open HolKernel Parse boolTheory boolLib open testutils val _ = set_trace "Unicode" 0 val _ = tprint "Preterm free variables 1" val _ = require (check_result null) (Preterm.ptfvs o Parse.Preterm) ‘\x. x’ val _ = tprint "Preterm free variables 2" val _ = require (check_result null) (Preterm.ptfvs o Parse.Preterm) ‘\x:bool. x’ fun substtest (M, x, N, result) = let open testutils in tprint("Testing ["^term_to_string M^"/"^term_to_string x^"] ("^ term_to_string N^") = "^term_to_string result); require (check_result (aconv result)) (Term.subst[x |-> M]) N end; val x = mk_var("x", Type.alpha) val xfun = mk_var("x", Type.alpha --> Type.alpha) val y = mk_var("y", Type.alpha) val Id = mk_abs(x,x) val Idy = mk_abs(y,y) (* tests that substitutions work, deferred until this point so that we get access to the parser (which is implicitly a test of the parser too) *) val tests = [(x,x,y,y), (x,y,y,x), (x,x,x,x), (y,x,Id,Id), (Id,xfun,xfun,Id), (x,y,Id,Idy), (y,x,``\y. y ^x : 'b``, ``\z. z ^y :'b``)] (* test for the INST_TYPE bug that allows instantiation to cause a free variable to become captured. *) val inst_type_test = let val _ = tprint "Testing HOL Light INST_TYPE bug" val ximpnx = prove( ``(x ==> ~x) = ~x``, ASM_CASES_TAC ``x:bool`` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC []) val nximpx = prove( ``(~x ==> x) = x``, ASM_CASES_TAC ``x:bool`` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC []) val xandnx = prove( ``~(x /\ ~x) /\ ~(~x /\ x)``, ASM_CASES_TAC ``x:bool`` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC []) val x_b = mk_var("x", bool) val x_a = mk_var("x", alpha) val P = mk_var("P", alpha --> bool --> bool) val Pxaxb = list_mk_comb(P, [x_a, x_b]) val exxPxaxb = mk_exists(x_b, Pxaxb) val nonempty_t = mk_var("nonempty", (bool --> bool) --> bool) val f = mk_var("f", bool --> bool) val nonempty_rhs = mk_abs(f, mk_exists(x_b, mk_comb(f, x_b))) val nonempty_eqn = mk_eq(nonempty_t, nonempty_rhs) val nonempty_exists = EQT_ELIM (REWRITE_CONV [EXISTS_REFL] (mk_exists(nonempty_t, nonempty_eqn))) val nonempty_th = ASSUME nonempty_eqn val nonempty_Px = ASSUME (mk_comb(nonempty_t, mk_comb(P, x_a))) val exxPxaxb_th = ASSUME exxPxaxb val nonempty_Px_th = RIGHT_BETA (AP_THM nonempty_th (mk_comb(P, x_a))) val Pxx' = rhs (concl nonempty_Px_th) val Pxx'_eq_Pxx = ALPHA Pxx' exxPxaxb val th0 = EQ_MP Pxx'_eq_Pxx (EQ_MP nonempty_Px_th nonempty_Px) val th1 = INST_TYPE [alpha |-> bool] th0 val uvneg = ``\u v. v = ~u`` val th2 = INST [inst [alpha |-> bool] P |-> uvneg] th1 val uvneg_x = mk_comb(uvneg, x_b) val uvneg_nonempty = EQT_ELIM (CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (REWRITE_CONV [nonempty_th] THENC BETA_CONV THENC QUANT_CONV BETA_CONV THENC REWRITE_CONV [EXISTS_REFL])) (AP_TERM nonempty_t (BETA_CONV uvneg_x))) val th3 = BETA_RULE (PROVE_HYP uvneg_nonempty th2) val th4 = REWRITE_RULE [EQ_IMP_THM, ximpnx, nximpx, xandnx] th3 val final_th = CHOOSE (nonempty_t, nonempty_exists) th4 in if same_const (concl final_th) (mk_const("F", bool)) then die "" else OK() end; (* Test for the experimental kernel's INST_TYPE bug (discovered by Peter Homeier in June 2009). *) exception ExitOK val _ = let val _ = tprint "Testing for expk INST_TYPE bug" fun x ty = mk_var("x", ty) fun y ty = mk_var("y", ty) val a = alpha val b = beta val t1 = list_mk_abs ([x a,x b], x a) val t1_applied = list_mk_comb(t1, [x a, y b]) val t1_th = RIGHT_LIST_BETA (REFL t1_applied) val t2 = list_mk_abs([x a,x a], x a) val t2_applied = list_mk_comb(t2, [x a, y a]) val t2_th = RIGHT_LIST_BETA (REFL t2_applied) val t1_inst = INST_TYPE [beta |-> alpha] t1_th (* bug *) val bad1 = TRANS (SYM t1_inst) t2_th handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ExitOK val bad2 = INST_TYPE [alpha |-> bool] bad1 val Falsity = EQ_MP (INST [x bool |-> T, y bool |-> F] bad2) TRUTH in if aconv (concl Falsity) F then die "" else die "Huh???" end handle ExitOK => OK(); fun cleanup() = let fun rm s = FileSys.remove ("scratchTheory." ^ s) handle _ => () in app rm ["sml", "sig", "dat"] end exception InternalDie fun test f x = f x orelse raise InternalDie fun oldconstants_test() = let val _ = tprint "Identity of old constants test" val defn1_t = mk_eq(mk_var("foo", bool), boolSyntax.T) val defn2_t = mk_eq(mk_var("foo", bool), boolSyntax.F) val defn1 = new_definition("foo", defn1_t) val defn2 = new_definition("foo2", defn2_t) val defn3 = new_definition("foo3", defn1_t) val c1 = lhs (concl defn1) val c2 = lhs (concl defn2) val c3 = lhs (concl defn3) val _ = test (fn (c1,c2) =>, c2) <> EQUAL) (c1, c2) val _ = test (not o uncurry aconv) (c1, c2) val _ = test (not o uncurry aconv) (c1, c3) val _ = test (not o uncurry