/* * Copyright (c) 2006 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #include #include #include #include #include // add additional headers needed here. #include "../libmicro.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if DEBUG # define debug(fmt, args...) (void) fprintf(stderr, fmt , ##args) // # define debug(fmt, args...) (void) fprintf(stderr, fmt "\n" , ##args) #else # define debug(fmt, args...) #endif // Correct use case // // od_query_create_with_node -E -L -S -W -B 200 -C 10 -c 100 -r 300 // // libMicro default benchmark run options are "-E -C 200 -L -S -W" // // -B is batch size: loop iteration per each benchmark run. Needs to match # of // real lookups. This is total number of lookups to issue. // -C is min sample number: how many benchmark needs to run to get proper sample // 1 is mimumum, but you get at least 3 benchmark run // samples. Do not set to zero. Default is 200 for most // runs in libMicro. // -r is the number of total records. // -c is the cache hit rate for lookup. set to 10%, you need -c 10. // ie. -B 100 -c 50 -r 1000 -C 200 (out of 1000 records, I want 50% // lookup, and batch size is 100. // To get 50% cache hit rate, you need 500 record lookups. // Batch size will be adjusted to 500 to get 500 record // lookup in each benchmark. If -r size is smaller than -B, // then -B will not be adjusted. // Defining prefix for user and group name // make sure that these match the ones in LDAP records // ie. local_test_1 , od_test_4525, od_test_group_43, od_test_host_63 #define LOCAL_U_PREFIX CFSTR("local_test_") #define OD_U_PREFIX CFSTR("od_test_") #define LOCAL_G_PREFIX CFSTR("local_test_group_") #define OD_G_PREFIX CFSTR("od_test_group_") #define LOCAL_H_PREFIX CFSTR("local_test_host_") #define OD_H_PREFIX CFSTR("od_test_host_") /* * Your state variables should live in the tsd_t struct below */ typedef struct { ODNodeRef node; } tsd_t; // dsRecTypeStandard type dictionary enum {rectype_users=0, rectype_groups, rectype_hosts}; CFStringRef rectype_dict[] = { CFSTR(kDSStdRecordTypeUsers), CFSTR(kDSStdRecordTypeGroups), CFSTR(kDSStdRecordTypeHosts) }; // the number of record lookup to issue is covered by standard option optB static int optRecords = 100; // the number of total records static int optCachehit = 100; // specify cache hit rate (% of record re-lookup) static bool optNodeLocal = 1; // which node to search. Local node is default static int optType = rectype_users; // dsRecType to search for. "Users"" is the default static const char *nodename = "/LDAPv3/"; static CFStringRef *key; // username array // parse -t option and return enum type: user, group, and host // called by benchmark_optswitch() int ds_rec_type(char *name) { if (strcasecmp("u", name) == 0) { return (rectype_users); } else if (strcasecmp("g", name) == 0) { return (rectype_groups); } else if (strcasecmp("h", name) == 0) { return (rectype_hosts); } return (-1); } int benchmark_init() { debug("benchmark_init"); (void) sprintf(lm_optstr, "c:n:r:t:"); lm_tsdsize = sizeof (tsd_t); lm_defB = 1000; (void) sprintf(lm_usage, "\n ------- od_query_create_with_node specific options (default: *)\n" " [-c hitrate%% (100%%*)]\n" " [-r total number of records (100*)]\n" " [-n nodename] node name to use for test\n" " [-t record type: 'u'sers, 'g'roups, 'h'osts]\n" " use -B option to specify total number of record lookups to issue" "\n" ); return (0); } /* * This is where you parse your lower-case arguments. */ int benchmark_optswitch(int opt, char *optarg) { debug("benchmark_optswitch"); switch (opt) { case 'c': // cache hit rate. 100% means lookup the same records over and over optCachehit = atoi(optarg); debug("optCachehit = %d\n", optCachehit); if (optCachehit > 100 || optCachehit < 0) { printf("cache hit rate should be in between 0%% and 100%%"); return (-1); } break; case 'r': // total number of records. default is 100 optRecords = atoi(optarg); debug("optRecords = %d\n", optRecords); break; case 'n': // node nodename = optarg; break; case 't': // dsRecType: user, group, hots optType = ds_rec_type(optarg); debug("optType = %d\n", optType); if (optType == -1) { printf("wrong -t record type option\n"); return (-1); } break; default: return (-1); } return (0); } int benchmark_initrun() { int i; CFStringRef prefix; // local user is default debug("benchmark_initrun\n"); // Adjust # of record lookups to reflect cache hit rate if (optCachehit < 100) { optRecords = (int) ((float) optRecords * ((float) optCachehit / 100)); debug("# of records adjusted to %d for cache hit rate %d%%\n", optRecords, optCachehit); } // if batch size (one benchmark run) is less than the number records, adjust // it to match the number record lookups in one batch run if (lm_optB < optRecords) { lm_optB = optRecords; debug("Adjusting batch size to %d to match the lookups required in benchmark run\n", lm_optB); } switch (optType) { case rectype_users: prefix = (optNodeLocal) ? LOCAL_U_PREFIX : OD_U_PREFIX; break; case rectype_groups: prefix = (optNodeLocal) ? LOCAL_G_PREFIX : OD_G_PREFIX; break; case rectype_hosts: prefix = (optNodeLocal) ? LOCAL_H_PREFIX : OD_H_PREFIX; break; } // create an array of usernames to use in benchmark before their use // realtime generation in benchmark effects performance measurements key = malloc(sizeof(CFStringRef) * optRecords); // user, group, hosts key to lookup switch (optType) { case rectype_users: // users query case rectype_groups: // groups query case rectype_hosts: // hosts query for (i = 0; i < optRecords; i++) { key[i] = CFStringCreateWithFormat( kCFAllocatorDefault, NULL, CFSTR("%@%d"), prefix, i+1); // CFShow(key[i]); // print user name to check } break; } return (0); } // Initialize all structures that will be used in benchmark() // 1. make local or network node for OD query // 2. create user key int benchmark_initworker(void *tsd) { CFErrorRef error; tsd_t *ts = (tsd_t *)tsd; debug("benchmark_initworker: %s", (optNodeLocal) ? "local" : "network"); // create OD node for local or OD query if (optNodeLocal) { ts->node = ODNodeCreateWithNodeType(NULL, kODSessionDefault, kODNodeTypeLocalNodes, &error); } else { CFStringRef nodenameStr = CFStringCreateWithCString(kCFAllocatorDefault, nodename, kCFStringEncodingUTF8); ts->node = ODNodeCreateWithName(NULL, kODSessionDefault, nodenameStr, &error); CFRelease(nodenameStr); } if (!ts->node) { debug("error calling ODNodeCreateWithNodeType\n"); exit(1); } CFRetain (ts->node); debug("benchmark_initworker: ODNodeRef = 0x%lx\n", ts->node); return (0); } int benchmark(void *tsd, result_t *res) { tsd_t *ts = (tsd_t *)tsd; int i; ODNodeRef node; CFErrorRef error; CFArrayRef results; ODQueryRef query; res->re_errors = 0; node = ts->node; debug("in to benchmark - optB = %i, node = 0x%lx \n", lm_optB, node); for (i = 0; i < lm_optB; i++) { debug("loop %d: querying\n", i); query = ODQueryCreateWithNode(NULL, node, // inNode rectype_dict[optType], // inRecordTypeOrList CFSTR(kDSNAttrRecordName), // inAttribute kODMatchInsensitiveEqualTo, // inMatchType key[i % optRecords], // inQueryValueOrList NULL, // inReturnAttributeOrList 1, // inMaxResults &error); if (query) { // we do not want to factually fetch the result in benchmark run // debug("loop %d: calling ODQueryCopyResults\n", i); results = ODQueryCopyResults(query, FALSE, &error); CFRelease(query); if (results) { #if DEBUG int c; c = CFArrayGetCount(results); if (c > 0) { debug("Successful run: %d results, ", c); } else { debug("no result for "); } CFShow (key[i % optRecords]); debug("\n"); #endif CFRelease(results); } else { debug("loop %d: ODQueryCopyResults returned empty result for ", i); res->re_errors++; CFShow (key[i % optRecords]); debug("\n"); } // if (results) } // if (query) else { res->re_errors++; } } res->re_count = i; return (0); } // We need to release all the structures we allocated in benchmark_initworker() int benchmark_finiworker(void *tsd) { tsd_t *ts = (tsd_t *)tsd; debug("benchmark_result: deallocating structures\n"); // free the node if (ts->node) CFRelease (ts->node); ts->node = NULL; return (0); } int benchmark_finirun() { int i; for (i = 0; i < optRecords; i++){ CFRelease(key[i]); } free(key); return (0); } char * benchmark_result() { static char result = '\0'; debug("\n\n# of records adjusted to %d for cache hit rate %d%%\n", optRecords, optCachehit); debug("benchmark_result\n"); return (&result); }