(* Modified by sweeks@acm.org on 2000-8-24. * Ported to MLton. *) type int = Int.int (* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989, 1990 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2006/06/22 07:40:27 michaeln * Add a MoscowML compilable implementation of MLyacc, using the MLton sources * as the base. * * Revision 1998/04/08 18:40:17 george * Version 110.5 * * Revision 1.2 1997/07/25 16:01:29 jhr * Fixed bug with long constructor names (#1237). * # Revision 1997/01/14 01:38:06 george # Version 109.24 # * Revision 1.3 1996/05/30 18:05:09 dbm * Made changes to generate code that conforms to the value restriction by * lifting lets to locals in the code generated to define errtermvalue and action. * * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:40 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:48 george * Version 109 * *) functor ParseGenFun(structure ParseGenParser : PARSE_GEN_PARSER structure MakeTable : MAKE_LR_TABLE structure Verbose : VERBOSE structure PrintStruct : PRINT_STRUCT sharing MakeTable.LrTable = PrintStruct.LrTable sharing MakeTable.Errs = Verbose.Errs structure Absyn : ABSYN ) : PARSE_GEN = struct open Array List infix 9 sub structure Grammar = MakeTable.Grammar structure Header = ParseGenParser.Header open Header Grammar (* approx. maximum length of a line *) val lineLength: int = 70 (* record type describing names of structures in the program being generated *) datatype names = NAMES of {miscStruct : string, (* Misc{n} struct name *) tableStruct : string, (* LR table structure *) tokenStruct : string, (* Tokens{n} struct name *) actionsStruct : string, (* Actions structure *) valueStruct: string, (* semantic value structure *) ecStruct : string, (* error correction structure *) arg: string, (* user argument for parser *) tokenSig : string, (* TOKENS{n} signature *) miscSig :string, (* Signature for Misc structure *) dataStruct:string, (* name of structure in Misc *) (* which holds parser data *) dataSig:string (* signature for this structure *) } val DEBUG = true exception Semantic (* common functions and values used in printing out program *) datatype values = VALS of {say : string -> unit, saydot : string -> unit, sayln : string -> unit, pureActions: bool, pos_type : string, arg_type : string, ntvoid : string, termvoid : string, start : Grammar.nonterm, hasType : Grammar.symbol -> bool, (* actual (user) name of terminal *) termToString : Grammar.term -> string, symbolToString : Grammar.symbol -> string, (* type symbol comes from the HDR structure, and is now abstract *) term : (Header.symbol * ty option) list, nonterm : (Header.symbol * ty option) list, terms : Grammar.term list, (* tokenInfo is the user inserted spec in the *_TOKEN sig*) tokenInfo : string option} structure SymbolHash = Hash(type elem = string val gt = (op >) : string*string -> bool) structure TermTable = Table(type key = Grammar.term val gt = fn (T i,T j) => i > j) structure SymbolTable = Table( type key = Grammar.symbol val gt = fn (TERM(T i),TERM(T j)) => i>j | (NONTERM(NT i),NONTERM(NT j)) => i>j | (NONTERM _,TERM _) => true | (TERM _,NONTERM _) => false) (* printTypes: function to print the following types in the LrValues structure and a structure containing the datatype svalue: type svalue -- it holds semantic values on the parse stack type pos -- the type of line numbers type result -- the type of the value that results from the parse The type svalue is set equal to the datatype svalue declared in the structure named by valueStruct. The datatype svalue is declared inside the structure named by valueStruct to deal with the scope of constructors. *) val printTypes = fn (VALS {say,sayln,term,nonterm,symbolToString,pos_type, arg_type, termvoid,ntvoid,saydot,hasType,start, pureActions,...}, NAMES {valueStruct,...