aconv) (c2, c3) val _ = test (String.isPrefix "old" o #Name o dest_thy_const) c1 val _ = test (String.isPrefix "old" o #Name o dest_thy_const) c2 val _ = new_theory "foo" val defn1 = new_definition("c", mk_eq(mk_var("c", bool), boolSyntax.T)) val _ = new_theory "foo" val defn2 = new_definition("c", mk_eq(mk_var("c", bool), boolSyntax.T)) val c1 = lhs (concl defn1) val c2 = lhs (concl defn2) val _ = test (fn (c1, c2) =>,c2) <> EQUAL) (c1, c2) val _ = test (not o uncurry aconv) (c1, c2) in OK(); cleanup() end handle e => (cleanup(); raise e) val _ = testutils.quietly oldconstants_test () handle InternalDie => die "Internal test failed"; val _ = tprint "Testing functional-pretype 1 (pattern)" val _ = require (check_result (fn _ => true)) Parse.Term `x <> y ==> x <> y` val _ = tprint "Testing functional-pretype 2 (simple case)" val _ = require (check_result (fn _ => true)) (quietly Parse.Term) `case x of T => F` val _ = tprint "Testing functional-pretype 3 (ignored constraint)" val quiet_parse = quietly (trace ("show_typecheck_errors", 0) Parse.Term) val _ = shouldfail {testfn = quiet_parse, printresult = term_to_string, printarg = (fn _ => ""), checkexn = is_struct_HOL_ERR "Preterm"} ‘(\x.x) : 'a -> 'b’; val _ = tprint "Testing parsing of case expressions with function type" val _ = require_msg (check_result (Lib.can (find_term (same_const boolSyntax.bool_case)))) term_to_string Parse.Term ‘(case T of T => (\x. x) | F => (~)) y’; val _ = tprint "Testing parsing of case expressions with leading bar" val _ = require_msg (check_result (Lib.can (find_term (same_const boolSyntax.bool_case)))) term_to_string (trace ("syntax_error", 0) Parse.Term) ‘case T of | T => F | F => T’; val _ = tprint "Testing parsing of _ variables (1)" val t = case Parse.Term `case b of T => F | _ => T` of NONE => die "" | SOME _ => OK() val _ = tprint "Testing parsing of _ variables (2)" val t = case Parse.Term `case b of T => F | _1 => T` of NONE => die "" | SOME _ => OK() val _ = tprint "Testing independence of case branch vars" val t = case Parse.Term `v (case b of T => F | v => T)` of NONE => die "" | SOME _ => OK() val _ = tprint "Testing higher-order match 1" local val thy = current_theory() val fmap_ty = let val () = new_type("fmap", 2) in mk_type("fmap", [alpha,beta]) end val submap = let val () = new_constant("SUBMAP", fmap_ty --> fmap_ty --> bool) in prim_mk_const{Thy = thy, Name = "SUBMAP"} end val pair_ty = let val () = new_type("prod", 2) in mk_thy_type{Thy = thy, Tyop = "prod", Args = [alpha,beta]} end val fmpair_ty = mk_thy_type{Thy = thy, Tyop = "prod", Args = [fmap_ty, gamma]} val num_ty = let val () = new_type("num", 0) in mk_thy_type{Thy = thy, Tyop = "num", Args = []} end val lt = let val () = new_constant("<", num_ty --> num_ty --> bool) in prim_mk_const{Thy = thy, Name = "<"} end val FST = let val () = new_constant("FST", pair_ty --> alpha) in mk_thy_const{Thy = thy, Name = "FST", Ty = fmpair_ty --> fmap_ty} end val R = mk_var("R", alpha --> alpha --> bool) val f = mk_var("f", num_ty --> alpha) val f' = mk_var("f", num_ty --> fmpair_ty) val m = mk_var("m", num_ty) val n = mk_var("n", num_ty) val ant = let val () = new_constant("ant", (alpha --> alpha --> bool) --> (num_ty --> alpha) --> bool) in prim_mk_const{Thy = thy, Name = "ant"} end val th = let val concl = list_mk_forall([m,n], mk_imp(list_mk_comb(lt,[m,n]), list_mk_comb(R,[mk_comb(f,m), mk_comb(f,n)]))) in mk_thm([], list_mk_forall([R,f], mk_imp(list_mk_comb(ant, [R,f]), concl))) end val goal = list_mk_forall([m,n], mk_imp(list_mk_comb(lt, [m,n]), list_mk_comb(submap, [mk_comb(FST, mk_comb(f',m)), mk_comb(FST, mk_comb(f',n))]))) val expected = let val ant' = Term.inst [alpha |-> fmap_ty] ant val abs = mk_abs(n, mk_comb(FST, mk_comb(f',n))) in list_mk_comb(ant', [submap, abs]) end in val num_ty = num_ty val int_ty = let val () = new_type ("int", 0) in mk_thy_type{Thy = thy, Tyop = "int", Args = []} end val _ = case (VALID (HO_MATCH_MP_TAC th)) ([], goal) of SOME ([([],subgoal)],_) => if aconv subgoal expected then OK() else die "" | _ => die "" end; (* local *) val _ = app testutils.convtest [ ("COND_CONV(1)", Conv.COND_CONV, “if b then (\x:'a. x) else (\y.y)”, “(\a:'a.a)”) ]; val _ = tprint "Testing type-specific Unicode overload 1" val _ = set_trace "Unicode" 1 val _ = overload_on (, ``$! :(('a -> 'b)->bool)->bool``) fun checkparse () = let val tm = Lib.with_flag (Globals.notify_on_tyvar_guess, false) Parse.Term `!x. P x` val randty = type_of (rand tm) in if, alpha --> bool) <> EQUAL then die "" else OK() end val _ = checkparse() (* bounce Unicode trace - and repeat *) val _ = tprint "Testing type-specific Unicode overload 2" val _ = set_trace "Unicode" 0 val _ = set_trace "Unicode" 1 val _ = checkparse () (* test for type abbreviation bug caused by stale types in a TypeNet.