structure funcCall (* :> funcCall *) = struct (* app load ["NormalTheory", "basic", "regAlloc"] *) open HolKernel Parse boolLib bossLib; open pairLib pairSyntax PairRules NormalTheory basic; val atom_tm = prim_mk_const{Name="atom",Thy="Normal"} fun mk_atom tm = mk_comb (inst [alpha |-> type_of tm] atom_tm,tm) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) structure M = Binarymap structure S = Binaryset val VarType = ref (Type `:word32`) (* numSyntax.num *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Pre-defined variables and functions *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun is_reg x = (String.sub (term_to_string x,0) = #"r") fun is_mem x = (String.sub (term_to_string x,0) = #"m") fun tvarOrder (t1:term,t2:term) = let val (s1,s2) = (term_to_string t1, term_to_string t2) in if s1 > s2 then GREATER else if s1 = s2 then EQUAL else LESS end; (* Is an expression a function application? *) fun is_fun exp = not (is_comb exp) andalso (#1 (dest_type (type_of exp)) = "fun") handle HOL_ERR _ => false; (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Function calls in a caller-save style. *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Traverse the function body to find all modified registers and the next available memory slot *) fun process_body body = let fun traverse t (rS, wS) = if is_let t then let val (v,M,N) = dest_plet t val (rS1, wS1) = traverse M (rS, S.addList(wS, List.filter is_reg (strip_pair v))) in traverse N (rS1, wS1) end else if is_cond t then let val (J,M,N) = dest_cond t in ((traverse N) o (traverse M) o (traverse J)) (rS, wS) end else if is_pair t then let val (M,N) = dest_pair t in ((traverse N) o (traverse M)) (rS, wS) end else if is_pabs t then let val (M,N) = dest_pabs t in ((traverse N) o (traverse M)) (rS, wS) end else if is_comb t then let val (M,N) = dest_comb t in ((traverse N) o (traverse M)) (rS, wS) end else if is_reg t orelse is_mem t then (S.add(rS, t), wS) else (rS, wS) val (rS', wS') = traverse body (S.empty tvarOrder, S.empty tvarOrder) val next_avail_slot = List.foldl (* the first unused memory slot *) (fn (v, i) => if is_mem v then let val s = #1 (dest_var v) val j = valOf (Int.fromString (substring(s, 1, String.size s - 1))) in if j > i then j else i end else i ) 0 (S.listItems rS') in (wS', next_avail_slot) end; (* Find all modified registers and the next available memory slot for all functions *) val fmap = ref (M.mkDict tvarOrder); fun investigate_def def = let val (fname, fbody) = dest_eq (concl (SPEC_ALL def)) val (args,body) = dest_pabs fbody handle _ => (#2 (dest_comb fname), fbody) val fname = if is_pabs fbody then fname else #1 (dest_comb fname) in fmap := M.insert(!fmap, fname, ((args, identify_output body), process_body body)) end (* Convert a function body into its call-save format *) fun save (wS, next_slot) exp = #1 (List.foldl (fn (r, (e, slot)) => (mk_plet (mk_var("m" ^ Int.toString(slot) , !VarType), mk_atom r, e), slot + 1)) (exp, next_slot) (S.listItems wS) ) fun restore (wS, next_slot) exp = #1 (List.foldr (fn (r, (e, slot)) => (mk_plet (r, mk_atom (mk_var("m" ^ Int.toString(slot), !VarType)), e), slot + 1)) (exp, next_slot) (rev (S.listItems wS)) ) (* fmap := preprocess defs; *) val tr_f = ref (``T``); (* the name of a recursive function *) fun format_call (fname, dst, src, cont) = let val ((src0, dst0), (s, next_slot)) = M.find(!fmap, fname) (* handle NotFound => (investigate_def (DB.definition (#1 (dest_const fname) ^ "_def")); M.find(!fmap, fname)) *) val s1 = S.addList (S.addList(s, strip_pair src0), strip_pair dst0) val s2 = S.difference(s1, S.addList(S.empty tvarOrder, strip_pair dst)) val t1 = restore (s2, next_slot) cont val t2 = regAlloc.parallel_move dst dst0 t1 val t3 = mk_plet(dst0, mk_comb(fname, src0), t2) val t4 = regAlloc.parallel_move src0 