},symbolType) => let val prConstr = fn (symbol,SOME s) => say (" | " ^ (symbolName symbol) ^ " of " ^ (if pureActions then "" else "unit -> ") ^ " (" ^ tyName s ^ ")" ) | _ => () in sayln "local open Header in"; sayln ("type pos = " ^ pos_type); sayln ("type arg = " ^ arg_type); sayln ("structure " ^ valueStruct ^ " = "); sayln "struct"; say ("datatype svalue = " ^ termvoid ^ " | " ^ ntvoid ^ " of" ^ (if pureActions then "" else " unit -> ") ^ " unit"); app prConstr term; app prConstr nonterm; sayln "\nend"; sayln ("type svalue = " ^ valueStruct ^ ".svalue"); say "type result = "; case symbolType (NONTERM start) of NONE => sayln "unit" | SOME t => (say (tyName t); sayln ""); sayln "end" end (* function to print Tokens{n} structure *) val printTokenStruct = fn (VALS {say, sayln, termToString, hasType,termvoid,terms, pureActions,tokenInfo,...}, NAMES {miscStruct,tableStruct,valueStruct, tokenStruct,tokenSig,dataStruct,...}) => (sayln ("structure " ^ tokenStruct ^ " : " ^ tokenSig ^ " ="); sayln "struct"; (case tokenInfo of NONE => () | _ => sayln ("open "^dataStruct^".Header")); sayln ("type svalue = " ^ dataStruct ^ ".svalue"); sayln "type ('a,'b) token = ('a,'b) Token.token"; let val f = fn term as T i => (say "fun "; say (termToString term); say " ("; if (hasType (TERM term)) then say "i," else (); say "p1,p2) = Token.TOKEN ("; say (dataStruct ^ "." ^ tableStruct ^ ".T "); say (Int.toString i); say ",("; say (dataStruct ^ "." ^ valueStruct ^ "."); if (hasType (TERM term)) then (say (termToString term); if pureActions then say " i" else say " (fn () => i)") else say termvoid; say ","; sayln "p1,p2))") in app f terms end; sayln "end") (* function to print signatures out - takes print function which does not need to insert line breaks *) val printSigs = fn (VALS {term,tokenInfo,...}, NAMES {tokenSig,tokenStruct,miscSig, dataStruct, dataSig, ...}, say) => say ("signature " ^ tokenSig ^ " =\nsig\n"^ (case tokenInfo of NONE => "" | SOME s => (s^"\n"))^ "type ('a,'b) token\ntype svalue\n" ^ (List.foldr (fn ((s,ty),r) => String.concat [ "val ", symbolName s, (case ty of NONE => ": " | SOME l => ": (" ^ (tyName l) ^ ") * "), " 'a * 'a -> (svalue,'a) token\n", r]) "" term) ^ "end\nsignature " ^ miscSig ^ "=\nsig\nstructure Tokens : " ^ tokenSig ^ "\nstructure " ^ dataStruct ^ ":" ^ dataSig ^ "\nsharing type " ^ dataStruct ^ ".Token.token = Tokens.token\nsharing type " ^ dataStruct ^ ".svalue = Tokens.svalue\nend\n") (* function to print structure for error correction *) val printEC = fn (keyword : term list, preferred_change : (term list * term list) list, noshift : term list, value : (term * string) list, VALS {termToString, say,sayln,terms,saydot,hasType, termvoid,pureActions,...}, NAMES {ecStruct,tableStruct,valueStruct,...}) => let val sayterm = fn (T i) => (say "(T "; say (Int.toString i); say ")") val printBoolCase = fn ( l : term list) => (say "fn "; app (fn t => (sayterm t; say " => true"; say " | ")) l; sayln "_ => false") val printTermList = fn (l : term list) => (app (fn t => (sayterm t; say " :: ")) l; sayln "nil") fun printChange () = (sayln "val preferred_change = "; app (fn (d,i) => (say"("; printTermList d; say ","; printTermList i; sayln ")::" ) ) preferred_change; sayln "nil") val printErrValues = fn (l : (term * string) list) => (sayln "local open Header in"; sayln "val errtermvalue="; say "fn "; app (fn (t,s) => (sayterm t; say " => "; saydot valueStruct; say (termToString t); say "("; if pureActions then () else say "fn () => "; say "("; say s; say "))"; sayln " | " ) ) l; say "_ => "; say (valueStruct ^ "."); sayln termvoid; sayln "end") val printNames = fn () => let val f = fn term => ( sayterm term; say " => "; sayln (String.concat["\"", termToString term, "\""]); say " | ") in (sayln "val showTerminal ="; say "fn "; app f terms; sayln "_ => \"bogus-term\"") end val ecTerms = List.foldr (fn (t,r) => if hasType (TERM t) orelse exists (fn (a,_)=>a=t) value then r else t::r) [] terms in say "structure "; say ecStruct; sayln "="; sayln "struct"; say "open "; sayln tableStruct; sayln "val is_keyword ="; printBoolCase keyword; printChange(); sayln "val noShift = "; printBoolCase noshift; printNames (); printErrValues value; say "val terms = "; printTermList ecTerms; sayln "end" end val printAction = fn (rules, VALS {hasType,say,sayln,termvoid,ntvoid, symbolToString,saydot,start,pureActions,...