*) val _ = tprint "Testing stale type abbreviations bug" val _ = new_type ("foo", 1) val _ = type_abbrev("bar", ``:bool foo``) val _ = quietly new_type ("foo", 0) val _ = type_abbrev("baz", ``:foo``) handle _ => die "" val _ = OK() val _ = tprint "Testing ability to p/print current type grammar" val _ = require (check_result (fn _ => true)) type_grammar.prettyprint_grammar (type_grammar ()) (* pretty-printing tests - turn Unicode off *) val tpp = let open testutils in unicode_off (raw_backend testutils.tpp) end fun typp s = let open testutils val ty = Parse.Type [QUOTE s] val _ = tprint ("Testing p/printing of "^s) val res = unicode_off (raw_backend type_to_string) ty in if s <> res then die "" else OK() end val _ = app typp [":bool", ":bool -> bool", ":'a -> bool", ":'a -> 'b -> 'c", ":(bool -> bool) -> 'a"] local open testutils val ct = current_theory val _ = new_type ("option", 1) val ty = mk_thy_type{Thy = ct(), Tyop = "option", Args = [alpha --> beta]} val _ = tprint ("Testing p/printing of (min_grammar) (('a -> 'b) "^ct()^"$option)") val pfn = PP.pp_to_string 70 (#1 (raw_backend print_from_grammars min_grammars)) |> unicode_off val s = pfn ty in val _ = if s = "('a -> 'b) "^ct()^"$option" then OK() else die s end val _ = app tpp ["(if P then q else r) s", "(if P then q else r) s t", "f ((if P then q else r) s t u)", "let x = T in x /\\ y", "let x = (let y = T in y /\\ F) in x \\/ z", "(let x = T in \\y. x /\\ y) p", "let x = p and y = x in x /\\ y", "let x = T; y = F in x /\\ y", "let x = T; y = F and z = T in x /\\ y \\/ z", "f ($/\\ p)", "(((p /\\ q) /\\ r) /\\ s) /\\ t", "!x. P (x /\\ y)", "P (!x. Q x)", "\\x. ?y. P x y", "P (\\x. ?y. Q x y)", "(:'a)", "$var$(\\172)"] val _ = tpp "x = y" val _ = Lib.with_flag (testutils.linewidth, 10) tpp "xxxxxx =\nyyyyyy" val _ = temp_overload_on ("RM*", ``\x y. x /\ y``) val _ = tpp "RM* p q" val _ = clear_overloads_on "RM*" val _ = add_rule {term_name = "=", fixity = Infix(NONASSOC, 450), block_style = (AroundSamePrec, (PP.CONSISTENT,0)), paren_style = OnlyIfNecessary, pp_elements = [HardSpace 1, TOK "=", BreakSpace(1,2)]} val _ = Lib.with_flag (testutils.linewidth, 10) tpp "xxxxxx =\n yyyyyy" val _ = Lib.with_flag (testutils.linewidth, 30) tpp "fffff verylongarg1\n\ \ verylongarg2 verylongarg3"; val _ = Lib.with_flag (testutils.linewidth, 30) tpp "ffff longarg1\n\ \ (fff longarg2 longarg3\n\ \ longarg4) longarg5\n\ \ longarg6 longarg7"; val _ = print "** Tests with Unicode on PP.avoid_unicode both on\n" val _ = let open testutils fun md f = raw_backend (trace ("Unicode", 1) (trace ("PP.avoid_unicode", 1) f)) fun texp (i,out) = md tpp_expected {testf = standard_tpp_message, input = i, output = out} val _ = temp_overload_on ("⊤", ``T``) in app (md tpp) ["!x. p x /\\ q x", "\\x. x", "\\x::p. x /\\ y", "!x::p. q x \\/ r x", "!x. x /\\ T <=> x"]; app texp [("∀x. p x", "!x. p x"), ("x ∧ y", "x /\\ y"), ("λx. x", "\\x. x")]; temp_clear_overloads_on "⊤" end val _ = print "** Tests with Unicode on\n" val _ = let open testutils fun md f = raw_backend $ trace ("Unicode", 1) f in app (md tpp) ["¬¬p", "¬p"] end val _ = print "** Tests with pp_dollar_escapes = 0.\n" val _ = set_trace "pp_dollar_escapes" 0 val _ = app tpp ["(/\\)", "(if)"] val _ = set_trace "pp_dollar_escapes" 1 val _ = quietly new_type ("foo", 2) val _ = new_constant ("con", ``:'a -> ('a,'b)foo``) val _ = set_trace "types" 1 val _ = print "** Tests with 'types' trace on.\n" val _ = tpp "(con (x :'a) :('a, 'b) foo)" val _ = tpp "\\(x :'a) (y :'a). x = y" val _ = tpp "(ARB (x :'a) :'b)" (* pretty-printing - tests of colouring *) val _ = Parse.current_backend := PPBackEnd.vt100_terminal val _ = set_trace "types" 0 val _ = set_trace "Unicode" 0 fun tpp (s,expected) = let val t = Parse.Term [QUOTE s] val _ = tprint ("Testing (colour-)printing of `"^s^"`") val res = ppstring pp_term t in if res = expected then OK() else die (testutils.clear (" Expected >" ^ expected ^ "<; got >"^res^"<")) end fun bound s = "\^[[0;32m" ^ s ^ "\^[[0m" fun free s = "\^[[0;1;34m" ^ s ^ "\^[[0m" val concat = String.concat val bx = bound "x" val fy = free "y" val fp = free "p" val fx = free "x" val _ = app tpp [ ("\\x. x /\\ y", concat ["\\", bx, ". ", bx, " /\\ ", fy]), ("!x. x /\\ y", concat ["!", bx, ". ", bx, " /\\ ", fy]), ("let x = p in x /\\ y", concat ["let ",bx, " = ", fp, " in ", bx, " /\\ ", fy]), ("let f x = (x /\\ p) in f x /\\ y", concat ["let ",bound "f", " ", bx, " = (", bx, " /\\ ", fp, ") in ", bound "f", " ", fx, " /\\ ", fy]), ("!