(* Title: Pure/pure_thy.ML Author: Markus Wenzel, TU Muenchen Pure theory syntax and further logical content. *) signature PURE_THY = sig val old_appl_syntax: theory -> bool val old_appl_syntax_setup: theory -> theory val token_markers: string list end; structure Pure_Thy: PURE_THY = struct (* auxiliary *) val typ = Simple_Syntax.read_typ; val prop = Simple_Syntax.read_prop; val tycon = Lexicon.mark_type; val const = Lexicon.mark_const; val qualify = Binding.qualify true Context.PureN; fun mixfix (sy, ps, p) = Mixfix (Input.string sy, ps, p, Position.no_range); fun infix_ (sy, p) = Infix (Input.string sy, p, Position.no_range); fun infixr_ (sy, p) = Infixr (Input.string sy, p, Position.no_range); fun binder (sy, p, q) = Binder (Input.string sy, p, q, Position.no_range); fun add_deps_type c thy = let val n = Sign.arity_number thy c; val typargs = map (fn a => TFree (a, [])) (Name.invent Name.context Name.aT n); in thy |> Theory.add_deps_global "" ((Defs.Type, c), typargs) [] end fun add_deps_const c thy = let val T = Logic.unvarifyT_global (Sign.the_const_type thy c); val typargs = Sign.const_typargs thy (c, T); in thy |> Theory.add_deps_global "" ((Defs.Const, c), typargs) [] end; (* application syntax variants *) val appl_syntax = [("_appl", typ "('b \ 'a) \ args \ logic", mixfix ("(1_/(1'(_')))", [1000, 0], 1000)), ("_appl", typ "('b \ 'a) \ args \ aprop", mixfix ("(1_/(1'(_')))", [1000, 0], 1000))]; val applC_syntax = [("", typ "'a \ cargs", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_cargs", typ "'a \ cargs \ cargs", mixfix ("_/ _", [1000, 1000], 1000)), ("_applC", typ "('b \ 'a) \ cargs \ logic", mixfix ("(1_/ _)", [1000, 1000], 999)), ("_applC", typ "('b \ 'a) \ cargs \ aprop", mixfix ("(1_/ _)", [1000, 1000], 999))]; structure Old_Appl_Syntax = Theory_Data ( type T = bool; val empty = false; val extend = I; fun merge (b1, b2) : T = if b1 = b2 then b1 else error "Cannot merge theories with different application syntax"; ); val old_appl_syntax = Old_Appl_Syntax.get; val old_appl_syntax_setup = Old_Appl_Syntax.put true #> Sign.del_syntax Syntax.mode_default applC_syntax #> Sign.add_syntax Syntax.mode_default appl_syntax; (* main content *) val token_markers = ["_tfree", "_tvar", "_free", "_bound", "_loose", "_var", "_numeral", "_inner_string"]; val _ = Theory.setup (Sign.theory_naming #> Old_Appl_Syntax.put false #> Sign.add_types_global [(Binding.make ("fun", \<^here>), 2, NoSyn), (Binding.make ("prop", \<^here>), 0, NoSyn), (Binding.make ("itself", \<^here>), 1, NoSyn), (Binding.make ("dummy", \<^here>), 0, NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("proof", \<^here>)), 0, NoSyn)] #> add_deps_type "fun" #> add_deps_type "prop" #> add_deps_type "itself" #> add_deps_type "dummy" #> add_deps_type "Pure.proof" #> Sign.add_nonterminals_global (map (fn name => Binding.make (name, \<^here>)) (Lexicon.terminals @ ["logic", "type", "types", "sort", "classes", "args", "cargs", "pttrn", "pttrns", "idt", "idts", "aprop", "asms", "any", "prop'", "num_const", "float_const", "num_position", "float_position", "index", "struct", "tid_position", "tvar_position", "id_position", "longid_position", "var_position", "str_position", "string_position", "cartouche_position", "type_name", "class_name"])) #> Sign.add_syntax Syntax.mode_default (map (fn x => (x, typ "'a", NoSyn)) token_markers) #> Sign.add_syntax Syntax.mode_default [("", typ "prop' \ prop", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("", typ "logic \ any", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("", typ "prop' \ any", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("", typ "logic \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "'(_')"), ("", typ "prop' \ prop'", Mixfix.mixfix "'(_')"), ("_constrain", typ "logic \ type \ logic", mixfix ("_::_", [4, 0], 3)), ("_constrain", typ "prop' \ type \ prop'", mixfix ("_::_", [4, 0], 3)), ("_ignore_type", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("", typ "tid_position \ type", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("", typ "tvar_position \ type", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("", typ "type_name \ type", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_type_name", typ "id \ type_name", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_type_name", typ "longid \ type_name", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_ofsort", typ "tid_position \ sort \ type", mixfix ("_::_", [1000, 0], 1000)), ("_ofsort", typ "tvar_position \ sort \ type", mixfix ("_::_", [1000, 0], 1000)), ("_dummy_ofsort", typ "sort \ type", mixfix ("'_' ::_", [0], 1000)), ("", typ "class_name \ sort", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_class_name", typ "id \ class_name", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_class_name", typ "longid \ class_name", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_dummy_sort", typ "sort", Mixfix.mixfix "'_"), ("_topsort", typ "sort", Mixfix.mixfix "{}"), ("_sort", typ "classes \ sort", Mixfix.mixfix "{_}"), ("", typ "class_name \ classes", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_classes", typ "class_name \ classes \ classes", Mixfix.mixfix "_,_"), ("_tapp", typ "type \ type_name \ type", mixfix ("_ _", [1000, 0], 1000)), ("_tappl", typ "type \ types \ type_name \ type", Mixfix.mixfix "((1'(_,/ _')) _)"), ("", typ "type \ types", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_types", typ "type \ types \ types", Mixfix.mixfix "_,/ _"), ("\<^type>fun", typ "type \ type \ type", mixfix ("(_/ \ _)", [1, 0], 0)), ("_bracket", typ "types \ type \ type", mixfix ("([_]/ \ _)", [0, 0], 0)), ("", typ "type \ type", Mixfix.mixfix "'(_')"), ("\<^type>dummy", typ "type", Mixfix.mixfix "'_"), ("_type_prop", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("_lambda", typ "pttrns \ 'a \ logic", mixfix ("(3\_./ _)", [0, 3], 3)), ("_abs", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("", typ "'a \ args", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_args", typ "'a \ args \ args", Mixfix.mixfix "_,/ _"), ("", typ "id_position \ idt", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_idtdummy", typ "idt", Mixfix.mixfix "'_"), ("_idtyp", typ "id_position \ type \ idt", mixfix ("_::_", [], 0)), ("_idtypdummy", typ "type \ idt", mixfix ("'_' ::_", [], 0)), ("", typ "idt \ idt", Mixfix.mixfix "'(_')"), ("", typ "idt \ idts", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_idts", typ "idt \ idts \ idts", mixfix ("_/ _", [1, 0], 0)), ("", typ "idt \ pttrn", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("", typ "pttrn \ pttrns", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_pttrns", typ "pttrn \ pttrns \ pttrns", mixfix ("_/ _", [1, 0], 0)), ("", typ "aprop \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "'(_')"), ("", typ "id_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("", typ "longid_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("", typ "var_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_DDDOT", typ "aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "\"), ("_aprop", typ "aprop \ prop", Mixfix.mixfix "PROP _"), ("_asm", typ "prop \ asms", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_asms", typ "prop \ asms \ asms", Mixfix.mixfix "_;/ _"), ("_bigimpl", typ "asms \ prop \ prop", mixfix ("((1\_\)/ \ _)", [0, 1], 1)), ("_ofclass", typ "type \ logic \ prop", Mixfix.mixfix "(1OFCLASS/(1'(_,/ _')))"), ("_mk_ofclass", typ "dummy", NoSyn), ("_TYPE", typ "type \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "(1TYPE/(1'(_')))"), ("", typ "id_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("", typ "longid_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("", typ "var_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_DDDOT", typ "logic", Mixfix.mixfix "\"), ("_strip_positions", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("_position", typ "num_token \ num_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_position", typ "float_token \ float_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_constify", typ "num_position \ num_const", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_constify", typ "float_position \ float_const", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_index", typ "logic \ index", Mixfix.mixfix "(\unbreakable\\<^bsub>_\<^esub>)"), ("_indexdefault", typ "index", Mixfix.mixfix ""), ("_indexvar", typ "index", Mixfix.mixfix "'\"), ("_struct", typ "index \ logic", NoSyn), ("_update_name", typ "idt", NoSyn), ("_constrainAbs", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("_position_sort", typ "tid \ tid_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_position_sort", typ "tvar \ tvar_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_position", typ "id \ id_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_position", typ "longid \ longid_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_position", typ "var \ var_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_position", typ "str_token \ str_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_position", typ "string_token \ string_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_position", typ "cartouche \ cartouche_position", Mixfix.mixfix "_"), ("_type_constraint_", typ "'a", NoSyn), ("_context_const", typ "id_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "CONST _"), ("_context_const", typ "id_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "CONST _"), ("_context_const", typ "longid_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "CONST _"), ("_context_const", typ "longid_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "CONST _"), ("_context_xconst", typ "id_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "XCONST _"), ("_context_xconst", typ "id_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "XCONST _"), ("_context_xconst", typ "longid_position \ logic", Mixfix.mixfix "XCONST _"), ("_context_xconst", typ "longid_position \ aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "XCONST _"), (const "Pure.dummy_pattern", typ "aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "'_"), ("_sort_constraint", typ "type \ prop", Mixfix.mixfix "(1SORT'_CONSTRAINT/(1'(_')))"), (const "Pure.term", typ "logic \ prop", Mixfix.mixfix "TERM _"), (const "Pure.conjunction", typ "prop \ prop \ prop", infixr_ ("&&&", 2))] #> Sign.add_syntax Syntax.mode_default applC_syntax #> Sign.add_syntax (Print_Mode.ASCII, true) [(tycon "fun", typ "type \ type \ type", mixfix ("(_/ => _)", [1, 0], 0)), ("_bracket", typ "types \ type \ type", mixfix ("([_]/ => _)", [0, 0], 0)), ("_lambda", typ "pttrns \ 'a \ logic", mixfix ("(3%_./ _)", [0, 3], 3)), (const "Pure.eq", typ "'a \ 'a \ prop", infix_ ("==", 2)), (const "Pure.all_binder", typ "idts \ prop \ prop", mixfix ("(3!!_./ _)", [0, 0], 0)), (const "Pure.imp", typ "prop \ prop \ prop", infixr_ ("==>", 1)), ("_DDDOT", typ "aprop", Mixfix.mixfix "..."), ("_bigimpl", typ "asms \ prop \ prop", mixfix ("((3[| _ |])/ ==> _)", [0, 1], 1)), ("_DDDOT", typ "logic", Mixfix.mixfix "...")] #> Sign.add_syntax ("", false) [(const "Pure.prop", typ "prop \ prop", mixfix ("_", [0], 0))] #> Sign.add_consts [(qualify (Binding.make ("eq", \<^here>)), typ "'a \ 'a \ prop", infix_ ("\", 2)), (qualify (Binding.make ("imp", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ prop \ prop", infixr_ ("\", 1)), (qualify (Binding.make ("all", \<^here>)), typ "('a \ prop) \ prop", binder ("\", 0, 0)), (qualify (Binding.make ("prop", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ prop", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("type", \<^here>)), typ "'a itself", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("dummy_pattern", \<^here>)), typ "'a", Mixfix.mixfix "'_"), (qualify (Binding.make ("Appt", \<^here>)), typ "Pure.proof \ 'a \ Pure.proof", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("AppP", \<^here>)), typ "Pure.proof \ Pure.proof \ Pure.proof", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("Abst", \<^here>)), typ "('a \ Pure.proof) \ Pure.proof", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("AbsP", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ (Pure.proof \ Pure.proof) \ Pure.proof", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("Hyp", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ Pure.proof", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("Oracle", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ Pure.proof", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("OfClass", \<^here>)), typ "('a itself \ prop) \ Pure.proof", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("MinProof", \<^here>)), typ "Pure.proof", NoSyn)] #> add_deps_const "Pure.eq" #> add_deps_const "Pure.imp" #> add_deps_const "Pure.all" #> add_deps_const "Pure.type" #> add_deps_const "Pure.dummy_pattern" #> Sign.parse_ast_translation Syntax_Trans.pure_parse_ast_translation #> Sign.parse_translation Syntax_Trans.pure_parse_translation #> Sign.print_ast_translation Syntax_Trans.pure_print_ast_translation #> Sign.add_consts [(qualify (Binding.make ("term", \<^here>)), typ "'a \ prop", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("sort_constraint", \<^here>)), typ "'a itself \ prop", NoSyn), (qualify (Binding.make ("conjunction", \<^here>)), typ "prop \ prop \ prop", NoSyn)] #> Sign.local_path #> (Global_Theory.add_defs false o map Thm.no_attributes) [(Binding.make ("prop_def", \<^here>), prop "(CONST Pure.prop :: prop \ prop) (A::prop) \ A::prop"), (Binding.make ("term_def", \<^here>), prop "(CONST Pure.term :: 'a \ prop) (x::'a) \ (\A::prop. A \ A)"), (Binding.make ("sort_constraint_def", \<^here>), prop "(CONST Pure.sort_constraint :: 'a itself \ prop) (CONST Pure.type :: 'a itself) \\ \ (CONST Pure.term :: 'a itself \ prop) (CONST Pure.type :: 'a itself)"), (Binding.make ("conjunction_def", \<^here>), prop "(A &&& B) \ (\C::prop. (A \ B \ C) \ C)")] #> snd #> fold (fn (a, prop) => snd o Thm.add_axiom_global (Binding.make (a, \<^here>), prop)) Proofterm.equality_axms); end;