}, NAMES {actionsStruct,valueStruct,tableStruct,arg,...}) => let val printAbsynRule = Absyn.printRule(say,sayln) val is_nonterm = fn (NONTERM i) => true | _ => false val numberRhs = fn r => List.foldl (fn (e,(r,table)) => let val num = case SymbolTable.find(e,table) of SOME i => i | NONE => 1 in ((e,num,hasType e orelse is_nonterm e)::r, SymbolTable.insert((e,num+1),table)) end) (nil,SymbolTable.empty) r val saySym = symbolToString val printCase = fn (i:int, r as {lhs=lhs as (NT lhsNum),prec, rhs,code,rulenum}) => (* mkToken: Build an argument *) let open Absyn val mkToken = fn (sym,num : int,typed) => let val symString = symbolToString sym val symNum = symString ^ (Int.toString num) in PTUPLE[WILD, PTUPLE[if not (hasType sym) then (if is_nonterm sym then PAPP(valueStruct^"."^ntvoid, PVAR symNum) else WILD) else PAPP(valueStruct^"."^symString, if num=1 andalso pureActions then AS(PVAR symNum,PVAR symString) else PVAR symNum), if num=1 then AS(PVAR (symString^"left"), PVAR(symNum^"left")) else PVAR(symNum^"left"), if num=1 then AS(PVAR(symString^"right"), PVAR(symNum^"right")) else PVAR(symNum^"right")]] end val numberedRhs = #1 (numberRhs rhs) (* construct case pattern *) val pat = PTUPLE[PINT i,PLIST(map mkToken numberedRhs @ [PVAR "rest671"])] (* remove terminals in argument list w/o types *) val argsWithTypes = List.foldr (fn ((_,_,false),r) => r | (s as (_,_,true),r) => s::r) nil numberedRhs (* construct case body *) val defaultPos = EVAR "defaultPos" val resultexp = EVAR "result" val resultpat = PVAR "result" val code = CODE code val rest = EVAR "rest671" val body = LET([VB(resultpat, EAPP(EVAR(valueStruct^"."^ (if hasType (NONTERM lhs) then saySym(NONTERM lhs) else ntvoid)), if pureActions then code else if argsWithTypes=nil then FN(WILD,code) else FN(WILD, let val body = LET(map (fn (sym,num:int,_) => let val symString = symbolToString sym val symNum = symString ^ Int.toString num in VB(if num=1 then AS(PVAR symString,PVAR symNum) else PVAR symNum, EAPP(EVAR symNum,UNIT)) end) (rev argsWithTypes), code) in if hasType (NONTERM lhs) then body else SEQ(body,UNIT) end)))], ETUPLE[EAPP(EVAR(tableStruct^".NT"),EINT(lhsNum)), case rhs of nil => ETUPLE[resultexp,defaultPos,defaultPos] | r =>let val (rsym,rnum,_) = hd(numberedRhs) val (lsym,lnum,_) = hd(rev numberedRhs) in ETUPLE[resultexp, EVAR (symbolToString lsym ^ Int.toString lnum ^ "left"), EVAR (symbolToString rsym ^ Int.toString rnum ^ "right")] end, rest]) in printAbsynRule (RULE(pat,body)) end val prRules = fn () => (sayln "fn (i392:int,defaultPos,stack,"; say " ("; say arg; sayln "):arg) =>"; sayln "case (i392,stack)"; say "of "; app (fn (rule as {rulenum,...}) => (printCase(rulenum,rule); say "| ")) rules; sayln "_ => raise (mlyAction i392)") in say "structure "; say actionsStruct; sayln " ="; sayln "struct "; sayln "type int = Int.int"; sayln "exception mlyAction of int"; sayln "local open Header in"; sayln "val actions = "; prRules(); sayln "end"; say "val void = "; saydot valueStruct; sayln termvoid; say "val extract = "; say "fn a => (fn "; saydot valueStruct; if hasType (NONTERM start) then say (symbolToString (NONTERM start)) else say "ntVOID"; sayln " x => x"; sayln "| _ => let exception ParseInternal"; say "\tin raise ParseInternal end) a "; sayln (if pureActions then "" else "()"); sayln "end" end val make_parser = fn ((header, DECL {eop,change,keyword,nonterm,prec, term, control,value} : declData, rules : rule list),spec,error : pos -> string -> unit, wasError : unit -> bool) => let val verbose = List.exists (fn VERBOSE=>true | _ => false) control val defaultReductions = not (List.exists (fn NODEFAULT=>true | _ => false) control) val pos_type = let fun f nil = NONE | f ((POS s)::r) = SOME s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val start = let fun f nil = NONE | f ((START_SYM s)::r) = SOME