(* ML-Yacc Parser Generator (c) 1989 Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi * * $Log$ * Revision 1.1 2006/06/22 07:40:27 michaeln * Add a MoscowML compilable implementation of MLyacc, using the MLton sources * as the base. * * Revision 1997/01/14 01:38:05 george * Version 109.24 * * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:31 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:44 george * Version 109 * *) functor mkCore(structure IntGrammar : INTGRAMMAR) : CORE = struct open IntGrammar open Grammar structure IntGrammar = IntGrammar structure Grammar = Grammar datatype item = ITEM of { rule : rule, dot : int, rhsAfter : symbol list } val eqItem = fn (ITEM{rule=RULE{num=n,...},dot=d,...}, ITEM{rule=RULE{num=m,...},dot=e,...}) => n=m andalso d=e val gtItem = fn (ITEM{rule=RULE{num=n,...},dot=d,...}, ITEM{rule=RULE{num=m,...},dot=e,...}) => n>m orelse (n=m andalso d>e) structure ItemList = ListOrdSet (struct type elem = item val eq = eqItem val gt = gtItem end) open ItemList datatype core = CORE of item list * int val gtCore = fn (CORE (a,_),CORE (b,_)) => ItemList.set_gt(a,b) val eqCore = fn (CORE (a,_),CORE (b,_)) => ItemList.set_eq(a,b) (* functions for printing and debugging *) val prItem = fn (symbolToString,nontermToString,print) => let val printInt = print o (Int.toString : int -> string) val prSymbol = print o symbolToString val prNonterm = print o nontermToString fun showRest nil = () | showRest (h::t) = (prSymbol h; print " "; showRest t) fun showRhs (l,0) = (print ". "; showRest l) | showRhs (nil,_) = () | showRhs (h::t,n) = (prSymbol h; print " "; showRhs(t,n-1)) in fn (ITEM {rule=RULE {lhs,rhs,rulenum,num,...}, dot,rhsAfter,...}) => (prNonterm lhs; print " : "; showRhs(rhs,dot); case rhsAfter of nil => (print " (reduce by rule "; printInt rulenum; print ")") | _ => (); if DEBUG then (print " (num "; printInt num; print ")") else ()) end val prCore = fn a as (_,_,print) => let val prItem = prItem a in fn (CORE (items,state)) => (print "state "; print (Int.toString state); print ":\n\n"; app (fn i => (print "\t"; prItem i; print "\n")) items; print "\n") end end;