\DOC EXISTS_TAC \TYPE {EXISTS_TAC : (term -> tactic)} \SYNOPSIS Reduces existentially quantified goal to one involving a specific witness. \KEYWORDS tactic, quantifier, existential, choose, witness. \DESCRIBE When applied to a term {u} and a goal {?x. t}, the tactic {EXISTS_TAC} reduces the goal to {t[u/x]} (substituting {u} for all free instances of {x} in {t}, with variable renaming if necessary to avoid free variable capture). { A ?- ?x. t ============= EXISTS_TAC "u" A ?- t[u/x] } \FAILURE Fails unless the goal's conclusion is existentially quantified and the term supplied has the same type as the quantified variable in the goal. \EXAMPLE The goal: { ?- ?x. x=T } can be solved by: { EXISTS_TAC ``T`` THEN REFL_TAC } \SEEALSO Thm.EXISTS. \ENDDOC