(x:'a)::p (x:'a). q x", concat ["!",bx,"::",fp, " ", fx,". ",free "q"," ",bx]), ("RES_FORALL (p (x:'a)) (\\x. RES_FORALL (p (x:'a)) (\\y. q x y))", concat ["!(",bx,"::",fp," ",fx,") (",bound "y","::",fp," ",bx,"). ", free "q", " ", bx, " ", bound "y"]) ] open testutils val condprinter_test = tpp_expected |> Lib.with_flag (linewidth,!Globals.linewidth) |> unicode_off |> raw_backend val test = condprinter_test val condprinter_tests = [ {input = "if oless e1 e2 /\\ oless x y /\\ foobabbbbbbb\n\ \then p /\\ q /\\ r /\\ ppppp xxxx yyyyy\n\ \else if (e1:'a) = e2 /\\ (k1:'a) <> k2\n\ \then T else if e1 = e2 /\\ k1 = k2 /\\ oless t1 t2\n\ \then T else F", testf = K ("Large COND 1"), output = "if oless e1 e2 /\\ oless x y /\\ foobabbbbbbb then\n\ \ p /\\ q /\\ r /\\ ppppp xxxx yyyyy\n\ \else if e1 = e2 /\\ k1 <> k2 then T\n\ \else if e1 = e2 /\\ k1 = k2 /\\ oless t1 t2 then T\n\ \else F"}, {input = "if oless e1 e2 /\\ oless x y /\\ foobabb\n\ \then p /\\ q /\\ r /\\ ppppp xxxx\n\ \else if e1 = e2 /\\ k1 <> k2\n\ \then T else if e1 = e2 /\\ k1 = k2 /\\ oless t1 t2\n\ \then T else F", testf = K ("Large COND 2"), output = "if oless e1 e2 /\\ oless x y /\\ foobabb then\ \ p /\\ q /\\ r /\\ ppppp xxxx\n\ \else if e1 = e2 /\\ k1 <> k2 then T\n\ \else if e1 = e2 /\\ k1 = k2 /\\ oless t1 t2 then T\n\ \else F"}, {input = "if really quite a long guard when looked at closely then\n\ \ let quite_a_long_variable_name = (another_long_name \\/ x);\n\ \ another_longish_name = (y \\/ z)\n\ \ in\n\ \ f x\n\ \else\n\ \ g y", testf = K "Large then-branch", output = "if really quite a long guard when looked at closely then\n\ \ (let\n\ \ quite_a_long_variable_name = (another_long_name \\/ x);\ \\n another_longish_name = (y \\/ z)\n\ \ in\n\ \ f x)\n\ \else g y"}, {input = "f\n\ \ (if really quite a long guard when looked at closely then\n\ \ a moderately complicated then_branch\n\ \ else an else_branch)", testf = K "Large COND as rand", output = "f\n\ \ (if really quite a long guard when looked at closely then\n\ \ a moderately complicated then_branch\n\ \ else an else_branch)"} ] val _ = app condprinter_test condprinter_tests val _ = let open testutils val _ = tprint (standard_tpp_message "|- p") val res = thm_to_string (ASSUME (mk_var("p", Type.bool))) in if res = " [.] |- p" then OK() else die "" end val _ = temp_add_rule { paren_style = NotEvenIfRand, fixity = Prefix 2200, block_style = (AroundEachPhrase, (PP.CONSISTENT,0)), pp_elements = [TOK "/"], term_name = "div" }; val _ = test {input = "f /x", testf = (fn s => "Prefix op without parens: "^s), output = "f /x"} fun bfnprinter gs be sys (ppfns : term_pp_types.ppstream_funs) gravs depth t = let val (bvar, body) = dest_abs t in if aconv bvar body then #add_string ppfns "I" else if aconv body boolSyntax.T then #add_string ppfns "(K T)" else if aconv body boolSyntax.F then #add_string ppfns "(K F)" else if aconv body (mk_neg bvar) then #add_string ppfns "neg" else raise term_pp_types.UserPP_Failed end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise term_pp_types.UserPP_Failed val _ = temp_add_user_printer("boolfunction", ``v : bool -> bool``, bfnprinter) val _ = test {input = "\\x:bool. x", testf = (K "Boolean identity with special user printer"), output = "I"} val _ = test {input = "\\x:'a. x", testf = (K "Non-boolean identity with special user printer"), output = "\\x. x"} val _ = test { input = "\\x:bool. T", testf = (K "Constant T with type :bool -> bool w/special user printer"), output = "(K T)" } val _ = test { input = "\\x:'a. T", testf = (K "Constant T with type :'a -> bool w/special user printer"), output = "\\x. T" }; (* test DiskThms *) val _ = let val _ = tprint "Testing DiskThms" val filename = OS.FileSys.tmpName () val _ = DiskThms.write_file filename [("AND_CLAUSES", boolTheory.AND_CLAUSES), ("OR_CLAUSES", boolTheory.OR_CLAUSES)] val readresult = DiskThms.read_file filename val ((nm1,th1), (nm2, th2)) = case readresult of [x,y] => (x,y) | _ => raise InternalDie in if nm1 = "AND_CLAUSES" andalso nm2 = "OR_CLAUSES" andalso aconv (th1 |> concl) (concl boolTheory.AND_CLAUSES) andalso aconv (th2 |> concl) (concl boolTheory.OR_CLAUSES) then OK() else die "" end handle InternalDie => die "" val _ = let val _ = tprint "REWRITE with T (if this appears to hang it has failed)" val t = mk_disj(mk_var("p", bool),T) val (sgs,vfn) = REWRITE_TAC [TRUTH] ([], t) in if null sgs andalso aconv (concl (vfn [])) t then OK() else die "" end; val _ = let val _ = tprint "EVERY_CONJ_CONV" fun mkb s = mk_var(s, bool) val p = mkb "p" val q = mkb "q" val t = list_mk_conj [T, mk_var("p", bool), mk_var("q",bool)] val I = mk_abs(p, p) val I_thm = SYM (BETA_CONV (mk_comb(I,q))) fun