src t3 val t5 = save (s2, next_slot) t4 in t5 end fun caller_save t = if is_let t then let val (v,M,N) = dest_plet t in if is_comb M andalso not (is_atomic M) then let val (x,y) = dest_comb M in if is_fun x andalso not (x = !tr_f) then (* non-recursive function application *) let val (fname, dst, src, cont) = (x, v, y, caller_save N) in format_call (fname, dst, src, cont) end else mk_plet(v, caller_save M, caller_save N) end else mk_plet(v, caller_save M, caller_save N) (* not function application *) end else if is_cond t then let val (J,M,N) = dest_cond t in mk_cond (J, caller_save M, caller_save N) end else if is_pair t then let val (M,N) = dest_pair t in mk_pair (caller_save M, caller_save N) end else if is_pabs t then let val (M,N) = dest_pabs t in mk_pabs (caller_save M, caller_save N) end else if is_comb t then let val (M,N) = dest_comb t in mk_comb(caller_save M, caller_save N) end else t (* Function "trav" traverses a term and adds pre-call saving and post-call saving instructions for each function call; it also make the outputs of the two branches of a conditional statement match, i.e. both branches have the same outputs. *) fun trav t output = if is_let t then let val (v,M,N) = dest_plet t val (M', _) = trav M NONE in if is_comb M andalso not (is_atomic M) then let val (x,y) = dest_comb M in if is_fun x andalso not (x = !tr_f) then (* non-recursive function application *) let val (N', output') = trav N output val (fname, dst, src, cont) = (x, v, y, N') val t' = format_call (fname, dst, src, cont) in (t', output') end else let val (N', output') = trav N output in (mk_plet(v, M', N'), output') end end else let val (N', output') = trav N output in (mk_plet(v, M', N'), output') end (* not function application *) end else if is_cond t then let val (J,M1,M2) = dest_cond t val (M1', output1) = trav M1 output val (M2', output2) = trav M2 output1 in (mk_cond(J, M1', M2'), output1) end else if is_pair t orelse is_atomic t then case output of NONE => (t, SOME t) | SOME x => (regAlloc.parallel_move x t x, output) else if is_pabs t then let val (M,N) = dest_pabs t val (N', _) = trav N NONE in (mk_pabs (M, N'), output) end else (t, output) (* Process function calls in a caller-save style *) fun caller_save_call def = let val (fname, fbody) = dest_eq (concl (SPEC_ALL def)) val (args,body) = dest_pabs fbody handle _ => (#2 (dest_comb fname), fbody) val (sane,var_type) = pre_check(args,body) val fname = if is_pabs fbody then fname else #1 (dest_comb fname) val _ = (VarType := var_type; tr_f := fname) val _ = investigate_def def (* store the information of the current function into !fmap *) in if sane then let val (body', _) = trav body NONE val th0 = SYM (QCONV(SIMP_CONV pure_ss [LET_ATOM]) body') val (r,t) = dest_eq(concl th0) val lem1 = ALPHA body r val th1 = TRANS lem1 th0 val th2 = REWRITE_RULE [Once th1] def val th3 = REWRITE_RULE [ATOM_ID] th2 in SIMP_RULE bool_ss [ELIM_USELESS_LET] th3 end else def end (* fun callerSave defs = let fun one_fun def = let val (fname, fbody) = dest_eq (concl (SPEC_ALL def)) val (args,body) = dest_pabs fbody handle _ => (#2 (dest_comb fname), fbody) val (sane,var_type) = pre_check(args,body) val fname = if is_pabs fbody then fname else #1 (dest_comb fname) val _ = (VarType := var_type; tr_f := fname) in if sane then let val body' = caller_save body val th0 = SYM (QCONV(SIMP_CONV pure_ss [LET_ATOM]) body') val th1 = REWRITE_RULE [ELIM_USELESS_LET] th0 val th2 = REWRITE_RULE [Once th1] def val th3 = REWRITE_RULE [ATOM_ID] th2 in th3 end else def end in one_fun defs end *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* For debugging *) (*----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) fun mm () = (fn (fname, ((src, dst), (wS, slot))) => (fname, (src, dst, S.listItems wS, slot))) (M.listItems (!fmap)) end