=============================================================================== == Examples in this directory ending ".ml" which should be run interactively == == (e.g. loaded with "use") == =============================================================================== Xor32.ml .................. Simple example showing use of AddBinop NotXor32.ml ............... Simple example showing use of AddUnop and AddBinop Fact32.ml ................. Factorial example using word32 Fact32Script.ml ........... Factorial example using word32, proving relation with general factorial. exor32.ml ................. Simple example showing low-level interfaces used in adding components. To be consulted when approach in Xor32.ml doesn't work. ******************************************************************************* For running interactively (see examples listed above): loadPath := "../" :: !loadPath; For compilation (currently no files to compile, but need to make word32Theory) do: Holmake (this uses Holmakefile).