I_CONV t = if aconv t T then ALL_CONV t else REWR_CONV I_thm t val result = EVERY_CONJ_CONV I_CONV t val expected = mk_conj(mk_comb(I, p), mk_comb(I, q)) in if aconv (rhs (concl result)) expected then OK() else die "" end; val _ = let fun B i = mk_var("x" ^ Int.toString i, bool) fun jump ti i = if i > ti then i - 1 else i fun gentest nm unit lmk c = let val expected = lmk(List.tabulate(3, B)) fun test (ai,ti) = let fun mk i = if i = ai then mk_comb(mk_abs(B 0,B 0), B (jump ti i)) else if i = ti then mk_comb(mk_abs(B 1, B 1), unit) else B (jump ti i) val t = lmk (List.tabulate(4, mk)) val _ = tprint (nm ^ " (" ^ Int.toString ai ^ "," ^ Int.toString ti ^ ")") val res = QCONV (c (TRY_CONV BETA_CONV)) t |> concl |> rhs in if aconv expected res then OK() else die ("got " ^ term_to_string res) end fun row i = List.tabulate (4, fn j => (i,j)) val pairs = List.tabulate (4, row) |> List.concat |> filter (fn (i,j) => i <> j) in test pairs end in gentest "EVERY_CONJ_CONV" T list_mk_conj EVERY_CONJ_CONV ; gentest "EVERY_DISJ_CONV" F list_mk_disj EVERY_DISJ_CONV end val _ = tprint "Testing (foo THENL [...]) when foo solves" val _ = require (check_result (fn _ => true)) (ACCEPT_TAC TRUTH THENL [ACCEPT_TAC TRUTH]) ([], ``T``) val _ = tprint "Testing save_thm rejecting names" val badnames = ["::", "nil", "true", "false", "ref", "="] fun test s = (save_thm(s, TRUTH); die ("Failed to reject: "^s)) handle HOL_ERR _ => () val _ = test badnames val _ = OK() val _ = let val _ = tprint "Testing VALIDATE (1)" val th' = Thm.mk_oracle_thm "Testing" ([], ``p' ==> q``) ; val th = Thm.mk_oracle_thm "Testing" ([], ``p ==> q``) ; val uth' = UNDISCH_ALL th' ; val uth = UNDISCH_ALL th ; val g = ([], ``p ==> q``) : goal ; val ([g'], _) = STRIP_TAC g ; val ([], _) = (FIRST (map (VALID o ACCEPT_TAC) [uth', uth])) g' ; val ([_], _) = (VALIDATE (FIRST (map ACCEPT_TAC [uth', uth]))) g' ; val true = (VALID (FIRST (map ACCEPT_TAC [uth', uth])) g' ; false) handle HOL_ERR _ => true ; in OK() end handle _ => die "" fun goal_equal ((asms1, g1), (asms2, g2)) = ListPair.allEq (fn p => p = EQUAL) (asms1,asms2) andalso aconv g1 g2 val _ = let val _ = tprint "Testing VALIDATE (2)" val g = ([], ``(p ==> q) ==> r``) : goal val tac = STRIP_TAC THEN VALIDATE (POP_ASSUM (ASSUME_TAC o UNDISCH)) val (ngs, vf) = VALID tac g val tac1 = (VALIDATE (ASSUME_TAC (ASSUME ``x /\ y``))) val tac2 = (SUBGOAL_THEN ``x /\ y`` ASSUME_TAC ) val (ngs1, _) = VALID tac1 g val (ngs2, _) = VALID tac2 g in if ListPair.allEq goal_equal (ngs1, ngs2) then OK() else die "final equality" end handle _ => die "" val _ = let val _ = tprint "Testing structural list-tactics" val tac = REPEAT DISCH_TAC THEN REPEAT CONJ_TAC THEN_LT EVERY_LT [ (ROTATE_LT 2), (SPLIT_LT 2 (REVERSE_LT, ROTATE_LT 1)), (HEADGOAL (POP_ASSUM ACCEPT_TAC)), (REPEAT_LT (ALLGOALS (POP_ASSUM (fn _ => ALL_TAC)) THEN_LT HEADGOAL (POP_ASSUM ACCEPT_TAC))) ] ; val th = prove (``a ==> b ==> c ==> d ==> a /\ b /\ c /\ d``, tac) ; in if null (hyp th) then OK() else die "" end handle _ => die "" val _ = let val _ = tprint "Testing USE_SG_THEN" val tac = REPEAT DISCH_TAC THEN CONJ_TAC THEN_LT USE_SG_THEN ASSUME_TAC 1 2 THENL [POP_ASSUM MATCH_MP_TAC THEN CONJ_TAC, DISJ1_TAC] THEN (FIRST_ASSUM ACCEPT_TAC) val th = prove (``p ==> q ==> (p /\ q ==> r) ==> r /\ (r \/ s)``, tac) ; in if null (hyp th) then OK() else die "" end handle _ => die "" val _ = let val _ = tprint "Testing USE_SG_THEN and VALIDATE_LT" val tac = CONJ_TAC THEN REPEAT DISCH_TAC THEN_LT EVERY_LT [VALIDATE_LT (USE_SG_THEN ACCEPT_TAC 1 2), NTH_GOAL (REPEAT STRIP_TAC) 1 ] THEN (POP_ASSUM MATCH_MP_TAC) THEN_LT NTH_GOAL CONJ_TAC 2 THEN (FIRST_ASSUM ACCEPT_TAC) val g = ``(p ==> q ==> (p /\ q ==> r) ==> r) /\ (p ==> q ==> (p ==> r) ==> r)`` val th = prove (g, tac) ; in if null (hyp th) then OK() else die "" end handle _ => die "" val _ = let val _ = tprint "Removing type abbreviation" val _ = quietly temp_type_abbrev_pp ("foo", ``:'a -> bool``) val s1 = type_to_string ``:bool -> bool`` val _ = s1 = ":bool foo" orelse raise InternalDie val _ = temp_remove_type_abbrev "foo" val s2 = type_to_string ``:bool -> bool`` in if s2 = ":bool -> bool" then OK() else die "" end handle InternalDie => die "" fun nc (s,ty) = (quietly new_constant(s,ty); prim_mk_const{Name = s, Thy = current_theory()}) val _ = let val _ = tprint "irule 1 (basic match-mp)" val P = nc("P", alpha --> beta --> bool) val Q = nc("Q", ``:'d -> 'b -> 'c -> bool``) val R = nc("R", beta --> mk_vartype "'e" --> bool) val f = nc("f", ``:'c -> 'e``) val th = mk_thm([], ``!x u. ^P u x ==> !y. ^Q w x y ==> ^R x (^f y)``) val g = ([] : term list, ``^R a (^f b) : bool``) val exsg1 = ``?u. ^P u a`` and