s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val name = let fun f nil = NONE | f ((PARSER_NAME s)::r) = SOME s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val header_decl = let fun f nil = NONE | f ((FUNCTOR s)::r) = SOME s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val token_sig_info_decl = let fun f nil = NONE | f ((TOKEN_SIG_INFO s)::_) = SOME s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val arg_decl = let fun f nil = ("()","unit") | f ((PARSE_ARG s)::r) = s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val noshift = let fun f nil = nil | f ((NSHIFT s)::r) = s | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val pureActions = let fun f nil = false | f ((PURE)::r) = true | f (_::r) = f r in f control end val term = case term of NONE => (error 1 "missing %term definition"; nil) | SOME l => l val nonterm = case nonterm of NONE => (error 1 "missing %nonterm definition"; nil) | SOME l => l val pos_type = case pos_type of NONE => (error 1 "missing %pos definition"; "") | SOME l => l val termHash = List.foldr (fn ((symbol,_),table) => let val name = symbolName symbol in if SymbolHash.exists(name,table) then (error (symbolPos symbol) ("duplicate definition of " ^ name ^ " in %term"); table) else SymbolHash.add(name,table) end) SymbolHash.empty term val isTerm = fn name => SymbolHash.exists(name,termHash) val symbolHash = List.foldr (fn ((symbol,_),table) => let val name = symbolName symbol in if SymbolHash.exists(name,table) then (error (symbolPos symbol) (if isTerm name then name ^ " is defined as a terminal and a nonterminal" else "duplicate definition of " ^ name ^ " in %nonterm"); table) else SymbolHash.add(name,table) end) termHash nonterm fun makeUniqueId s = if SymbolHash.exists(s,symbolHash) then makeUniqueId (s ^ "'") else s val _ = if wasError() then raise Semantic else () val numTerms = SymbolHash.size termHash val numNonterms = SymbolHash.size symbolHash - numTerms val symError = fn sym => fn err => fn symbol => error (symbolPos symbol) (symbolName symbol^" in "^err^" is not defined as a " ^ sym) val termNum : string -> Header.symbol -> term = let val termError = symError "terminal" in fn stmt => let val stmtError = termError stmt in fn symbol => case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash) of NONE => (stmtError symbol; T ~1) | SOME i => T (if i Header.symbol -> nonterm = let val nontermError = symError "nonterminal" in fn stmt => let val stmtError = nontermError stmt in fn symbol => case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash) of NONE => (stmtError symbol; NT ~1) | SOME i => if i>=numTerms then NT (i-numTerms) else (stmtError symbol;NT ~1) end end val symbolNum : string -> Header.symbol -> Grammar.symbol = let val symbolError = symError "symbol" in fn stmt => let val stmtError = symbolError stmt in fn symbol => case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash) of NONE => (stmtError symbol; NONTERM (NT ~1)) | SOME i => if i>=numTerms then NONTERM(NT (i-numTerms)) else TERM(T i) end end (* map all symbols in the following values to terminals and check that the symbols are defined as terminals: eop : symbol list keyword: symbol list prec: (lexvalue * (symbol list)) list change: (symbol list * symbol list) list *) val eop = map (termNum "%eop") eop val keyword = map (termNum "%keyword") keyword val prec = map (fn (a,l) => (a,case a of LEFT => map (termNum "%left") l | RIGHT => map (termNum "%right") l | NONASSOC => map (termNum "%nonassoc") l )) prec val change = let val mapTerm = termNum "%prefer, %subst, or %change" in map (fn (a,b) => (map mapTerm a, map mapTerm b)) change end val noshift = map (termNum "%noshift") noshift val value = let val mapTerm = termNum "%value" in map (fn (a,b) => (mapTerm a,b)) value end val (rules,_) = let val symbolNum = symbolNum "rule" val nontermNum = nontermNum "rule" val termNum = termNum "%prec tag" in List.foldr (fn (RULE {lhs,rhs,code,prec},(l,n)) => ( {lhs=nontermNum lhs,rhs=map symbolNum rhs, code=code,prec=case