/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#include #include #include /* spl definitions */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) #include #endif #include #define EXTERN #define MIGEXTERN /* * Functions in iokit:IOUserClient.cpp */ extern void iokit_add_reference( io_object_t obj ); extern ipc_port_t iokit_port_for_object( io_object_t obj, ipc_kobject_type_t type ); extern kern_return_t iokit_client_died( io_object_t obj, ipc_port_t port, ipc_kobject_type_t type, mach_port_mscount_t * mscount ); extern kern_return_t iokit_client_memory_for_type( io_object_t connect, unsigned int type, unsigned int * flags, vm_address_t * address, vm_size_t * size ); extern ppnum_t IOGetLastPageNumber(void); /* * Functions imported by iokit:IOUserClient.cpp */ extern ipc_port_t iokit_alloc_object_port( io_object_t obj, ipc_kobject_type_t type ); extern kern_return_t iokit_destroy_object_port( ipc_port_t port ); extern mach_port_name_t iokit_make_send_right( task_t task, io_object_t obj, ipc_kobject_type_t type ); extern kern_return_t iokit_mod_send_right( task_t task, mach_port_name_t name, mach_port_delta_t delta ); extern io_object_t iokit_lookup_connect_ref(io_object_t clientRef, ipc_space_t task); extern io_object_t iokit_lookup_connect_ref_current_task(io_object_t clientRef); extern void iokit_retain_port( ipc_port_t port ); extern void iokit_release_port( ipc_port_t port ); extern void iokit_release_port_send( ipc_port_t port ); extern void iokit_lock_port(ipc_port_t port); extern void iokit_unlock_port(ipc_port_t port); extern kern_return_t iokit_switch_object_port( ipc_port_t port, io_object_t obj, ipc_kobject_type_t type ); /* * Functions imported by iokit:IOMemoryDescriptor.cpp */ extern kern_return_t IOMapPages(vm_map_t map, mach_vm_address_t va, mach_vm_address_t pa, mach_vm_size_t length, unsigned int mapFlags); extern kern_return_t IOUnmapPages(vm_map_t map, mach_vm_address_t va, mach_vm_size_t length); extern kern_return_t IOProtectCacheMode(vm_map_t map, mach_vm_address_t va, mach_vm_size_t length, unsigned int options); extern unsigned int IODefaultCacheBits(addr64_t pa); /* * Lookup a device by its port. * Doesn't consume the naked send right; produces a device reference. */ MIGEXTERN io_object_t iokit_lookup_object_port( ipc_port_t port) { register io_object_t obj; if (!IP_VALID(port)) return (NULL); iokit_lock_port(port); if (ip_active(port) && (ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_IOKIT_OBJECT)) { obj = (io_object_t) port->ip_kobject; iokit_add_reference( obj ); } else obj = NULL; iokit_unlock_port(port); return( obj ); } MIGEXTERN io_object_t iokit_lookup_connect_port( ipc_port_t port) { register io_object_t obj; if (!IP_VALID(port)) return (NULL); iokit_lock_port(port); if (ip_active(port) && (ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_IOKIT_CONNECT)) { obj = (io_object_t) port->ip_kobject; iokit_add_reference( obj ); } else obj = NULL; iokit_unlock_port(port); return( obj ); } EXTERN io_object_t iokit_lookup_connect_ref(io_object_t connectRef, ipc_space_t space) { io_object_t obj = NULL; if (connectRef && MACH_PORT_VALID(CAST_MACH_PORT_TO_NAME(connectRef))) { ipc_port_t port; kern_return_t kr; kr = ipc_object_translate(space, CAST_MACH_PORT_TO_NAME(connectRef), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_SEND, (ipc_object_t *)&port); if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) { assert(IP_VALID(port)); ip_reference(port); ip_unlock(port); iokit_lock_port(port); if (ip_active(port) && (ip_kotype(port) == IKOT_IOKIT_CONNECT)) { obj = (io_object_t) port->ip_kobject; iokit_add_reference(obj); } iokit_unlock_port(port); ip_release(port); } } return obj; } EXTERN io_object_t iokit_lookup_connect_ref_current_task(io_object_t connectRef) { return iokit_lookup_connect_ref(connectRef, current_space()); } EXTERN void iokit_retain_port( ipc_port_t port ) { ipc_port_reference( port ); } EXTERN void iokit_release_port( ipc_port_t port ) { ipc_port_release( port ); } EXTERN void iokit_release_port_send( ipc_port_t port ) { ipc_port_release_send( port ); } extern lck_mtx_t iokit_obj_to_port_binding_lock; EXTERN void iokit_lock_port( __unused ipc_port_t port ) { lck_mtx_lock(&iokit_obj_to_port_binding_lock); } EXTERN void iokit_unlock_port( __unused ipc_port_t port ) { lck_mtx_unlock(&iokit_obj_to_port_binding_lock); } /* * Get the port for a device. * Consumes a device reference; produces a naked send right. */ MIGEXTERN ipc_port_t iokit_make_object_port( io_object_t obj ) { register ipc_port_t port; register ipc_port_t sendPort; if( obj == NULL) return IP_NULL; port = iokit_port_for_object( obj, IKOT_IOKIT_OBJECT ); if( port) { sendPort = ipc_port_make_send( port); iokit_release_port( port ); } else sendPort = IP_NULL; iokit_remove_reference( obj ); return( sendPort); } MIGEXTERN ipc_port_t iokit_make_connect_port( io_object_t obj ) { register ipc_port_t port; register ipc_port_t sendPort; if( obj == NULL) return IP_NULL; port = iokit_port_for_object( obj, IKOT_IOKIT_CONNECT ); if( port) { sendPort = ipc_port_make_send( port); iokit_release_port( port ); } else sendPort = IP_NULL; iokit_remove_reference( obj ); return( sendPort); } int gIOKitPortCount; EXTERN ipc_port_t iokit_alloc_object_port( io_object_t obj, ipc_kobject_type_t type ) { ipc_port_t notify; ipc_port_t port; do { /* Allocate port, keeping a reference for it. */ port = ipc_port_alloc_kernel(); if( port == IP_NULL) continue; /* set kobject & type */ // iokit_add_reference( obj ); ipc_kobject_set( port, (ipc_kobject_t) obj, type); /* Request no-senders notifications on the port. */ ip_lock( port); notify = ipc_port_make_sonce_locked( port); ipc_port_nsrequest( port, 1, notify, ¬ify); /* port unlocked */ assert( notify == IP_NULL); gIOKitPortCount++; } while( FALSE); return( port ); } EXTERN kern_return_t iokit_destroy_object_port( ipc_port_t port ) { iokit_lock_port(port); ipc_kobject_set( port, IKO_NULL, IKOT_NONE); // iokit_remove_reference( obj ); iokit_unlock_port(port); ipc_port_dealloc_kernel( port); gIOKitPortCount--; return( KERN_SUCCESS); } EXTERN kern_return_t iokit_switch_object_port( ipc_port_t port, io_object_t obj, ipc_kobject_type_t type ) { iokit_lock_port(port); ipc_kobject_set( port, (ipc_kobject_t) obj, type); iokit_unlock_port(port); return( KERN_SUCCESS); } EXTERN mach_port_name_t iokit_make_send_right( task_t task, io_object_t obj, ipc_kobject_type_t type ) { ipc_port_t port; ipc_port_t sendPort; mach_port_name_t name = 0; if( obj == NULL) return MACH_PORT_NULL; port = iokit_port_for_object( obj, type ); if( port) { sendPort = ipc_port_make_send( port); iokit_release_port( port ); } else sendPort = IP_NULL; if (IP_VALID( sendPort )) { kern_return_t kr; kr = ipc_object_copyout( task->itk_space, (ipc_object_t) sendPort, MACH_MSG_TYPE_PORT_SEND, TRUE, &name); if ( kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { ipc_port_release_send( sendPort ); name = MACH_PORT_NULL; } } else if ( sendPort == IP_NULL) name = MACH_PORT_NULL; else if ( sendPort == IP_DEAD) name = MACH_PORT_DEAD; iokit_remove_reference( obj ); return( name ); } EXTERN kern_return_t iokit_mod_send_right( task_t task, mach_port_name_t name, mach_port_delta_t delta ) { return (mach_port_mod_refs( task->itk_space, name, MACH_PORT_RIGHT_SEND, delta )); } /* * Handle the No-More_Senders notification generated from a device port destroy. * Since there are no longer any tasks which hold a send right to this device * port a NMS notification has been generated. */ static void iokit_no_senders( mach_no_senders_notification_t * notification ) { ipc_port_t port; io_object_t obj = NULL; ipc_kobject_type_t type = IKOT_NONE; ipc_port_t notify; port = (ipc_port_t) notification->not_header.msgh_remote_port; // convert a port to io_object_t. if( IP_VALID(port)) { iokit_lock_port(port); if( ip_active(port)) { obj = (io_object_t) port->ip_kobject; type = ip_kotype( port ); if( (IKOT_IOKIT_OBJECT == type) || (IKOT_IOKIT_CONNECT == type)) iokit_add_reference( obj ); else obj = NULL; } iokit_unlock_port(port); if( obj ) { mach_port_mscount_t mscount = notification->not_count; if( KERN_SUCCESS != iokit_client_died( obj, port, type, &mscount )) { /* Re-request no-senders notifications on the port (if still active) */ ip_lock(port); if (ip_active(port)) { notify = ipc_port_make_sonce_locked(port); ipc_port_nsrequest( port, mscount + 1, notify, ¬ify); /* port unlocked */ if ( notify != IP_NULL) ipc_port_release_sonce(notify); } else { ip_unlock(port); } } iokit_remove_reference( obj ); } } } EXTERN boolean_t iokit_notify( mach_msg_header_t * msg ) { switch (msg->msgh_id) { case MACH_NOTIFY_NO_SENDERS: iokit_no_senders((mach_no_senders_notification_t *) msg); return TRUE; case MACH_NOTIFY_PORT_DELETED: case MACH_NOTIFY_PORT_DESTROYED: case MACH_NOTIFY_SEND_ONCE: case MACH_NOTIFY_DEAD_NAME: default: printf("iokit_notify: strange notification %d\n", msg->msgh_id); return FALSE; } } /* need to create a pmap function to generalize */ unsigned int IODefaultCacheBits(addr64_t pa) { return(pmap_cache_attributes((ppnum_t)(pa >> PAGE_SHIFT))); } kern_return_t IOMapPages(vm_map_t map, mach_vm_address_t va, mach_vm_address_t pa, mach_vm_size_t length, unsigned int options) { vm_prot_t prot; unsigned int flags; ppnum_t pagenum; pmap_t pmap = map->pmap; prot = (options & kIOMapReadOnly) ? VM_PROT_READ : (VM_PROT_READ|VM_PROT_WRITE); pagenum = (ppnum_t)atop_64(pa); switch(options & kIOMapCacheMask ) { /* What cache mode do we need? */ case kIOMapDefaultCache: default: flags = IODefaultCacheBits(pa); break; case kIOMapInhibitCache: flags = VM_WIMG_IO; break; case kIOMapWriteThruCache: flags = VM_WIMG_WTHRU; break; case kIOMapWriteCombineCache: flags = VM_WIMG_WCOMB; break; case kIOMapCopybackCache: flags = VM_WIMG_COPYBACK; break; case kIOMapCopybackInnerCache: flags = VM_WIMG_INNERWBACK; break; } pmap_set_cache_attributes(pagenum, flags); vm_map_set_cache_attr(map, (vm_map_offset_t)va); // Set up a block mapped area pmap_map_block(pmap, va, pagenum, (uint32_t) atop_64(round_page_64(length)), prot, 0, 0); return( KERN_SUCCESS ); } kern_return_t IOUnmapPages(vm_map_t map, mach_vm_address_t va, mach_vm_size_t length) { pmap_t pmap = map->pmap; pmap_remove(pmap, trunc_page_64(va), round_page_64(va + length)); return( KERN_SUCCESS ); } kern_return_t IOProtectCacheMode(vm_map_t __unused map, mach_vm_address_t __unused va, mach_vm_size_t __unused length, unsigned int __unused options) { mach_vm_size_t off; vm_prot_t prot; unsigned int flags; pmap_t pmap = map->pmap; pmap_flush_context pmap_flush_context_storage; boolean_t delayed_pmap_flush = FALSE; prot = (options & kIOMapReadOnly) ? VM_PROT_READ : (VM_PROT_READ|VM_PROT_WRITE); switch (options & kIOMapCacheMask) { // what cache mode do we need? case kIOMapDefaultCache: default: return (KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT); case kIOMapInhibitCache: flags = VM_WIMG_IO; break; case kIOMapWriteThruCache: flags = VM_WIMG_WTHRU; break; case kIOMapWriteCombineCache: flags = VM_WIMG_WCOMB; break; case kIOMapCopybackCache: flags = VM_WIMG_COPYBACK; break; } pmap_flush_context_init(&pmap_flush_context_storage); delayed_pmap_flush = FALSE; // enter each page's physical address in the target map for (off = 0; off < length; off += page_size) { ppnum_t ppnum = pmap_find_phys(pmap, va + off); if (ppnum) { pmap_enter_options(pmap, va + off, ppnum, prot, VM_PROT_NONE, flags, TRUE, PMAP_OPTIONS_NOFLUSH, (void *)&pmap_flush_context_storage); delayed_pmap_flush = TRUE; } } if (delayed_pmap_flush == TRUE) pmap_flush(&pmap_flush_context_storage); return (KERN_SUCCESS); } ppnum_t IOGetLastPageNumber(void) { #if __i386__ || __x86_64__ ppnum_t lastPage, highest = 0; unsigned int idx; for (idx = 0; idx < pmap_memory_region_count; idx++) { lastPage = pmap_memory_regions[idx].end - 1; if (lastPage > highest) highest = lastPage; } return (highest); #else #error unknown arch #endif } void IOGetTime( mach_timespec_t * clock_time); void IOGetTime( mach_timespec_t * clock_time) { clock_sec_t sec; clock_nsec_t nsec; clock_get_system_nanotime(&sec, &nsec); clock_time->tv_sec = (typeof(clock_time->tv_sec))sec; clock_time->tv_nsec = nsec; }