\DOC \TYPE {WORD_LOGIC_ss : ssfrag} \SYNOPSIS Simplification fragment for words. \KEYWORDS simplification, words. \DESCRIBE The fragment {WORD_LOGIC_ss} does AC simplification for word conjunction, disjunction and 1's complement (negation). If the word length is known then further simplification occurs, in particular for {~(n2w n)}. \EXAMPLE { - SIMP_CONV (pure_ss++WORD_LOGIC_ss) [] ``3w !! 12w && a !! ~4w !! a && 16w`` <> > val it = |- 3w !! 12w && a !! ~4w !! a && 16w = 28w && a !! $- 5w : thm } More simplification occurs when the word length is known. { - SIMP_CONV (pure_ss++WORD_LOGIC_ss) [] ``~12w !! ~14w : word8`` > val it = |- ~12w !! ~14w = 243w : thm } \COMMENTS The term {$- 1w} represents {UINT_MAXw}, which is the supremum in bitwise operations. \SEEALSO wordsLib.WORD_LOGIC_CONV, wordsLib.WORD_CONV, fcpLib.FCP_ss, wordsLib.BIT_ss, wordsLib.SIZES_ss, wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_ss, wordsLib.WORD_SHIFT_ss, wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_EQ_ss, wordsLib.WORD_BIT_EQ_ss, wordsLib.WORD_EXTRACT_ss, wordsLib.WORD_MUL_LSL_ss, wordsLib.WORD_ss \ENDDOC