_FAILURE); } /* * task_assign_default: * * Version of task_assign to assign to default processor set. */ kern_return_t task_assign_default( task_t task, boolean_t assign_threads) { return (task_assign(task, &pset0, assign_threads)); } /* * task_get_assignment * * Return name of processor set that task is assigned to. */ kern_return_t task_get_assignment( task_t task, processor_set_t *pset) { if (!task->active) return(KERN_FAILURE); *pset = &pset0; return (KERN_SUCCESS); } /* * task_policy * * Set scheduling policy and parameters, both base and limit, for * the given task. Policy must be a policy which is enabled for the * processor set. Change contained threads if requested. */ kern_return_t task_policy( __unused task_t task, __unused policy_t policy_id, __unused policy_base_t base, __unused mach_msg_type_number_t count, __unused boolean_t set_limit, __unused boolean_t change) { return(KERN_FAILURE); } /* * task_set_policy * * Set scheduling policy and parameters, both base and limit, for * the given task. Policy can be any policy implemented by the * processor set, whether enabled or not. Change contained threads * if requested. */ kern_return_t task_set_policy( __unused task_t task, __unused processor_set_t pset, __unused policy_t policy_id, __unused policy_base_t base, __unused mach_msg_type_number_t base_count, __unused policy_limit_t limit, __unused mach_msg_type_number_t limit_count, __unused boolean_t change) { return(KERN_FAILURE); } kern_return_t task_set_ras_pc( __unused task_t task, __unused vm_offset_t pc, __unused vm_offset_t endpc) { return KERN_FAILURE; } void task_synchronizer_destroy_all(task_t task) { semaphore_t semaphore; /* * Destroy owned semaphores */ while (!queue_empty(&task->semaphore_list)) { semaphore = (semaphore_t) queue_first(&task->semaphore_list); (void) semaphore_destroy(task, semaphore); } } /* * Install default (machine-dependent) initial thread state * on the task. Subsequent thread creation will have this initial * state set on the thread by machine_thread_inherit_taskwide(). * Flavors and structures are exactly the same as those to thread_set_state() */ kern_return_t task_set_state( task_t task, int flavor, thread_state_t state, mach_msg_type_number_t state_count) { kern_return_t ret; if (task == TASK_NULL) { return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } task_lock(task); if (!task->active) { task_unlock(task); return (KERN_FAILURE); } ret = machine_task_set_state(task, flavor, state, state_count); task_unlock(task); return ret; } /* * Examine the default (machine-dependent) initial thread state * on the task, as set by task_set_state(). Flavors and structures * are exactly the same as those passed to thread_get_state(). */ kern_return_t task_get_state( task_t task, int flavor, thread_state_t state, mach_msg_type_number_t *state_count) { kern_return_t ret; if (task == TASK_NULL) { return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } task_lock(task); if (!task->active) { task_unlock(task); return (KERN_FAILURE); } ret = machine_task_get_state(task, flavor, state, state_count); task_unlock(task); return ret; } #if CONFIG_JETSAM #define HWM_USERCORE_MINSPACE 250 // free space (in MB) required *after* core file creation void __attribute__((noinline)) THIS_PROCESS_CROSSED_HIGH_WATERMARK__SENDING_EXC_RESOURCE(int max_footprint_mb) { task_t task = current_task(); int pid = 0; char *procname = (char *) "unknown"; mach_exception_data_type_t code[EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX]; #ifdef MACH_BSD pid = proc_selfpid(); if (pid == 1) { /* * Cannot have ReportCrash analyzing * a suspended initproc. */ return; } if (task->bsd_info != NULL) procname = proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info); #endif if (hwm_user_cores) { int error; uint64_t starttime, end; clock_sec_t secs = 0; uint32_t microsecs = 0; starttime = mach_absolute_time(); /* * Trigger a coredump of this process. Don't proceed unless we know we won't * be filling up the disk; and ignore the core size resource limit for this * core file. */ if ((error = coredump(current_task()->bsd_info, HWM_USERCORE_MINSPACE, 1)) != 0) { printf("couldn't take coredump of %s[%d]: %d\n", procname, pid, error); } /* * coredump() leaves the task suspended. */ task_resume_internal(current_task()); end = mach_absolute_time(); absolutetime_to_microtime(end - starttime, &secs, µsecs); printf("coredump of %s[%d] taken in %d secs %d microsecs\n", proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info), pid, (int)secs, microsecs); } if (disable_exc_resource) { printf("process %s[%d] crossed memory high watermark (%d MB); EXC_RESOURCE " "supressed by a boot-arg.