\ProvidesPackage{ttbox}[1997/06/25] \RequirePackage{alltt} %%%Boxed terminal sessions %Redefines \{ and \} to be in \tt font and \| to make a BACKSLASH \def\ttbraces{\chardef\{=`\{\chardef\}=`\}\chardef\|=`\\} %Restores % as the comment character (especially, to suppress line breaks) \newcommand\comments{\catcode`\%=14\relax} %alltt* environment: like alltt but smaller, and with \{ \} and \| as in ttbox \newenvironment{alltt*}{\begin{alltt}\footnotesize\ttbraces}{\end{alltt}} %Indented alltt* environment with small point size %NO LINE BREAKS are allowed unless \pagebreak appears at START of a line \newenvironment{ttbox}{\begin{quote}\samepage\begin{alltt*}}% {\end{alltt*}\end{quote}} {\obeylines\gdef\ttbreak {\allowbreak}} %%%% more \tt things \def\ttdescriptionlabel#1{\hspace\labelsep \tt #1} \def\ttdescription{\list{}{\labelwidth\z@ \itemindent-\leftmargin \let\makelabel\ttdescriptionlabel}} \let\endttdescription\endlist \chardef\ttilde=`\~ % A tilde for \tt font \chardef\ttback=`\\ % A backslash for \tt font \chardef\ttlbrace=`\{ % A left brace for \tt font \chardef\ttrbrace=`\} % A right brace for \tt font \chardef\ttlbrack=`\[ % A left bracket for \tt font \chardef\ttrbrack=`\] % A right bracket for \tt font \newcommand\out{\ \ttfamily\slshape} %% for output from terminal sessions \endinput