prec of NONE => NONE | SOME t => SOME (termNum t), rulenum=n}::l,n-1)) (nil,length rules-1) rules end val _ = if wasError() then raise Semantic else () (* termToString: map terminals back to strings *) val termToString = let val data = array(numTerms,"") val unmap = fn (symbol,_) => let val name = symbolName symbol in update(data, case SymbolHash.find (name,symbolHash) of NONE => raise Fail "termToString" | SOME i => i, name) end val _ = app unmap term in fn T i => if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numTerms) then "bogus-num" ^ (Int.toString i) else data sub i end val nontermToString = let val data = array(numNonterms,"") val unmap = fn (symbol,_) => let val name = symbolName symbol in update(data, case SymbolHash.find (name,symbolHash) of NONE => raise Fail "nontermToString" | SOME i => i-numTerms, name) end val _ = app unmap nonterm in fn NT i => if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numNonterms) then "bogus-num" ^ (Int.toString i) else data sub i end (* create functions mapping terminals to precedence numbers and rules to precedence numbers. Precedence statements are listed in order of ascending (tighter binding) precedence in the specification. We receive a list composed of pairs containing the kind of precedence (left,right, or assoc) and a list of terminals associated with that precedence. The list has the same order as the corresponding declarations did in the specification. Internally, a tighter binding has a higher precedence number. We give precedences using multiples of 3: p+2 = right associative (force shift of symbol) p+1 = precedence for rule p = left associative (force reduction of rule) Nonassociative terminals are given also given a precedence of p+1. The table generator detects when the associativity of a nonassociative terminal is being used to resolve a shift/reduce conflict by checking if the precedences of the rule and the terminal are equal. A rule is given the precedence of its rightmost terminal *) val termPrec = let val precData = array(numTerms, NONE : int option) val addPrec = fn termPrec => fn term as (T i) => case precData sub i of SOME _ => error 1 ("multiple precedences specified for terminal " ^ (termToString term)) | NONE => update(precData,i,termPrec) val termPrec = fn ((LEFT,_) ,i) => i | ((RIGHT,_),i) => i+2 | ((NONASSOC,l),i) => i+1 val _ = List.foldl (fn (args as ((_,l),i)) => (app (addPrec (SOME (termPrec args))) l; i+3)) 0 prec in fn (T i) => if DEBUG andalso (i < 0 orelse i >= numTerms) then NONE else precData sub i end val elimAssoc = fn i => (i - (i mod 3) + 1) val rulePrec = let fun findRightTerm (nil,r) = r | findRightTerm (TERM t :: tail,r) = findRightTerm(tail,SOME t) | findRightTerm (_ :: tail,r) = findRightTerm(tail,r) in fn rhs => case findRightTerm(rhs,NONE) of NONE => NONE | SOME term => case termPrec term of SOME i => SOME (elimAssoc i) | a => a end val grammarRules = let val conv = fn {lhs,rhs,code,prec,rulenum} => {lhs=lhs,rhs =rhs,precedence= case prec of SOME t => (case termPrec t of SOME i => SOME(elimAssoc i) | a => a) | _ => rulePrec rhs, rulenum=rulenum} in map conv rules end (* get start symbol *) val start = case start of NONE => #lhs (hd grammarRules) | SOME name => nontermNum "%start" name val symbolType = let val data = array(numTerms+numNonterms,NONE : ty option) val unmap = fn (symbol,ty) => update (data, case SymbolHash.find(symbolName symbol,symbolHash) of NONE => raise Fail "unmap" | SOME i => i, ty) val _ = (app unmap term; app unmap nonterm) in fn NONTERM(NT i) => if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numNonterms) then NONE else data sub (i+numTerms) | TERM (T i) => if DEBUG andalso (i<0 orelse i>=numTerms) then NONE else data sub i end val symbolToString = fn NONTERM i => nontermToString i | TERM i => termToString i val grammar = GRAMMAR {rules=grammarRules, terms=numTerms,nonterms=numNonterms, eop = eop, start=start,noshift=noshift, termToString = termToString, nontermToString = nontermToString, precedence = termPrec} (* Debugging output added by sweeks@acm.org. *) val _ = if false then (List.foldl (fn ({lhs, rhs, rulenum, ...