Accellera standard Property Specification Language (PSL/Sugar) in HOL The contents of this directory are README ......................... This file official-semantics ............. Directory containing official Accellera semantics executable-semantics ........... Directory containing start of an executable semantics regexp ......................... Directory containing regular expression matcher Manual ......................... Directory containing old papers on the semantics index.html ..................... Pointer to MJCG's Sugar page (latest versions here) (*****************************************************************************) (* ACKNOWLEDGEMENT *) (* The work here would not have been possible without the help of Cindy *) (* Eisner and Dana Fisman of IBM. They provided help when I was stuck, *) (* and suggested solutions to problems such as 1 and 2 above. *) (*****************************************************************************) MJCG Mon Jan 27 16:18:00 GMT 2003 Wed Mar 19 20:22:03 GMT 2003