exsg2 = ``?w. ^Q w a b`` val (sgs, vf) = irule th g val verdict = case sgs of [([], sg)] => let val (sg1,sg2) = dest_conj sg in aconv sg1 exsg1 andalso aconv sg2 exsg2 end | _ => false in if verdict then OK() else die "" end val _ = let val _ = tprint "irule 2 (shared existential)" val g = ([]: term list, ``a:'a = b``) val expected = ``?y:'a. (a = y) /\ (y = b)`` val (sgs, vf) = irule EQ_TRANS g in case sgs of [([], sg)] => if aconv sg expected then OK() else die "" | _ => die "" end val _ = let val _ = tprint "irule 3 (thm from goal)" val P = nc("P", ``:'a -> bool``) val Q = nc("Q", ``:'a -> bool``) val g = ([``!x. ^P x ==> ^Q x``], ``^Q (b:'a)``) val (sgs, vf) = POP_ASSUM irule g val rth = vf (map mk_thm sgs) val _ = aconv (concl rth) (#2 g) andalso length (hyp rth) = 1 andalso aconv (hd (hyp rth)) (hd (#1 g)) orelse raise InternalDie in case sgs of [([], sg)] => if aconv sg ``^P (b:'a)`` then OK() else die "" | _ => die "" end handle InternalDie => die "" val _ = let val _ = tprint "irule 4 (thm from goal, extra vars)" val g = ([``!x:'a y:'a. PP x y ==> QQ y (f y:'a)``], ``(QQ:'a -> 'a -> bool) a (f a)``) val (sgs, vf) = POP_ASSUM irule g val rth = vf (map mk_thm sgs) in case sgs of [([], sg)] => if aconv sg ``?x:'a. PP x (a:'a)`` then OK() else die "" | _ => die "" end val _ = hide "P" val _ = hide "f" val _ = hide "c" val _ = let open testutils val _ = tprint "irule 5 (as match_accept_tac)" val g = ``(!x:'a. P x) ==> P a`` in require (check_result (aconv g o concl)) (fn g => prove(g, DISCH_THEN irule)) g end val _ = let val _ = tprint "irule 6 (JD)" val _ = nc ("IMAGE", ``:('a -> 'b) -> ('a -> bool) -> ('b -> bool)``) val tm = ``P x /\ U u ==> T' w ==> S' u w /\ V v ==> IMAGE f s x`` val thm = mk_thm ([], tm) val g = ``IMAGE a b c`` val (sgs, vf) = irule thm ([], g) val r_thm = vf (map mk_thm sgs) in if aconv (concl r_thm) g then OK() else die "" end val _ = let val _ = tprint "irule 7 (JD)" val tm = ``!(f:'a -> 'b) s x u w v. P x /\ U u ==> T' w ==> S' u w /\ V v ==> IMAGE f s x`` val thm = ASSUME tm val g = ``IMAGE (a:'a -> 'b) b c`` val (sgs, vf) = irule thm ([], g) val r_thm = vf (map mk_thm sgs) in if aconv (concl r_thm) g then OK() else die "" end fun checktactic sgsP rP tac_result = case tac_result of Exn.Res (sgs, vf) => sgsP sgs andalso (case total vf (map mk_thm sgs) of NONE => false | SOME th => rP th) | Exn.Exn e => false fun pp_goal (asl,w) = let open HOLPP in HOLPP.block CONSISTENT 2 [ HOLPP.block INCONSISTENT 0 ( pr_list pp_term [add_string ",", add_break(1,0)] asl ), add_string " ?-", add_break(1,0), pp_term w ] end fun pp_sgs gl = let open HOLPP in block CONSISTENT 0 (pr_list pp_goal [NL, NL] gl) end fun print_tacresult (sgs, _) = PP.pp_to_string 70 pp_sgs sgs val _ = let val _ = tprint "irule - negated conclusion" val tm = “!x:bool y:bool. P x /\ ~R x y ==> ~Q x” val thm = ASSUME tm val g = “~Q (z:bool): bool” in require_msg (checktactic (fn _ => true) (fn th => concl th ~~ g)) print_tacresult (irule thm) ([], g) end val _ = hide "Q" val _ = hide "P" val _ = let open mp_then val _ = tprint "mp_then + goal_assum 1" val asl = [``P (x:'a):bool``, ``R (ARB:'b) (y:'a):bool``] val g = (asl, ``?x:'a y:'b. Q x (f y : 'c) /\ R y x``) val (res, _) = goal_assum (first_assum o mp_then Any mp_tac) g val expected = ``Q (y:'a) (f (ARB:'b) : 'c) : bool`` in case res of [(asl',g')] => (case Lib.list_compare (asl,asl') of EQUAL => if aconv expected g' then OK() else die ("Got "^term_to_string g'^ "; expected "^term_to_string expected) | _ => die ("Got back changed asm list: " ^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals ("^ Int.toString (length res)^")") end val _ = hide "f" val _ = hide "R" val _ = let val _ = tprint "drule 1" val asl = [``P (c:ind):bool``, ``!x:ind. P x ==> ?y:'a. Q x y``] val g = (asl, ``?a:ind (b:'a). Q a b``) val (res, _) = first_assum drule g val expectedg = ``(?y:'a. Q (c:ind) y) ==> ?a b. Q a b`` in case res of [(asl', g')] => (case Lib.list_compare (asl,asl') of EQUAL => if aconv g' expectedg then OK() else die ("Got " ^ term_to_string g'^ "; expected " ^ term_to_string expectedg) | _ => die ("Got back changed asm list: "^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals (" ^ Int.toString (length res)) end; val _ = let val _ = tprint "drule 2" val _ = new_type("list", 1) val _ = new_constant ("LENGTH", ``:'a list -> num``) val _ = new_constant ("zero", ``:num``) val _ = new_constant ("some_n", ``:num``) val th = mk_thm([], ``!x l:'a list. (<) x (LENGTH l) ==> (<) x some_n``) val asl = [``(<) v (LENGTH (m:ind list))``] val g = (asl, ``?a:ind (b:'a). Q a b``) val (res, _) = drule th g val expectedg = ``(<) v some_n ==> ?a:ind b:'a. Q