}, i) => (print (String.concat [Int.toString rulenum, ": ", nontermToString lhs, " ->"]) ; List.app (fn s => (print (String.concat [" ", symbolToString s]))) rhs ; print "\n" ; i + 1)) 0 grammarRules ; ()) else () val name' = case name of NONE => "" | SOME s => symbolName s val names = NAMES {miscStruct=name' ^ "LrValsFun", valueStruct="MlyValue", tableStruct="LrTable", tokenStruct="Tokens", actionsStruct="Actions", ecStruct="EC", arg= #1 arg_decl, tokenSig = name' ^ "_TOKENS", miscSig = name' ^ "_LRVALS", dataStruct = "ParserData", dataSig = "PARSER_DATA"} val (table,stateErrs,corePrint,errs) = MakeTable.mkTable(grammar,defaultReductions) val entries = ref 0 (* save number of action table entries here *) in let val result = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".sml") val sigs = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".sig") val pos = ref 0 val trailing_space = ref false val pr = fn s => TextIO.output(result,s) fun say s = let val l = String.size s val sspace = l > 0 andalso Char.isSpace (String.sub(s,l - 1)) val s = if sspace then Substring.string(Substring.dropr Char.isSpace (Substring.full s)) else s val newPos = (!pos) + size s in if 0 < l then (if newPos > lineLength then (pr "\n"; pos := l) else if !trailing_space then (pr " "; pos := newPos + 1) else (pos := newPos); trailing_space := sspace; pr s) else () end val saydot = fn s => (say (s ^ ".")) val sayln = fn t => (say t; pr "\n"; pos := 0; trailing_space := false) val termvoid = makeUniqueId "VOID" val ntvoid = makeUniqueId "ntVOID" val hasType = fn s => case symbolType s of NONE => false | _ => true val terms = let fun f n = if n=numTerms then nil else (T n) :: f(n+1) in f 0 end val values = VALS {say=say,sayln=sayln,saydot=saydot, termvoid=termvoid, ntvoid = ntvoid, hasType=hasType, pos_type = pos_type, arg_type = #2 arg_decl, start=start,pureActions=pureActions, termToString=termToString, symbolToString=symbolToString,term=term, nonterm=nonterm,terms=terms, tokenInfo=token_sig_info_decl} val (NAMES {miscStruct,tableStruct,dataStruct,tokenSig,tokenStruct,dataSig,...}) = names in case header_decl of NONE => (say "functor "; say miscStruct; sayln "(structure Token : TOKEN)"; say " : sig structure "; say dataStruct; say " : "; sayln dataSig; say " structure "; say tokenStruct; say " : "; sayln tokenSig; sayln " end") | SOME s => say s; sayln " = "; sayln "struct"; sayln ("structure " ^ dataStruct ^ "="); sayln "struct"; sayln "structure Header = "; sayln "struct"; sayln header; sayln "end"; sayln "structure LrTable = Token.LrTable"; sayln "structure Token = Token"; sayln "local open LrTable in "; entries := PrintStruct.makeStruct{table=table,print=pr, name = "table", verbose=verbose}; sayln "end"; printTypes(values,names,symbolType); printEC (keyword,change,noshift,value,values,names); printAction(rules,values,names); sayln "end"; printTokenStruct(values,names); sayln "end"; printSigs(values,names,fn s => TextIO.output(sigs,s)); TextIO.closeOut sigs; TextIO.closeOut result; MakeTable.Errs.printSummary (fn s => TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut,s)) errs end; if verbose then let val f = TextIO.openOut (spec ^ ".desc") val say = fn s=> TextIO.output(f,s) val printRule = let val rules = Array.fromList grammarRules in fn say => let val prRule = fn {lhs,rhs,precedence,rulenum} => ((say o nontermToString) lhs; say " : "; app (fn s => (say (symbolToString s); say " ")) rhs) in fn i => prRule (rules sub i) end end in Verbose.printVerbose {termToString=termToString,nontermToString=nontermToString, table=table, stateErrs=stateErrs,errs = errs,entries = !entries, print=say, printCores=corePrint,printRule=printRule}; TextIO.closeOut f end else () end val parseGen = fn spec => let val (result,inputSource) = ParseGenParser.parse spec in make_parser(getResult result,spec,Header.error inputSource, errorOccurred inputSource) end end;