(* Title: HOL/Tools/BNF/bnf_fp_n2m_tactics.ML Author: Dmitriy Traytel, TU Muenchen Copyright 2013 Tactics for mutualization of nested (co)datatypes. *) signature BNF_FP_N2M_TACTICS = sig val mk_rel_xtor_co_induct_tac: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> {prems: thm list, context: Proof.context} -> tactic val mk_xtor_un_fold_unique_tac: BNF_Util.fp_kind -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> {context: Proof.context, prems: thm list} -> tactic val mk_xtor_un_fold_tac: Proof.context -> int -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic val mk_xtor_un_fold_transfer_tac: Proof.context -> int -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> thm list -> tactic end; structure BNF_FP_N2M_Tactics : BNF_FP_N2M_TACTICS = struct open BNF_Util open BNF_Tactics open BNF_FP_Util val vimage2p_unfolds = o_apply :: @{thms vimage2p_def}; fun unfold_at_most_once_tac ctxt thms = CONVERSION (Conv.top_sweep_conv (K (Conv.rewrs_conv thms)) ctxt); val unfold_once_tac = CHANGED ooo unfold_at_most_once_tac; fun mk_rel_xtor_co_induct_tac fp abs_inverses co_inducts0 rel_defs rel_monos nesting_rel_eqs0 nesting_rel_monos0 {context = ctxt, prems = raw_C_IHs} = let val nesting_rel_eqs = @{thms prod.rel_eq sum.rel_eq} @ nesting_rel_eqs0; val nesting_rel_monos = map (fn thm => rotate_prems ~1 (thm RS @{thm predicate2D})) (@{thms prod.rel_mono sum.rel_mono} @ nesting_rel_monos0); val co_inducts = map (unfold_thms ctxt (vimage2p_unfolds @ nesting_rel_eqs)) co_inducts0; val unfolds = map (fn def => unfold_thms ctxt (id_apply :: vimage2p_unfolds @ abs_inverses @ no_reflexive [def])) rel_defs; val folded_C_IHs = map (fn thm => thm RS @{thm spec2} RS mp) raw_C_IHs; val C_IHs = map2 (curry op |>) folded_C_IHs unfolds; val C_IH_monos = @{map 3} (fn C_IH => fn mono => fn unfold => (mono RSN (2, @{thm vimage2p_mono}), C_IH) |> fp = Greatest_FP ? swap |> op RS |> unfold) folded_C_IHs rel_monos unfolds; val sym_nested_rel_eqs = map mk_sym nesting_rel_eqs; in unfold_thms_tac ctxt vimage2p_unfolds THEN HEADGOAL (CONJ_WRAP_GEN' (rtac ctxt @{thm context_conjI}) (fn thm => rtac ctxt thm THEN_ALL_NEW (rotate_tac ~1 THEN' REPEAT_ALL_NEW (FIRST' [eresolve_tac ctxt C_IHs, eresolve_tac ctxt C_IH_monos, SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt nesting_rel_eqs) THEN' rtac ctxt @{thm order_refl}, assume_tac ctxt, resolve_tac ctxt co_inducts, resolve_tac ctxt C_IH_monos THEN_ALL_NEW (TRY o FIRST' [SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt sym_nested_rel_eqs) THEN' assume_tac ctxt, rtac ctxt @{thm order_refl}, REPEAT_ALL_NEW (eresolve_tac ctxt nesting_rel_monos)])]))) co_inducts) end; fun mk_xtor_un_fold_unique_tac fp xtor_un_fold_defs map_arg_congs xtor_un_fold_o_maps Rep_o_Abss fp_un_fold_uniques simp_thms map_thms map_defs cache_defs {context = ctxt, prems} = unfold_thms_tac ctxt xtor_un_fold_defs THEN HEADGOAL (REPEAT_DETERM o FIRST' [hyp_subst_tac_thin true ctxt, rtac ctxt refl, rtac ctxt conjI, rtac ctxt @{thm arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "(\)", OF refl]}, rtac ctxt @{thm arg_cong2[of _ _ _ _ "(\)", OF _ refl]}, resolve_tac ctxt map_arg_congs, resolve_tac ctxt fp_un_fold_uniques THEN_ALL_NEW case_fp fp (K all_tac) (rtac ctxt sym), SELECT_GOAL (CHANGED (unfold_thms_tac ctxt (flat [simp_thms, map_thms, map_defs, xtor_un_fold_defs, xtor_un_fold_o_maps, Rep_o_Abss, prems]))), unfold_once_tac ctxt cache_defs]); fun mk_xtor_un_fold_tac ctxt n simps cache_defs = REPEAT_DETERM (CHANGED (unfold_thms_tac ctxt simps) ORELSE CHANGED (ALLGOALS (unfold_at_most_once_tac ctxt cache_defs))) THEN CONJ_WRAP (K (HEADGOAL (rtac ctxt refl))) (1 upto n); fun mk_xtor_un_fold_transfer_tac ctxt n xtor_un_fold_defs rel_defs fp_un_fold_transfers map_transfers Abs_transfers fp_or_nesting_rel_eqs cache_defs = let val unfold = SELECT_GOAL (unfold_thms_tac ctxt fp_or_nesting_rel_eqs); in unfold_thms_tac ctxt (xtor_un_fold_defs @ rel_defs) THEN HEADGOAL (CONJ_WRAP' (fn thm => EVERY' [REPEAT_DETERM_N n o rtac ctxt rel_funI, rtac ctxt thm THEN_ALL_NEW REPEAT_DETERM o (FIRST' [assume_tac ctxt, rtac ctxt @{thm id_transfer}, rtac ctxt @{thm rel_funD[OF rel_funD[OF comp_transfer]]}, resolve_tac ctxt fp_un_fold_transfers, resolve_tac ctxt map_transfers, unfold_once_tac ctxt cache_defs, resolve_tac ctxt Abs_transfers, rtac ctxt @{thm vimage2p_rel_fun}, unfold THEN' rtac ctxt @{thm vimage2p_rel_fun}])]) fp_un_fold_transfers) end; end;