(* * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause *) (* Backend for tracing apply statements. Useful for doing proof step dependency analysis. * Provides an alternate refinement function which takes an additional stateful journaling operation. *) theory Apply_Trace imports Main "MLUtils" begin ML \ signature APPLY_TRACE = sig val apply_results : {silent_fail : bool} -> (Proof.context -> thm -> ((string * int option) * term) list -> unit) -> Method.text_range -> Proof.state -> Proof.state Seq.result Seq.seq (* Lower level interface. *) val can_clear : theory -> bool val clear_deps : thm -> thm val join_deps : thm -> thm -> thm val used_facts : Proof.context -> thm -> ((string * int option) * term) list val pretty_deps: bool -> (string * Position.T) option -> Proof.context -> thm -> ((string * int option) * term) list -> Pretty.T end structure Apply_Trace : APPLY_TRACE = struct (*TODO: Add more robust oracle without hyp clearing *) fun thm_to_cterm keep_hyps thm = let val thy = Thm.theory_of_thm thm val pairs = Thm.tpairs_of thm val ceqs = map (Thm.global_cterm_of thy o Logic.mk_equals) pairs val hyps = Thm.chyps_of thm val prop = Thm.cprop_of thm val thm' = if keep_hyps then Drule.list_implies (hyps,prop) else prop in Drule.list_implies (ceqs,thm') end val (_, clear_thm_deps') = Context.>>> (Context.map_theory_result (Thm.add_oracle (Binding.name "count_cheat", thm_to_cterm false))); fun clear_deps thm = let val thm' = try clear_thm_deps' thm |> Option.map (fold (fn _ => fn t => (@{thm Pure.reflexive} RS t)) (Thm.tpairs_of thm)) in case thm' of SOME thm' => thm' | NONE => error "Can't clear deps here" end fun can_clear thy = Context.subthy(@{theory},thy) fun join_deps pre_thm post_thm = let val pre_thm' = Thm.flexflex_rule NONE pre_thm |> Seq.hd |> Thm.adjust_maxidx_thm (Thm.maxidx_of post_thm + 1) in Conjunction.intr pre_thm' post_thm |> Conjunction.elim |> snd end fun get_ref_from_nm' nm = let val exploded = space_explode "_" nm; val base = List.take (exploded, (length exploded) - 1) |> space_implode "_" val idx = List.last exploded |> Int.fromString; in if is_some idx andalso base <> "" then SOME (base, the idx) else NONE end fun get_ref_from_nm nm = Option.join (try get_ref_from_nm' nm); fun maybe_nth l = try (curry List.nth l) fun fact_from_derivation ctxt xnm = let val facts = Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt; (* TODO: Check that exported local fact is equivalent to external one *) val idx_result = let val (name', idx) = get_ref_from_nm xnm |> the; val entry = try (Facts.retrieve (Context.Proof ctxt) facts) (name', Position.none) |> the; val thm = maybe_nth (#thms entry) (idx - 1) |> the; in SOME (xnm, thm) end handle Option => NONE; fun non_idx_result () = let val entry = try (Facts.retrieve (Context.Proof ctxt) facts) (xnm, Position.none) |> the; val thm = try the_single (#thms entry) |> the; in SOME (#name entry, thm) end handle Option => NONE; in case idx_result of SOME thm => SOME thm | NONE => non_idx_result () end fun most_local_fact_of ctxt xnm = let val local_name = try (fn xnm => Long_Name.explode xnm |> tl |> tl |> Long_Name.implode) xnm |> the; in SOME (fact_from_derivation ctxt local_name |> the) end handle Option => fact_from_derivation ctxt xnm; fun thms_of (PBody {thms,...