structure DefnBase :> DefnBase = struct open HolKernel boolTheory boolSyntax Drule Conv Rewrite val ERR = mk_HOL_ERR "DefnBase"; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- The type of definitions. This is an attempt to gather all the information about a definition in one place. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) datatype defn = ABBREV of {eqn:thm, bind:string} | PRIMREC of {eqs:thm, ind:thm, bind:string} | NONREC of {eqs:thm, ind:thm, SV:term list, stem:string} | STDREC of {eqs:thm list, ind:thm, R:term,SV:term list,stem:string} | MUTREC of {eqs:thm list, ind:thm, R:term, SV:term list, stem:string,union:defn} | NESTREC of {eqs:thm list, ind:thm, R:term, SV:term list, stem:string, aux:defn} | TAILREC of {eqs:thm list, ind:thm, R:term, SV:term list, stem:string} fun all_terms d = case d of ABBREV{eqn,...} => [concl eqn] | PRIMREC {eqs,ind,...} => [concl eqs, concl ind] | NONREC {eqs,ind,SV,...} => concl eqs::concl ind::SV | STDREC {eqs,ind,R,SV,...} => R :: concl ind :: map concl eqs @ SV | MUTREC {eqs,ind,R,SV,union,...} => R :: concl ind :: map concl eqs @ SV @ all_terms union | NESTREC {eqs,ind,R,SV,aux,...} => R :: concl ind :: map concl eqs @ SV @ all_terms aux | TAILREC {eqs,ind,R,SV,...} => R :: concl ind :: map concl eqs @ SV local open Portable fun kind (ABBREV _) = "abbreviation" | kind (NONREC _) = "non-recursive" | kind (STDREC _) = "recursive" | kind (PRIMREC _) = "primitive recursion" | kind (MUTREC _) = "mutual recursion" | kind (NESTREC _) = "nested recursion" | kind (TAILREC _) = "nonterminating tail recursion" fun hyps thl = HOLset.listItems (foldl (fn (th,s) => HOLset.union(hypset th, s)) empty_tmset thl) in fun pp_defn d = let open smpp val pp_term = lift Parse.pp_term val pp_thm = lift Parse.pp_thm fun pp_rec (eqs,ind,tcs) = block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string "Equation(s) :" >> add_break(1,0) >> pr_list pp_thm add_newline eqs >> add_newline >> add_newline >> add_string "Induction :" >> add_break(1,0) >> pp_thm ind >> (if null tcs then nothing else (add_newline >> add_newline >> add_string "Termination conditions :" >> add_break(1,2) >> block CONSISTENT 0 ( pr_list (fn (n,tm) => block CONSISTENT 3 ( add_string (Lib.int_to_string n^". ") >> pp_term tm ) ) add_newline (Lib.enumerate 0 tcs) )) ) ) fun pp (ABBREV {eqn, ...}) = block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string "Equation :" >> add_break(1,0) >> pp_thm eqn ) | pp (PRIMREC{eqs, ind, bind}) = block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string "Equation(s) :" >> add_break(1,0) >> pp_thm eqs ) | pp (NONREC {eqs, ind, SV, stem}) = block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string "Equation(s) :" >> add_break(1,0) >> pp_thm eqs >> add_newline >> add_newline >> add_string "Case analysis:" >> add_break(1,0) >> pp_thm ind ) | pp (STDREC {eqs, ind, R, SV, stem}) = pp_rec(eqs,ind, hyps eqs) | pp (NESTREC{eqs, ind, R, SV, aux, stem}) = pp_rec(eqs,ind, hyps eqs) | pp (MUTREC {eqs, ind, R, SV, union, stem}) = pp_rec(eqs,ind, hyps eqs) | pp (TAILREC{eqs, ind, R, SV, stem}) = pp_rec(eqs,ind, hyps eqs) val m = block CONSISTENT 0 ( add_string "HOL function definition " >> add_string (String.concat ["(",kind d,")"]) >> add_newline >> add_newline >> pp d ) in Parse.mlower m end end; (*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Congruence rules for termination condition extraction. Before t.c. extraction is performed, the theorems in "non_datatype_congs" are added to the congruence rules arising from datatype definitions, which are held in the TypeBase. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*) local open boolTheory val non_datatype_congs = ref ([LET_CONG, COND_CONG, IMP_CONG, literal_case_CONG, pairTheory.LEX_CONG, pairTheory.PROD_ALL_CONG] @ map (REWRITE_RULE [AND_IMP_INTRO]) [RES_FORALL_CONG, RES_EXISTS_CONG]) in fun read_congs() = !non_datatype_congs fun write_congs L = (non_datatype_congs := L) end; fun add_cong thm = write_congs (thm :: read_congs()); fun drop_cong c = let open boolSyntax val P = same_const c val (cong,rst) = pluck (fn th => P (fst(strip_comb(lhs(snd (strip_imp(snd(strip_forall(concl th))))))))) (read_congs()) val _ = write_congs rst in cong end handle e => raise wrap_exn "DefnBase.drop_cong" (case total dest_thy_const c of NONE => "expected a constant" | SOME{Thy,Name,...} => ("congruence rule for " ^Lib.quote(Thy^"$"^Name) ^" was not found")) e; val {export = export_cong,...} = ThmSetData.new_exporter { settype = "defncong", efns = { add = fn {thy,named_thm} => add_cong (#2 named_thm), remove = fn _ => () } } (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- storage of definitions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type defnstore = (string * KernelSig.kernelname, thm) Binarymap.dict type indnstore = (KernelSig.kernelname, thm * term list) Binarymap.dict val the_defnstore : defnstore ref = ref (Binarymap.mkDict(pair_compare(, KernelSig.name_compare))) val the_indnstore : indnstore ref = ref (Binarymap.mkDict KernelSig.name_compare) fun list_insert m k v = case Binarymap.peek(m,k) of NONE => Binarymap.insert(m,k,[v]) | SOME vs => Binarymap.insert(m,k,v::vs) fun to_kid {Thy,Name,Ty} = {Thy = Thy, Name = Name} fun register_defn tag thm = let val ths = thm |> CONJUNCTS val cs = map (fn th => (th |> concl |> strip_forall |> #2 |> lhs |> strip_comb |> #1 |> dest_thy_const |> to_kid, th)) ths handle HOL_ERR _ => raise mk_HOL_ERR "DefnBase" "register_defn" "Malformed definition" val m = List.foldr (fn ((t,th),A) => list_insert A t th) (Binarymap.mkDict KernelSig.name_compare) cs in the_defnstore := Binarymap.foldl (fn (k,cs,A) => Binarymap.insert(A,(tag,k),LIST_CONJ cs)) (!the_defnstore) m end fun lookup_defn c tag = let val {Name,Thy,...} = dest_thy_const c handle HOL_ERR _ => raise mk_HOL_ERR "DefnBase" "lookup_defn" "Not a constant" in Binarymap.peek (!the_defnstore, (tag, {Name = Name, Thy = Thy})) end fun isprefix l1 l2 = case (l1,l2) of ([] , _) => true | (h1::t1, []) => false | (h1::t1, h2::t2) => h1 = h2 andalso isprefix t1 t2 fun register_indn (ind, cs) = let val _ = not (null cs) orelse raise mk_HOL_ERR "DefnBase" "register_indn" "Must have non-empty list of constants" val (Ps, body) = ind |> concl |> strip_forall fun check (P, c) = let val (Pdoms, _) = strip_fun (type_of P) val (cdoms, _) = strip_fun (type_of c) in isprefix Pdoms cdoms orelse raise mk_HOL_ERR "DefnBase" "register_indn" ("Induction variable type of ivar "^ #1 (dest_var P) ^ " doesn't match that of constant " ^ #1 (dest_const c)) end val _ = ListPair.all check (Ps, cs) in the_indnstore := List.foldl (fn (c, A) => Binarymap.insert(A, c |> dest_thy_const |> to_kid, (ind,cs))) (!the_indnstore) cs end fun lookup_indn c = let val {Name,Thy,...} = dest_thy_const c handle HOL_ERR _ => raise mk_HOL_ERR "DefnBase" "lookup_indn" "Not a constant" in Binarymap.peek (!the_indnstore, {Name = Name, Thy = Thy}) end (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Once patterns are instantiated and the clauses are simplified, there can still remain right-hand sides with occurrences of fully concrete tests on literals. Here we simplify those away. const_eq_ref is a reference cell that decides equality of literals such as 23, "foo", #"G", 6w, 0b1000w. It gets updated in reduceLib, stringLib and wordsLib. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val const_eq_ref = ref Conv.NO_CONV; fun elim_triv_literal_CONV tm = let val const_eq_conv = !const_eq_ref val cnv = TRY_CONV (REWR_CONV literal_case_THM THENC BETA_CONV) THENC RATOR_CONV (RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV const_eq_conv)) THENC PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [COND_CLAUSES] in cnv tm end (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- one_line_ify : thm -> thm Take in a theorem representing a function definition for a single constant (as returned by lookup_defn), and prove a reformulation where all the pattern matching in separate clauses has been replaced by "one" case expression under a single all-variable-argument LHS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- *) fun ERR f msg = mk_HOL_ERR "DefnBase" f msg exception FastExit of thm fun thry (arg as {Thy,Tyop}) = (fn tyi => {case_const = TypeBasePure.case_const_of tyi, constructors = TypeBasePure.constructors_of tyi}) ( arg) fun foldli f A list = let fun foldthis (x, (A, i)) = (f i x A, i + 1) in #1 (List.foldl foldthis (A,0) list) end fun foldri f A list = let fun recurse _ acc [] = acc | recurse j acc (h::t) = f j h (recurse (j + 1) acc t) in recurse 0 A list end fun GENASSUME t = if same_const t T then TRUTH else SPEC_ALL (ASSUME (gen_all t)) infix pTHENC fun (c pTHENC k) t = case Exn.capture c t of Exn.Res th => EQ_MP (SYM th) (k (rhs (concl th))) | Exn.Exn Conv.UNCHANGED => k t | r => Exn.release r (* will be an exception *) fun BETAS_CONV t = let val (f, args) = strip_comb t in if is_abs f then if length args = 1 then BETA_CONV t else (RATOR_CONV BETAS_CONV THENC BETA_CONV) t else ALL_CONV t end val (COND_T,COND_F) = COND_CLAUSES |> SPEC_ALL |> CONJ_PAIR val COND_cong = let val P = mk_var("P", bool) in COND_CONG |> SPECL [P,P] |> SPEC_ALL |> REWRITE_RULE [] |> GEN_ALL end fun cond1_conv c = RATOR_CONV (RATOR_CONV (RAND_CONV c)) fun COND_SIMP_CONV t = let fun guard th = cond1_conv (REWR_CONV th) THENC (REWR_CONV COND_T ORELSEC REWR_CONV COND_F) THENC COND_SIMP_CONV fun recurse ctxt_ths t = if is_cond t then (FIRST_CONV (map guard ctxt_ths) ORELSEC congruential_descent ctxt_ths) t else ALL_CONV t and congruential_descent ctxt t = let val (g,l,r) = dest_cond t val lth = Exn.capture (recurse ((ASSUME g |> EQT_INTRO) :: ctxt)) l val rth = Exn.capture (recurse ((ASSUME (mk_neg g) |> EQF_INTRO) :: ctxt)) r in case (lth,rth) of (Exn.Exn UNCHANGED, Exn.Exn UNCHANGED) => raise UNCHANGED | _ => let val lth = Exn.release lth handle UNCHANGED => REFL l val rth = Exn.release rth handle UNCHANGED => REFL r in MATCH_MP COND_cong (CONJ (DISCH g lth) (DISCH (mk_neg g) rth)) end end in recurse [] t end val litresolve_conv = REPEATC elim_triv_literal_CONV fun cases_prove case_const_def th k t = let fun recurse th = if is_eq (concl th) then let val ths = if is_var (lhs (concl th)) then [th] else CONJUNCTS (PURE_REWRITE_RULE [pairTheory.PAIR_EQ] th) in ((PURE_REWRITE_CONV ths THENC PURE_REWRITE_CONV [case_const_def, literal_case_THM] THENC RAND_CONV BETAS_CONV THENC RAND_CONV litresolve_conv) pTHENC k) t end else if is_disj (concl th) then let val (th1, th2) = (ASSUME ## ASSUME) (dest_disj (concl th)) val t1_th = recurse th1 val t2_th = recurse th2 in DISJ_CASES th t1_th t2_th end else if is_exists (concl th) then let val (v, bod) = dest_exists (concl th) val v' = variant (free_vars t) v val bod' = subst[v |-> v'] bod val t_th = recurse (ASSUME bod') in CHOOSE (v',th) t_th end else raise ERR "cases_conv" "Badly formed case theorem" in recurse th end fun attack_top_case stoppers k t = if Pmatch.is_case thry (rhs t) then let val(cc,args) = strip_comb (rhs t) in if same_const cc boolSyntax.literal_case then let val _ = HOL_MESG "Saw unexpected literal_case" in GENASSUME t end else let val a = hd args val ty = type_of (hd args) val {Thy,Tyop,...