a b`` in case res of [(asl', g')] => (case Lib.list_compare (asl,asl') of EQUAL => if aconv g' expectedg then OK() else die ("Got " ^ term_to_string g'^ "; expected " ^ term_to_string expectedg) | _ => die ("Got back changed asm list: "^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals (" ^ Int.toString (length res)) end; val _ = let val _ = tprint "drule 3" val asl = [``~p ==> q``, ``~p``] val g = (asl, ``r:bool``) val (res, _) = pop_assum drule g val expectedg = ``q ==> r`` in case res of [(asl', g')] => (case Lib.list_compare ([``~p``], asl') of EQUAL => if aconv g' expectedg then OK() else die ("Got " ^ term_to_string g'^ "; expected " ^ term_to_string expectedg) | _ => die ("Got back changed asm list: "^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals (" ^ Int.toString (length res)) end; val _ = let open mp_then val _ = tprint "mp_then (concl) 1" val asl = [``p ==> q``, ``~q``] val g = (asl, ``r:bool``) val (res, _) = pop_assum (first_assum o mp_then Concl mp_tac) g val expectedg = ``~p ==> r`` in case res of [(asl', g')] => (case Lib.list_compare ([``~q``], asl') of EQUAL => if aconv g' expectedg then OK() else die ("Got " ^ term_to_string g'^ "; expected " ^ term_to_string expectedg) | _ => die ("Got back changed asm list: "^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals (" ^ Int.toString (length res)) end; val _ = let open mp_then val _ = tprint "mp_then (concl) 2" val asl = [``p ==> ~q``, ``q:bool``] val g = (asl, ``r:bool``) val (res, _) = pop_assum (first_assum o mp_then Concl mp_tac) g val expectedg = ``~p ==> r`` in case res of [(asl', g')] => (case Lib.list_compare ([``q:bool``], asl') of EQUAL => if aconv g' expectedg then OK() else die ("Got " ^ term_to_string g'^ "; expected " ^ term_to_string expectedg) | _ => die ("Got back changed asm list: "^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals (" ^ Int.toString (length res)) end; val _ = let open mp_then val _ = tprint "mp_then (pat) 1" val asl = [``P (x:'a) /\ ~p /\ r ==> ~q``, ``~p:bool``, ``r:bool``] val g = (asl, ``r:bool``) val (res, _) = pop_assum (first_assum o mp_then (Pat `$~`) mp_tac) g val expectedg = ``(P(x:'a) /\ r ==> ~q) ==> r`` in case res of [(asl', g')] => (case Lib.list_compare ([``~p``, ``r:bool``], asl') of EQUAL => if aconv g' expectedg then OK() else die ("Got " ^ term_to_string g'^ "; expected " ^ term_to_string expectedg) | _ => die ("Got back changed asm list: "^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals (" ^ Int.toString (length res)) end; val _ = let open mp_then val _ = tprint "mp_then (pat) 2" val asl = [``!x. P (x:'a) /\ ~p /\ r ==> ~q``, ``P(c:'a):bool``, ``r:bool``] val g = (asl, ``r:bool``) val (res, _) = pop_assum (first_assum o mp_then (Pat `P (x:'a) : bool`) mp_tac) g val expectedg = ``(~p /\ r ==> ~q) ==> r`` in case res of [(asl', g')] => (case Lib.list_compare ([“P(c:'a):bool”, “r:bool”], asl') of EQUAL => if aconv g' expectedg then OK() else die ("Got " ^ term_to_string g'^ "; expected " ^ term_to_string expectedg) | _ => die ("Got back changed asm list: "^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals (" ^ Int.toString (length res)) end; val _ = let open mp_then val _ = tprint "mp_then (pat) 3" val _ = quietly new_type("list", 1) val _ = quietly new_type("ti", 0) val _ = hide "foo" val _ = nc("EVERY", ``:('a -> bool) -> 'a list -> bool``) val asl = [``EVERY (x:'a -> bool) ls``, ``!x:ti y. foo x y /\ EVERY y (ls:'a list) ==> gg x``, ``foo (a:ti) (x:'a -> bool):bool``, ``bar (x:'a -> bool):bool``] val g = (List.rev asl, ``gg (a:ti):bool``) val (res, _) = first_x_assum (first_assum o mp_then (Pat `EVERY`) mp_tac) g val expectedg = ``(!x':ti. foo x' (x:'a -> bool) ==> gg x') ==> gg a`` val expectedasl = [``bar (x:'a -> bool):bool``, ``foo (a:ti) (x:'a -> bool):bool``, ``EVERY (x:'a -> bool) ls``] in case res of [(asl', g')] => (case Lib.list_compare (expectedasl, asl') of EQUAL => if aconv g' expectedg then OK() else die ("Got " ^ term_to_string g'^ "; expected " ^ term_to_string expectedg) | _ => die ("Got back changed asm list: "^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals (" ^ Int.toString (length res)) end; val _ = let open mp_then Portable val _ = tprint "mp_then (backtracking pat)" val gh567_1_def = new_definition("gh567_1_def", “gh567_1 p <=> p /\ F”) val gh567_2_def = new_definition("gh567_2_def", “gh567_2 p <=> p /\ T”) val _ = temp_overload_on ("gh567", “gh567_1”) val _ = temp_overload_on ("gh567", “gh567_2”) val tm1 = gh567_1_def |> SPEC_ALL |> concl |> lhs |> rator val asl = [“!b. ^tm1 b ==> b”, “^tm1 F”] val g = boolSyntax.F val tac = first_x_assum (first_x_assum o mp_then (Pat ‘gh567’) assume_tac) in