(* ========================================================================= *) (* INTERFACE TO TPTP PROBLEM FILES *) (* Copyright (c) 2001-2004 Joe Hurd. *) (* ========================================================================= *) signature mlibTptp = sig type term = mlibTerm.term type formula = mlibTerm.formula (* Maintaining different relation and function names in TPTP problems *) val renaming : {tptp : string, fol : string, arity : int} list ref (* Reading from a TPTP file in CNF/FOF format: pass in a filename *) val read : {filename : string} -> formula (* Writing to a TPTP file in CNF format: pass in a formula and filename *) val write : {filename : string} -> formula -> unit (* Making TPTP formulas more palatable *) val prettify : formula -> formula end