\n", procname, pid, max_footprint_mb); return; } printf("process %s[%d] crossed memory high watermark (%d MB); sending " "EXC_RESOURCE.\n", procname, pid, max_footprint_mb); code[0] = code[1] = 0; EXC_RESOURCE_ENCODE_TYPE(code[0], RESOURCE_TYPE_MEMORY); EXC_RESOURCE_ENCODE_FLAVOR(code[0], FLAVOR_HIGH_WATERMARK); EXC_RESOURCE_HWM_ENCODE_LIMIT(code[0], max_footprint_mb); /* * Use the _internal_ variant so that no user-space * process can resume our task from under us. */ task_suspend_internal(task); exception_triage(EXC_RESOURCE, code, EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX); task_resume_internal(task); } /* * Callback invoked when a task exceeds its physical footprint limit. */ void task_footprint_exceeded(int warning, __unused const void *param0, __unused const void *param1) { ledger_amount_t max_footprint, max_footprint_mb; ledger_amount_t footprint_after_purge; task_t task; if (warning == LEDGER_WARNING_DIPPED_BELOW) { /* * Task memory limits only provide a warning on the way up. */ return; } task = current_task(); ledger_get_limit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, &max_footprint); max_footprint_mb = max_footprint >> 20; /* * Try and purge all "volatile" memory in that task first. */ (void) task_purge_volatile_memory(task); /* are we still over the limit ? */ ledger_get_balance(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, &footprint_after_purge); if ((!warning && footprint_after_purge <= max_footprint) || (warning && footprint_after_purge <= ((max_footprint * PHYS_FOOTPRINT_WARNING_LEVEL) / 100))) { /* all better now */ ledger_reset_callback_state(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint); return; } /* still over the limit after purging... */ /* * If this an actual violation (not a warning), * generate a non-fatal high watermark EXC_RESOURCE. */ if ((warning == 0) && (task->rusage_cpu_flags & TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_PHYS_FOOTPRINT_EXCEPTION)) { THIS_PROCESS_CROSSED_HIGH_WATERMARK__SENDING_EXC_RESOURCE((int)max_footprint_mb); } memorystatus_on_ledger_footprint_exceeded((warning == LEDGER_WARNING_ROSE_ABOVE) ? TRUE : FALSE, (int)max_footprint_mb); } extern int proc_check_footprint_priv(void); kern_return_t task_set_phys_footprint_limit( task_t task, int new_limit_mb, int *old_limit_mb) { kern_return_t error; if ((error = proc_check_footprint_priv())) { return (KERN_NO_ACCESS); } return task_set_phys_footprint_limit_internal(task, new_limit_mb, old_limit_mb, FALSE); } kern_return_t task_set_phys_footprint_limit_internal( task_t task, int new_limit_mb, int *old_limit_mb, boolean_t trigger_exception) { ledger_amount_t old; ledger_get_limit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, &old); if (old_limit_mb) { *old_limit_mb = old >> 20; } if (new_limit_mb == -1) { /* * Caller wishes to remove the limit. */ ledger_set_limit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, max_task_footprint ? max_task_footprint : LEDGER_LIMIT_INFINITY, max_task_footprint ? PHYS_FOOTPRINT_WARNING_LEVEL : 0); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } #ifdef CONFIG_NOMONITORS return (KERN_SUCCESS); #endif /* CONFIG_NOMONITORS */ task_lock(task); if (trigger_exception) { task->rusage_cpu_flags |= TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_PHYS_FOOTPRINT_EXCEPTION; } else { task->rusage_cpu_flags &= ~TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_PHYS_FOOTPRINT_EXCEPTION; } ledger_set_limit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, (ledger_amount_t)new_limit_mb << 20, PHYS_FOOTPRINT_WARNING_LEVEL); task_unlock(task); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } kern_return_t task_get_phys_footprint_limit( task_t task, int *limit_mb) { ledger_amount_t limit; ledger_get_limit(task->ledger, task_ledgers.phys_footprint, &limit); *limit_mb = limit >> 20; return (KERN_SUCCESS); } #else /* CONFIG_JETSAM */ kern_return_t task_set_phys_footprint_limit( __unused task_t task, __unused int new_limit_mb, __unused int *old_limit_mb) { return (KERN_FAILURE); } kern_return_t task_get_phys_footprint_limit( __unused task_t task, __unused int *limit_mb) { return (KERN_FAILURE); } #endif /* CONFIG_JETSAM */ /* * We need to export some functions to other components that * are currently implemented in macros within the osfmk * component. Just export them as functions of the same name. */ boolean_t is_kerneltask(task_t t) { if (t == kernel_task) return (TRUE); return (FALSE); } int check_for_tasksuspend(task_t task) { if (task == TASK_NULL) return (0); return (task->suspend_count > 0); } #undef current_task task_t current_task(void); task_t current_task(void) { return (current_task_fast()); } #undef task_reference void task_reference(task_t task); void task_reference( task_t task) { if (task != TASK_NULL) task_reference_internal(task); } /* * This routine is called always with task lock held. * And it returns a thread handle without reference as the caller * operates on it under the task lock held. */ thread_t task_findtid(task_t task, uint64_t tid) { thread_t thread= THREAD_NULL; queue_iterate(&task->threads, thread, thread_t, task_threads) { if (thread->thread_id == tid) return(thread); } return(THREAD_NULL); } /* * Control the CPU usage monitor for a task. */ kern_return_t task_cpu_usage_monitor_ctl(task_t task, uint32_t *flags) { int error = KERN_SUCCESS; if (*flags & CPUMON_MAKE_FATAL) { task->rusage_cpu_flags |= TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_FATAL_CPUMON; } else { error = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } return error; } /* * Control the wakeups monitor for a task. */ kern_return_t task_wakeups_monitor_ctl(task_t task, uint32_t *flags, int32_t *rate_hz) { ledger_t ledger = task->ledger; task_lock(task); if (*flags & WAKEMON_GET_PARAMS) { ledger_amount_t limit; uint64_t period; ledger_get_limit(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, &limit); ledger_get_period(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, &period); if (limit != LEDGER_LIMIT_INFINITY) { /* * An active limit means the wakeups monitor is enabled. */ *rate_hz = (int32_t)(limit / (int64_t)(period / NSEC_PER_SEC)); *flags = WAKEMON_ENABLE; if (task->rusage_cpu_flags & TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_FATAL_WAKEUPSMON) { *flags |= WAKEMON_MAKE_FATAL; } } else { *flags = WAKEMON_DISABLE; *rate_hz = -1; } /* * If WAKEMON_GET_PARAMS is present in flags, all other flags are ignored. */ task_unlock(task); return KERN_SUCCESS; } if (*flags & WAKEMON_ENABLE) { if (*flags & WAKEMON_SET_DEFAULTS) { *rate_hz = task_wakeups_monitor_rate; } #ifndef CONFIG_NOMONITORS if (*flags & WAKEMON_MAKE_FATAL) { task->rusage_cpu_flags |= TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_FATAL_WAKEUPSMON; } #endif /* CONFIG_NOMONITORS */ if (*rate_hz < 0) { task_unlock(task); return KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT; } #ifndef CONFIG_NOMONITORS ledger_set_limit(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, *rate_hz * task_wakeups_monitor_interval, task_wakeups_monitor_ustackshots_trigger_pct); ledger_set_period(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, task_wakeups_monitor_interval * NSEC_PER_SEC); ledger_enable_callback(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups); #endif /* CONFIG_NOMONITORS */ } else if (*flags & WAKEMON_DISABLE) { /* * Caller wishes to disable wakeups monitor on the task. * * Disable telemetry if it was triggered by the wakeups monitor, and * remove the limit & callback on the wakeups ledger entry. */ #if CONFIG_TELEMETRY telemetry_task_ctl_locked(current_task(), TF_WAKEMON_WARNING, 0); #endif ledger_disable_refill(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups); ledger_disable_callback(ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups); } task_unlock(task); return KERN_SUCCESS; } void task_wakeups_rate_exceeded(int warning, __unused const void *param0, __unused const void *param1) { if (warning == LEDGER_WARNING_ROSE_ABOVE) { #if CONFIG_TELEMETRY /* * This task is in danger of violating the wakeups monitor. Enable telemetry on this task * so there are micro-stackshots available if and when EXC_RESOURCE is triggered. */ telemetry_task_ctl(current_task(), TF_WAKEMON_WARNING, 1); #endif return; } #if CONFIG_TELEMETRY /* * If the balance has dipped below the warning level (LEDGER_WARNING_DIPPED_BELOW) or * exceeded the limit, turn telemetry off for the task. */ telemetry_task_ctl(current_task(), TF_WAKEMON_WARNING, 0); #endif if (warning == 0) { THIS_PROCESS_IS_CAUSING_TOO_MANY_WAKEUPS__SENDING_EXC_RESOURCE(); } } void __attribute__((noinline)) THIS_PROCESS_IS_CAUSING_TOO_MANY_WAKEUPS__SENDING_EXC_RESOURCE(void) { task_t task = current_task(); int pid = 0; char *procname = (char *) "unknown"; uint64_t observed_wakeups_rate; uint64_t permitted_wakeups_rate; uint64_t observation_interval; mach_exception_data_type_t code[EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX]; struct ledger_entry_info lei; #ifdef MACH_BSD pid = proc_selfpid(); if (task->bsd_info != NULL) procname = proc_name_address(current_task()->bsd_info); #endif ledger_get_entry_info(task->ledger, task_ledgers.interrupt_wakeups, &lei); /* * Disable the exception notification so we don't overwhelm * the listener with an endless stream of redundant exceptions. */ uint32_t flags = WAKEMON_DISABLE; task_wakeups_monitor_ctl(task, &flags, NULL); observed_wakeups_rate = (lei.lei_balance * (int64_t)NSEC_PER_SEC) / lei.lei_last_refill; permitted_wakeups_rate = lei.lei_limit / task_wakeups_monitor_interval; observation_interval = lei.lei_refill_period / NSEC_PER_SEC; if (disable_exc_resource) { printf("process %s[%d] caught causing excessive wakeups. EXC_RESOURCE " "supressed by a boot-arg\n", procname, pid); return; } if (audio_active) { printf("process %s[%d] caught causing excessive wakeups. EXC_RESOURCE " "supressed due to audio playback\n", procname, pid); return; } printf("process %s[%d] caught causing excessive wakeups. Observed wakeups rate " "(per sec): %lld; Maximum permitted wakeups rate (per sec): %lld; Observation " "period: %lld seconds; Task lifetime number of wakeups: %lld\n", procname, pid, observed_wakeups_rate, permitted_wakeups_rate, observation_interval, lei.lei_credit); code[0] = code[1] = 0; EXC_RESOURCE_ENCODE_TYPE(code[0], RESOURCE_TYPE_WAKEUPS); EXC_RESOURCE_ENCODE_FLAVOR(code[0], FLAVOR_WAKEUPS_MONITOR); EXC_RESOURCE_CPUMONITOR_ENCODE_WAKEUPS_PERMITTED(code[0], task_wakeups_monitor_rate); EXC_RESOURCE_CPUMONITOR_ENCODE_OBSERVATION_INTERVAL(code[0], observation_interval); EXC_RESOURCE_CPUMONITOR_ENCODE_WAKEUPS_OBSERVED(code[1], lei.lei_balance * (int64_t)NSEC_PER_SEC / lei.lei_last_refill); exception_triage(EXC_RESOURCE, code, EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX); if (task->rusage_cpu_flags & TASK_RUSECPU_FLAGS_FATAL_WAKEUPSMON) { task_terminate_internal(task); } } kern_return_t task_purge_volatile_memory( task_t task) { vm_map_t map; int num_object_purged; if (task == TASK_NULL) return KERN_INVALID_TASK; task_lock(task); if (!task->active) { task_unlock(task); return KERN_INVALID_TASK; } map = task->map; if (map == VM_MAP_NULL) { task_unlock(task); return KERN_INVALID_TASK; } vm_map_reference(task->map); task_unlock(task); num_object_purged = vm_map_purge(map); vm_map_deallocate(map); return KERN_SUCCESS; } /* Placeholders for the task set/get voucher interfaces */ kern_return_t task_get_mach_voucher( task_t task, mach_voucher_selector_t __unused which, ipc_voucher_t *voucher) { if (TASK_NULL == task) return KERN_INVALID_TASK; *voucher = NULL; return KERN_SUCCESS; } kern_return_t task_set_mach_voucher( task_t task, ipc_voucher_t __unused voucher) { if (TASK_NULL == task) return KERN_INVALID_TASK; return KERN_SUCCESS; } kern_return_t task_swap_mach_voucher( task_t task, ipc_voucher_t new_voucher, ipc_voucher_t *in_out_old_voucher) { if (TASK_NULL == task) return KERN_INVALID_TASK; *in_out_old_voucher = new_voucher; return KERN_SUCCESS; } void task_set_gpu_denied(task_t task, boolean_t denied) { task_lock(task); if (denied) { task->t_flags |= TF_GPU_DENIED; } else { task->t_flags &= ~TF_GPU_DENIED; } task_unlock(task); } boolean_t task_is_gpu_denied(task_t task) { /* We don't need the lock to read this flag */ return (task->t_flags & TF_GPU_DENIED) ? TRUE : FALSE; }