(* * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause *) section "Solving Word Equalities" theory Word_EqI imports Word_Next "HOL-Eisbach.Eisbach_Tools" begin text \ Some word equalities can be solved by considering the problem bitwise for all @{prop "n < LENGTH('a::len)"}, which is different to running @{text word_bitwise} and expanding into an explicit list of bits. \ lemma word_or_zero: "(a || b = 0) = (a = 0 \ b = 0)" by (safe; rule word_eqI, drule_tac x=n in word_eqD, simp) lemma test_bit_over: "n \ size (x::'a::len0 word) \ (x !! n) = False" by (simp add: test_bit_bl word_size) lemma neg_mask_test_bit: "(~~(mask n) :: 'a :: len word) !! m = (n \ m \ m < LENGTH('a))" by (metis not_le nth_mask test_bit_bin word_ops_nth_size word_size) lemma word_2p_mult_inc: assumes x: "2 * 2 ^ n < (2::'a::len word) * 2 ^ m" assumes suc_n: "Suc n < LENGTH('a::len)" shows "2^n < (2::'a::len word)^m" by (smt suc_n le_less_trans lessI nat_less_le nat_mult_less_cancel_disj p2_gt_0 power_Suc power_Suc unat_power_lower word_less_nat_alt x) lemma word_power_increasing: assumes x: "2 ^ x < (2 ^ y::'a::len word)" "x < LENGTH('a::len)" "y < LENGTH('a::len)" shows "x < y" using x apply (induct x arbitrary: y) apply (case_tac y; simp) apply (case_tac y; clarsimp simp: word_2p_mult_inc) apply (subst (asm) power_Suc [symmetric]) apply (subst (asm) p2_eq_0) apply simp done lemma upper_bits_unset_is_l2p: "n < LENGTH('a) \ (\n' \ n. n' < LENGTH('a) \ \ p !! n') = (p < 2 ^ n)" for p :: "'a :: len word" apply (cases "Suc 0 < LENGTH('a)") prefer 2 apply (subgoal_tac "LENGTH('a) = 1", auto simp: word_eq_iff)[1] apply (rule iffI) apply (subst mask_eq_iff_w2p [symmetric]) apply (clarsimp simp: word_size) apply (rule word_eqI, rename_tac n') apply (case_tac "n' < n"; simp add: word_size) by (meson bang_is_le le_less_trans not_le word_power_increasing) lemma less_2p_is_upper_bits_unset: "p < 2 ^ n \ n < LENGTH('a) \ (\n' \ n. n' < LENGTH('a) \ \ p !! n')" for p :: "'a :: len word" by (meson le_less_trans le_mask_iff_lt_2n upper_bits_unset_is_l2p word_zero_le) lemma word_le_minus_one_leq: "x < y \ x \ y - 1" for x :: "'a :: len word" by (simp add: plus_one_helper) lemma word_less_sub_le[simp]: fixes x :: "'a :: len word" assumes nv: "n < LENGTH('a)" shows "(x \ 2 ^ n - 1) = (x < 2 ^ n)" using le_less_trans word_le_minus_one_leq nv power_2_ge_iff by blast lemma not_greatest_aligned: "\ x < y; is_aligned x n; is_aligned y n \ \ x + 2 ^ n \ 0" by (metis NOT_mask add_diff_cancel_right' diff_0 is_aligned_neg_mask_eq not_le word_and_le1) lemma neg_mask_mono_le: "x \ y \ x && ~~(mask n) \ y && ~~(mask n)" for x :: "'a :: len word" proof (rule ccontr, simp add: linorder_not_le, cases "n < LENGTH('a)") case False then show "y && ~~(mask n) < x && ~~(mask n) \ False" by (simp add: mask_def linorder_not_less power_overflow) next case True assume a: "x \ y" and b: "y && ~~(mask n) < x && ~~(mask n)" have word_bits: "n < LENGTH('a)" by fact have "y \ (y && ~~(mask n)) + (y && mask n)" by (simp add: word_plus_and_or_coroll2 add.commute) also have "\ \ (y && ~~(mask n)) + 2 ^ n" apply (rule word_plus_mono_right) apply (rule order_less_imp_le, rule and_mask_less_size) apply (simp add: word_size word_bits) apply (rule is_aligned_no_overflow'', simp add: is_aligned_neg_mask word_bits) apply (rule not_greatest_aligned, rule b; simp add: is_aligned_neg_mask) done also have "\ \ x && ~~(mask n)" using b apply (subst add.commute) apply (rule le_plus) apply (rule aligned_at_least_t2n_diff; simp add: is_aligned_neg_mask) apply (rule ccontr, simp add: linorder_not_le) apply (drule aligned_small_is_0[rotated]; simp add: is_aligned_neg_mask) done also have "\ \ x" by (rule word_and_le2) also have "x \ y" by fact finally show "False" using b by simp qed lemma and_neg_mask_eq_iff_not_mask_le: "w && ~~(mask n) = ~~(mask n) \ ~~(mask n) \ w" by (metis eq_iff neg_mask_mono_le word_and_le1 word_and_le2 word_bw_same(1)) lemma le_mask_high_bits: "w \ mask n \ (\i \ {n ..< size w}. \ w !! i)" by (auto simp: word_size and_mask_eq_iff_le_mask[symmetric] word_eq_iff) lemma neg_mask_le_high_bits: "~~(mask n) \ w \ (\i \ {n ..< size w}. w !! i)" by (auto simp: word_size and_neg_mask_eq_iff_not_mask_le[symmetric] word_eq_iff neg_mask_test_bit) lemma test_bit_conj_lt: "(x !! m \ m < LENGTH('a)) = x !! m" for x :: "'a :: len word" using test_bit_bin by blast lemma neg_test_bit: "(~~ x) !! n = (\ x !! n \ n < LENGTH('a))" for x :: "'a::len word" by (cases "n < LENGTH('a)") (auto simp add: test_bit_over word_ops_nth_size word_size) named_theorems word_eqI_simps lemmas [word_eqI_simps] = word_ops_nth_size word_size word_or_zero neg_mask_test_bit nth_ucast is_aligned_nth nth_w2p nth_shiftl nth_shiftr less_2p_is_upper_bits_unset le_mask_high_bits neg_mask_le_high_bits bang_eq neg_test_bit is_up is_down lemmas word_eqI_rule = word_eqI[rule_format] lemma test_bit_lenD: "x !! n \ n < LENGTH('a) \ x !! n" for x :: "'a :: len word" by (fastforce dest: test_bit_size simp: word_size) method word_eqI uses simp simp_del split split_del cong flip = ((* reduce conclusion to test_bit: *) rule word_eqI_rule, (* make sure we're in clarsimp normal form: *) (clarsimp simp: simp simp del: simp_del simp flip: flip split: split split del: split_del cong: cong)?, (* turn x < 2^n assumptions into mask equations: *) ((drule less_mask_eq)+)?, (* expand and distribute test_bit everywhere: *) (clarsimp simp: word_eqI_simps simp simp del: simp_del simp flip: flip split: split split del: split_del cong: cong)?, (* add any additional word size constraints to new indices: *) ((drule test_bit_lenD)+)?, (* try to make progress (can't use +, would loop): *) (clarsimp simp: word_eqI_simps simp simp del: simp_del simp flip: flip split: split split del: split_del cong: cong)?, (* helps sometimes, rarely: *) (simp add: simp test_bit_conj_lt del: simp_del flip: flip split: split split del: split_del cong: cong)?) method word_eqI_solve uses simp simp_del split split_del cong flip = solves \word_eqI simp: simp simp_del: simp_del split: split split_del: split_del cong: cong simp flip: flip; (fastforce dest: test_bit_size simp: word_eqI_simps simp flip: flip simp: simp simp del: simp_del split: split split del: split_del cong: cong)?\ end