/* * Copyright 2016, Data61 * Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) * ABN 41 687 119 230. * * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details. * * @TAG(D61_BSD) */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "dispatch.h" #include "../state.h" #include "../badge.h" /*! @file @brief Client watch dispatcher module. */ /*! @brief Handles client death notifications. @param notification Structure containing the notification message, read from the notification ring buffer. @return DISPATCH_SUCCESS if success, DISPATCHER_ERROR otherwise. */ static int handle_timeserver_death_notification(struct proc_notification *notification) { dprintf(COLOUR_B "## Timer server Handling death notification...\n" COLOUR_RESET); dprintf(" Label: PROCSERV_NOTIFY_DEATH\n"); dprintf(" deathID: %d\n", notification->arg[0]); /* Find the client and queue it for deletion. */ int error = client_queue_delete_deathID(&timeServCommon->clientTable, notification->arg[0]); if (error) { ROS_ERROR("Unknown deathID. timer server book-keeping error."); assert(!"timer server book-keeping bug."); return DISPATCH_ERROR; } return DISPATCH_SUCCESS; } int dispatch_client_watch(srv_msg_t *m) { if ((m->badge & TIMESERV_ASYNC_BADGE_MASK) == 0) { return DISPATCH_PASS; } if ((m->badge & TIMESERV_ASYNC_NOTIFY_BADGE) == 0) { return DISPATCH_PASS; } srv_common_notify_handler_callbacks_t cb = { .handle_server_fault = NULL, .handle_server_content_init = NULL, .handle_server_death_notification = handle_timeserver_death_notification }; return srv_dispatch_notification(timeServCommon, cb); }