structure Assem = struct type label = Temp.label exception invalidAssemExp; type address = {reg:int, offset:int, wback:bool}; datatype operation = ADD | SUB | RSB | MUL | MLA | AND | ORR | EOR | CMP | TST | LSL | LSR | ASR | ROR | LDR | STR | LDMFD | STMFD | MRS | MSR | B | BL | SWI | DCD | NOP datatype alias = FP | IP | SP | LR | PC datatype exp = NAME of Temp.label | TEMP of int | NCONST of | WCONST of | PAIR of exp * exp | CALL of exp * exp | TMEM of int | MEM of address | REG of int | WREG of int | ALIAS of alias | SHIFT of operation * int datatype cond = EQ | NE | GE | LE | GT | LT | AL | NV | CC | LS | HI | CS datatype instr = OPER of {oper: operation * cond option * bool, dst: exp list, src: exp list, jump: label list option} | LABEL of {lab: label} | MOVE of {dst: exp, src: exp}; val indent = " " fun pair2list (PAIR(v1, v2)) = (pair2list v1) @ (pair2list v2) | pair2list v = [v] fun fromAlias FP = 11 | fromAlias IP = 12 | fromAlias SP = 13 | fromAlias LR = 14 | fromAlias PC = 15 fun toAlias 11 = FP | toAlias 12 = IP | toAlias 13 = SP | toAlias 14 = LR | toAlias 15 = PC | toAlias _ = raise invalidAssemExp fun print_op ADD = "ADD" | print_op SUB = "SUB" | print_op RSB = "RSB" | print_op MUL = "MUL" | print_op MLA = "MLA" | print_op AND = "AND" | print_op ORR = "ORR" | print_op EOR = "EOR" | print_op CMP = "CMP" | print_op TST = "TST" | print_op LSL = "LSL" | print_op LSR = "LSR" | print_op ASR = "ASR" | print_op ROR = "ROR" | print_op LDR = "LDR" | print_op LDMFD = "LDMFD" | print_op STR = "STR" | print_op STMFD = "STMFD" | print_op MRS = "MRS" | print_op MSR = "MSR" | print_op BL = "BL" | print_op B = "B" | print_op SWI = "SWI" | print_op NOP = "NOP" | print_op _ = raise invalidAssemExp fun print_cond (SOME EQ) = "EQ" | print_cond (SOME NE) = "NE" | print_cond (SOME GE) = "GE" | print_cond (SOME LT) = "LT" | print_cond (SOME GT) = "GT" | print_cond (SOME LE) = "LE" | print_cond (SOME CC) = "CC" | print_cond (SOME LS) = "LS" | print_cond (SOME HI) = "HI" | print_cond (SOME CS) = "CS" | print_cond (SOME AL) = "AL" | print_cond (SOME NV) = "NV" | print_cond NONE = "" fun print_flag flag = if flag then "S" else "" fun printAlias FP = "FP" | printAlias IP = "IP" | printAlias SP = "SP" | printAlias LR = "LR" | printAlias PC = "PC" val use_alias = ref true; val use_capital = ref false; val address_stride = ref 1; fun printReg r = if !use_alias andalso r >= 11 then printAlias (toAlias r) else "R" ^ Int.toString r fun eval_exp (TEMP e) = e | eval_exp (NAME e) = Symbol.index e | eval_exp (NCONST e) = Arbint.toInt e | eval_exp (WCONST e) = Arbint.toInt e | eval_exp (TMEM e) = e | eval_exp (MEM {reg = r, offset = j, wback = w}) = j | eval_exp (REG e) = e | eval_exp (WREG e) = e | eval_exp (ALIAS e) = fromAlias e | eval_exp _ = 0 fun toLowerCase str = Substring.translate (Char.toString o Char.toLower) (Substring.substring (str, 0, String.size str)) fun one_exp exp = let fun format_exp (TMEM e) = "[" ^ Int.toString e ^ "]" | format_exp (MEM {reg = r, offset = j, wback = w}) = (if j = 0 then "[" ^ printReg r ^ "]" else "[" ^ printReg r ^ ", " ^ "#" ^ Int.toString (j * !address_stride) ^ "]") ^ (if w then "!" else "") | format_exp (TEMP e) = "t" ^ Int.toString e | format_exp (NAME e) = e | format_exp (NCONST e) = "#" ^ Arbint.toString e | format_exp (WCONST e) = "#" ^ (Arbint.toString e) ^ "w" | format_exp (REG e) = printReg e | format_exp (WREG e) = printReg e ^ "!" | format_exp (CALL(f, args)) = "BL " ^ (format_exp f) | format_exp (PAIR(e1,e2)) = "(" ^ format_exp e1 ^ "," ^ format_exp e2 ^ ")" | format_exp _ = raise invalidAssemExp in if !use_capital then format_exp exp else toLowerCase (format_exp exp) end fun formatInst (OPER {oper = (op1, cond1, flag1), src = sl, dst = dl, jump = jl}) = let fun appendBlanks i = if i <= 0 then "" else " " ^ appendBlanks (i-1) val (sl,dl) = if op1 = LDMFD orelse op1 = STR then (dl,sl) else if op1 = CMP then (sl,[]) else (sl,dl) val ops0 = (print_op op1 ^ print_cond cond1 ^ print_flag flag1) val ops1 = ops0 ^ appendBlanks (8 - String.size ops0) val inst = indent ^ ops1 ^ ( if op1 = STMFD orelse op1 = LDMFD then (one_exp (hd dl)) ^ ", {" ^ one_exp (hd sl) ^ (List.foldl (fn (n,s) => (s ^ "," ^ one_exp n)) "" (tl sl)) ^ "}" else if op1 = BL then (if null dl then "" else "(" ^ one_exp (hd dl) ^ (List.foldl (fn (n,s) => (s ^ "," ^ one_exp n)) "" (tl dl)) ^ "), " ^ "(" ^ one_exp (hd sl) ^ (List.foldl (fn (n,s) => (s ^ "," ^ one_exp n)) "" (tl sl)) ^ ")" ) ^ (hd (valOf jl)) ^ " (" ^ Int.toString (Symbol.index (hd (valOf jl))) ^ ")" else (if null dl then "" else (one_exp (hd dl))) ^ (if null sl orelse op1 = B then "" else if null dl then (one_exp (hd sl)) else ", " ^ (one_exp (hd sl)) ) ^ (if null sl then "" else List.foldl (fn (v,s) => s ^ ", " ^ (one_exp v)) "" (tl sl)) ^ (case jl of NONE => "" | SOME labs => (hd labs) ^ " (" ^ Int.toString (Symbol.index (hd labs)) ^ ")") ) in if !use_capital then inst else toLowerCase inst end | formatInst (LABEL {lab = v}) = v ^ ":" | formatInst (MOVE {src = s, dst = d}) = let val inst = indent ^ "MOV " ^ (one_exp d) ^ ", " ^ (one_exp s) in if !use_capital then inst else toLowerCase inst end (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) (* Print ARM programs *) (* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*) val lineNo = ref ~1; fun printInsts stms = let fun formatNextLineNo () = ( lineNo := !lineNo + 1; " " ^ ( if !lineNo < 10 then " " ^ Int.toString (!lineNo) else if !lineNo < 100 then " " ^ Int.toString (!lineNo) else Int.toString (!lineNo) ) ^ ":" ) in (lineNo := ~1; (fn stm => print ((formatNextLineNo() ^ " " ^ formatInst stm) ^ "\n")) stms ) end val print_structure = ref true; fun printarm progL = let val _ = lineNo := ~1; fun one_fun flag(fname,ftype,args,stms,outs,rs) = ( (if flag then ( print "*****************************************************************\n"; print (" Name : " ^ fname ^ "\n"); print " Arguments : "; (fn arg => print (one_exp arg ^ " ")) (pair2list args); print "\n Modified Registers: "; (fn arg => print (one_exp arg ^ " ")) (Binaryset.listItems rs); print "\n Returns : "; (fn arg => print (one_exp arg ^ " ")) (pair2list outs); print "\n Body: \n" ) else print ""); printInsts stms ) in ( one_fun true (hd progL); (one_fun (!print_structure)) (tl progL) ) end end