(* Title: HOL/Code_Evaluation.thy Author: Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen *) section \Term evaluation using the generic code generator\ theory Code_Evaluation imports Typerep Limited_Sequence keywords "value" :: diag begin subsection \Term representation\ subsubsection \Terms and class \term_of\\ datatype (plugins only: extraction) "term" = dummy_term definition Const :: "String.literal \ typerep \ term" where "Const _ _ = dummy_term" definition App :: "term \ term \ term" where "App _ _ = dummy_term" definition Abs :: "String.literal \ typerep \ term \ term" where "Abs _ _ _ = dummy_term" definition Free :: "String.literal \ typerep \ term" where "Free _ _ = dummy_term" code_datatype Const App Abs Free class term_of = typerep + fixes term_of :: "'a \ term" lemma term_of_anything: "term_of x \ t" by (rule eq_reflection) (cases "term_of x", cases t, simp) definition valapp :: "('a \ 'b) \ (unit \ term) \ 'a \ (unit \ term) \ 'b \ (unit \ term)" where "valapp f x = (fst f (fst x), \u. App (snd f ()) (snd x ()))" lemma valapp_code [code, code_unfold]: "valapp (f, tf) (x, tx) = (f x, \u. App (tf ()) (tx ()))" by (simp only: valapp_def fst_conv snd_conv) subsubsection \Syntax\ definition termify :: "'a \ term" where [code del]: "termify x = dummy_term" abbreviation valtermify :: "'a \ 'a \ (unit \ term)" where "valtermify x \ (x, \u. termify x)" locale term_syntax begin notation App (infixl "<\>" 70) and valapp (infixl "{\}" 70) end interpretation term_syntax . no_notation App (infixl "<\>" 70) and valapp (infixl "{\}" 70) subsection \Tools setup and evaluation\ context begin qualified definition TERM_OF :: "'a::term_of itself" where "TERM_OF = snd (Code_Evaluation.term_of :: 'a \ _, TYPE('a))" qualified definition TERM_OF_EQUAL :: "'a::term_of itself" where "TERM_OF_EQUAL = snd (\(a::'a). (Code_Evaluation.term_of a, HOL.eq a), TYPE('a))" end lemma eq_eq_TrueD: fixes x y :: "'a::{}" assumes "(x \ y) \ Trueprop True" shows "x \ y" using assms by simp code_printing type_constructor "term" \ (Eval) "Term.term" | constant Const \ (Eval) "Term.Const/ ((_), (_))" | constant App \ (Eval) "Term.$/ ((_), (_))" | constant Abs \ (Eval) "Term.Abs/ ((_), (_), (_))" | constant Free \ (Eval) "Term.Free/ ((_), (_))" ML_file \Tools/code_evaluation.ML\ code_reserved Eval Code_Evaluation ML_file \~~/src/HOL/Tools/value_command.ML\ subsection \Dedicated \term_of\ instances\ instantiation "fun" :: (typerep, typerep) term_of begin definition "term_of (f :: 'a \ 'b) = Const (STR ''Pure.dummy_pattern'') (Typerep.Typerep (STR ''fun'') [Typerep.typerep TYPE('a), Typerep.typerep TYPE('b)])" instance .. end declare [[code drop: rec_term case_term "term_of :: typerep \ _" "term_of :: term \ _" "term_of :: String.literal \ _" "term_of :: _ Predicate.pred \ term" "term_of :: _ Predicate.seq \ term"]] code_printing constant "term_of :: integer \ term" \ (Eval) "HOLogic.mk'_number/ HOLogic.code'_integerT" | constant "term_of :: String.literal \ term" \ (Eval) "HOLogic.mk'_literal" declare [[code drop: "term_of :: integer \ _"]] lemma term_of_integer [unfolded typerep_fun_def typerep_num_def typerep_integer_def, code]: "term_of (i :: integer) = (if i > 0 then App (Const (STR ''Num.numeral_class.numeral'') (TYPEREP(num \ integer))) (term_of (num_of_integer i)) else if i = 0 then Const (STR ''Groups.zero_class.zero'') TYPEREP(integer) else App (Const (STR ''Groups.uminus_class.uminus'') TYPEREP(integer \ integer)) (term_of (- i)))" by (rule term_of_anything [THEN meta_eq_to_obj_eq]) code_reserved Eval HOLogic subsection \Generic reification\ ML_file \~~/src/HOL/Tools/reification.ML\ subsection \Diagnostic\ definition tracing :: "String.literal \ 'a \ 'a" where [code del]: "tracing s x = x" code_printing constant "tracing :: String.literal => 'a => 'a" \ (Eval) "Code'_Evaluation.tracing" hide_const dummy_term valapp hide_const (open) Const App Abs Free termify valtermify term_of tracing end