}) = thms fun proof_body_descend' f get_fact (ident, thm_node) deptab = let val nm = Proofterm.thm_node_name thm_node val body = Proofterm.thm_node_body thm_node in (if not (f nm) then (Inttab.update_new (ident, SOME (nm, get_fact nm |> the)) deptab handle Inttab.DUP _ => deptab) else raise Option) handle Option => ((fold (proof_body_descend' f get_fact) (thms_of (Future.join body)) (Inttab.update_new (ident, NONE) deptab)) handle Inttab.DUP _ => deptab) end fun used_facts' f get_fact thm = let val body = thms_of (Thm.proof_body_of thm); in fold (proof_body_descend' f get_fact) body Inttab.empty end fun used_pbody_facts ctxt thm = let val nm = Thm.get_name_hint thm; val get_fact = most_local_fact_of ctxt; in used_facts' (fn nm' => nm' = "" orelse nm' = nm) get_fact thm |> Inttab.dest |> map_filter snd |> map snd |> map (apsnd (Thm.prop_of)) end fun raw_primitive_text f = Method.Basic (fn _ => ((K (fn (ctxt, thm) => Seq.make_results (Seq.single (ctxt, f thm)))))) (*Find local facts from new hyps*) fun used_local_facts ctxt thm = let val hyps = Thm.hyps_of thm val facts = Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt |> Facts.dest_static true [] fun match_hyp hyp = let fun get (nm,thms) = case (get_index (fn t => if (Thm.prop_of t) aconv hyp then SOME hyp else NONE) thms) of SOME t => SOME (nm,t) | NONE => NONE in get_first get facts end in map_filter match_hyp hyps end fun used_facts ctxt thm = let val used_from_pbody = used_pbody_facts ctxt thm |> map (fn (nm,t) => ((nm,NONE),t)) val used_from_hyps = used_local_facts ctxt thm |> map (fn (nm,(i,t)) => ((nm,SOME i),t)) in (used_from_hyps @ used_from_pbody) end (* Perform refinement step, and run the given stateful function against computed dependencies afterwards. *) fun refine args f text state = let val ctxt = Proof.context_of state val thm = Proof.simple_goal state |> #goal fun save_deps deps = f ctxt thm deps in if (can_clear (Proof.theory_of state)) then Proof.refine (Method.Combinator (Method.no_combinator_info,Method.Then, [raw_primitive_text (clear_deps),text, raw_primitive_text (fn thm' => (save_deps (used_facts ctxt thm');join_deps thm thm'))])) state else (if (#silent_fail args) then (save_deps [];Proof.refine text state) else error "Apply_Trace theory must be imported to trace applies") end (* Boilerplate from Proof.ML *) fun method_error kind pos state = Seq.single (Proof_Display.method_error kind pos (Proof.raw_goal state)); fun apply args f text = Proof.assert_backward #> refine args f text #> Seq.maps_results (Proof.apply ((raw_primitive_text I),(Position.none, Position.none))); fun apply_results args f (text, range) = Seq.APPEND (apply args f text, method_error "" (Position.range_position range)); structure Filter_Thms = Named_Thms ( val name = @{binding no_trace} val description = "thms to be ignored from tracing" ) (* Print out the found dependencies. *) fun pretty_deps only_names query ctxt thm deps = let (* Remove duplicates. *) val deps = sort_distinct (prod_ord (prod_ord string_ord (option_ord int_ord)) Term_Ord.term_ord) deps (* Fetch canonical names and theorems. *) val deps = map (fn (ident, term) => ThmExtras.adjust_thm_name ctxt ident term) deps (* Remove "boring" theorems. *) val deps = subtract (fn (a, ThmExtras.FoundName (_, thm)) => Thm.eq_thm (thm, a) | _ => false) (Filter_Thms.get ctxt) deps val deps = case query of SOME (raw_query,pos) => let val pos' = perhaps (try (Position.advance_offsets 1)) pos; val q = Find_Theorems.read_query pos' raw_query; val results = Find_Theorems.find_theorems_cmd ctxt (SOME thm) (SOME 1000000000) false q |> snd |> map ThmExtras.fact_ref_to_name; (* Only consider theorems from our query. *) val deps = inter (fn (ThmExtras.FoundName (nmidx,_), ThmExtras.FoundName (nmidx',_)) => nmidx = nmidx' | _ => false) results deps in deps end | _ => deps in if only_names then Pretty.block (Pretty.separate "" (map (ThmExtras.pretty_fact only_names ctxt) deps)) else (* Pretty-print resulting theorems. *) Pretty.big_list "used theorems:" (map (Pretty.item o single o ThmExtras.pretty_fact only_names ctxt) deps) end val _ = Context.>> (Context.map_theory Filter_Thms.setup) end \ end