case verdict tac (fn _ => ()) (asl,g) of FAIL ((), e) => die ("Got exception: " ^ General.exnMessage e) | PASS (sgs, _) => if list_eq (pair_eq (list_eq aconv) aconv) sgs [([F], F)] then OK() else die ("Wrong subgoals") end val _ = let val _ = tprint "drule_all 1" val asl = [``!x:ind. P x /\ R x ==> ?y:'a. Q x y``, ``P (c:ind):bool``, ``R (d:ind):bool``, ``P (d:ind):bool``] val g = (asl, ``?a:ind (b:'a). Q a b``) val (res, _) = first_assum drule_all g val expectedg = ``(?y:'a. Q (d:ind) y) ==> ?a b. Q a b`` in case res of [(asl', g')] => (case Lib.list_compare (asl,asl') of EQUAL => if aconv g' expectedg then OK() else die ("Got " ^ term_to_string g'^ "; expected " ^ term_to_string expectedg) | _ => die ("Got back changed asm list: "^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals (" ^ Int.toString (length res)) end; val _ = let val _ = tprint "dxrule_all 1" val imp = ``!x:ind. P x /\ R x ==> ?y:'a. Q x y`` val asl = [imp, ``P (c:ind):bool``, ``R (d:ind):bool``, ``P (d:ind):bool``] val g = (asl, ``?a:ind (b:'a). Q a b``) val (res, _) = first_assum dxrule_all g val expectedg = ``(?y:'a. Q (d:ind) y) ==> ?a b. Q a b`` val expected_asl = [imp, ``P (c:ind):bool``] in case res of [(asl', g')] => (case Lib.list_compare (expected_asl,asl') of EQUAL => if aconv g' expectedg then OK() else die ("Got " ^ term_to_string g'^ "; expected " ^ term_to_string expectedg) | _ => die ("Got back wrong asm list: "^ String.concatWith ", " (map term_to_string asl'))) | _ => die ("Tactic returned wrong number of sub-goals (" ^ Int.toString (length res)) end; fun dolvtests(modname,empty,insert,match) = let val n = List.foldl (fn ((k,v),acc) => insert (acc,k,v)) empty [(([],``R x y:bool``), 1), (([], ``!s:'a. f s = T``), 2), (([``f:'a -> bool``], ``!s:'a. f s = T``), 3), (([``f:'a -> bool``], ``f (s:'a) = T``), 4) ] fun test (nm, pat, expected) = let open testutils val _ = tprint (modname ^ ": " ^ nm) in require (check_result (equal expected)) (fn pat => snd (match (n,pat))) pat; () end in test [("exact", ``f x y : bool``, [1]), ("one extra", ``f a x y : bool``, [1]), ("lvar 1", ``g (z:'a) = T``, [1]), ("lvar 2", ``f (z:'a) = T``, [4,1]), ("quant eq 1", ``!z:'a. g z = T``, [2]), ("quant lv match", ``!z:'a. f z = T``, [3,2]) ] end val _ = dolvtests("LVTermNet", LVTermNet.empty, LVTermNet.insert, LVTermNet.match) val _ = dolvtests("LVTermNetFunctor", LVTermNetFunctorApplied.PrintMap.empty, LVTermNetFunctorApplied.PrintMap.insert, LVTermNetFunctorApplied.PrintMap.match) (* set up overloading situation with < and + overloaded to num and int *) val thy = current_theory() val ilt = (new_constant("ilt", int_ty --> (int_ty --> bool)); mk_thy_const{Thy = thy, Name = "ilt", Ty = int_ty --> (int_ty --> bool)}) val _ = overload_on("<", ilt) val _ = set_fixity "+" (Infixl 500) val _ = set_fixity "<" (Infix(NONASSOC, 450)) val nplus = (new_constant("nplus", num_ty --> (num_ty --> num_ty)); mk_thy_const{Thy = thy, Name = "nplus", Ty = num_ty --> (num_ty --> num_ty)}) val _ = overload_on("+", nplus) val iplus = (new_constant("iplus", int_ty --> (int_ty --> int_ty)); mk_thy_const{Thy = thy, Name = "iplus", Ty = int_ty --> (int_ty --> int_ty)}) val _ = overload_on("+", iplus) val _ = tprint "Checking error message on x + y < T parse (w/ints around)" val ptie = TermParse.preterm (term_grammar()) (type_grammar()) `x + y < T` val res = let open errormonad Preterm infix >~ >> val op >~ = errormonad.bind val checked = ptie >~ (fn pt => typecheck_phase1 NONE pt >> overloading_resolution pt) in case checked Pretype.Env.empty of Error (OvlNoType(s,_), _) => if s = "<" orelse s = "+" then OK() else die "" | _ => die "" end val _ = (ignore o substtest) tests val _ = print "Testing cond-printer after set_grammar_ancestry\n" val _ = set_trace "PP.avoid_unicode" 1 val _ = set_grammar_ancestry ["bool"] val _ = app condprinter_test condprinter_tests val _ = let open Exn fun badtac (asl,g) = ([], fn [] => ASSUME ``p:bool`` | _ => raise Fail "") val vtac = VALID badtac fun checkmsg P f (os, ofn, m) = os = "Tactical" andalso ofn = f andalso P m fun checkv P = checkmsg P "VALID" fun checkvl P = checkmsg P "VALID_LT" val _ = tprint "VALID-checking (normal)" val _ = require is_result vtac ([``p:bool``], ``p:bool``) val _ = tprint "VALID-checking (bad concl)" val expectedmsg1 = "Invalid tactic: theorem has wrong conclusion p" val _ = require (check_HOL_ERR (checkv (equal expectedmsg1))) vtac ([``p:bool``, ``q:bool``], ``P:bool``) val _ = tprint "VALID-checking (bad hyp)" val expectedmsg2 = "Invalid tactic: theorem has bad hypothesis p" val _ = require (check_HOL_ERR (checkv (equal expectedmsg2))) vtac ([], ``p:bool``) in () end