(* * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause *) text \ term_pat: ML antiquotation for pattern matching on terms. See TermPatternAntiquote_Tests for examples and tests. \ theory TermPatternAntiquote imports Pure begin ML \ structure Term_Pattern_Antiquote = struct val quote_string = quote (* typ matching; doesn't support matching on named TVars. * This is because each TVar is likely to appear many times in the pattern. *) fun gen_typ_pattern (TVar _) = "_" | gen_typ_pattern (TFree (v, sort)) = "Term.TFree (" ^ quote_string v ^ ", [" ^ commas (map quote_string sort) ^ "])" | gen_typ_pattern (Type (typ_head, args)) = "Term.Type (" ^ quote_string typ_head ^ ", [" ^ commas (map gen_typ_pattern args) ^ "])" (* term matching; does support matching on named (non-dummy) Vars. * The ML var generated will be identical to the Var name except in * indexed names like "?v1.2", which creates the var "v12". *) fun gen_term_pattern (Var (("_dummy_", _), _)) = "_" | gen_term_pattern (Var ((v, 0), _)) = v | gen_term_pattern (Var ((v, n), _)) = v ^ string_of_int n | gen_term_pattern (Const (n, typ)) = "Term.Const (" ^ quote_string n ^ ", " ^ gen_typ_pattern typ ^ ")" | gen_term_pattern (Free (n, typ)) = "Term.Free (" ^ quote_string n ^ ", " ^ gen_typ_pattern typ ^ ")" | gen_term_pattern (t as f $ x) = (* (read_term_pattern "_") "helpfully" generates a dummy var that is * applied to all bound vars in scope. We go back and remove them. *) let fun default () = "(" ^ gen_term_pattern f ^ " $ " ^ gen_term_pattern x ^ ")"; in case strip_comb t of (h as Var (("_dummy_", _), _), bs) => if forall is_Bound bs then gen_term_pattern h else default () | _ => default () end | gen_term_pattern (Abs (_, typ, t)) = "Term.Abs (_, " ^ gen_typ_pattern typ ^ ", " ^ gen_term_pattern t ^ ")" | gen_term_pattern (Bound n) = "Bound " ^ string_of_int n (* Create term pattern. All Var names must be distinct in order to generate ML variables. *) fun term_pattern_antiquote ctxt s = let val pat = Proof_Context.read_term_pattern ctxt s val add_var_names' = fold_aterms (fn Var (v, _) => curry (::) v | _ => I); val vars = add_var_names' pat [] |> filter (fn (n, _) => n <> "_dummy_") val _ = if vars = distinct (=) vars then () else raise TERM ("Pattern contains duplicate vars", [pat]) in "(" ^ gen_term_pattern pat ^ ")" end end; val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory ( ML_Antiquotation.inline @{binding "term_pat"} ((Args.context -- Scan.lift Args.embedded_inner_syntax) >> uncurry Term_Pattern_Antiquote.term_pattern_antiquote))) \ end