structure Hol_pp :> Hol_pp = struct open HolKernel DB Parse; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------* * Prettyprint a theory for the user * *--------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val CONSISTENT = Portable.CONSISTENT val INCONSISTENT = Portable.INCONSISTENT; fun print s = !Feedback.MESG_outstream s fun pp_theory (THEORY(name, {parents, types, consts, axioms,definitions,theorems})) = let open smpp val pp_thm = lift pp_thm val pp_type = lift pp_type val nl2 = add_newline >> add_newline fun vspace l = if null l then nothing else nl2 fun vblock(header, ob_pr, obs) = if null obs then nothing else block CONSISTENT 4 ( add_string (header^":") >> add_newline >> pr_list ob_pr add_newline obs ) fun pr_thm (heading, ths) = vblock(heading, (fn (s,th) => block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string s >> add_newline >> add_string " " >> pp_thm th ) ), Listsort.sort (inv_img_cmp #1 ths) val longest_const_size = List.foldl (fn ((s,_),i) => Int.max(size s, i)) 0 consts val m = block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string ("Theory: "^name) >> nl2 >> vblock ("Parents", add_string, Listsort.sort parents) >> nl2 >> vblock ("Type constants", (fn (name,arity) => (add_string name >> add_string (" "^Lib.int_to_string arity))), types) >> vspace types >> vblock ("Term constants", (fn (name,htype) => block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string name >> add_string ( CharVector.tabulate(longest_const_size + 3 - size name, K #" ")) >> pp_type htype ) ), consts) >> vspace consts >> pr_thm ("Axioms", axioms) >> vspace axioms >> pr_thm ("Definitions", definitions) >> vspace definitions >> pr_thm ("Theorems", theorems) ) in Parse.mlower m end; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Support for print_theory ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun print_theory0 pfn thy = HOLPP.prettyPrint(pfn, 80) (pp_theory (dest_theory thy)) fun print_theory_to_outstream thy ostrm = print_theory0 (fn s => TextIO.output(ostrm, s)) thy val print_theory = print_theory0 print fun print_theory_to_file thy file = let open TextIO val ostrm = openOut file in print_theory_to_outstream thy ostrm ; closeOut ostrm end handle e => raise wrap_exn "DB" "print_theory_to_file" e; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Print a theory as HTML ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun pp_theory_as_html theory_name = let open Portable PP smpp val THEORY(_,{parents,types, consts, axioms, definitions, theorems}) = dest_theory theory_name fun colour thing col = String.concat["",thing,""]; fun strong s = add_string"" >> add_string s >> add_string"" fun STRONG s = add_string"" >> add_string s >> add_string"" fun title s = add_string(String.concat ["


"]); fun link (l,s) = add_string("") >> strong s >> add_string"" val HR = add_newline >> add_string"
" >> add_newline fun pblock(ob_pr, obs) = block CONSISTENT 4 ( STRONG "Parents" >> add_string "    " >> add_break (1,0) >> pr_list ob_pr (add_string "  " >> add_break (1,0)) obs ) >> add_newline >> add_newline fun sig_block(ob_pr1, obs1, ob_pr2,obs2) = if null types andalso null consts then nothing else title "Signature" >> add_newline >> block CONSISTENT 4 ( block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string "
" >> add_newline >> add_string "" >> add_newline ) >> add_newline >> (if null types then nothing else block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string "" >> add_break (1,0) >> add_string "" >> ob_pr1 x) add_newline obs1 >> add_newline) >> (if null consts then nothing else block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string "" >> add_break (1,0) >> add_string "" >> ob_pr2 x)) add_newline obs2 >> add_newline) ) >> add_newline >> block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string "
" >> add_break (1,0) >> add_string "Type" >> add_break (1,0) >> add_string "" >> add_break (1,0) >> add_string "Arity" ) >> pr_list (fn x => add_string"
