/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #if DEBUG #include "Tests.h" #include #include #include static const char testC00[] = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. "; static const char testC01[] = "The quick brown fox "; static const char testC02[] = "jumps over the "; static const char testC03[] = "lazy dog. \n"; static const char testC04[] = "The "; static const char testC05[] = "quick "; static const char testC06[] = "brown "; static const char testC07[] = "fox "; static const char testC08[] = "jumps "; static const char testC09[] = "over "; static const char testC10[] = "the "; static const char testC11[] = "lazy "; static const char testC12[] = "dog. \n"; static const char testC13[] = "Now is the time for all good " "men to come to the aid of the party \n"; static const char testC14[] = "Now is the time for "; static const char testC15[] = "all good men to come "; static const char testC16[] = "to the aid of the party \n"; static const char testC17[] = "Now "; static const char testC18[] = "is "; static const char testC19[] = "the "; static const char testC20[] = "time "; static const char testC21[] = "for "; static const char testC22[] = "all "; static const char testC23[] = "good "; static const char testC24[] = "men "; static const char testC25[] = "to "; static const char testC26[] = "come "; static const char testC27[] = "to "; static const char testC28[] = "the "; static const char testC29[] = "aid "; static const char testC30[] = "of "; static const char testC31[] = "the "; static const char testC32[] = "party. \n"; static const char testC33[] = "Frank Burns eats worms. \n"; static const char testC34[] = "Frank Burns "; static const char testC35[] = "eats worms. \n"; static const char testC36[] = "Frank "; static const char testC37[] = "Burns "; static const char testC38[] = "eats "; static const char testC39[] = "worms. \n"; static const char testC40[] = "Tired eyes? Stiff neck? Tight shoulders? " "Aching back? The right moves can help " "prevent these kinds of problem. "; static const char testC41[] = "Tired eyes? Stiff neck? "; static const char testC42[] = "Tight shoulders? Aching back? "; static const char testC43[] = "The right moves can help prevent "; static const char testC44[] = "these kinds of problem. "; static const char testC45[] = "Tired "; static const char testC46[] = "eyes? "; static const char testC47[] = "Stiff "; static const char testC48[] = "neck? "; static const char testC49[] = "Tight "; static const char testC50[] = "shoulders? "; static const char testC51[] = "Aching "; static const char testC52[] = "back? "; static const char testC53[] = "The "; static const char testC54[] = "right "; static const char testC55[] = "moves "; static const char testC56[] = "can "; static const char testC57[] = "help "; static const char testC58[] = "prevent "; static const char testC59[] = "these "; static const char testC60[] = "kinds "; static const char testC61[] = "of "; static const char testC62[] = "problem. "; const char *strCache[] = { testC00, testC01, testC02, testC03, testC04, testC05, testC06, testC07, testC08, testC09, testC10, testC11, testC12, testC13, testC14, testC15, testC16, testC17, testC18, testC19, testC20, testC21, testC22, testC23, testC24, testC25, testC26, testC27, testC28, testC29, testC30, testC31, testC32, testC33, testC34, testC35, testC36, testC37, testC38, testC39, testC40, testC41, testC42, testC43, testC44, testC45, testC46, testC47, testC48, testC49, testC50, testC51, testC52, testC53, testC54, testC55, testC56, testC57, testC58, testC59, testC60, testC61, testC62, }; const int numStrCache = ((int) (sizeof(strCache)/sizeof(strCache[0]))); void testData() { #define DATA_SIZE_1 256 #define DATA_SIZE_2 512 #define DATA_SIZE_3 1024 #define DATA_SIZE_4 8192 OSData *test1, *test2, *test3; void *spaceCheck; unsigned int