open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib open dividesTheory val _ = new_theory "ward" val list_exp_def = Define` (list_exp l 0 = []) ∧ (list_exp l (SUC n) = l ++ list_exp l n) `; val _ = Hol_datatype `alphabet = a | b | I` val (thm_rules, thm_ind, thm_cases) = Hol_reln` thm [I] ∧ (∀x y. thm (x ++ y) ⇒ thm (x ++ [I] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. x ++ y ≠ [] ∧ thm (x ++ [I] ++ y) ⇒ thm (x ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thm (x ++ [I] ++ y) ⇒ thm (x ++ [a;a;a] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thm (x ++ [a;a;a] ++ y) ⇒ thm (x ++ [I] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thm (x ++ [I] ++ y) ⇒ thm (x ++ [b;b;b] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thm (x ++ [b;b;b] ++ y) ⇒ thm (x ++ [I] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thm (x ++ [a;b;a;b] ++ y) ⇒ thm (x ++ [b;b;a;a] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thm (x ++ [b;b;a;a] ++ y) ⇒ thm (x ++ [a;b;a;b] ++ y)) ` val div3_lemma = prove( ``divides 3 (x + 3 + y) ⇔ divides 3 (x + y)``, `x + 3 + y = x + y + 3` by DECIDE_TAC THEN SRW_TAC [][] THEN EQ_TAC THENL [ METIS_TAC [arithmeticTheory.ADD_COMM, DIVIDES_REFL, DIVIDES_ADD_2], METIS_TAC [DIVIDES_REFL, DIVIDES_ADD_1] ]) val ab_DIV3 = store_thm( "ab_DIV3", ``∀l. thm l ⇒ divides 3 (LENGTH (FILTER ((=) a) l)) ∧ divides 3 (LENGTH (FILTER ((=) b) l))``, Induct_on `thm` THEN SRW_TAC [][listTheory.FILTER_APPEND_DISTRIB, div3_lemma]); val (thmrwt_rules, thmrwt_ind, thmrwt_cases) = Hol_reln` (∀x y. (x ++ y ≠ []) ⇒ thmrwt (x ++ [I] ++ y) (x ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thmrwt (x ++ [a;a;a] ++ y) (x ++ [I] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thmrwt (x ++ [b;b;b] ++ y) (x ++ [I] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thmrwt (x ++ [a;b;a;b] ++ y) (x ++ [b;b;a;a] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thmrwt (x ++ [b;b;a;a;b;b] ++ y) (x ++ [a;b;a] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thmrwt (x ++ [a;a;b;b;a;a] ++ y) (x ++ [b;a;b] ++ y)) ∧ (∀x y. thmrwt (x ++ [a;a;b;b] ++ y) (x ++ [b;a;b;a] ++ y)) `; fun thm i = List.nth(CONJUNCTS thmrwt_rules, i) val alphanil_t = ``[] : alphabet list`` fun lmkapp l = listSyntax.list_mk_append l handle HOL_ERR _ => alphanil_t datatype accitem = TM of term | CONSLR of term list fun strcons acc changedp t = if listSyntax.is_cons t then let val (h, hs_t) = listSyntax.dest_cons t in strcons (h::acc) true hs_t end else (acc, changedp, if listSyntax.is_nil t then NONE else SOME t) fun stripapp worklist acc = case worklist of [] => let fun foldthis (TM t, acc) = t::acc | foldthis (CONSLR ts, acc) = listSyntax.mk_list (List.rev ts, type_of (hd ts)) :: acc in List.foldl foldthis [] acc end | t::ts => let open listSyntax in if is_append t then let val (l1, l2) = dest_append t in stripapp (l1 :: l2 :: ts) acc end else let val (consbase, accrest) = case acc of CONSLR l::rest => (l, rest) | _ => ([], acc) in case strcons consbase false t of ([], _, NONE) => stripapp ts acc | (els, _, NONE) => stripapp ts (CONSLR els :: accrest) | (_, false, SOME t') => stripapp ts (TM t'::acc) | (els, true, SOME t') => stripapp (t'::ts) (CONSLR els :: accrest) end end datatype ('key, 'a) cons_trie = Node of 'a option * ('key,('key,'a) cons_trie) Binarymap.dict fun find_trie_matches key trie = let fun recurse pfxr acc key (Node (valopt, d)) = let val newacc = case valopt of NONE => acc | SOME r => (List.rev pfxr, r) :: acc in case key of [] => newacc | e::es => let in case Binarymap.peek (d, e) of NONE => newacc | SOME trie' => recurse (e::pfxr) newacc es trie' end end in recurse [] [] key trie end fun empty cmp = Node(NONE, Binarymap.mkDict cmp) fun insert cmp (k,v) (Node(valopt,d)) = case k of [] => Node(SOME v, d) | e::es => let in case Binarymap.peek (d, e) of NONE => let val temp' = insert cmp (es,v) (empty cmp) in Node(valopt, Binarymap.insert(d,e,temp')) end | SOME t' => Node(valopt, Binarymap.insert(d,e,insert cmp(es,v) t')) end val db = let fun foldthis ((t,v), acc) = let val (els, _) = listSyntax.dest_list t in insert (els,v) acc end in List.foldl foldthis (empty [(``[I:alphabet]``, (alphanil_t, thm 0)), (``[a;a;a]``, (``[I:alphabet]``, thm 1)), (``[b;b;b]``, (``[I:alphabet]``, thm 2)), (``[a;b;a;b]``, (``[b;b;a;a]``, thm 3)), (``[b;b;a;a;b;b]``, (``[a;b;a]``, thm 4)), (``[a;a;b;b;a;a]``, (``[b;a;b]``, thm 5)), (``[a;a;b;b]``, (``[b;a;b;a]``, thm 6))] end fun find_cons_matches db els = case els of [] => let val res = find_trie_matches els db in map (fn v => ([],v,[])) res end | t::ts => let val hdres = find_trie_matches els db fun mapthis (v as (k,r)) = ([], v, List.drop(els,length k)) val hdres' = map mapthis hdres val tlres = find_cons_matches db ts in (hdres' @ map (fn (p,v,s) => (t::p,v,s)) tlres) end val alpha_ty = ``:alphabet`` fun find_app_matches db app_list = let fun recurse pfxr acc apps = case apps of [] => acc | t::ts => let val els = #1 (listSyntax.dest_list t) handle HOL_ERR _ => [] val t_results0 = find_cons_matches db els fun mapthis (p,r,s) = let val p_l = if null p then [] else [listSyntax.mk_list(p, alpha_ty)] val s_l = if null s then [] else [listSyntax.mk_list(s, alpha_ty)] in (List.rev(p_l @ pfxr), r, s_l @ ts) end val results = map mapthis t_results0 in recurse (t::pfxr) (acc @ results) ts end in recurse [] [] app_list end open listTheory fun solver (asl, t) = let val nonnil_asms = map ASSUME (filter is_neg asl) fun munge extras p s th = th |> SPECL [lmkapp p, lmkapp s] |> REWRITE_RULE (GSYM APPEND_ASSOC :: APPEND_eq_NIL :: APPEND :: APPEND_NIL :: NOT_NIL_CONS :: NOT_CONS_NIL :: extras @ nonnil_asms) |> MATCH_MP relationTheory.RTC_SUBSET val (_,body) = dest_exists t in if is_conj body then let val (c1, c2) = dest_conj body val (_, [_, x1, _]) = strip_comb c1 val (_, [_, x2, _]) = strip_comb c2 val app_args1 = stripapp [x1] [] val app_args2 = stripapp [x2] [] val possibilities1 = find_app_matches db app_args1 val possibilities2 = find_app_matches db app_args2 fun nilf t = if listSyntax.is_nil t then [] else [t] fun check (p1, (_, (res1, _)), s1) (p2, (_, (res2, _)), s2) = tml_eq (p1 @ nilf res1 @ s1) (p2 @ nilf res2 @ s2) fun checkl t = List.mapPartial (fn t' => if check t t' then SOME (t,t') else NONE) fun checkll [] p2 = [] | checkll (h::t) p2 = checkl h p2 @ checkll t p2 val possibilities = checkll possibilities1 possibilities2 val ((pfx1, (_, (res1, th1)), sfx1), (pfx2, (_, (res2, th2)), sfx2)) = hd possibilities fun conclude extras = let val th1' = munge extras pfx1 sfx1 th1 val th2' = munge extras pfx2 sfx2 th2 in EXISTS_TAC (rand (concl th1')) THEN REWRITE_TAC [GSYM APPEND_ASSOC, APPEND] THEN ACCEPT_TAC (CONJ th1' th2') end in if null nonnil_asms andalso listSyntax.is_nil res1 andalso listSyntax.is_nil res2 andalso List.all is_var pfx1 andalso List.all is_var sfx1 then let val eqn = mk_eq(last (pfx1 @ sfx1), alphanil_t) in ASM_CASES_TAC eqn THENL [ BasicProvers.VAR_EQ_TAC THEN REWRITE_TAC [APPEND_NIL] THEN solver, conclude [ASSUME (mk_neg eqn)] ] end else conclude [] end else let val (_, [_, x, _]) = strip_comb body in EXISTS_TAC x THEN MATCH_ACCEPT_TAC relationTheory.RTC_REFL end end (asl,t) handle Empty => raise mk_HOL_ERR "wardScript" "solver" "Empty list" (* val thmrwt_weak_confluent = store_thm( "thmrwt_weak_confluent", ``∀x y. thmrwt x y ⇒ ∀z. thmrwt x z ⇒ ∃u. thmrwt^* y u ∧ thmrwt^* z u``, Induct_on `thmrwt` >> rpt conj_tac >- (rpt gen_tac >> strip_tac >> gen_tac >> srw_tac [][SimpL ``(==>)``, Once thmrwt_cases] >> fsrw_tac [][listTheory.APPEND_EQ_APPEND_MID, listTheory.APPEND_EQ_SING, listTheory.APPEND_eq_NIL, listTheory.APPEND_EQ_CONS] >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][listTheory.APPEND_EQ_SING, listTheory.APPEND_eq_NIL] >> solver) >- (rpt gen_tac >> srw_tac [][SimpL ``(==>)``, Once thmrwt_cases] >> fsrw_tac [][APPEND_EQ_APPEND_MID, APPEND_EQ_SING, APPEND_EQ_CONS] THEN srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][] >> TRY solver >> fsrw_tac [][APPEND_EQ_APPEND, APPEND_EQ_CONS] >> srw_tac [][] >> fsrw_tac [][APPEND_EQ_CONS] >> TRY solver TRY (metis_tac [relationTheory.RTC_SUBSET, relationTheory.RTC_REFL, listTheory.APPEND_ASSOC, thmrwt_rules, listTheory.APPEND_eq_NIL]) >> solver >| [ qexists_tac `x' ++ [b;b;a;a] ++ z ++ y` >> conj_tac >| [ metis_tac [relationTheory.RTC_SUBSET, listTheory.APPEND_ASSOC, thmrwt_rules], srw_tac [][relationTheory.RTC_SUBSET, thmrwt_rules] ], qexists_tac `x ++ z' ++ [b;b;a;a] ++ y'` >> conj_tac >- srw_tac [][thmrwt_rules, relationTheory.RTC_SUBSET] >> match_mp_tac relationTheory.RTC_SUBSET >> `x ++ [I] ++ z' ++ [b;b;a;a] ++ y' = x ++ [I] ++ (z' ++ [b;b;a;a] ++ y')` by srw_tac [][] >> pop_assum SUBST1_TAC >> `x ++ z' ++ [b;b;a;a] ++ y' = x ++ (z' ++ [b;b;a;a] ++ y')` by srw_tac [][] >> pop_assum SUBST1_TAC >> match_mp_tac (hd (CONJUNCTS thmrwt_rules)) >> srw_tac [][], pop_assum (MP_TAC o AP_TERM ``MEM I``) >> srw_tac [][], *) val _ = export_theory()