This directory contains a deep embedding of the Accellera standard Property Specification Language (PSL/Sugar) Version 1.1 in HOL. The contents of this directory are README ......................... This file SyntaxScript.sml ............... Abstract syntax of core PSL ModelScript.sml ................ Theory of models ModelLemmasScript.sml .......... Properties of models and automata UnclockedSemanticsScript.sml ... Unclocked semantics ClockedSemanticsScript.sml ..... Clocked Semantics ExtendedSyntaxScript.sml ....... Abstract syntax of full PSL SyntacticSugarScript.sml ....... Semantics of full PSL RewritesScript.sml ............. Rewrites semantics of PSL LemmasScript.sml ............. Some lemmas from Eisner, Fisman, Havlicek ProjectionScript.sml............ Validation of the projection view (incomplete) Also needed is FinitePSLPathScript.sml ........... Theory of finite paths (lists) PSLPathScript.sml ................. Finite and infinite paths which are in the directory PSL/path (should be ../../path relative to this one). To run Holmake including the path directory, use: Holmake -I ../../path [MJCG Sun Jan 16 2005: Fixed to work with type variables introduced by Hol_datatype being in alphabetic order]