structure helperLib :> helperLib = struct open HolKernel boolLib bossLib; open wordsLib stringLib addressTheory set_sepTheory progTheory wordsTheory; open pairSyntax progSyntax temporalTheory; structure Parse = struct open Parse val (Type, Term) = parse_from_grammars progTheory.prog_grammars end open Parse val prove = Tactical.default_prover val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "helperLib" val RW = REWRITE_RULE; val RW1 = ONCE_REWRITE_RULE; type instruction = (thm * int * int option) * (thm * int * int option) option (* (derive spec, generate branch, status thm, program counter term) *) type decompiler_tools = (string -> instruction) * (term -> term -> int -> bool -> string * int) * Thm.thm * Term.term fun instruction_apply f = fn ((th1, x1, x2), NONE): instruction => ((f th1, x1, x2), NONE) | ((th1, x1, x2), SOME (th2, y1, y2)) => ((f th1, x1, x2), SOME (f th2, y1, y2)): instruction (* Remove whitespace before and after a string *) val remove_whitespace = Substring.string o Substring.dropr Char.isSpace o Substring.dropl Char.isSpace o Substring.full (* Turns a quote `...` into a list of strings *) local val f = List.mapPartial (fn s => case remove_whitespace s of "" => NONE | x => SOME x) o String.tokens (fn c => c = #"\n" orelse c = #"|") in fun quote_to_strings q = f (Portable.quote_to_string (fn _ => raise General.Bind) q) end (* mechanism for printing *) val echo_level = ref (1:int); (* 0 - nothing, 1 - brief, 2 - descriptive, 3+ - verbose *) fun echo level msg = if level <= 0 then () else if level <= !echo_level then print msg else (); fun set_echo level = (echo_level := level); (* attach a cache to a function from strings, e.g. decode *) fun cache (f:string->'a) = let val dd = ref ((Binarymap.mkDict : (String.string, 'a) Binarymap.dict) in (fn x => let val y = Binarymap.find(!dd,x) val _ = echo 1 " [cache]" in y end handle NotFound => let val v = f x val _ = dd := Binarymap.insert(!dd,x,v) in v end) end val to_lower = Char.toLower (* debug prover *) fun auto_prove proof_name (goal,tac) = let val (rest,validation) = tac ([], goal) in if length rest = 0 then validation [] else failwith("auto_prove failed for " ^ proof_name) end (* finding and replacing terms *) val all_distinct = Lib.mk_set fun replace_terml p = let fun aux tm = p tm handle HOL_ERR _ => (case dest_comb tm of SOME (x,y) => mk_comb (aux x, aux y) | NONE => (case dest_abs tm of SOME (x,y) => mk_abs (x, aux y) | NONE => tm)) in aux end fun find_terml p = let fun aux tm = if p tm then [tm] else case dest_comb tm of SOME (x,y) => aux x @ aux y | NONE => (aux (snd (dest_abs tm)) handle HOL_ERR _ => []) in op_mk_set aconv o aux end fun find_terml_all p tm = let fun aux tm acc = let val acc = if p tm then acc @ [tm] else acc in case dest_comb tm of SOME (x,y) => aux y (aux x acc) | NONE => (case dest_abs tm of SOME (x,y) => aux y acc | NONE => acc) end in op_mk_set aconv (aux tm []) end fun collect_term_of_type ty = find_terml (fn tm => type_of tm = ty); (* making and destroying terms *) val car = fst o dest_comb; val cdr = snd o dest_comb; fun list_mk f ([]:term list) y = y | list_mk f [x] y = x | list_mk f (x1::x2::xs) y = f (x1, list_mk f (x2::xs) y) fun list_dest f tm = let val (x,y) = f tm in list_dest f x @ list_dest f y end handle HOL_ERR _ => [tm] fun mk_star (tm1,tm2) = (fst o dest_eq o concl o ISPECL [tm1,tm2]) STAR_COMM handle HOL_ERR _ => (snd o dest_eq o concl o ISPECL [tm2,tm1]) STAR_COMM fun mk_sep_disj (tm1,tm2) = (fst o dest_eq o concl o ISPECL [tm1,tm2]) SEP_DISJ_COMM handle HOL_ERR _ => (snd o dest_eq o concl o ISPECL [tm2,tm1]) SEP_DISJ_COMM fun mk_cond_star (tm1,tm2) = (fst o dest_comb o fst o dest_eq o snd o dest_comb o concl o ISPEC tm1 o Q.SPEC `s` o ISPEC tm2) cond_STAR fun mk_sidecond_star (tm1,tm2) = (fst o dest_comb o fst o dest_eq o snd o dest_comb o concl o ISPEC tm1 o Q.SPEC `s` o ISPEC tm2 o REWRITE_RULE [GSYM sidecond_def]) cond_STAR fun mk_sep_hide tm = (fst o dest_eq o concl o ISPEC tm) SEP_HIDE_def; fun mk_sep_exists (v,tm) = let val t = (fst o dest_eq o concl) SEP_EXISTS val t_ty = (hd o snd o dest_type) (type_of t) val tm2 = mk_abs(v,tm) in mk_comb (inst (match_type t_ty (type_of tm2)) t, tm2) end fun mk_emp ty = mk_thy_const {Ty = ty, Thy = "set_sep", Name = "emp"} fun list_mk_star xs ty = list_mk (fn (x,y) => mk_star (y,x)) (rev xs) (mk_emp ty) fun dest_star tm = let val (x,z) = dest_comb tm val (x,y) = dest_comb x in if fst (dest_const x) = "STAR" then (y,z) else fail() end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "dest_star" "" fun dest_sep_disj tm = let val (x,z) = dest_comb tm val (x,y) = dest_comb x in if fst (dest_const x) = "SEP_DISJ" then (y,z) else fail() end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "dest_sep_disj" "" fun mk_one x = (fst o dest_eq o concl o ISPEC x) one_def fun dest_one tm = (if fst (dest_const (car tm)) = "one" then cdr tm else fail()) handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "dest_one" "" fun dest_sep_hide tm = let val (x,z) = dest_comb tm in if fst (dest_const x) = "SEP_HIDE" then z else fail() end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "dest_sep_hide" "" fun dest_sep_exists tm = let val (x,z) = dest_comb tm in if fst (dest_const x) = "SEP_EXISTS" then dest_abs z else fail() end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "dest_sep_exists" "" fun dest_spec tm = let val (tm,q) = dest_comb tm val (tm,c) = dest_comb tm val (tm,p) = dest_comb tm val (tm,m) = dest_comb tm in if fst (dest_const tm) = "SPEC" then (m,p,c,q) else fail() end handle HOL_ERR _ => raise ERR "dest_sep_exists" "" fun is_normal_char c = (* test whether c is 0-9 A-Z a-z or _ *) Char.isAlphaNum c orelse c = #"_" fun get_sep_domain tm = dest_sep_hide tm handle HOL_ERR _ => fst (dest_comb tm) handle HOL_ERR _ => tm (* simpsets *) fun conv2ssfrag name conv pattern = simpLib.SSFRAG { name = NONE, ac = [], congs = [], convs = [{name = name, conv = K (K conv), key = SOME([], pattern), trace = 10}], dprocs = [], filter = NONE, rewrs = [] } fun eval_term_ss tm_name tm = simpLib.conv_ss { name = tm_name, trace = 3, key = SOME ([],tm), conv = K (K EVAL) }; val sw2sw_ss = eval_term_ss "sw2sw" ``(sw2sw:'a word->'b word) (n2w n)`` val w2w_ss = eval_term_ss "w2w" ``(w2w:'a word->'b word) (n2w n)`` val star_ss = simpLib.ac_ss [(STAR_ASSOC,STAR_COMM)] val cond_ELIM = prove( ``!c c' P . (cond c * cond c' = cond (c /\ c'):'a set -> bool) /\ (P * cond c * cond c' = P * cond (c /\ c'):'a set -> bool)``, REWRITE_TAC [GSYM STAR_ASSOC,SEP_CLAUSES]); val cond_MOVE = prove( ``!c P Q. (cond c * P = P * (cond c) :'a set -> bool) /\ (P * cond c * Q = P * Q * cond c)``, SIMP_TAC (bool_ss++star_ss) []); val SEP_cond_CONV = REWRITE_CONV [STAR_ASSOC] THENC REPEATC (REWRITE_CONV [cond_ELIM] THENC ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [cond_MOVE]) THENC REWRITE_CONV [GSYM CONJ_ASSOC]; val sep_cond_ss = conv2ssfrag "sep_cond_ss" SEP_cond_CONV ``x * (y:'a set -> bool)``; (* conversions *) local val tms = Drule.CONJUNCTS (Drule.SPEC_ALL set_sepTheory.SEP_CLAUSES) val lid = List.nth (tms, 17) val rid = List.nth (tms, 18) val gci_sep_star = GenPolyCanon.GCI {dest = progSyntax.dest_star, is_literal = K false, assoc_mode = GenPolyCanon.L, assoc = STAR_ASSOC, symassoc = GSYM STAR_ASSOC, comm = STAR_COMM, l_asscomm = GenPolyCanon.derive_l_asscomm STAR_ASSOC STAR_COMM, r_asscomm = GenPolyCanon.derive_r_asscomm STAR_ASSOC STAR_COMM, non_coeff = Lib.I, merge = ALL_CONV, postnorm = ALL_CONV, left_id = lid, right_id = rid, reducer = ALL_CONV} in val STAR_AC_CONV = GenPolyCanon.gencanon gci_sep_star val EMP_CONV = PURE_REWRITE_CONV [lid, rid] end local val cnv = EMP_CONV THENC BINOP_CONV STAR_AC_CONV THENC Conv.REWR_CONV boolTheory.REFL_CLAUSE fun star tm1 tm2 = let val r = mk_eq (tm1, tm2) in Drule.EQT_ELIM (cnv r) handle HOL_ERR _ => (print "\n STAR EQ failed\n\n" ; Parse.print_term r ; print "\n\n" ; REFL tm1) end fun plk t = Lib.pluck (Term.aconv t o get_sep_domain) fun plkf (target, (a, l)) = let val (t, s) = plk target l in (t :: a, s) end fun plkm (target, (a, l)) = let val (t, s) = Lib.pluck (Term.aconv target) l handle HOL_ERR _ => Lib.pluck (Lib.can (match_term target)) l in (t :: a, s) end in val MOVE_STAR_CONV = Lib.C star fun GEN_MOVE_OUT_CONV f tm = star tm ((progSyntax.list_mk_star o f o progSyntax.strip_star) tm) handle HOL_ERR _ => ALL_CONV tm fun MOVE_OUT_CONV target = GEN_MOVE_OUT_CONV (fn xs => let val (t, s) = plk target xs in s @ [t] end) val STAR_REVERSE_CONV = GEN_MOVE_OUT_CONV List.rev fun LIST_MOVE_OUT_CONV rvs targets = GEN_MOVE_OUT_CONV (fn xs => let val (ts, l) = List.foldl plkf ([], xs) targets in if rvs then ts @ List.rev l else l @ List.rev ts end) fun EVERY_MATCH_MOVE_OUT_CONV target = GEN_MOVE_OUT_CONV (fn xs => let val (ts, l) = List.partition (Lib.can (Term.match_term target)) xs in l @ [progSyntax.list_mk_star ts] end) fun MATCH_MOVE_OUT_CONV targets = GEN_MOVE_OUT_CONV (fn xs => let val (ts, l) = List.foldl plkm ([], xs) targets in l @ [progSyntax.list_mk_star (List.rev ts)] end) end local val star_rule = Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.LHS_CONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV [set_sepTheory.STAR_ASSOC])) in fun STAR_REWRITE_CONV rwt = let val rwt = star_rule (Drule.SPEC_ALL rwt) val l = progSyntax.strip_star (boolSyntax.lhs (Thm.concl rwt)) in Conv.TRY_CONV (MATCH_MOVE_OUT_CONV l THENC Conv.CHANGED_CONV (PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [rwt])) end end val PRE_CONV = RATOR_CONV o RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV val POST_CONV = RAND_CONV fun PRE_POST_CONV c = PRE_CONV c THENC POST_CONV c val PRE_POST_RULE = CONV_RULE o PRE_POST_CONV local val cond_T = prove ( “!p : 'a set set. (set_sep$cond T * p = p) /\ (p * set_sep$cond T = p)”, REWRITE_TAC [set_sepTheory.SEP_CLAUSES]) val rule1 = PRE_POST_RULE (REWRITE_CONV [cond_T]) o Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.REWR_CONV (GSYM SPEC_MOVE_COND)) fun COND_RW_CONV atm = let val cnv = Conv.RAND_CONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV [ASSUME atm]) in fn tm => if progSyntax.is_cond tm then cnv tm else NO_CONV tm end in fun MOVE_COND_RULE tm thm = let val thm1 = Conv.CONV_RULE (Conv.DEPTH_CONV (COND_RW_CONV tm)) thm in case Thm.hyp thm1 of [t] => if t ~~ tm then rule1 (Thm.DISCH t thm1) else thm | _ => thm end end val MERGE_CONDS_CONV = EVERY_MATCH_MOVE_OUT_CONV ``cond b : 'a set set`` THENC Conv.RAND_CONV (PURE_REWRITE_CONV [GSYM set_sepTheory.cond_CONJ, GSYM CONJ_ASSOC]) val MERGE_CONDS_RULE = Conv.CONV_RULE (PRE_CONV MERGE_CONDS_CONV) local val thm1 = SPEC_ALL word32_add_n2w val thm2 = SPEC_ALL word64_add_n2w val f = fst o dest_eq o concl val pat1 = f thm1 val pat2 = f thm2 val vn = mk_var ("n", ``:num``) val ev = (RAND_CONV o RATOR_CONV o RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV) EVAL THENC REWRITE_CONV [] THENC (RAND_CONV o RAND_CONV o RAND_CONV) EVAL in val FIX_WORD32_ARITH_CONV = DEPTH_CONV (fn tm => let val th1 = let val (i,j) = match_term pat1 tm in INST i (INST_TYPE j thm1) end handle HOL_ERR _ => let val (i,j) = match_term pat2 tm val _ = numSyntax.is_numeral (subst i vn) orelse fail() in INST i (INST_TYPE j thm2) end in CONV_RULE ev th1 end handle HOL_ERR _ => ALL_CONV tm) end local fun expand_pair_conv tm = ISPEC tm (GSYM pairTheory.PAIR) fun get_conv vs = let val (x,y) = dest_pair vs in expand_pair_conv THENC (RAND_CONV (get_conv y)) end handle HOL_ERR _ => ALL_CONV in fun FORCE_PBETA_CONV tm = let val (tm1,tm2) = dest_comb tm val vs = fst (dest_pabs tm1) in (RAND_CONV (get_conv vs) THENC PairRules.PBETA_CONV) tm end end val pbeta_ss = conv2ssfrag "pbeta_conv" FORCE_PBETA_CONV ``(f:'a # 'b->'c) x``; fun INST_SPEC spec_th abs_th = let val abs_th = SPEC_ALL abs_th val th = SIMP_RULE (bool_ss++sep_cond_ss) [progTheory.SPEC_MOVE_COND] spec_th val tm = (fst o dest_imp o concl) th val tx = find_term (can (fn t => match_term t tm)) (concl abs_th) val (i,t) = match_term tx tm val thi = INST i (INST_TYPE t abs_th) val th = MP th (el 1 (CONJUNCTS (UNDISCH thi))) val thi = el 2 (CONJUNCTS (UNDISCH thi)) val th = CONV_RULE (UNBETA_CONV ((fst o dest_eq o concl) thi) THENC RAND_CONV (fn x => thi)) th val th = SIMP_RULE std_ss [] th val th = REWRITE_RULE [GSYM progTheory.SPEC_MOVE_COND] (DISCH_ALL th) in th end; local val EQ_IMP_IMP = DECIDE ``(x = y) ==> x ==> y`` fun parse_in_thm q th = Parse.parse_in_context (free_varsl (concl th::hyp th)) q val EXISTS_PRE_LEMMA = MATCH_MP EQ_IMP_IMP (SPEC_ALL progTheory.SPEC_PRE_EXISTS) in fun EXISTS_PRE var th = let val v = parse_in_thm var th val th = CONV_RULE (PRE_CONV (UNBETA_CONV v)) th val th = MATCH_MP EXISTS_PRE_LEMMA (GEN v th) val th = CONV_RULE (PRE_CONV (RAND_CONV (ALPHA_CONV v))) th in BETA_RULE th end end val word_patterns = [ ``(n2w n ?? n2w m):('a word)``,``(n2w n || n2w m):('a word)``,``(n2w n && n2w m):('a word)``, ``(n2w n + n2w m):('a word)``, ``(n2w n - n2w m):('a word)``, ``(n2w n * n2w m):('a word)``, ``n2w n < (n2w m):('a word)``, ``n2w n <= (n2w m):('a word)``, ``n2w n > (n2w m):('a word)``, ``n2w n >= (n2w m):('a word)``, ``n2w n <+ (n2w m):('a word)``, ``n2w n <=+ (n2w m):('a word)``, ``n2w n >+ (n2w m):('a word)``, ``n2w n >=+ (n2w m):('a word)``, ``(n2w n):('a word) << m``, ``(n2w n):('a word) >> m``, ``(n2w n):('a word) >>> m``, ``~(n2w n):('a word)``, ``w2n ((n2w n):'a word)``]; fun EVAL_ANY_MATCH_CONV patterns = let fun EVAL_ON_MATCH tm = if List.exists (fn pat => can (match_term pat) tm) patterns then EVAL tm else NO_CONV tm in DEPTH_CONV EVAL_ON_MATCH end fun SEP_EXISTS_AC_CONV tm = let val vs = list_dest dest_sep_exists tm val (vs,p) = (butlast vs, last vs) val ws = sort (fn x => fn y => term_to_string x <= term_to_string y) vs val tm2 = foldr mk_sep_exists p ws val goal = mk_eq(tm,tm2) fun AUTO_EXISTS_TAC (gs,goal) = EXISTS_TAC (fst (dest_exists goal)) (gs,goal) val th = auto_prove "SEP_EXISTS_AC_CONV" (goal, REWRITE_TAC [CONV_RULE ((QUANT_CONV o QUANT_CONV o RAND_CONV o RAND_CONV) (ALPHA_CONV (genvar(``:'a``)))) FUN_EQ_THM] THEN SIMP_TAC bool_ss [SEP_EXISTS_THM] THEN REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN EQ_TAC THEN REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN REPEAT AUTO_EXISTS_TAC THEN ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [] THEN FAIL_TAC "") in th end (* tree to term and back *) datatype ftree_type = FUN_IF of term * ftree_type * ftree_type | FUN_LET of term * term * ftree_type | FUN_COND of term * ftree_type | FUN_VAL of term; fun ftree_type_cmp (ft1, ft2) = case (ft1, ft2) of (FUN_IF(t1,ft1,ft2), FUN_IF (ta, fta, ftb)) => pair_compare (, pair_compare (ftree_type_cmp, ftree_type_cmp)) ((t1, (ft1,ft2)), (ta, (fta, ftb))) | (FUN_IF _, _) => LESS | (_, FUN_IF _) => GREATER | (FUN_LET(t1,t2,ft1), FUN_LET(ta,tb,fta)) => pair_compare (pair_compare (,, ftree_type_cmp) (((t1,t2), ft1), ((ta,tb), fta)) | (FUN_LET _, _) => LESS | (_, FUN_LET _) => GREATER | (FUN_COND p1, FUN_COND p2) => pair_compare(, ftree_type_cmp)(p1,p2) | (FUN_COND _, _) => LESS | (_, FUN_COND _) => GREATER | (FUN_VAL t1, FUN_VAL t2) =>,t2) fun tm2ftree tm = let val (b,x,y) = boolSyntax.dest_cond tm in FUN_IF (b,tm2ftree x,tm2ftree y) end handle HOL_ERR _ => let val (x,y) = dest_anylet tm val z = tm2ftree y val v = mk_var ("cond",``:bool``) fun g ((x,y),z) = if x !~ v then FUN_LET (x,y,z) else if (fst (dest_conj y) ~~ v handle HOL_ERR _ => false) then FUN_COND (cdr y,z) else FUN_COND (y,z) in foldr g z x end handle HOL_ERR _ => FUN_VAL tm fun ftree2tm (FUN_VAL tm) = tm | ftree2tm (FUN_IF (tm,x,y)) = boolSyntax.mk_cond (tm, ftree2tm x, ftree2tm y) | ftree2tm (FUN_LET (tm,tn,x)) = mk_anylet([(tm,tn)],ftree2tm x) | ftree2tm (FUN_COND (tm,x)) = let val v = mk_var("cond",``:bool``) in mk_anylet([(v,mk_conj(v,tm))],ftree2tm x) end (* instantiate theorem *) fun MATCH_INST th tm = let val vs = butlast (list_dest dest_forall (concl th)) val thi = SPEC_ALL th val tm1 = find_term (fn t => can (match_term t) tm) (concl thi) val (i,s) = match_term tm1 tm val thi = INST i (INST_TYPE s thi) val ws = filter (fn t => t ~~ subst i t) vs in GENL ws thi end; (* rewriting for separation logic *) fun generic_star_match fixed_vars tm1 tm2 = let val xs = list_dest dest_star tm1 val ys = list_dest dest_star tm2 fun list_mk_set [] = empty_varset | list_mk_set (x::xs) = HOLset.add(list_mk_set xs,x) val match = match_terml [] (list_mk_set fixed_vars) fun app [] = [] | app (x::xs) = x @ app xs fun find_matches x [] zs = [] | find_matches x (y::ys) zs = if can (match x) y then (y,ys @ zs) :: find_matches x ys (y::zs) else find_matches x ys (y::zs) fun alternatives [] ys = [([],ys)] | alternatives (x::xs) ys = let val al = find_matches x ys [] in app (map (fn (z,zs) => map (fn (r,rs) => ((x,z)::r,rs)) (alternatives xs zs)) al) end fun frame_var tm = is_var tm andalso not (tmem tm fixed_vars) val ts = alternatives (filter (not o frame_var) xs) ys val ts = map (fn (x,y) => (x,list_mk_star y (type_of (fst (hd x))))) ts fun terms ([],x) = ((hd (filter frame_var xs),x) handle Empty => (list_mk_star [] (type_of (car tm1)),x)) | terms (((y,z)::ys),x) = let val (y2,z2) = terms (ys,x) in (mk_star(y,y2),mk_star(z,z2)) end fun try_each f [] = fail() | try_each f (x::xs) = f x handle HOL_ERR _ => try_each f xs fun g (x,y) = (x,y,fst (match x y)) val (x,y,s) = try_each (g o terms) ts fun redexes xs = map (fn {redex = x,residue = y} => x) xs val result = s @ map (fn x => x |-> x) (filter (fn y => not (tmem y (redexes s))) (free_vars x)) val rs = redexes result val result = result @ map (fn y => y |-> list_mk_star [] (type_of y)) (filter (fn x => not (tmem x rs)) (filter frame_var xs)) in result end handle Empty => fail(); fun BASIC_SEP_REWRITE_RULE rw th = let val (p,q) = dest_eq (concl rw) val frame = genvar(type_of p) val imp = PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [rw] (mk_star(frame,p)) val lhs = fst (dest_eq (concl imp)) fun foo th = let val t = find_term (can (generic_star_match [] lhs)) (concl th) val s = generic_star_match [] lhs t val lm = (SIMP_CONV (bool_ss++sep_cond_ss) [] THENC SIMP_CONV (bool_ss++star_ss) [SEP_CLAUSES,AC CONJ_ASSOC CONJ_COMM]) (mk_eq(t,subst s lhs)) val _ = if can (match_term ``x = T``) (concl lm) then () else fail() val lm = CONV_RULE (POST_CONV (PURE_ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [rw])) (RW [] lm) in foo (RW [STAR_ASSOC] (RW [lm] th)) end handle HOL_ERR _ => th in foo th end; fun EXISTS_SEP_REWRITE_RULE rw th = let (* possibly fragile *) val (p,q) = dest_eq (concl (SPEC_ALL rw)) val frame = genvar(type_of p) val vs = list_dest dest_sep_exists p val lhs = mk_star(last vs,frame) val vs = butlast vs fun find_exists_match lhs tm = let val (v,t) = dest_sep_exists tm val vs = list_dest dest_sep_exists tm in (butlast vs,last vs,generic_star_match [] lhs (last vs)) end fun find_term_and_apply f tm = f (find_term (can f) tm) fun foo th = let val (ws,tm,s) = find_term_and_apply (find_exists_match lhs) (concl th) val (t,t2) = (dest_eq (concl (SPEC_ALL rw))) val zs = list_dest dest_sep_exists t val (zs,z) = (butlast zs,list_dest dest_star (last zs)) val xs = list_dest dest_star tm val ys = filter (fn y => not (tmem y (map (subst s) z))) xs val t3 = foldr mk_sep_exists (subst s (list_mk_star z (type_of frame))) (map (subst s) zs) val goal = foldr mk_sep_exists (list_mk_star (t3::ys) (type_of frame)) ws val goal = mk_eq(foldr mk_sep_exists tm ws,goal) val lemma = auto_prove "EXISTS_SEP_REWRITE_RULE" (goal, SIMP_TAC std_ss [GSYM rw] THEN SIMP_TAC (std_ss++sep_cond_ss) [SEP_CLAUSES] THEN CONV_TAC (BINOP_CONV SEP_EXISTS_AC_CONV) THEN SIMP_TAC (std_ss++star_ss) [AC CONJ_ASSOC CONJ_COMM]) val lemma = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [rw] THENC SIMP_CONV std_ss [SEP_CLAUSES])) lemma in foo (RW1 [lemma] th) end handle HOL_ERR _ => th in foo th end; (* introducing SEP_EXISTS into pre and possibly also post *) val SEP_IMP_EXISTS = prove( ``!(p :'a -> 'b set -> bool) x. SEP_IMP (p x) (SEP_EXISTS x. p x)``, SIMP_TAC std_ss [SEP_IMP_def,SEP_EXISTS] THEN REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN Q.EXISTS_TAC `x` THEN ASM_REWRITE_TAC []); fun SEP_EXISTS_SEP_IMP tm q = let val thj = SPEC tm (ISPEC (mk_abs(tm,q)) SEP_IMP_EXISTS) val thj = CONV_RULE ((RAND_CONV o RAND_CONV) (ALPHA_CONV tm)) thj val thj = CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV BETA_CONV) thj in thj end; fun SEP_EXISTS_POST_RULE tm th = let val (_,_,_,q) = dest_spec (concl th) val thj = SEP_EXISTS_SEP_IMP tm q val thi = SPEC ((cdr o concl) thj) (MATCH_MP SPEC_WEAKEN th) in MP thi thj end; fun SEP_EXISTS_PRE_RULE tm th = let val (_,p,_,q) = dest_spec (concl th) val thi = if tm IN FVs q then SEP_EXISTS_POST_RULE tm th else th val thi = CONV_RULE (PRE_CONV (UNBETA_CONV tm)) thi val thi = SIMP_RULE bool_ss [SPEC_PRE_EXISTS] (GEN tm thi) in thi end; fun SEP_EXISTS_ELIM_CONV tm = let val tm2 = (snd o dest_eq o concl o QCONV (SIMP_CONV bool_ss [SEP_CLAUSES])) tm val _ = dest_sep_exists tm2 val vs = list_dest dest_sep_exists tm2 val (v,vs,p) = (Lib.trye hd vs,Lib.trye tl (butlast vs), last vs) val xs = filter (fn tm => v IN FVs tm) (list_dest dest_star p) val _ = if length xs = 1 then () else fail() val x = hd xs val (f,x) = dest_comb x val _ = if x ~~ v then () else fail() val _ = if v IN FVs f then fail() else () val tm3 = subst [hd xs |-> mk_sep_hide f] p val tm3 = foldr mk_sep_exists tm3 vs val goal = mk_eq(tm2,tm3) val thi = CONV_RULE ((RAND_CONV o RAND_CONV) (ALPHA_CONV x)) (ISPEC f SEP_HIDE_def) val th = auto_prove "SEP_EXISTS_ELIM_CONV" (goal, SIMP_TAC std_ss [SEP_CLAUSES,thi] THEN CONV_TAC (RAND_CONV SEP_EXISTS_AC_CONV) THEN CONV_TAC ((RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV) SEP_EXISTS_AC_CONV) THEN ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [] THEN FAIL_TAC "") in (SIMP_CONV bool_ss [SEP_CLAUSES] THENC (fn _ => th)) tm end fun SEP_EXISTS_ELIM_RULE th = let val th = SIMP_RULE bool_ss [SEP_CLAUSES] th in CONV_RULE (DEPTH_CONV SEP_EXISTS_ELIM_CONV) th end; (* hiding variables in SPEC theorems *) (* expects c to produce SEP_IMP tm tm2 from tm *) fun SEP_IMP_WEAKEN c tm = let val (p,q) = dest_star tm in MATCH_MP SEP_IMP_STAR (CONJ (SEP_IMP_WEAKEN c p) (SEP_IMP_WEAKEN c q)) end handle HOL_ERR _ => let val (p,q) = dest_sep_disj tm in MATCH_MP SEP_IMP_DISJ (CONJ (SEP_IMP_WEAKEN c p) (SEP_IMP_WEAKEN c q)) end handle HOL_ERR _ => let val (v,x) = dest_sep_exists tm val imp = SEP_IMP_WEAKEN c x val imp = GEN v (CONV_RULE (BINOP_CONV (UNBETA_CONV v)) imp) in MATCH_MP SEP_IMP_EXISTS_EXISTS imp end handle HOL_ERR _ => c tm handle HOL_ERR _ => ISPEC tm SEP_IMP_REFL; val LIST_HIDE_POST_LEMMA = (RW [AND_IMP_INTRO] o DISCH_ALL o SPEC_ALL o UNDISCH o SPEC_ALL) SPEC_WEAKEN fun LIST_HIDE_POST_RULE tms th = let fun HIDE_INTRO format_list tm = let val (x,y) = dest_comb tm in if tmem x format_list then ISPEC y (ISPEC x SEP_IMP_SEP_HIDE) else fail() end val (_,_,_,q) = dest_spec (concl th) val imp = SEP_IMP_WEAKEN (HIDE_INTRO tms) q in MATCH_MP LIST_HIDE_POST_LEMMA (CONJ th imp) end fun HIDE_POST_RULE tm th = LIST_HIDE_POST_RULE [tm] th fun LIST_HIDE_SEP_IMP_POST_RULE tms th = let fun HIDE_INTRO format_list tm = let val (x,y) = dest_comb tm in if tmem x format_list then ISPEC y (ISPEC x SEP_IMP_SEP_HIDE) else fail() end val q = cdr (concl th) val imp = SEP_IMP_WEAKEN (HIDE_INTRO tms) q in MATCH_MP SEP_IMP_TRANS (CONJ th imp) end fun HIDE_SEP_IMP_POST_RULE tm th = LIST_HIDE_SEP_IMP_POST_RULE [tm] th val EQ_IMP_IMP = Q.SPECL [`p`,`q`] quotientTheory.EQ_IMPLIES; val INC_ASSUM = (SPEC (genvar ``:bool``) o prove)( ``!t p q. (p ==> q) ==> ((t ==> p) ==> (t ==> q))``, REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN RES_TAC THEN RES_TAC); fun DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP th = let val th = RW [AND_IMP_INTRO] (DISCH_ALL th) in if is_imp (concl th) then th else DISCH ``T`` th end fun A_MATCH_MP th1 th2 = (UNDISCH_ALL o PURE_REWRITE_RULE [GSYM AND_IMP_INTRO,AND_CLAUSES]) (MATCH_MP (MATCH_MP INC_ASSUM (SPEC_ALL th1)) (DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP th2)); fun SPECC_FRAME_RULE frame th = SPEC frame (MATCH_MP progTheory.SPEC_FRAME th) val SPEC_FRAME_RULE = Lib.C SPECC_FRAME_RULE fun SPECL_FRAME_RULE l th = let val p = progSyntax.dest_pre (Thm.concl th) val xs = progSyntax.strip_star p val lx = List.filter (fn t => not (Lib.exists (Lib.can (Term.match_term t)) xs)) l in List.foldl (Lib.uncurry SPECC_FRAME_RULE) th lx end fun HIDE_PRE_RULE tm th = let val (_,p,_,_) = dest_spec (concl th) val finder = find_term (fn x => fst (dest_comb x) ~~ tm handle HOL_ERR _ => false) in SEP_EXISTS_ELIM_RULE (SEP_EXISTS_PRE_RULE (cdr (finder p)) th) end fun LIST_HIDE_PRE_RULE [] th = th | LIST_HIDE_PRE_RULE (x::xs) th = LIST_HIDE_PRE_RULE xs (HIDE_PRE_RULE x th handle HOL_ERR _ => th) val UNHIDE_PRE1 = MATCH_MP EQ_IMP_IMP (SPEC_ALL (GSYM SPEC_HIDE_PRE)) val UNHIDE_PRE2 = (MATCH_MP EQ_IMP_IMP (SPEC_ALL (RW [SEP_CLAUSES] (Q.SPECL [`x`,`emp`] (GSYM SPEC_HIDE_PRE))))); fun UNHIDE_PRE_RULE tm th = let val th = CONV_RULE (PRE_CONV (MOVE_OUT_CONV (car tm) THENC REWRITE_CONV [STAR_ASSOC])) th val _ = find_term (fn x => x ~~ car tm) (car (concl th)) val th = A_MATCH_MP UNHIDE_PRE1 th handle HOL_ERR _ => A_MATCH_MP UNHIDE_PRE2 th val th = SPEC (cdr tm) th in th end; fun get_model_status_list th = let val (x,y) = (dest_eq o concl o SPEC_ALL) th in ((map dest_sep_hide o list_dest dest_star) y,x) end handle HOL_ERR _ => ([],T) fun HIDE_STATUS_RULE in_post hide_th th = let val (xs,s) = get_model_status_list hide_th val th = RW [hide_th,STAR_ASSOC] th val (_,p,_,_) = dest_spec (concl th) val ys = filter (fn x => not (can (find_term (fn y => x ~~ y)) p)) xs val ys = if tml_eq ys xs then [] else ys val ys = if can (find_term (fn x => s ~~ x)) p then [] else map mk_sep_hide ys val th = SPEC_FRAME_RULE th (list_mk_star ys (type_of s)) val th = SIMP_RULE std_ss [SEP_CLAUSES,STAR_ASSOC] th val th = if in_post then LIST_HIDE_POST_RULE xs th else th handle HOL_ERR _ => th val th = LIST_HIDE_PRE_RULE xs th val th = BASIC_SEP_REWRITE_RULE (GSYM hide_th) th (* check result *) val (_,p,_,_) = dest_spec (concl th) val ps = (list_dest dest_star o last o list_dest dest_sep_exists) p val error = 1 < (length o filter (fn t => t ~~ s)) ps orelse not (null (op_intersect aconv xs (map get_sep_domain ps))) val _ = if error then (print "\n\nHIDE_STATUS_RULE failed on theorem:\n\n"; print_thm th; print "\n\n"; fail()) else () in th end; fun HIDE_PRE_STATUS_RULE hide_th th = HIDE_STATUS_RULE false hide_th th (* rules for modifying pre and post *) fun SPEC_STRENGTHEN_RULE th pre = let val th = SPEC pre (MATCH_MP progTheory.SPEC_STRENGTHEN th) val goal = (fst o dest_imp o concl) th in (th,goal) end handle HOL_ERR _ => let val th = SPEC pre (MATCH_MP temporalTheory.SPEC_1_STRENGTHEN th) val goal = (fst o dest_imp o concl) th in (th,goal) end; fun SPEC_WEAKEN_RULE th post = let val th = SPEC post (MATCH_MP progTheory.SPEC_WEAKEN th) val goal = (fst o dest_imp o concl) th in (th,goal) end handle HOL_ERR _ => let val th = SPEC post (MATCH_MP temporalTheory.SPEC_1_WEAKEN th) val goal = (fst o dest_imp o concl) th in (th,goal) end; fun SPEC_BOOL_FRAME_RULE th frame = let val th = MATCH_MP progTheory.SPEC_FRAME th val th = Q.SPEC `cond boolean_variable_name` th val th = INST [mk_var("boolean_variable_name",``:bool``) |-> frame] th in th end fun SEP_REWRITE_RULE rws th = let val rws = map (MATCH_MP SEP_REWRITE_THM) rws val th = SIMP_RULE std_ss (GSYM STAR_ASSOC::rws) th val th = SIMP_RULE std_ss (STAR_ASSOC::rws) th in th end; (* a rule for composing a list of SPEC theorems *) fun remove_primes th = let fun last s = substring(s,size s-1,1) fun delete_last_prime s = if last s = "'" then substring(s,0,size(s)-1) else fail() fun foo [] ys i = i | foo (x::xs) ys i = let val name = (fst o dest_var) x val new_name = repeat delete_last_prime name in if name = new_name then foo xs (x::ys) i else let val new_var = mk_var(new_name,type_of x) in foo xs (new_var::ys) ((x |-> new_var) :: i) end end val i = foo (free_varsl (concl th :: hyp th)) [] [] in INST i th end fun spec_post_and_pre th1 th2 = let val (_,_,_,q) = dest_spec (concl th1) val (_,p,_,_) = dest_spec (concl th2) fun fst_sep_disj tm = fst (dest_sep_disj tm) handle HOL_ERR _ => tm in (list_dest dest_star (fst_sep_disj q), list_dest dest_star p, type_of q) end; fun replace_abbrev_vars tm = let fun f v = v |-> mk_var((Substring.string o hd o tl o Substring.tokens (fn x => x = #"@") o Substring.full o fst o dest_var) v, type_of v) handle HOL_ERR _ => v |-> v | Empty => v |-> v in subst (map f (free_vars tm)) tm end fun match_and_partition q p = let val get_match_term = replace_abbrev_vars o get_sep_domain fun mm x y = get_match_term x ~~ get_match_term y fun fetch_match x [] zs = fail() | fetch_match x (y::ys) zs = if mm x y then (y, rev zs @ ys) else fetch_match x ys (y::zs) fun partition [] ys (xs1,xs2,ys1) = (rev xs1, rev xs2, rev ys1, ys) | partition (x::xs) ys (xs1,xs2,ys1) = let val (y,zs) = fetch_match x ys [] in partition xs zs (x::xs1, xs2, y::ys1) end handle HOL_ERR _ => partition xs ys (xs1, x::xs2, ys1) in partition q p ([],[],[]) end val AND_CLAUSES2 = CONJ AND_CLAUSES (prove(``(T ==> b) = b``,SIMP_TAC std_ss [])) local val rule1 = RW [GSYM SPEC_MOVE_COND] o SIMP_RULE (bool_ss++sep_cond_ss) [SPEC_MOVE_COND,SEP_CLAUSES] val rule2 = SIMP_RULE std_ss [pred_setTheory.INSERT_UNION_EQ, pred_setTheory.UNION_EMPTY, word_arith_lemma1, word_arith_lemma2, word_arith_lemma3, word_arith_lemma4, SEP_CLAUSES, pred_setTheory.UNION_IDEMPOT, SEP_DISJ_ASSOC] val rule3 = PURE_REWRITE_RULE [GSYM AND_IMP_INTRO, AND_CLAUSES2] val SPEC_FRAME_COMPOSE_DISJ_ALT = SPEC_FRAME_COMPOSE_DISJ |> Q.SPECL [`x`,`p`,`emp`] |> RW [SEP_CLAUSES] fun get_post tm = tm |> rand val is_sep_disj = can dest_sep_disj in fun find_composition1 th1 th2 = let val (q,p,ty) = spec_post_and_pre th1 th2 val (xs1,xs2,ys1,ys2) = match_and_partition q p val tm1 = mk_star (list_mk_star xs1 ty, list_mk_star xs2 ty) val tm2 = mk_star (list_mk_star ys1 ty, list_mk_star ys2 ty) val th1 = if not (is_sep_disj (get_post (concl th1))) then CONV_RULE (POST_CONV (MOVE_STAR_CONV tm1)) th1 else CONV_RULE (POST_CONV ((RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV) (MOVE_STAR_CONV tm1))) th1 val th2 = CONV_RULE (PRE_CONV (MOVE_STAR_CONV tm2)) th2 val th = MATCH_MP SPEC_FRAME_COMPOSE (DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP th2) val th = MATCH_MP th (DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP th1) handle HOL_ERR _ => (* found a SEP_DISJ *) let val th = MATCH_MP (MATCH_MP SPEC_FRAME_COMPOSE_DISJ (DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP th2)) (DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP th1) handle HOL_ERR _ => MATCH_MP (MATCH_MP SPEC_FRAME_COMPOSE_DISJ_ALT (DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP th2)) (DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP th1) in DISCH_ALL (rule1 (UNDISCH_ALL th)) end in remove_primes (rule2 (UNDISCH_ALL (rule3 th))) end end fun find_composition2 th1 th2 = let val (q,p,ty) = spec_post_and_pre th1 th2 val post_not_hidden = map get_sep_domain (filter (not o can dest_sep_hide) q) val pre_not_hidden = map get_sep_domain (filter (not o can dest_sep_hide) p) fun f (d:term,(zs,to_be_hidden)) = if not (can dest_sep_hide d) then (zs,to_be_hidden) else (zs,filter (fn x => get_sep_domain d ~~ x) zs @ to_be_hidden) val hide_from_post = snd (foldr f (post_not_hidden,[]) p) val hide_from_pre = snd (foldr f (pre_not_hidden,[]) q) val th1 = foldr (uncurry HIDE_POST_RULE) th1 hide_from_post val th2 = foldr (uncurry HIDE_PRE_RULE) th2 hide_from_pre in find_composition1 th1 th2 end; (* fun ppinst tm (_,(tha,_,_),_) = SIMP_RULE std_ss [word_arith_lemma1,word_arith_lemma2,word_arith_lemma3,word_arith_lemma4,WORD_ADD_0] (INST [mk_var("p",``:word64``)|->tm] tha) val tha = ppinst ``p-10w:word64`` (el 3 thms) val thb = ppinst ``p-0x2Fw:word64`` (el 5 thms) val th1 = tha val th2 = thb *) local val var_index = ref 0 fun next_var_name() = (var_index:=1+(!var_index); "["^int_to_string (!var_index-1)^"]") fun AUX_CONV tm = let val ty = hd (snd (dest_type (type_of (dest_sep_hide tm)))) in (REWR_CONV SEP_HIDE_def THENC RAND_CONV (ALPHA_CONV (mk_var(next_var_name(),ty)))) tm end in val EXPAND_SEP_HIDE_CONV = DEPTH_CONV AUX_CONV end fun find_composition3 th1 th2 = let val (_,_,_,q) = dest_spec (concl th1) val (_,p,_,_) = dest_spec (concl th2) in if not (can (find_term (can dest_sep_exists)) (mk_star(p,q))) then find_composition2 th1 th2 else let val f = EXPAND_SEP_HIDE_CONV THENC SIMP_CONV bool_ss [SEP_CLAUSES,SEP_HIDE_def] THENC REWRITE_CONV [STAR_ASSOC] val th1 = CONV_RULE (POST_CONV f) th1 val th2 = CONV_RULE (PRE_CONV f) th2 val th2 = SPEC_ALL (SIMP_RULE bool_ss [GSYM SPEC_PRE_EXISTS] th2) (* first level match *) val (_,_,_,q) = dest_spec (concl th1) val (_,p,_,_) = dest_spec (concl th2) val vs = list_dest dest_sep_exists q val (vs,q) = (butlast vs,last vs) val (xs1,xs2,ys1,ys2) = match_and_partition (list_dest dest_star q) (list_dest dest_star p) val ty = type_of q val (m,i) = match_term (list_mk_star ys1 ty) (list_mk_star xs1 ty) val th2 = INST m (INST_TYPE i th2) (* second level match *) val (_,_,_,q) = dest_spec (concl th1) val (_,p,_,_) = dest_spec (concl th2) val vs = list_dest dest_sep_exists q val (vs,q) = (butlast vs,last vs) val (xs1,xs2,ys1,ys2) = match_and_partition (list_dest dest_star q) (list_dest dest_star p) val ty = type_of q val (m,i) = match_term (list_mk_star ys1 ty) (list_mk_star xs1 ty) val th2 = INST m (INST_TYPE i th2) (* do rest *) val th2 = SPEC (list_mk_star xs2 ty) (MATCH_MP SPEC_FRAME th2) val th1 = SPEC (subst m (inst i (list_mk_star ys2 ty))) (MATCH_MP SPEC_FRAME th1) val th1 = CONV_RULE (POST_CONV f) th1 val th2 = CONV_RULE (PRE_CONV f) th2 val th2 = foldr (uncurry SEP_EXISTS_PRE_RULE) th2 vs val lemma = RW [SEP_CLAUSES] (Q.INST [`q'`|->`emp`,`p'`|->`emp`] (SPEC_ALL SPEC_FRAME_COMPOSE)) fun g c = DISCH_ALL_AS_SINGLE_IMP o CONV_RULE (c (SIMP_CONV (bool_ss++star_ss) [])) val thi = MATCH_MP lemma (g PRE_CONV th2) val thi = MATCH_MP thi (g POST_CONV th1) val thi = UNDISCH_ALL (PURE_REWRITE_RULE [GSYM AND_IMP_INTRO,AND_CLAUSES2] thi) val thi = SIMP_RULE std_ss [pred_setTheory.INSERT_UNION_EQ,pred_setTheory.UNION_EMPTY, word_arith_lemma1,word_arith_lemma2,word_arith_lemma3,word_arith_lemma4, SEP_CLAUSES,pred_setTheory.UNION_IDEMPOT,STAR_ASSOC] thi val (_,p,c,q) = dest_spec (concl thi) val vs = free_vars c @ free_vars q @ foldr (uncurry append) [] (map free_vars (hyp thi)) val vs = filter (fn x => not (tmem x vs)) (free_vars p) val thi = SIMP_RULE bool_ss [SPEC_PRE_EXISTS] (GENL vs thi) val thi = SEP_EXISTS_ELIM_RULE thi in remove_primes thi end end; fun SPEC_COMPOSE_RULE [] = fail() | SPEC_COMPOSE_RULE [th] = th | SPEC_COMPOSE_RULE (th1::th2::thms) = SPEC_COMPOSE_RULE ((find_composition3 th1 th2)::thms) (* a rule which sorts the code in a SPEC theorem *) fun SPEC_SORT_CODE_RULE th = let val (_,_,c,_) = dest_spec (concl th) val xs = list_dest (pred_setSyntax.dest_insert) c val _ = if pred_setSyntax.is_empty (last xs) then () else fail() val xs = butlast xs fun get_offset tm = let val x = tm |> dest_pair |> fst in if is_var x then 0 else if can (match_term ``p + n2w n:'a word``) x then numSyntax.int_of_term(cdr (cdr x)) else if can (match_term ``p - n2w n:'a word``) x then 0 - numSyntax.int_of_term(cdr (cdr x)) else fail () end val cs = sort (fn x => fn y => get_offset x <= get_offset y) xs val c2 = pred_setSyntax.mk_set cs val goal = mk_eq(c,c2) val lemma = SIMP_CONV std_ss [pred_setTheory.EXTENSION,pred_setTheory.IN_INSERT, pred_setTheory.NOT_IN_EMPTY,AC DISJ_COMM DISJ_ASSOC] goal val lemma = EQT_ELIM lemma in CONV_RULE ((RATOR_CONV o RAND_CONV) (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [lemma])) th end (* tactics *) fun SPEC_PROVE_TAC thms (hs,goal) = let val (m,p,_,q) = dest_spec goal val th1 = Q.SPEC `{}` (ISPECL [m,p] SPEC_REFL) val th2 = Q.SPEC `{}` (ISPECL [m,q] SPEC_REFL) val ts = [th1] @ thms @ [th2] fun move_cond th = UNDISCH_ALL (SIMP_RULE (bool_ss++sep_cond_ss) [SPEC_MOVE_COND] th) val th = SPEC_COMPOSE_RULE (map move_cond ts) val th = REWRITE_RULE [AND_IMP_INTRO] (DISCH_ALL th) val th = REWRITE_RULE [GSYM SPEC_MOVE_COND] th val th = MATCH_MP SPEC_STRENGTHEN_WEAKEN th in (MATCH_MP_TAC th THEN SIMP_TAC (std_ss++sep_cond_ss) [SEP_IMP_MOVE_COND,SEP_CLAUSES] THEN SIMP_TAC (std_ss++star_ss) [SEP_IMP_REFL] THEN ASM_SIMP_TAC (std_ss++star_ss) [SEP_IMP_REFL,SEP_CLAUSES]) (hs,goal) end; val ALIGNED_TAC = let val ALIGNED_CONV = ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [ALIGNED_MOD_4] THENC SIMP_CONV std_ss [WORD_ADD_0,WORD_SUB_RZERO] val ALIGNED_convdata = {name = "ALIGNED_CONV", trace = 2, key = SOME ([],``address$ALIGNED a``), conv = K (K ALIGNED_CONV)}:simpfrag.convdata val ALIGNED_ss = simpLib.conv_ss ALIGNED_convdata in FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [ALIGNED_ADD_EQ,ALIGNED_ADDR32,ALIGNED_n2w] THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (bool_ss++ALIGNED_ss) [ALIGNED_INTRO] end; val SEP_READ_TAC = let fun aux (hs,gs) = let val (v,n) = dest_exists gs val rhs = cdr n val lhs = (cdr o car o car) n val xs = filter (fn x => (cdr x ~~ rhs) handle HOL_ERR _ => false) hs val ys = map (fn x => ((list_dest dest_star o car) x, x)) xs val (qs,q) = hd (filter (fn (x,y) => tmem lhs x) ys) val zs = filter (fn x => x !~ lhs) qs val p = list_mk_star zs (type_of lhs) in (EXISTS_TAC p THEN PAT_X_ASSUM q MP_TAC THEN SIMP_TAC (std_ss++star_ss) []) (hs,gs) end fun dest_pair_one tm = let val (x,y) = dest_comb tm val _ = if (fst (dest_const x) = "one") then () else fail() in dest_pair y end fun prepare_tac (hs,gs) = let val (x,y) = pred_setSyntax.dest_in gs fun extract tm = let val (p,f) = dest_comb tm val ps = filter (can dest_pair_one) (list_dest dest_star p) val z = (snd o hd) (filter (fn (a,b) => x ~~ a) (map dest_pair_one ps)) in mk_eq(mk_comb((fst o dest_pair o cdr) f,x),z) end val tm = extract (hd (filter (can extract) hs)) val thi = auto_prove "SEP_READ_TAC" (mk_imp(mk_conj(tm,gs),gs),REPEAT STRIP_TAC) in MATCH_MP_TAC thi (hs,gs) end handle HOL_ERR _ => let val (x,y) = dest_comb (fst (dest_eq gs)) fun extract tm = let val (p,f) = dest_comb tm val ps = filter (can dest_pair_one) (list_dest dest_star p) val z = (snd o hd) (filter (fn (a,b) => y ~~ a) (map dest_pair_one ps)) in pred_setSyntax.mk_in(y,cdr (cdr f)) end val tm = extract (hd (filter (can extract) hs)) val thi = auto_prove "SEP_READ_TAC" (mk_imp(mk_conj(gs,tm),gs),REPEAT STRIP_TAC) in MATCH_MP_TAC thi (hs,gs) end in (REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN prepare_tac THEN MATCH_MP_TAC read_fun2set THEN aux) end handle HOL_ERR _ => NO_TAC; fun list_dest_right f tm = let val (x,y) = f tm in x :: list_dest_right f y end handle HOL_ERR _ => [tm] fun SEP_WRITE_TAC (hs,gs) = let val xs = list_dest_right dest_comb ((fst o dest_pair o cdr o cdr) gs) val updates = map (combinSyntax.dest_update) (butlast xs) val ys = list_dest dest_star (car gs) val zs = map (mk_one o mk_pair) updates val qs2 = filter (fn x => not (tmem x zs)) ys val tm2 = list_mk_star (qs2 @ rev zs) (type_of (car gs)) val lemma = auto_prove "SEP_WRITE_TAC" (mk_eq(car gs,tm2),SIMP_TAC (bool_ss++star_ss) []) val tac = ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [lemma] val df = mk_pair(last xs, ((snd o dest_pair o cdr o cdr) gs)) val rhs = mk_comb((car o cdr) gs, df) val xs = filter (fn x => (cdr x ~~ rhs) handle HOL_ERR _ => false) hs val ys = (list_dest dest_star o hd o map car) xs fun find_any_match [] name = fail() | find_any_match (tm::ws) name = let val (v,x) = dest_pair (dest_one tm) in if v ~~ name then x else find_any_match ws name end handle HOL_ERR _ => find_any_match ws name val witnesses = map (find_any_match ys) (map fst updates) fun foo (w,tac) = MATCH_MP_TAC write_fun2set THEN REWRITE_TAC [STAR_ASSOC] THEN EXISTS_TAC w THEN tac fun lift (w,tac) = Q.PAT_X_ASSUM [ANTIQUOTE w] MP_TAC THEN tac val final_tac = foldr lift (SIMP_TAC (bool_ss++star_ss) []) xs in (tac THEN foldr foo final_tac witnesses) (hs,gs) end fun SEP_NEQ_TAC (hs,gs) = let val (a1,a2) = dest_eq (dest_neg gs) fun dest_one tm = let val (x,y) = dest_comb tm val _ = if fst (dest_const x) = "one" then () else fail() in dest_pair y end fun take_apart h = let val xs = list_dest dest_star (car h) val ys = map dest_one (filter (can dest_one) xs) val z1 = (snd o hd o filter (fn (x,y) => x ~~ a1)) ys val z2 = (snd o hd o filter (fn (x,y) => x ~~ a2)) ys fun is_match tm = op_mem tmp_eq (dest_one tm) [(a1,z1),(a2,z2)] handle HOL_ERR _ => false in (z1,z2,list_mk_star (filter (not o is_match) xs) (type_of (car h)),cdr h) end val (z1,z2,zs,f) = take_apart (hd (filter (can take_apart) hs)) val (f,df) = dest_pair (cdr f) val thi = ISPECL [a1,a2,z1,z2,f,df,zs] fun2set_NEQ in (MATCH_MP_TAC thi THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC (std_ss++star_ss) []) (hs,gs) end fun dest_update_term tm = if is_comb tm andalso combinSyntax.is_update (car tm) then let val (x,y) = dest_update_term (cdr tm) in (combinSyntax.dest_update (car tm) :: x, y) end else ([],tm) fun is_update_term f tm = let val (xs,y) = dest_update_term tm in y ~~ f end; fun dest_fun2set tm = if not (can (match_term ``(p (fun2set (f:'a->'b,df))):bool``) tm) then fail () else let val (f,df) = (dest_pair o cdr o cdr) tm in (list_dest dest_star (car tm),f,df) end fun mk_fun2set (f,df) = (fst o dest_eq o concl o ISPECL [f,df]) fun2set_def val is_one_pair = can (match_term ``one(x:'a,y:'b)``) fun dest_one_pair tm = if is_one_pair tm then dest_pair (cdr tm) else fail() fun mk_one x = (fst o dest_eq o concl o ISPEC x) one_def fun STRIP_FORALL_TAC (hs,goal) = if is_forall goal then STRIP_TAC (hs,goal) else NO_TAC (hs,goal); fun VERBOSE_TAC (hs,goal) = let val tm = hd (filter (fn tm => is_eq tm andalso is_var(cdr tm)) hs) in Q.PAT_X_ASSUM [ANTIQUOTE tm] (fn th => FULL_SIMP_TAC pure_ss [GSYM th]) (hs,goal) end handle Empty => let val tm = hd (filter (fn tm => is_eq tm andalso is_var((cdr o car) tm) andalso (null (free_vars (cdr tm)))) hs) in Q.PAT_X_ASSUM [ANTIQUOTE tm] (fn th => FULL_SIMP_TAC pure_ss [th]) (hs,goal) end handle Empty => NO_TAC (hs,goal); val CLEAN_TAC = REPEAT (Q.PAT_X_ASSUM `T` (K ALL_TAC)) val EXPAND_TAC = REPEAT VERBOSE_TAC THEN CLEAN_TAC fun star_match fixed_vars tm1 tm2 = let val (xs,f1,df1) = dest_fun2set tm1 val (ys,f2,df2) = dest_fun2set tm2 fun list_mk_set [] = empty_varset | list_mk_set (x::xs) = HOLset.add(list_mk_set xs,x) val match = match_terml [] (list_mk_set fixed_vars) fun app [] = [] | app (x::xs) = x @ app xs fun find_matches x [] zs = [] | find_matches x (y::ys) zs = if can (match x) y then (y,ys @ zs) :: find_matches x ys (y::zs) else find_matches x ys (y::zs) fun alternatives [] ys = [([],ys)] | alternatives (x::xs) ys = let val al = find_matches x ys [] in app (map (fn (z,zs) => map (fn (r,rs) => ((x,z)::r,rs)) (alternatives xs zs)) al) end fun frame_var tm = is_var tm andalso not (tmem tm fixed_vars) val ts = alternatives (filter (not o frame_var) xs) ys val ts = map (fn (x,y) => (x,list_mk_star y (type_of (fst (hd x))))) ts fun terms ([],x) = ((hd (filter frame_var xs),x) handle Empty => (list_mk_star [] (type_of (car tm1)),x)) | terms (((y,z)::ys),x) = let val (y2,z2) = terms (ys,x) in (mk_star(y,y2),mk_star(z,z2)) end fun term_full (tm1,tm2) = (mk_comb(tm1,mk_fun2set(f1,df1)),mk_comb(tm2,mk_fun2set(f2,df2))) val (x,y) = (term_full o terms) (hd ts) fun redexes xs = map (fn {redex = x,residue = y} => x) xs val s = fst (match x y) val result = s @ map (fn x => x |-> x) (filter (fn y => not (tmem y (redexes s))) (free_vars x)) val rs = redexes result val result = result @ map (fn y => y |-> list_mk_star [] (type_of y)) (filter (fn x => not (tmem x rs)) (filter frame_var xs)) (* verify result *) val th = SIMP_CONV (std_ss++star_ss) [SEP_CLAUSES] (mk_eq(subst result tm1,tm2)) val _ = if Teq (cdr (concl th)) then () else let val _ = print "\n\n\nstar_match failed on terms:\n" val _ = print "\n fixed_vars:" val _ = map (fn x => (print " "; print_term x)) fixed_vars val _ = print "\n\n tm1: " val _ = print_term tm1 val _ = print "\n\n tm2: " val _ = print_term tm2 val _ = print "\n\n" in fail() end in result end handle Empty => fail(); fun SUBST_INST s th = let fun redexes xs = map (fn {redex = x,residue = y} => x) xs val xs = butlast (list_dest dest_forall (concl th)) val tt = map (fn x => (x,genvar (type_of x), tmem x (redexes s))) xs fun alpha_c [] = ALL_CONV | alpha_c ((x,true)::xs) = RAND_CONV (ALPHA_CONV x THENC ABS_CONV (alpha_c xs)) | alpha_c ((x,false)::xs) = RAND_CONV (ABS_CONV (alpha_c xs)) val th1 = CONV_RULE (alpha_c (map (fn (x,y,z) => (y,z)) tt)) th val g = subst (map (fn (x,y,z) => y |-> x) tt) fun aux s vs th = if not (is_forall (concl th)) then GENL vs th else let val (v,x) = dest_forall (concl th) in aux s (if tmem (g v) (redexes s) then vs else vs @ [v]) (SPEC (subst s (g v)) th) end val th2 = aux s [] th1 in th2 end; fun SEP_F_TAC (hs,goal) = let fun cross [] ys = [] | cross (x::xs) ys = map (fn y => (x,y)) ys @ cross xs ys val fss = cross (filter (can dest_forall) hs) (filter (can dest_fun2set) hs) fun get_tac (i,fs) = let val xs = list_dest dest_forall i val (xs,tm) = (butlast xs, last xs) val vs = free_vars i val qs = (list_dest dest_conj o fst o dest_imp) tm val qs = (filter (can (dest_fun2set)) qs) fun first_filter [] = fail() | first_filter (q::qs) = (q,star_match vs q fs) handle HOL_ERR _ => first_filter qs val (q,ss) = first_filter qs val goal1 = subst ss q in Q.PAT_X_ASSUM [ANTIQUOTE i] (MP_TAC o RW1 [GSYM markerTheory.Abbrev_def] o SUBST_INST ss) THEN [ANTIQUOTE goal1] by (Q.PAT_X_ASSUM [ANTIQUOTE fs] MP_TAC THEN SIMP_TAC (std_ss++star_ss) [SEP_CLAUSES]) THEN POP_ASSUM (fn th => CONV_TAC (RATOR_CONV (REWRITE_CONV [th]))) THEN CONV_TAC (RATOR_CONV (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [markerTheory.Abbrev_def])) end fun filter_map f [] = [] | filter_map f (x::xs) = ([f x] handle HOL_ERR _ => []) @ filter_map f xs in FIRST (filter_map get_tac fss) (hs,goal) end; fun SEP_I_TAC func_name (hs,goal) = let val inds = filter (can dest_forall) hs fun finder tm = ((fst o dest_const o car) tm = func_name) handle HOL_ERR _ => false val ys = find_terms finder goal val tm = hd (sort (fn x => fn y => term_size x >= term_size y) ys) fun redexes xs = map (fn {redex = x,residue = y} => x) xs fun get_tac i = let val xs = list_dest dest_forall i val (xs,t) = (butlast xs, last xs) val t1 = find_term (fn t1 => can (match_term t1) tm) t val s = fst (match_term t1 tm) val rs = redexes s val fs = filter (fn x => not (tmem x rs) andalso tmem x xs) (free_vars t1) val s = s @ map (fn x => x |-> x) fs val _ = if null (filter (fn {redex = x,residue = y} => not (tmem x xs)) s) then () else fail() in Q.PAT_X_ASSUM [ANTIQUOTE i] (STRIP_ASSUME_TAC o SUBST_INST s) end handle HOL_ERR _ => ALL_TAC in EVERY (map get_tac inds) (hs,goal) end; fun SEP_W_TAC (hs,goal) = let val xs = filter (can dest_fun2set) hs fun get_tac x = let val f = (fst o dest_pair o cdr o cdr) x val ys = find_terms (is_update_term f) goal val up = hd (sort (fn x => fn y => term_size x >= term_size y) ys) val zs = fst (dest_update_term up) val (qs,f,df) = dest_fun2set x fun replace (z,q) tm = let val (x,y) = dest_one_pair tm in if x ~~ z then mk_one(mk_pair(x,q)) else fail() end fun replace_in_list (x,[]) = fail () | replace_in_list (x,y::ys) = replace x y :: ys handle HOL_ERR _ => y :: replace_in_list (x,ys) val goal = list_mk_star (foldr replace_in_list qs zs) (type_of (hd qs)) val goal = mk_comb(goal,subst [f|->up] (cdr x)) in ([ANTIQUOTE goal] by SEP_WRITE_TAC) end handle Empty => ALL_TAC in EVERY (map get_tac xs) (hs,goal) end; fun SEP_R_TAC (hs,goal) = let val xs = filter (can dest_fun2set) hs val is_one_pair = can (match_term ``one(x:'a,y:'b)``) fun app [] = [] | app (x::xs) = x @ app xs val xs = app (map (fn x => (map (fn y => (dest_pair(cdr y),dest_pair(cdr (cdr x)))) o filter is_one_pair o list_dest dest_star o car) x) xs) fun get_goal ((a,x),(f,df)) = mk_conj(mk_eq(mk_comb(f,a),x),pred_setSyntax.mk_in(a,df)) val all_goals = list_mk_conj (map get_goal xs) val goals = list_dest dest_conj all_goals val tac = [ANTIQUOTE all_goals] by (SEP_READ_TAC THEN NO_TAC) THEN FULL_SIMP_TAC pure_ss [] THEN REPEAT (POP_ASSUM (fn th => if tmem (concl th) goals then ALL_TAC else NO_TAC)) in tac (hs,goal) end; fun INST_MATCH name th [] = fail() | INST_MATCH name th (tm::tms) = let fun finder tm = ((fst o dest_const o repeat car) tm = name) handle HOL_ERR _ => false val ys = find_terms finder tm val tm = hd (sort (fn x => fn y => term_size x >= term_size y) ys) handle Empty => fail() val vs = free_vars (concl th) fun redexes xs = map (fn {redex = x,residue = y} => x) xs val t1 = find_term (fn t1 => can (match_term t1) tm) (concl (SPEC_ALL th)) val (s,r) = match_term t1 tm val rs = redexes s val xs = list_dest dest_forall (concl th) val (xs,t) = (butlast xs, last xs) val fs = filter (fn x => not (tmem x rs) andalso tmem x xs) (free_vars t1) val s = s @ map (fn x => x |-> x) fs val th = INST_TYPE r th val xs = list_dest dest_forall (concl th) val (xs,t) = (butlast xs, last xs) val ys = map (inst r) (redexes s) val _ = if null (filter (fn x => not (tmem x xs)) ys) then () else fail() in SUBST_INST s th end handle HOL_ERR e => INST_MATCH name th tms; fun INST_FRAME assums th = let val fss = filter (can dest_fun2set) assums val vs = free_vars (concl th) val tm = concl (SPEC_ALL th) val qs = (list_dest dest_conj o fst o dest_imp) tm val qs = (filter (can (dest_fun2set)) qs) fun first_first_filter [] = fail() | first_first_filter (fs::fss) = let fun first_filter [] = fail() | first_filter (q::qs) = (q,fs,star_match vs q fs) handle HOL_ERR _ => first_filter qs in first_filter qs end handle HOL_ERR _ => first_first_filter fss val (q,fs,ss) = first_first_filter fss val thi = auto_prove "INST_FRAME" (mk_eq(subst ss q,fs),SIMP_TAC (bool_ss++star_ss) []) in ONCE_REWRITE_RULE [thi] (SUBST_INST ss th) end; fun SEP_S_TAC names th (hs,goal) = let val th = RW [AND_IMP_INTRO] th fun LIST_INST_MATCH [] th hs = th | LIST_INST_MATCH (x::xs) th hs = LIST_INST_MATCH xs (INST_MATCH x th hs) hs val th = LIST_INST_MATCH names th (goal::hs) val th = INST_FRAME hs th handle HOL_ERR _ => th in MP_TAC th (hs,goal) end; fun dest_sep_imp tm = let val format = (fst o dest_eq o concl o SPEC_ALL) SEP_IMP_def in if can (match_term format) tm then (cdr (car tm), cdr tm) else fail() end; fun SEP_IMP_TAC (hs,goal) = let fun subset xs ys = filter (fn x => not (mem x ys)) xs = [] val imps = filter (can dest_sep_imp) hs val xs = map (fn tm => (dest_sep_imp tm, tm)) imps val ys = list_dest dest_star (car goal) val ((x1,x2),tm) = first (fn ((x1,x2),tm) => HOLset.isSubset(listset (list_dest dest_star x2), listset ys)) xs val zs = list_dest dest_star x2 val zs = filter (fn x => not (tmem x zs)) ys val th1 = MATCH_MP SEP_IMP_FRAME (ASSUME tm) val th2 = RW1 [SEP_IMP_def] (SPEC (list_mk_star zs (type_of x2)) th1) val th3 = SPEC (cdr goal) th2 val rw_goal = mk_eq(car (cdr (concl th3)),car goal) val rw_th = auto_prove "SEP_IMP_TAC" (rw_goal,SIMP_TAC (std_ss++star_ss) []) val th4 = CONV_RULE (RAND_CONV (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [rw_th])) th3 in MATCH_MP_TAC th4 (hs,goal) end; local val executable_data_names = ref ([]:string list); in fun add_executable_data_name n = (executable_data_names := n :: !executable_data_names); fun remove_executable_data_name n = (executable_data_names := filter (fn m => not (n = m)) (!executable_data_names)); fun parse_renamer instruction = let val xs = Substring.tokens (fn x => x = #"/") (Substring.full instruction) in if length xs < 2 then (instruction,fn x => x,false) else (Substring.string (hd xs),fn th => let val vs = free_vars (concl th) val vs = filter (fn v => mem (fst (dest_var v)) ["f","df"]) vs val w = Lib.trye (Substring.string o hd o tl) xs fun make_new_name v = ((implode o rev o tl o rev o explode o fst o dest_var) v) ^ w val s = map (fn v => v |-> mk_var(make_new_name v,type_of v)) vs in INST s th end, mem (Substring.string (hd (tl xs))) (!executable_data_names)) end; end end