(* * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause *) section "32-Bit Machine Word Setup" theory Word_Setup_32 imports Word_Enum begin text \This theory defines standard platform-specific word size and alignment.\ type_synonym machine_word_len = 32 type_synonym machine_word = "machine_word_len word" definition word_bits :: nat where "word_bits = LENGTH(machine_word_len)" text \The following two are numerals so they can be used as nats and words.\ definition word_size_bits :: "'a :: numeral" where "word_size_bits = 2" definition word_size :: "'a :: numeral" where "word_size = 4" lemma word_bits_conv[code]: "word_bits = 32" unfolding word_bits_def by simp lemma word_size_word_size_bits: "(word_size::nat) = 2 ^ word_size_bits" unfolding word_size_def word_size_bits_def by simp lemma word_bits_word_size_conv: "word_bits = word_size * 8" unfolding word_bits_def word_size_def by simp end