} = dest_thy_type ty val tyi = valOf ( {Thy = Thy,Tyop=Tyop}) handle Option => raise ERR "attack_top_case" ("No tyinfo for "^Thy^"$"^Tyop) in if is_var a then if List.exists (fn pat => can (match_term pat) (lhs t)) stoppers then k t else cases_prove (TypeBasePure.case_def_of tyi) (ISPEC a (TypeBasePure.nchotomy_of tyi)) (attack_top_case stoppers k) t else (RAND_CONV (FIRST_CONV (map REWR_CONV (CONJUNCTS (TypeBasePure.case_def_of tyi))) THENC BETAS_CONV) pTHENC attack_top_case stoppers k) t handle HOL_ERR _ => k t end end else k t fun one_line_ify heuristic def = let val conjs = CONJUNCTS (SPEC_ALL def) fun munge_row th = let val (l,r) = th |> concl |> strip_forall |> #2 |> dest_eq in (strip_comb l, r, th) end val fs_args0 = map munge_row conjs handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "one_line_ify" "Malformed def'n" val _ = case List.find (fn((_, row), _, _) => List.all is_var row) fs_args0 of NONE => () | SOME (_, _, th) => raise FastExit th fun is_pair_var t = is_var t orelse case pairSyntax.dest_pair t of NONE => false | SOME (l,r) => is_pair_var l andalso is_pair_var r val (fs_args, conjs) = case List.find (fn ((_, row), _, _) => List.all is_pair_var row) fs_args0 of NONE => (map (fn (x,y,_) => (x,y)) fs_args0, conjs) | SOME (x,y,th) => ([(x,y)], [th]) val stoppers = map (list_mk_comb o #1) fs_args0 val ((f,args1),rhs1) = hd fs_args val _ = List.all (aconv f o #1 o #1) fs_args orelse raise ERR "one_line_ify" "Clauses defining more than one function" fun rowfoldthis i arg (A as (patcols,patfvs)) = if is_var arg then A else (HOLset.add(patcols,i), FVL [arg] patfvs) fun foldthis (((_, row), _), A) = foldli rowfoldthis A row val (patcols,patfvs) = List.foldl foldthis (HOLset.empty, empty_tmset) fs_args val (_, safe_row1_vs) = foldri (fn i => fn a => fn (A as (avoids, newvs)) => if HOLset.member (patcols, i) then A else let val v' = variant avoids a in (v'::avoids, v'::newvs) end) (HOLset.listItems patfvs, []) args1 (* now make var-columns use same vars as first row, except that non-pattern variables in the first row can't be the same as variables that occur in any of the patterns *) fun rowfoldthis i arg (A as (theta, safevs)) = if HOLset.member(patcols, i) then A else ({redex=arg,residue = hd safevs} :: theta, tl safevs) fun foldthis (((_, row), r), cs) = let val (theta, _) = foldli rowfoldthis ([], safe_row1_vs) row in (map (Term.subst theta) row, Term.subst theta r) :: cs end val patexps0 = List.foldr foldthis [] fs_args val (actual_args, _, _) = foldri (fn i => fn a => fn (A,avds,safes) => if HOLset.member(patcols, i) then let val v = numvariant avds (mk_var("v", type_of a)) in (v::A, v::avds, safes) end else (hd safes :: A, avds, tl safes)) ([], safe_row1_vs, List.rev safe_row1_vs) args1 (* build (patterns,exp) pairs that will be body of case expression *) fun rowfold i a A = if HOLset.member(patcols, i) then case A of NONE => SOME a | SOME b => SOME (pairSyntax.mk_pair(a,b)) else A fun foldthis ((pat,r), A) = (valOf (foldri rowfold NONE pat),r) :: A val pats = List.foldr foldthis [] patexps0 val selector_term = valOf (foldri rowfold NONE actual_args) val fakef = genvar(type_of (#1 (hd pats)) --> type_of (#2 (hd pats))) val {functional = abs_body0,...} = let val f = case heuristic of NONE => (fn f => f) | SOME h => PmatchHeuristics.with_heuristic h in f (Feedback.quiet_messages (Pmatch.mk_functional thry)) (map (fn (l,r) => mk_eq(mk_comb(fakef, l), r)) pats |> list_mk_conj) end val (_, abs_body) = dest_abs abs_body0 val body = beta_conv (mk_comb(abs_body, selector_term)) val (seltm, cases) = Pmatch.strip_case thry body val finisher = LAND_CONV (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV conjs) THENC PURE_REWRITE_CONV [literal_case_THM] THENC DEPTH_CONV BETA_CONV THENC TOP_DEPTH_CONV COND_SIMP_CONV THENC PURE_REWRITE_CONV [REFL_CLAUSE] pTHENC GENASSUME val neweqn = mk_eq(list_mk_comb(f, actual_args), body) in if List.exists (fn (_, r) => same_const boolSyntax.arb r) cases then let fun mapthis (l,r) = if same_const boolSyntax.arb r then NONE else SOME (list_mk_exists (free_vars l, mk_eq(seltm, l))) val aa_asm = List.mapPartial mapthis cases |> list_mk_disj |> ASSUME in cases_prove pairTheory.pair_case_def aa_asm (attack_top_case stoppers finisher) neweqn end else attack_top_case stoppers finisher neweqn end handle FastExit th => th end