structure m0_core_decompLib :> m0_core_decompLib = struct open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib open m0_core_decompTheory core_decompilerLib tripleLib m0_decompLib val ERR = Feedback.mk_HOL_ERR "m0_core_decompLib" val _ = Parse.hide "cond" (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val count_INTRO_rule = stateLib.introduce_triple_definition (false, m0_decompTheory.m0_COUNT_def) o Thm.INST [``endianness:bool`` |-> boolSyntax.F, ``spsel:bool`` |-> boolSyntax.F] in val spec = (count_INTRO_rule o m0_progLib.memory_introduction o m0_progLib.register_introduction o m0_progLib.m0_introduction) o m0_progLib.m0_spec end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) val get_cond' = tripleSyntax.get_component (Lib.equal (Term.mk_var ("cond'", Type.bool))) local val ARITH_SUB_CONV = Conv.DEPTH_CONV bitstringLib.v2w_n2w_CONV THENC wordsLib.WORD_ARITH_CONV THENC wordsLib.WORD_SUB_CONV fun is_reducible tm = case wordsSyntax.dest_word_add tm of SOME (v, _) => not (Term.is_var v) | _ => not (boolSyntax.is_cond tm) fun PC_CONV tm = if is_reducible tm then ARITH_SUB_CONV tm else ALL_CONV tm val WGROUND_RW_CONV = Conv.DEPTH_CONV (utilsLib.cache 10 bitstringLib.v2w_n2w_CONV) THENC utilsLib.WALPHA_CONV THENC utilsLib.WGROUND_CONV THENC utilsLib.WALPHA_CONV val cnv1 = m0_progLib.REG_CONV THENC WGROUND_RW_CONV THENC REWRITE_CONV [alignmentTheory.aligned_numeric] val cnv2 = tripleLib.CODE_CONV (Conv.DEPTH_CONV bitstringLib.v2w_n2w_CONV) THENC tripleLib.POST_CONV (Conv.RAND_CONV PC_CONV) in fun simp_triple_rule thm = let val thm1 = utilsLib.ALL_HYP_CONV_RULE cnv1 thm val _ = get_cond' thm1 <> boolSyntax.F orelse raise ERR "simp_triple_rule" "condition false" in Conv.CONV_RULE cnv2 thm1 end end val pc = Term.mk_var ("pc", ``:word32``) val get_code = snd o pairSyntax.dest_pair o hd o pred_setSyntax.strip_set o tripleSyntax.dest_code o Thm.concl local val get_opcode = m0_progLib.mk_thumb2_pair false o Term.rand o get_code val spec_label_set = ref (Redblackset.empty val triple_rwts = ref (LVTermNet.empty: thm LVTermNet.lvtermnet) fun add1 thm = triple_rwts := utilsLib.add_to_rw_net get_opcode (thm, !triple_rwts) val rule = tripleLib.spec_to_triple_rule (pc, M0_ASSERT_def, L3_M0_def) val add_triples = (add1 o rule) fun find_triple opc = (utilsLib.find_rw (!triple_rwts)) opc fun spec_spec opc thm = let val thm_opc = get_opcode thm val a = fst (Term.match_term thm_opc opc) in simp_triple_rule (Thm.INST a thm) end in fun addInstructionClass s = if Redblackset.member (!spec_label_set, s) then false else (print (" " ^ s) ; add_triples (spec s) ; spec_label_set := Redblackset.add (!spec_label_set, s) ; true) fun m0_triple_hex looped s = let val opc = m0_stepLib.hex_to_bits s in case find_triple opc of SOME thms => let val l = List.mapPartial ( (spec_spec opc)) thms in if List.null l then loop looped opc "failed to find suitable spec" s else l end | NONE => loop looped opc "failed to add suitable spec" s end and loop looped opc e s = if looped orelse not (addInstructionClass (m0_stepLib.thumb_instruction opc)) then raise ERR "m0_triple_hex" (e ^ ": " ^ s) else m0_triple_hex true s val m0_triple_hex = m0_triple_hex false end (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) local val sym_abbr_thm = GSYM markerTheory.Abbrev_def val swap_disj_abbr_thm = Q.prove( `!x y. x \/ y = Abbrev (y \/ x)`, utilsLib.qm_tac [markerTheory.Abbrev_def]) val swap_conj_abbr_thm = Q.prove( `!x y. x /\ y = Abbrev (y /\ x)`, utilsLib.qm_tac [markerTheory.Abbrev_def]) in fun abbrev_into_conv c = case boolSyntax.dest_disj c of SOME (a, b) => let val d = boolSyntax.mk_disj (b, a) in ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (fn t => if t = c then Thm.SPEC c sym_abbr_thm else if t = d then Drule.SPECL [b, a] swap_disj_abbr_thm else NO_CONV t) end | NONE => (case boolSyntax.dest_conj c of SOME (a, b) => let val d = boolSyntax.mk_conj (b, a) in ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (fn t => if t = c then Thm.SPEC c sym_abbr_thm else if t = d then Drule.SPECL [b, a] swap_conj_abbr_thm else NO_CONV t) end | NONE => ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (fn t => if t = c then Thm.SPEC c sym_abbr_thm else NO_CONV t)) end local fun get_length th = if sumSyntax.is_inl (get_code th) then 2 else 4 val get_pc = Term.rand o Term.rand fun find_exit thm = let val (_, p, _, q) = tripleSyntax.dest_triple (Thm.concl thm) in stateLib.get_delta (get_pc p) (get_pc q) end fun format_thm th = (th, get_length th, find_exit th) val fix_precond = fn [th1, th2] => let val c = snd (boolSyntax.dest_conj (get_cond' th2)) val c = utilsLib.mk_negation c in [utilsLib.ALL_HYP_CONV_RULE (abbrev_into_conv c) th1, th2] end | thms as [_] => thms | _ => raise ERR "fix_precond" "" val finalise = format_thm o fix_precond in fun m0_triple hex = case finalise (m0_triple_hex hex) of [x] => (x, NONE) | [x1, x2] => (x1, SOME x2) | _ => raise ERR "m0_triple" "" val m0_triple_code = m0_triple o (m0AssemblerLib.m0_code: string quotation -> string list) end val vars = Term.mk_var ("cond", Type.bool) :: fst (boolSyntax.strip_forall (Thm.concl M0_ASSERT_def)) fun config_for_m0 () = core_decompilerLib.configure { pc_tm = pc, init_fn = Lib.I, pc_conv = RAND_CONV, triple_fn = m0_triple, component_vars = vars } val () = config_for_m0 () fun m0_core_decompile name qcode = ( config_for_m0 () ; core_decompilerLib.code_parser := NONE ; core_decompilerLib.core_decompile name qcode ) fun m0_core_decompile_code name qcode = ( config_for_m0 () ; core_decompilerLib.code_parser := SOME (m0AssemblerLib.m0_code) ; core_decompilerLib.core_decompile name qcode ) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) (* Testing... open m0_core_decompLib val (test_cert, test_def) = m0_core_decompLib.m0_core_decompile "test"` 2100 (* movs r1, #0 *) 0003 (* mov r3, r0 *) 3328 (* adds r3, #40 *) 6842 (* l1: ldr r2, [r0, #4] *) 3004 (* adds r0, #4 *) 4411 (* add r1, r2 *) 4298 (* cmp r0, r3 *) DBFA (* blt l1 *)` val (test2_cert, test2_def) = m0_core_decompLib.m0_core_decompile_code "test2" `movs r1, #0 ; accumulator mov r3, r0 ; first address adds r3, #40 ; last address (10 loads) l1: ldr r2, [r0, #4] ; load data adds r0, #4 ; increment address add r1, r2 ; add to accumulator cmp r0, r3 ; test if done blt l1 ; loop if not done` val () = utilsLib.add_datatypes [``:RName``] computeLib.the_compset val () = computeLib.add_funs [test_def, alignmentTheory.aligned_def, alignmentTheory.align_def] val eval = EVAL THENC ONCE_DEPTH_CONV (updateLib.SORT_ENUM_UPDATES_CONV ``:RName``) eval ``test (T, (\a. if a && 3w = 0w then 4w else 0w), dmem, (\x. 12w), UNIV, 0, F, F, F, F)`` val test = Count.apply m0_triple test "D000"; test "D100"; test "D200"; test "D300"; test "D400"; test "D500"; test "D600"; test "D700"; test "D800"; test "D900"; test "DA00"; test "DB00"; test "DC00"; test "DD00"; *) (* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *) end