" >> add_break (1,0) >> add_string "Constant" >> add_break (1,0) >> add_string "" >> add_break (1,0) >> add_string "Type" ) >> pr_list (fn x => (add_string"
" >> add_newline >> add_string "
" >> add_newline ) >> add_newline fun dl_block(header, ob_pr, obs0 : (string * 'a) list) = let val obs = Listsort.sort (inv_img_cmp #1 obs0 in block CONSISTENT 0 ( title header >> add_newline >> add_string"
" >> add_newline >> pr_list (fn (x,ob) => block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string"
" >> strong x >> add_newline >> add_string"
" >> add_newline >> ob_pr ob ) ) add_newline obs >> add_newline >> add_string"
" ) >> add_newline >> add_newline end fun pr_thm (heading, ths) = dl_block(heading, (fn th => block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string"
" >>
                          add_newline >>
                          lift pp_thm th >>
                          add_newline >>
" >> add_newline )), ths) val NL = smpp.add_newline in block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string "" >> add_newline >> add_string "" >> add_newline >> add_string("Theory: "^theory_name^"") >> add_string("") >> add_newline >> add_string("" >> NL >> add_string("") >> add_newline >> add_string "" >> add_newline >> title ("Theory \""^theory_name^"\"") >> add_newline >> (if null parents then nothing else pblock ((fn n => link(n^"Theory.html",n)), parents)) >> sig_block((fn (Name,Arity) => block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string"" >> add_break(1,0) >> strong Name >> add_break(1,0) >> add_string"" >> add_break(1,0) >> add_string (Lib.int_to_string Arity) )), types, (fn (Name,Ty) => block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string"" >> add_break(1,0) >> strong Name >> add_break(1,0) >> add_string"" >> add_break(1,0) >> lift pp_type Ty )), consts) >> (if null axioms then nothing else pr_thm ("Axioms", axioms)) >> (if null definitions then nothing else (if null axioms then nothing else (HR >> HR)) >> pr_thm ("Definitions", definitions)) >> (if null theorems then nothing else (if null axioms andalso null definitions then nothing else HR >> HR) >> pr_thm ("Theorems", theorems)) >> add_newline >> HR >> add_string "" >> add_newline >> add_string "" >> add_newline ) end; val pp_theory_as_html = Parse.mlower o pp_theory_as_html fun print_theory_as_html s path = let val name = (case s of "-" => current_theory() | other => s) val ostrm = TextIO.openOut path val oldbackend = !Parse.current_backend val _ = Parse.current_backend := PPBackEnd.raw_terminal (* would like this to be html_terminal, but it causes occasional exceptions *) fun finalise() = (Parse.current_backend := oldbackend; TextIO.closeOut ostrm) fun out s = TextIO.output(ostrm, s) in PP.prettyPrint(out, 78) (pp_theory_as_html name) handle e => (finalise(); raise e); finalise() end; fun html_theory s = print_theory_as_html s (s^"Theory.html"); (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refugee from Parse structure ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun export_theory_as_docfiles dirname = Parse.export_theorems_as_docfiles dirname (axioms "-" @ definitions "-" @ theorems "-"); fun data_to_string (((th,name),(thm,cl)):data) = let open PPBackEnd Parse val cl_s = if cl = Thm then "THEOREM" else if cl = Axm then "AXIOM" else "DEFINITION"; val name_style = add_style_to_string [Bold] name val s = th^"Theory."^name^" ("^cl_s^")\n"; val s_style = (th^"Theory.")^name_style^" ("^cl_s^")\n"; val size = String.size s fun line 0 l = l | line n l = line (n-1) ("-"^l) val s = s_style^(line (size-1) "\n")^ppstring pp_thm thm^"\n"; in s end; val data_list_to_string = (foldl (fn (d, s) => s^(data_to_string d)^"\n\n") "\n\n\n"); val print_apropos = print o data_list_to_string o apropos; val print_find = print o data_list_to_string o find; fun print_match x1 x2 = print (data_list_to_string (match x1 x2)); end