\DOC CHOOSE \TYPE {CHOOSE : term * thm -> thm -> thm} \SYNOPSIS Eliminates existential quantification using deduction from a particular witness. \KEYWORDS rule, existential. \DESCRIBE When applied to a term-theorem pair {(v,A1 |- ?x. s)} and a second theorem of the form {A2 u {s[v/x]} |- t}, the inference rule {CHOOSE} produces the theorem {A1 u A2 |- t}. { A1 |- ?x. s A2 u {s[v/x]} |- t --------------------------------------- CHOOSE (v,(A1 |- ?x. s)) A1 u A2 |- t } Where {v} is not free in {A1}, {A2} or {t}. \FAILURE Fails unless the terms and theorems correspond as indicated above; in particular {v} must have the same type as the variable existentially quantified over, and must not be free in {A1}, {A2} or {t}. \SEEALSO Tactic.CHOOSE_TAC, Thm.EXISTS, Tactic.EXISTS_TAC, Drule.SELECT_ELIM. \ENDDOC