structure minisatParse = struct local open Globals Parse HolKernel boolSyntax boolTheory (* HOL4 term parsers etc *) open Array (* ML *) open satCommonTools minisatResolve SatSolvers in fun sat_fileopen s = BinIO.openIn s fun sat_fileclose is = BinIO.closeIn is local open Word in (*read in the next byte*) fun sat_getChar is = let val v = BinIO.input1 is in if isSome v then Word8.toLargeWord(valOf v) else raise Domain end infix orb infix andb infix << infix >> (* adapted from Minisat-p_v1.14::File::getUInt*) (* reads the next int, which may be encoded in 8, 16, 32 or 64 bits*) (* FIXME: Currently this is untested and will likely crash on 64 bit archs*) fun sat_getint is = let val byte0 = sat_getChar is in if ((byte0 andb (0wx80))=(0wx0)) (* 8 *) then toInt(byte0) else case toInt((byte0 andb (0wx60)) >> (Word.fromInt 5)) of 0 => let val byte1 = sat_getChar is in toInt(((byte0 andb (0wx1F)) << (Word.fromInt 8)) orb byte1) end (* 16 *) | 1 => let val byte1 = sat_getChar is val byte2 = sat_getChar is in toInt((((byte0 andb (0wx1F)) << (Word.fromInt 16)) orb (byte1 << (Word.fromInt 8))) orb byte2) end | 2 => let val byte1 = sat_getChar is val byte2 = sat_getChar is val byte3 = sat_getChar is in toInt(((((byte0 andb (0wx1F)) << (Word.fromInt 24)) orb (byte1 << (Word.fromInt 16))) orb (byte2 << (Word.fromInt 8))) orb byte3) end (* default case is only place where int64 is needed since we do a << 32*) | _ => let val byte0 = sat_getChar is val byte1 = sat_getChar is val byte2 = sat_getChar is val byte3 = sat_getChar is val byte4 = sat_getChar is val byte5 = sat_getChar is val byte6 = sat_getChar is val byte7 = sat_getChar is in toInt((((byte0 << (Word.fromInt 24)) orb (byte1 << (Word.fromInt 16)) orb (byte2 << (Word.fromInt 8)) orb byte3) << (Word.fromInt 32)) orb ((byte4 << (Word.fromInt 24)) orb (byte5 << (Word.fromInt 16)) orb (byte6 << (Word.fromInt 8)) orb byte7)) end end end (* bitwise rightshift by 1 bit*) fun rshift w = Word.toInt((op Word.>>) (Word.fromInt w,Word.fromInt 1)) (* parse resolution chain *) fun getIntBranch fin id h = let fun loop acc len = let val v = (sat_getint fin)-1 (*-1 is purely a decoding step (i.e. not translating b/w HolSat and ms)*) in if v=(~1) then ((v,h)::(rev acc),len+1) else let val ci = id-(sat_getint fin) in loop ((v,ci)::acc) (len+1) end end val res = loop [] 0 in res end (* parse and resolve a chain : assumes all dependencies already calculated *) (* the var component of the first pair is a dummy value ~1 *) fun addBranch lfn cl sva fin tc id = let val (br,brl) = getIntBranch fin id (id-(rshift tc)) val res = if brl=1 (*(tl br = []) *) then false (* delete *) else ((*print "\nB ";print( (int_to_string id)^": "); (fn (i,j) => print (int_to_string i ^ "," ^ int_to_string j ^" ")) br; *) resolveChain lfn sva cl (br,brl) id; true) (* resolve *) in res end (* Parse a root clause. Final result is int list of literals *) fun getIntRoot fin idx = let fun loop idx' acc = let val v = sat_getint fin in if v=0 then idx::(rev acc) else loop (idx'+v) ((idx'+v)::acc) end val res = loop idx [] in res end (* Parse a root clause and add it to the sr stack This advances the file read pointer but we pick up the actual clause term from the vector of clauses we already have, using the orc value. This is because minisat-p removes duplicate literals and sorts the literals so I can't efficiently find the corresponding clause term in HOL So this is faster (time and space) than building the clause term from the proof log. *) fun addClause lfn cl sva vc clauseth fin lit1 id = let val orc = (rshift lit1)-1 (*-1 because right now orc's in proof log start at 1*) val l = getIntRoot fin (sat_getint fin) (*val _ = (print "\nR "; print(int_to_string orc ^ "~" ^ int_to_string id)^ ": "); (fn i => print (int_to_string i ^ " ")) l) *) in case l of [] => failwith ("addClause:Failed parsing clause "^Int.toString id^"\n") | _ => prepareRootClause lfn orc clauseth cl id end (* SML equivalent of C-style eval of v&1=0 *) fun isRoot v = v,Word.fromInt 1),(Word.fromInt 0)) = EQUAL fun readTrace lfn cl sva vc clauseth fin id = if BinIO.endOfStream fin then id else let val tmp = sat_getint fin in if isRoot tmp then let val _ = addClause lfn cl sva vc clauseth fin tmp id in readTrace lfn cl sva vc clauseth fin (id+1) end else let val isch = addBranch lfn cl sva fin tmp id in if isch then readTrace lfn cl sva vc clauseth fin (id+1) (* chain*) else readTrace lfn cl sva vc clauseth fin id end (* deletion *) end exception Trivial (*build the clause/chain list *) fun parseTrace cl sva nr fname solver vc clauseth lfn proof = let val fin = sat_fileopen (if isSome proof then valOf proof else fname^"."^(getSolverName solver)^".proof") val id = readTrace lfn cl sva vc clauseth fin 0 val _ = sat_fileclose fin in SOME id end handle Io _ => NONE (* nr: number of root clauses fname: filename of proof log vc: number of variables (includes variables added by def CNF conversion) clauseth: root clause vector. clauseth[i] is i'th root clause from original problem *) fun replayProof sva nr fname solver vc clauseth lfn proof = let val _ = (minisatResolve.counter:=0) val cl = Dynarray.array((Array.length clauseth) * 2,TRUTH) in case parseTrace cl sva nr fname solver vc clauseth lfn proof of SOME id => SOME (Dynarray.sub(cl,id-1)) | NONE => NONE end end end