len; unsigned int i; bool res = true; unsigned short testData[DATA_SIZE_4/sizeof(short)], *cp; // very first test initialises the OSMetaClass cache. test1 = OSData::withCapacity(DATA_SIZE_1); TEST_ASSERT('d', "0a", test1); if (test1) test1->release(); for (i = 0; i < sizeof(testData)/sizeof(short); i++) testData[i] = (unsigned short) i; // Check empty data allocation spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSData::withCapacity(DATA_SIZE_1); TEST_ASSERT('d', "1a", test1); if (test1) { TEST_ASSERT('d', "1b", !test1->getLength()); TEST_ASSERT('d', "1c", test1->getCapacity() == DATA_SIZE_1); TEST_ASSERT('d', "1d", !test1->getBytesNoCopy()); TEST_ASSERT('d', "1e", !test1->getBytesNoCopy(10, DATA_SIZE_1 - 10)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "1f", test1->appendBytes(spaceCheck, 0)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "1g", !test1->getLength()); TEST_ASSERT('d', "1h", test1->getCapacity() == DATA_SIZE_1); TEST_ASSERT('d', "1i", !test1->getBytesNoCopy()); test1->release(); } res = res && checkSpace("(d)1", spaceCheck, 0); // Check appending to empty data allocation spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSData::withCapacity(DATA_SIZE_1); TEST_ASSERT('d', "2a", test1); if (test1) { TEST_ASSERT('d', "2b", !test1->getLength()); TEST_ASSERT('d', "2c", !test1->getBytesNoCopy()); TEST_ASSERT('d', "2d", test1->appendBytes(testData, DATA_SIZE_1)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "2e", test1->getLength() == DATA_SIZE_1); TEST_ASSERT('d', "2f", test1->getBytesNoCopy()); cp = (unsigned short *) test1->getBytesNoCopy(); for (i = 0; cp && i < (DATA_SIZE_1/sizeof(short)); i++) { TEST_ASSERT('d', "2g", *cp++ == testData[i]); if (*cp != testData[i]) break; } TEST_ASSERT('d', "2h", test1->getBytesNoCopy(10, DATA_SIZE_1-10)); cp = (unsigned short *) test1->getBytesNoCopy(10, DATA_SIZE_1 - 10); for (i = 5; cp && i < (DATA_SIZE_1/sizeof(short)) - 5; i++) { TEST_ASSERT('d', "2i", *cp++ == testData[i]); if (*cp != testData[i]) break; } TEST_ASSERT('d', "2j", test1->isEqualTo(testData, DATA_SIZE_1)); test1->release(); } res = res && checkSpace("(d)2", spaceCheck, 0); // Check data allocation from some constant data spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSData::withBytes(testData, sizeof(testData)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "3a", test1); if (test1) { TEST_ASSERT('d', "3b", test1->getLength() == sizeof(testData)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "3c", test1->getCapacity() == sizeof(testData)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "3d", test1->getBytesNoCopy()); TEST_ASSERT('d', "3e", test1->getBytesNoCopy(10, sizeof(testData)-10)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "3f", test1->appendBytes(spaceCheck, 0)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "3g", test1->getLength() == sizeof(testData)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "3h", test1->getCapacity() == sizeof(testData)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "3i", test1->getBytesNoCopy()); TEST_ASSERT('d', "3j", test1->getBytesNoCopy(10, sizeof(testData)-10)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "3k", !test1->appendBytes(testData, 10)); test1->release(); } res = res && checkSpace("(d)3", spaceCheck, 0); // Check and continious addition of more data spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSData::withCapacity(DATA_SIZE_4); test2 = OSData::withBytesNoCopy(testData, DATA_SIZE_3); len = DATA_SIZE_3; TEST_ASSERT('d', "4a", (test1 && test2)); if (test1 && test2) { TEST_ASSERT('d', "4b", !test1->getLength()); for (i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE_4; i += DATA_SIZE_3) TEST_ASSERT('d', "4c", test1->appendBytes(test2)); TEST_ASSERT('d', "4d", !test1->appendBytes(test2)); for (i = 0; i < DATA_SIZE_4; i += DATA_SIZE_3) { TEST_ASSERT('d', "4e", test2->isEqualTo( test1->getBytesNoCopy(i, DATA_SIZE_3), DATA_SIZE_3)); test3 = OSData::withData(test1, i, DATA_SIZE_3); TEST_ASSERT('d', "4f", test3); if (test3) { TEST_ASSERT('d', "4g", test2->isEqualTo(test3)); test3->release(); } test3 = OSData::withData(test1, i, len); TEST_ASSERT('d', "4i", test3); if (test3) { TEST_ASSERT('d', "4j", test2->isEqualTo(test3)); test3->release(); } } test1->release(); test2->release(); } res = res && checkSpace("(d)3", spaceCheck, 0); if (res) verPrintf(("testData: All OSData Tests passed\n")); else logPrintf(("testData: Some OSData Tests failed\n")); #undef DATA_SIZE_4 #undef DATA_SIZE_3 #undef DATA_SIZE_2 #undef DATA_SIZE_1 } void testString() { OSString *test1, *test2; void *spaceCheck; int i; char c; bool res = true; // very first test initialises the OSMetaClass cache. test1 = OSString::withCStringNoCopy(testC00); TEST_ASSERT('s', "0a", test1); if (test1) test1->release(); // Check c string allocation spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSString::withCString(testC00); TEST_ASSERT('s', "1a", test1); TEST_ASSERT('s', "1b", testC00 != test1->getCStringNoCopy()); TEST_ASSERT('s', "1c", strcmp(testC00, test1->getCStringNoCopy()) == 0); TEST_ASSERT('s', "1d", strlen(testC00) == test1->getLength()); TEST_ASSERT('s', "1e", test1->isEqualTo(testC00)); TEST_ASSERT('s', "1f", !test1->isEqualTo(testC01)); if (test1) test1->release(); res = res && checkSpace("(s)1", spaceCheck, 0); // Check c string no allocation spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSString::withCStringNoCopy(testC00); TEST_ASSERT('s', "2a", test1); TEST_ASSERT('s', "2b", testC00 == test1->getCStringNoCopy()); if (test1) test1->release(); res = res && checkSpace("(s)2", spaceCheck, 0); // Check string from other string generation spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSString::withCStringNoCopy(testC00); TEST_ASSERT('s', "3a", test1); test2 = OSString::withString(test1); TEST_ASSERT('s', "3b", test2); TEST_ASSERT('s', "3c", test1 != test2); TEST_ASSERT('s', "3d", test1->isEqualTo(test2)); if (test1) test1->release(); if (test2) test2->release(); res = res && checkSpace("(s)3", spaceCheck, 0); // Check string comparison functionality no copy spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSString::withCStringNoCopy(testC00); test2 = OSString::withCStringNoCopy(testC01); TEST_ASSERT('s', "4a", test1 && test2); TEST_ASSERT('s', "4b", !test1->isEqualTo(test2)); TEST_ASSERT('s', "4c", !test1->isEqualTo(testC01)); TEST_ASSERT('s', "4d", test1->isEqualTo(testC00)); if (test1) test1->release(); if (test2) test2->release(); res = res && checkSpace("(s)4", spaceCheck, 0); // Check string comparison functionality with copy spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSString::withCString(testC00); test2 = OSString::withCString(testC01); TEST_ASSERT('s', "5a", test1 && test2); TEST_ASSERT('s', "5b", !test1->isEqualTo(test2)); TEST_ASSERT('s', "5c", !test1->isEqualTo(testC01)); TEST_ASSERT('s', "5d", test1->isEqualTo(testC00)); if (test1) test1->release(); if (test2) test2->release(); res = res && checkSpace("(s)5", spaceCheck, 0); // Check string inplace modifications spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSString::withCString(testC00); TEST_ASSERT('s', "6a", test1); for (i = 0; (c = test1->getChar(i)); i++) if (c != testC00[i]) { verPrintf(("testString(s) test 6b failed\n")); res = false; break; } TEST_ASSERT('s', "6c", !c); TEST_ASSERT('s', "6d", test1->setChar(' ', 0)); TEST_ASSERT('s', "6e", !test1->isEqualTo(testC00)); TEST_ASSERT('s', "6f", test1->setChar('T', 0)); TEST_ASSERT('s', "6g", !test1->setChar(' ', sizeof(testC00))); TEST_ASSERT('s', "6h", test1->isEqualTo(testC00)); if (test1) test1->release(); res = res && checkSpace("(s)6", spaceCheck, 0); // Check const string fail inplace modifications spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); test1 = OSString::withCStringNoCopy(testC00); TEST_ASSERT('s', "7a", test1); for (i = 0; (c = test1->getChar(i)); i++) if (c != testC00[i]) { verPrintf(("testString(s) test 7b failed\n")); res = false; break; } TEST_ASSERT('s', "7c", !c); TEST_ASSERT('s', "7d", !test1->setChar(' ', 0)); TEST_ASSERT('s', "7e", test1->isEqualTo(testC00)); TEST_ASSERT('s', "7f", !test1->setChar(' ', sizeof(testC00))); TEST_ASSERT('s', "7g", test1->isEqualTo(testC00)); if (test1) test1->release(); res = res && checkSpace("(s)7", spaceCheck, 0); if (res) verPrintf(("testString: All OSString Tests passed\n")); else logPrintf(("testString: Some OSString Tests failed\n")); } void testSymbol() { bool res = true; int i, j; int countDups; const OSSymbol *cache[numStrCache]; void *spaceCheck; // very first test initialises the OSMetaClass cache. cache[0] = IOSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(testC00); TEST_ASSERT('u', "0a", cache[0]); if (cache[0]) cache[0]->release(); spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); // Setup the symbol cache, make sure it grows the symbol unique'ing // hash table. Also determine that the symbol is created ok and that // it is indeed equal to the creating cString by strcmp. for (i = 0; i < numStrCache; i++) { cache[i] = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(strCache[i]); if (!cache[i]) { verPrintf(("testSymbol(u) test 1a%d failed\n", i)); res = false; } else if (!cache[i]->isEqualTo(strCache[i])) { verPrintf(("testSymbol(u) test 1b%d failed\n", i)); res = false; } } // The strCache does have some duplicates in it, mostly 'the'. Make // sure that we wind them and that different cache entries really are // different by strcmp. Fundamental to OSSymbol semantics. countDups = 0; for (i = 0; i < numStrCache; i++) for (j = i+1; j < numStrCache; j++) { if (cache[i] != cache[j] && cache[i]->isEqualTo(cache[j])) { verPrintf(("testSymbol(u) test 2a%d,%d failed\n", i, j)); res = false; } else if (cache[i] == cache[j]) { if (cache[i]->getRetainCount() == 1) { verPrintf(("testSymbol(u) test 2b%d,%d failed\n", i, j)); res = false; } countDups++; } } TEST_ASSERT('u', "2c", countDups); // Clear out the cache and check that the unique'ing hashtable has grown for (i = 0; i < numStrCache; i++) { if (cache[i]) { cache[i]->release(); cache[i] = 0; } } // As of 1998-11-17 the hash growth is 364. res = res && checkSpace("(u)3", spaceCheck, 972); logSpace(); // Check for leaks by repeating the cacheing and freeing spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); for (i = 0; i < numStrCache; i++) cache[i] = OSSymbol::withCString(strCache[i]); for (i = 0; i < numStrCache; i++) { if (cache[i]) { cache[i]->release(); cache[i] = 0; } } res = res && checkSpace("(u)4", spaceCheck, 0); // Check that the OSString based symbol constructors work // and that they don't leak, and finally double check that while // the cache is active the symbol semantics still work. spaceCheck = checkPointSpace(); for (i = 0; i < numStrCache; i++) { OSString *tmpStr; tmpStr = (i&1) ? OSString::withCString(strCache[i]) : OSString::withCStringNoCopy(strCache[i]); if (tmpStr) { cache[i] = OSSymbol::withString(tmpStr); if (!cache[i]) { verPrintf(("testSymbol(u) test 5a%d failed\n", i)); res = false; } tmpStr->release(); } } for (i = 0; i < numStrCache; i++) { if (cache[i]) { const OSSymbol *tmpSymb; tmpSymb = OSSymbol::withCStringNoCopy(strCache[i]); if (cache[i] != tmpSymb) { verPrintf(("testSymbol(u) test 5b%d failed\n", i)); res = false; } tmpSymb->release(); cache[i]->release(); cache[i] = 0; } else { verPrintf(("testSymbol(u) test 5c%d failed\n", i)); res = false; } } res = res && checkSpace("(u)5", spaceCheck, 0); if (res) verPrintf(("testSymbol: All OSSymbol Tests passed\n")); else logPrintf(("testSymbol: Some OSSymbol Tests failed\n")); } #endif /* DEBUG */