(* Title: Standard Basis Library: Windows signature and structure Author: David Matthews Copyright David Matthews 2000, 2005, 2012, 2018, 2019 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *) signature WINDOWS = sig structure Key : sig include BIT_FLAGS val allAccess : flags val createLink : flags val createSubKey : flags val enumerateSubKeys : flags val execute : flags val notify : flags val queryValue : flags val read : flags val setValue : flags val write : flags end structure Reg : sig eqtype hkey val classesRoot : hkey val currentUser : hkey val localMachine : hkey val users : hkey val performanceData : hkey val currentConfig : hkey val dynData : hkey datatype create_result = CREATED_NEW_KEY of hkey | OPENED_EXISTING_KEY of hkey val createKeyEx : hkey * string * Key.flags -> create_result val openKeyEx : hkey * string * Key.flags -> hkey val closeKey : hkey -> unit val deleteKey : hkey * string -> unit val deleteValue : hkey * string -> unit val enumKeyEx : hkey * int -> string option val enumValueEx : hkey * int -> string option datatype value = SZ of string | DWORD of SysWord.word | BINARY of Word8Vector.vector | MULTI_SZ of string list | EXPAND_SZ of string val queryValueEx : hkey * string -> value option val setValueEx : hkey * string * value -> unit end structure Config: sig val platformWin32s : SysWord.word val platformWin32Windows : SysWord.word val platformWin32NT : SysWord.word val platformWin32CE : SysWord.word val getVersionEx: unit -> { majorVersion: SysWord.word, minorVersion: SysWord.word, buildNumber: SysWord.word, platformId: SysWord.word, csdVersion: string } val getWindowsDirectory: unit -> string val getSystemDirectory: unit -> string val getComputerName: unit -> string val getUserName: unit -> string end structure DDE : sig type info val startDialog : string * string -> info val executeString : info * string * int * Time.time -> unit val stopDialog : info -> unit end val getVolumeInformation : string -> { volumeName : string, systemName : string, serialNumber : SysWord.word, maximumComponentLength : int } val findExecutable : string -> string option val launchApplication : string * string -> unit val openDocument : string -> unit val simpleExecute : string * string -> OS.Process.status type ('a,'b) proc val execute : string * string -> ('a, 'b) proc val textInstreamOf : (TextIO.instream, 'a) proc -> TextIO.instream val binInstreamOf : (BinIO.instream, 'a) proc -> BinIO.instream val textOutstreamOf : ('a, TextIO.outstream) proc -> TextIO.outstream val binOutstreamOf : ('a, BinIO.outstream) proc -> BinIO.outstream val reap : ('a, 'b) proc -> OS.Process.status structure Status : sig type status = SysWord.word val accessViolation : status val arrayBoundsExceeded : status val breakpoint : status val controlCExit : status val datatypeMisalignment : status val floatDenormalOperand : status val floatDivideByZero : status val floatInexactResult : status val floatInvalidOperation : status val floatOverflow : status val floatStackCheck : status val floatUnderflow : status val guardPageViolation : status val integerDivideByZero : status val integerOverflow : status val illegalInstruction : status val invalidDisposition : status val invalidHandle : status val inPageError : status val noncontinuableException: status val pending : status val privilegedInstruction : status val singleStep : status val stackOverflow : status val timeout : status val userAPC : status end val fromStatus : OS.Process.status -> Status.status val exit : Status.status -> 'a end; (* Provide an empty version for bootstrapping. It uses the FFI but that has changed. *) structure Windows = struct end;