(* Title: HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_tactics.ML Author: Dmitriy Traytel, TU Muenchen Author: Jasmin Blanchette, TU Muenchen Copyright 2012 General tactics for bounded natural functors. *) signature BNF_TACTICS = sig include CTR_SUGAR_GENERAL_TACTICS val fo_rtac: Proof.context -> thm -> int -> tactic val clean_blast_tac: Proof.context -> int -> tactic val subst_tac: Proof.context -> int list option -> thm list -> int -> tactic val subst_asm_tac: Proof.context -> int list option -> thm list -> int -> tactic val mk_rotate_eq_tac: Proof.context -> (int -> tactic) -> thm -> thm -> thm -> thm -> ''a list -> ''a list -> int -> tactic val mk_pointfree2: Proof.context -> thm -> thm val mk_Abs_bij_thm: Proof.context -> thm -> thm -> thm val mk_Abs_inj_thm: thm -> thm val mk_map_comp_id_tac: Proof.context -> thm -> tactic val mk_map_cong0_tac: Proof.context -> int -> thm -> tactic val mk_map_cong0L_tac: Proof.context -> int -> thm -> thm -> tactic end; structure BNF_Tactics : BNF_TACTICS = struct open Ctr_Sugar_General_Tactics open BNF_Util (*stolen from Christian Urban's Cookbook (and adapted slightly)*) fun fo_rtac ctxt thm = Subgoal.FOCUS (fn {concl, context = ctxt, ...} => let val concl_pat = Drule.strip_imp_concl (Thm.cprop_of thm) val insts = Thm.first_order_match (concl_pat, concl) in rtac ctxt (Drule.instantiate_normalize insts thm) 1 end handle Pattern.MATCH => no_tac) ctxt; fun clean_blast_tac ctxt = blast_tac (put_claset (claset_of \<^theory_context>\HOL\) ctxt); (*unlike "unfold_thms_tac", it succeed when the RHS contains schematic variables not in the LHS*) fun subst_tac ctxt = EqSubst.eqsubst_tac ctxt o the_default [0]; fun subst_asm_tac ctxt = EqSubst.eqsubst_asm_tac ctxt o the_default [0]; (*transforms f (g x) = h (k x) into f o g = h o k using first order matches for f, g, h, and k*) fun mk_pointfree2 ctxt thm = thm |> Thm.prop_of |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> HOLogic.dest_eq |> apply2 (dest_comb #> apsnd (dest_comb #> fst) #> HOLogic.mk_comp) |> mk_Trueprop_eq |> (fn goal => Goal.prove_sorry ctxt [] [] goal (K (rtac ctxt ext 1 THEN unfold_thms_tac ctxt ([o_apply, unfold_thms ctxt [o_apply] (mk_sym thm)]) THEN rtac ctxt refl 1))) |> Thm.close_derivation \<^here>; (* Theorems for open typedefs with UNIV as representing set *) fun mk_Abs_inj_thm inj = inj OF (replicate 2 @{thm UNIV_I}); fun mk_Abs_bij_thm ctxt Abs_inj_thm surj = rule_by_tactic ctxt ((rtac ctxt surj THEN' etac ctxt exI) 1) (Abs_inj_thm RS @{thm bijI'}); (* General tactic generators *) (*applies assoc rule to the lhs of an equation as long as possible*) fun mk_flatten_assoc_tac ctxt refl_tac trans assoc cong = rtac ctxt trans 1 THEN REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED ((FIRST' [rtac ctxt trans THEN' rtac ctxt assoc, rtac ctxt cong THEN' refl_tac]) 1)) THEN refl_tac 1; (*proves two sides of an equation to be equal assuming both are flattened and rhs can be obtained from lhs by the given permutation of monoms*) fun mk_rotate_eq_tac ctxt refl_tac trans assoc com cong = let fun gen_tac [] [] = K all_tac | gen_tac [x] [y] = if x = y then refl_tac else error "mk_rotate_eq_tac: different lists" | gen_tac (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = if x = y then rtac ctxt cong THEN' refl_tac THEN' gen_tac xs ys else rtac ctxt trans THEN' rtac ctxt com THEN' K (mk_flatten_assoc_tac ctxt refl_tac trans assoc cong) THEN' gen_tac (xs @ [x]) (y :: ys) | gen_tac _ _ = error "mk_rotate_eq_tac: different lists"; in gen_tac end; fun mk_map_comp_id_tac ctxt map_comp0 = (rtac ctxt trans THEN' rtac ctxt map_comp0 THEN' K (unfold_thms_tac ctxt @{thms comp_id}) THEN' rtac ctxt refl) 1; fun mk_map_cong0_tac ctxt m map_cong0 = EVERY' [rtac ctxt mp, rtac ctxt map_cong0, CONJ_WRAP' (K (rtac ctxt @{thm ballI} THEN' Goal.assume_rule_tac ctxt)) (1 upto m)] 1; fun mk_map_cong0L_tac ctxt passive map_cong0 map_id = (rtac ctxt trans THEN' rtac ctxt map_cong0 THEN' EVERY' (replicate passive (rtac ctxt refl))) 1 THEN REPEAT_DETERM (EVERY' [rtac ctxt trans, etac ctxt @{thm bspec}, assume_tac ctxt, rtac ctxt sym, rtac ctxt @{thm id_apply}] 1) THEN rtac ctxt map_id 1; end;