/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ #ifdef KERNEL_PRIVATE #ifndef _PTHREAD_SHIMS_H_ #define _PTHREAD_SHIMS_H_ #ifndef ASSEMBLER #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifndef PTHREAD_INTERNAL struct uthread; #define M_PROC 41 #endif #ifdef NEEDS_SCHED_CALL_T typedef void (*sched_call_t)(int type, thread_t thread); #endif typedef struct pthread_functions_s { int version; /* internal calls, kernel core -> kext */ void (*pthread_init)(void); int (*fill_procworkqueue)(proc_t p, struct proc_workqueueinfo * pwqinfo); void (*workqueue_init_lock)(proc_t p); void (*workqueue_destroy_lock)(proc_t p); void (*workqueue_exit)(struct proc *p); void (*workqueue_mark_exiting)(struct proc *p); void (*workqueue_thread_yielded)(void); void (*pth_proc_hashinit)(proc_t p); void (*pth_proc_hashdelete)(proc_t p); /* syscall stubs */ int (*bsdthread_create)(struct proc *p, user_addr_t user_func, user_addr_t user_funcarg, user_addr_t user_stack, user_addr_t user_pthread, uint32_t flags, user_addr_t *retval); int (*bsdthread_register)(struct proc *p, user_addr_t threadstart, user_addr_t wqthread, int pthsize, user_addr_t dummy_value, user_addr_t targetconc_ptr, uint64_t dispatchqueue_offset, int32_t *retval); int (*bsdthread_terminate)(struct proc *p, user_addr_t stackaddr, size_t size, uint32_t kthport, uint32_t sem, int32_t *retval); int (*thread_selfid)(struct proc *p, uint64_t *retval); int (*workq_kernreturn)(struct proc *p, int options, user_addr_t item, int affinity, int prio, int32_t *retval); int (*workq_open)(struct proc *p, int32_t *retval); /* psynch syscalls */ int (*psynch_mutexwait)(proc_t p, user_addr_t mutex, uint32_t mgen, uint32_t ugen, uint64_t tid, uint32_t flags, uint32_t *retval); int (*psynch_mutexdrop)(proc_t p, user_addr_t mutex, uint32_t mgen, uint32_t ugen, uint64_t tid, uint32_t flags, uint32_t *retval); int (*psynch_cvbroad)(proc_t p, user_addr_t cv, uint64_t cvlsgen, uint64_t cvudgen, uint32_t flags, user_addr_t mutex, uint64_t mugen, uint64_t tid, uint32_t *retval); int (*psynch_cvsignal)(proc_t p, user_addr_t cv, uint64_t cvlsgen, uint32_t cvugen, int thread_port, user_addr_t mutex, uint64_t mugen, uint64_t tid, uint32_t flags, uint32_t *retval); int (*psynch_cvwait)(proc_t p, user_addr_t cv, uint64_t cvlsgen, uint32_t cvugen, user_addr_t mutex, uint64_t mugen, uint32_t flags, int64_t sec, uint32_t nsec, uint32_t * retval); int (*psynch_cvclrprepost)(proc_t p, user_addr_t cv, uint32_t cvgen, uint32_t cvugen, uint32_t cvsgen, uint32_t prepocnt, uint32_t preposeq, uint32_t flags, int *retval); int (*psynch_rw_longrdlock)(proc_t p, user_addr_t rwlock, uint32_t lgenval, uint32_t ugenval, uint32_t rw_wc, int flags, uint32_t *retval); int (*psynch_rw_rdlock)(proc_t p, user_addr_t rwlock, uint32_t lgenval, uint32_t ugenval, uint32_t rw_wc, int flags, uint32_t *retval); int (*psynch_rw_unlock)(proc_t p, user_addr_t rwlock, uint32_t lgenval, uint32_t ugenval, uint32_t rw_wc, int flags, uint32_t *retval); int (*psynch_rw_wrlock)(proc_t p, user_addr_t rwlock, uint32_t lgenval, uint32_t ugenval, uint32_t rw_wc, int flags, uint32_t *retval); int (*psynch_rw_yieldwrlock)(proc_t p, user_addr_t rwlock, uint32_t lgenval, uint32_t ugenval, uint32_t rw_wc, int flags, uint32_t *retval); sched_call_t (*workqueue_get_sched_callback)(void); /* padding for future */ void* _pad[99]; } *pthread_functions_t; typedef struct pthread_callbacks_s { int version; /* config information */ uint32_t config_thread_max; uint32_t (*get_task_threadmax)(void); /* proc.h accessors */ uint64_t (*proc_get_register)(struct proc *t); void (*proc_set_register)(struct proc *t); user_addr_t (*proc_get_threadstart)(struct proc *t); void (*proc_set_threadstart)(struct proc *t, user_addr_t addr); user_addr_t (*proc_get_wqthread)(struct proc *t); void (*proc_set_wqthread)(struct proc *t, user_addr_t addr); int (*proc_get_pthsize)(struct proc *t); void (*proc_set_pthsize)(struct proc *t, int size); user_addr_t (*proc_get_targconc)(struct proc *t); void (*proc_set_targconc)(struct proc *t, user_addr_t addr); uint64_t (*proc_get_dispatchqueue_offset)(struct proc *t); void (*proc_set_dispatchqueue_offset)(struct proc *t, uint64_t offset); lck_spin_t* (*proc_get_wqlockptr)(struct proc *t); boolean_t* (*proc_get_wqinitingptr)(struct proc *t); void* (*proc_get_wqptr)(struct proc *t); void (*proc_set_wqptr)(struct proc *t, void* ptr); int (*proc_get_wqsize)(struct proc *t); void (*proc_set_wqsize)(struct proc *t, int sz); void (*proc_lock)(struct proc *t); void (*proc_unlock)(struct proc *t); task_t (*proc_get_task)(struct proc *t); void* (*proc_get_pthhash)(struct proc *t); void (*proc_set_pthhash)(struct proc *t, void* ptr); /* bsd/sys/user.h */ void* (*uthread_get_threadlist)(struct uthread *t); void (*uthread_set_threadlist)(struct uthread *t, void* threadlist); sigset_t (*uthread_get_sigmask)(struct uthread *t); void (*uthread_set_sigmask)(struct uthread *t, sigset_t s); void* (*uthread_get_uukwe)(struct uthread *t); int (*uthread_get_returnval)(struct uthread *t); void (*uthread_set_returnval)(struct uthread *t, int val); int (*uthread_is_cancelled)(struct uthread *t); /* vm_protos.h calls */ ipc_space_t (*task_get_ipcspace)(task_t t); mach_port_name_t (*ipc_port_copyout_send)(ipc_port_t sright, ipc_space_t space); /* osfmk/vm/vm_map.h */ kern_return_t (*vm_map_page_info)(vm_map_t map, vm_map_offset_t offset, vm_page_info_flavor_t flavor, vm_page_info_t info, mach_msg_type_number_t *count); vm_map_t (*vm_map_switch)(vm_map_t map); /* wq functions */ kern_return_t (*thread_set_wq_state32)(thread_t thread, thread_state_t state); kern_return_t (*thread_set_wq_state64)(thread_t thread, thread_state_t state); /* sched_prim.h */ void (*thread_exception_return)(); void (*thread_bootstrap_return)(); /* kern/clock.h */ void (*absolutetime_to_microtime)(uint64_t abstime, clock_sec_t *secs, clock_usec_t *microsecs); /* osfmk/kern/task.h */ int (*proc_restore_workq_bgthreadpolicy)(thread_t t); int (*proc_apply_workq_bgthreadpolicy)(thread_t t); /* osfmk/kern/thread.h */ struct uthread* (*get_bsdthread_info)(thread_t th); void (*thread_sched_call)(thread_t t, sched_call_t call); void (*thread_static_param)(thread_t t, boolean_t state); kern_return_t (*thread_create_workq)(task_t t, thread_continue_t c, thread_t *new_t); kern_return_t (*thread_policy_set_internal)(thread_t t, thread_policy_flavor_t flavour, thread_policy_t info, mach_msg_type_number_t count); /* osfmk/kern/affinity.h */ kern_return_t (*thread_affinity_set)(thread_t thread, uint32_t tag); /* bsd/sys/systm.h */ void (*unix_syscall_return)(int error); /* osfmk/kern/zalloc.h */ void* (*zalloc)(zone_t zone); void (*zfree)(zone_t zone, void* ptr); zone_t (*zinit)(vm_size_t, vm_size_t maxmem, vm_size_t alloc, const char *name); /* bsd/kerb/kern_sig.c */ void (*__pthread_testcancel)(int); /* calls without portfolio */ kern_return_t (*mach_port_deallocate)(ipc_space_t space, mach_port_name_t name); kern_return_t (*semaphore_signal_internal_trap)(mach_port_name_t sema_name); vm_map_t (*current_map)(void); /* osfmk/kern/thread.h */ ipc_port_t (*convert_thread_to_port)(thread_t th); /* mach/task.h */ kern_return_t (*thread_create)(task_t parent_task, thread_act_t *child_act); /* mach/thread_act.h */ kern_return_t (*thread_resume)(thread_act_t target_act); /* osfmk//machine_routines.h */ int (*ml_get_max_cpus)(void); /* xnu: struct proc p_dispatchqueue_serialno_offset additions */ uint64_t (*proc_get_dispatchqueue_serialno_offset)(struct proc *p); void (*proc_set_dispatchqueue_serialno_offset)(struct proc *p, uint64_t offset); /* padding for future */ void* _pad[98]; } *pthread_callbacks_t; void pthread_kext_register(pthread_functions_t fns, pthread_callbacks_t *callbacks); #ifdef BSD_KERNEL_PRIVATE void workqueue_mark_exiting(struct proc *); void workqueue_exit(struct proc *); void workqueue_thread_yielded(void); sched_call_t workqueue_get_sched_callback(void); void pthread_init(void); extern pthread_callbacks_t pthread_kern; extern pthread_functions_t pthread_functions; #endif #endif /* ASSEMBLER */ #endif /* _PTHREAD_SHIMS_H_ */ #endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */