structure m1_progLib :> m1_progLib = struct open HolKernel boolLib bossLib; open decompilerLib; open m1_progTheory helperLib sexpTheory pairSyntax; open combinTheory addressTheory sexpTheory imported_acl2Theory; open complex_rationalTheory hol_defaxiomsTheory; open arithmeticTheory; (* m1_spec produces Hoare triple theorems for M1 instructions *) fun m1_spec s = let val m1_thms = [M1_ICONST,M1_ILOAD,M1_ISTORE,M1_IADD,M1_ISUB,M1_IMUL,M1_GOTO,M1_IFLE]; val tm = Parse.Term [QUOTE s] fun match_thm th = let val (_,_,c,_) = helperLib.dest_spec (concl th) val c = c |> rator |> rand |> rand val m = fst (match_term c tm) in INST m th end val th = match_thm (first (can match_thm) m1_thms) val pc_offset = th |> concl |> rand |> rand |> rand |> rand |> rand |> (fn x => numSyntax.int_of_term x handle HOL_ERR _ => Arbint.toInt(intSyntax.int_of_term x)) val th = let val pat = find_term (can (match_term ``tL a v``)) (concl th) val (v,ty) = dest_var(rand pat) val n = Arbnum.toInt(numSyntax.dest_numeral (rand (rator pat))) val s = [mk_var(v,ty) |-> mk_var("v"^(int_to_string n),ty)] in INST s th end handle HOL_ERR _ => th in if can (find_term (fn x => x = ``"IFLE"``)) (concl th) then ((th,1,SOME pc_offset),SOME (match_thm M1_IFLE_NOP,1,SOME 1)) else ((th,1,SOME pc_offset),NONE) end; val m1_status = TRUTH val m1_pc = ``PC``; fun m1_jump (tm1:term) (tm2:term) (jump_length:int) (forward:bool) = ("",0) val m1_tools = (m1_spec, m1_jump, m1_status, m1_pc) (* the decompiler is specialised to deal with s-expressions and the M1 model *) fun dest_tuple tm = let val (x,y) = pairSyntax.dest_pair tm in x :: dest_tuple y end handle HOL_ERR e => [tm]; fun fix_pc y th = let val format = ``add p (nat n)`` val fixed_pc = subst [mk_var("n",``:num``)|->numSyntax.term_of_int y] format val thi = INST [mk_var("p",``:sexp``)|->fixed_pc] th val thi = SIMP_RULE std_ss [add_nat,add_nat_int,add_ASSOC] thi in thi end; val prev = ref (TRUTH,TRUTH); val (res,def) = !prev fun sexp_finalise_decompile (res,def) = let val _ = (prev := (res,def)) val _ = echo 2 " - converting to produce sexp\n" fun sexp_result output = let fun ff [] = (fst o dest_eq o concl) nil_def | ff (v::vs) = mk_comb(mk_comb(``cons``,v),ff vs) in mk_pabs(output,ff (dest_tuple output)) end; val fhd = hd (CONJUNCTS def) val f = last (CONJUNCTS def) val (tm1,tm2) = (dest_eq o concl o SPEC_ALL) f val input = cdr tm1 val name = (fst o dest_const o car) tm1 val name = ("sexp_" ^ name) val output = get_output_list f val fix = sexp_result output fun ff [] = "sexp" | ff (x::xs) = "sexp -> " ^ ff xs val ty = Parse.Type [QUOTE (":" ^ ff (dest_tuple input))] val tm = mk_var(name,ty) fun hh tm [] = tm | hh tm (x::xs) = hh (mk_comb(tm,x)) xs val lhs = hh tm (dest_tuple input) val eq_tm = mk_eq (lhs,mk_comb(fix,tm1)) val def3 = new_definition(name,eq_tm) val new_lhs = (fst o dest_eq o concl o SPEC_ALL) def3 fun rw (FUN_LET (x,y,t)) = FUN_LET (x, y, rw t) | rw (FUN_IF (x,t1,t2)) = FUN_IF (x, rw t1, rw t2) | rw (FUN_COND (x,t)) = FUN_COND (x, rw t) | rw (FUN_VAL tm) = if tm = tm1 then FUN_VAL new_lhs else FUN_VAL (snd (dest_pabs fix)) val tm3 = ftree2tm (rw (tm2ftree tm2)) val goal = mk_eq(new_lhs,tm3) val inferred = prove(goal, REWRITE_TAC [def3] THEN CONV_TAC (RATOR_CONV (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [f])) THEN REPEAT (AUTO_DECONSTRUCT_TAC cdr) THEN SIMP_TAC std_ss [] THEN CONV_TAC (DEPTH_CONV FORCE_PBETA_CONV) THEN SIMP_TAC std_ss []) val def2 = REWRITE_RULE [ite_intro] inferred val tm7 = cdr tm1 fun ff [] = [] | ff (v::vs) = let in [``car``] :: map (fn y => y @ [``cdr``]) (ff vs) end fun g [] = ``value:sexp`` | g (x::xs) = mk_comb(x,g xs) val tm8 = list_mk_pair (map g (ff (dest_tuple (output)))) val tm9 = mk_anylet([(``value:sexp``,(fst o dest_eq o concl o SPEC_ALL) def3)],tm8) val goal = mk_eq (tm1,tm9) val rw_thm = prove(goal, SIMP_TAC std_ss [def3,LET_DEF] THEN CONV_TAC (DEPTH_CONV FORCE_PBETA_CONV) THEN SIMP_TAC std_ss [car_def,cdr_def]) val res = REWRITE_RULE [rw_thm] res (* flatten let-expressions, leave no ``let ... = (let ... in ..) in ...`` *) fun flatten (FUN_IF (x,t1,t2)) = FUN_IF (x, flatten t1, flatten t2) | flatten (FUN_COND (x,t)) = FUN_COND (x, flatten t) | flatten (FUN_VAL tm) = FUN_VAL tm | flatten (FUN_LET (x,y,t)) = let val (tm1,tm2) = dest_let y val (v,tm1) = dest_abs tm1 val xs = (v,tm2) :: (dest_tuple x) (dest_tuple tm1) in foldr (fn ((x,y),z) => FUN_LET (x,y,z)) (flatten t) xs end handle HOL_ERR _ => FUN_LET (x,y,flatten t) val (tm10,tm11) = (dest_eq o concl o SPEC_ALL) def2 val tm12 = ftree2tm (flatten (tm2ftree tm11)) val goal = mk_eq(tm10,tm12) val def2 = prove(goal, CONV_TAC (RATOR_CONV (ONCE_REWRITE_CONV [def2])) THEN SIMP_TAC std_ss [LET_DEF]) val def2 = REWRITE_RULE [ite_intro] def2 val def2 = SIMP_RULE bool_ss [top_defun,pop_defun,push_defun,nth_lemma, LET_DEF,nth_1,cdr_def,car_def,ite_def,not_eq_nil] def2 val def2 = REWRITE_RULE [ite_intro] def2 in (res,def2) end; val _ = (decompiler_set_pc := fix_pc); val _ = (decompiler_finalise := sexp_finalise_decompile) val decompile_m1 = decompile m1_tools end