(* Title: HOL/UNITY/Simple/Reach.thy Author: Lawrence C Paulson, Cambridge University Computer Laboratory Copyright 1998 University of Cambridge Reachability in Directed Graphs. From Chandy and Misra, section 6.4. [this example took only four days!] *) theory Reach imports "../UNITY_Main" begin typedecl vertex type_synonym state = "vertex=>bool" consts init :: "vertex" edges :: "(vertex*vertex) set" definition asgt :: "[vertex,vertex] => (state*state) set" where "asgt u v = {(s,s'). s' = s(v:= s u | s v)}" definition Rprg :: "state program" where "Rprg = mk_total_program ({%v. v=init}, \(u,v)\edges. {asgt u v}, UNIV)" definition reach_invariant :: "state set" where "reach_invariant = {s. (\v. s v --> (init, v) \ edges\<^sup>*) & s init}" definition fixedpoint :: "state set" where "fixedpoint = {s. \(u,v)\edges. s u --> s v}" definition metric :: "state => nat" where "metric s = card {v. ~ s v}" text\*We assume that the set of vertices is finite\ axiomatization where finite_graph: "finite (UNIV :: vertex set)" (*TO SIMPDATA.ML?? FOR CLASET?? *) lemma ifE [elim!]: "[| if P then Q else R; [| P; Q |] ==> S; [| ~ P; R |] ==> S |] ==> S" by (simp split: if_split_asm) declare Rprg_def [THEN def_prg_Init, simp] declare asgt_def [THEN def_act_simp,simp] text\All vertex sets are finite\ declare finite_subset [OF subset_UNIV finite_graph, iff] declare reach_invariant_def [THEN def_set_simp, simp] lemma reach_invariant: "Rprg \ Always reach_invariant" apply (rule AlwaysI, force) apply (unfold Rprg_def, safety) apply (blast intro: rtrancl_trans) done (*** Fixedpoint ***) (*If it reaches a fixedpoint, it has found a solution*) lemma fixedpoint_invariant_correct: "fixedpoint \ reach_invariant = { %v. (init, v) \ edges\<^sup>* }" apply (unfold fixedpoint_def) apply (rule equalityI) apply (auto intro!: ext) apply (erule rtrancl_induct, auto) done lemma lemma1: "FP Rprg \ fixedpoint" apply (simp add: FP_def fixedpoint_def Rprg_def mk_total_program_def) apply (auto simp add: stable_def constrains_def) apply (drule bspec, assumption) apply (simp add: Image_singleton image_iff) apply (drule fun_cong, auto) done lemma lemma2: "fixedpoint \ FP Rprg" apply (simp add: FP_def fixedpoint_def Rprg_def mk_total_program_def) apply (auto intro!: ext simp add: stable_def constrains_def) done lemma FP_fixedpoint: "FP Rprg = fixedpoint" by (rule equalityI [OF lemma1 lemma2]) (*If we haven't reached a fixedpoint then there is some edge for which u but not v holds. Progress will be proved via an ENSURES assertion that the metric will decrease for each suitable edge. A union over all edges proves a LEADSTO assertion that the metric decreases if we are not at a fixedpoint. *) lemma Compl_fixedpoint: "- fixedpoint = (\(u,v)\edges. {s. s u & ~ s v})" apply (simp add: FP_fixedpoint [symmetric] Rprg_def mk_total_program_def) apply (rule subset_antisym) apply (auto simp add: Compl_FP UN_UN_flatten) apply (rule fun_upd_idem, force) apply (force intro!: rev_bexI simp add: fun_upd_idem_iff) done lemma Diff_fixedpoint: "A - fixedpoint = (\(u,v)\edges. A \ {s. s u & ~ s v})" by (simp add: Diff_eq Compl_fixedpoint, blast) (*** Progress ***) lemma Suc_metric: "~ s x ==> Suc (metric (s(x:=True))) = metric s" apply (unfold metric_def) apply (subgoal_tac "{v. ~ (s (x:=True)) v} = {v. ~ s v} - {x}") prefer 2 apply force apply (simp add: card_Suc_Diff1 del:card_Diff_insert) done lemma metric_less [intro!]: "~ s x ==> metric (s(x:=True)) < metric s" by (erule Suc_metric [THEN subst], blast) lemma metric_le: "metric (s(y:=s x | s y)) \ metric s" by (cases "s x --> s y") (auto intro: less_imp_le simp add: fun_upd_idem) lemma LeadsTo_Diff_fixedpoint: "Rprg \ ((metric-`{m}) - fixedpoint) LeadsTo (metric-`(lessThan m))" apply (simp (no_asm) add: Diff_fixedpoint Rprg_def) apply (rule LeadsTo_UN, auto) apply (ensures_tac "asgt a b") prefer 2 apply blast apply (simp (no_asm_use) add: linorder_not_less) apply (drule metric_le [THEN order_antisym]) apply (auto elim: less_not_refl3 [THEN [2] rev_notE]) done lemma LeadsTo_Un_fixedpoint: "Rprg \ (metric-`{m}) LeadsTo (metric-`(lessThan m) \ fixedpoint)" apply (rule LeadsTo_Diff [OF LeadsTo_Diff_fixedpoint [THEN LeadsTo_weaken_R] subset_imp_LeadsTo], auto) done (*Execution in any state leads to a fixedpoint (i.e. can terminate)*) lemma LeadsTo_fixedpoint: "Rprg \ UNIV LeadsTo fixedpoint" apply (rule LessThan_induct, auto) apply (rule LeadsTo_Un_fixedpoint) done lemma LeadsTo_correct: "Rprg \ UNIV LeadsTo { %v. (init, v) \ edges\<^sup>* }" apply (subst fixedpoint_invariant_correct [symmetric]) apply (rule Always_LeadsTo_weaken [OF reach_invariant LeadsTo_fixedpoint], auto) done end