structure HOLsexp :> HOLsexp = struct open HOLsexp_dtype type 'a encoder = 'a -> t type 'a decoder = t -> 'a option val Nil = Symbol "nil" val Quote = Symbol "quote" val List = List.foldr Cons Nil val scan = HOLsexp_parser.scan val fromString = StringCvt.scanString scan val fromFile = HOLsexp_parser.raw_read_file val fromStream = HOLsexp_parser.raw_read_stream fun r3_to_p12 (x,y,z) = (x, (y, z)) fun p12_to_r3 (x,(y,z)) = (x,y,z) fun pair_encode (a,b) (x,y) = Cons(a x, b y) fun pair_decode (a, b) (Cons(t1,t2)) = (case a t1 of NONE => NONE | SOME v1 => (fn v2 => (v1,v2)) (b t2)) | pair_decode _ _ = NONE fun tagged_encode s enc v = Cons(Symbol s, enc v) fun dest_tagged s t = case t of Cons(Symbol s', rest) => if s = s' then SOME rest else NONE | _ => NONE fun tagged_decode s dec t = Option.mapPartial dec (dest_tagged s t) fun list_encode enc els = List (map enc els) fun break_list s = let fun recurse A s = case s of Cons(s1, s2) => recurse (s1::A) s2 | _ => (List.rev A, s) in recurse [] s end fun strip_list s = let val(sexps, last) = break_list s in if last = Nil then (sexps, NONE) else (sexps, SOME last) end fun list_decode dec t = let fun recurse A els = case els of [] => SOME (List.rev A) | h::t => Option.mapPartial (fn v => recurse (v::A) t) (dec h) in case strip_list t of (els, NONE) => recurse [] els | _ => NONE end fun singencode a v = List[a v] fun pair3_encode (a,b,c) = pair_encode(a,pair_encode(b,singencode c)) o r3_to_p12 fun pair4_encode (a,b,c,d) = pair_encode(a,pair_encode(b,pair_encode(c,singencode d))) o (fn (u,v,w,x) => (u,(v,(w,x)))) fun singleton [a] = SOME a | singleton _ = NONE fun sing_decode d = Option.mapPartial singleton o list_decode d fun pair3_decode (a,b,c) = p12_to_r3 o pair_decode(a, pair_decode(b,sing_decode c)) fun pair4_decode (a,b,c,d) = (fn (u,(v,(w,x))) => (u,v,w,x)) o pair_decode(a,pair_decode(b,pair_decode(c,sing_decode d))) fun is_list s = case s of Cons(_, s') => is_list s' | Symbol "nil" => true | _ => false fun int_decode (Integer i) = SOME i | int_decode _ = NONE fun symbol_decode (Symbol s) = SOME s | symbol_decode _ = NONE fun string_decode (String s) = SOME s | string_decode _ = NONE fun mem x s = CharVector.exists (fn c => c = x) s fun printer t = let open HOLPP fun symok c = mem c "-+_#!" in case t of Symbol s => if size s > 0 andalso (CharVector.all (fn c => Char.isAlpha c orelse symok c) s orelse not (Char.isDigit (String.sub(s,0))) andalso CharVector.all (fn c => Char.isAlpha c orelse Char.isDigit c) s) then add_string s else add_string ("|" ^ String.translate (fn #"|" => "\\|" | #"\n" => "\\n" | c => str c) s ^ "|") | Integer i => add_string (if i < 0 then "-" ^ Int.toString (~i) else Int.toString i) | String s => add_string (Portable.mlquote s) | Cons _ => (let val (els, last) = break_list t in block INCONSISTENT 1 ( add_string "(" :: pr_list printer [add_break(1,0)] els @ (case last of Symbol "nil" => [add_string ")"] | t => [add_string " .", add_break(1,0), printer t, add_string ")"]) ) end) end end