open HolKernel boolLib bossLib Parse; open pred_setTheory wordsTheory wordsLib arithmeticTheory; open set_sepTheory progTheory lpc_devicesTheory; open listTheory pairTheory combinTheory addressTheory; val _ = new_theory "lpc_prog"; infix \\ val op \\ = op THEN; val RW = REWRITE_RULE; val RW1 = ONCE_REWRITE_RULE; (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* The LPC set *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val _ = Hol_datatype ` lpc_el = tReg of word4 => word32 | tStatus of arm_bit => bool | tRom of word32 => word8 option | tRam of word32 => word8 option | tTime of num | tUart0 of (word8 list # num # word8 list # num) | tUndef of bool`; val lpc_el_11 = DB.fetch "-" "lpc_el_11"; val lpc_el_distinct = DB.fetch "-" "lpc_el_distinct"; val _ = Parse.type_abbrev("lpc_set",``:lpc_el set``); (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* State reader functions *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val ty = (type_of o snd o dest_comb) ``LPC_NEXT s1 s2`` val _ = Parse.type_abbrev("lpc_state",ty); val LPC_READ_REG_def = Define ` LPC_READ_REG a ((s,p):lpc_state) = ARM_READ_REG a s`; val LPC_READ_STATUS_def = Define ` LPC_READ_STATUS a ((s,p):lpc_state) = ARM_READ_STATUS a s`; val LPC_READ_TIME_def = Define ` LPC_READ_TIME ((s,(time,rom,ram,p)):lpc_state) = time`; val LPC_READ_ROM_def = Define ` LPC_READ_ROM a ((s,(time,rom,ram,p)):lpc_state) = rom a`; val LPC_READ_RAM_def = Define ` LPC_READ_RAM a ((s,(time,rom,ram,p)):lpc_state) = ram a`; val LPC_READ_UART0_def = Define ` LPC_READ_UART0 ((s,(time,rom,ram,uart0,p)):lpc_state) = UART0_READ uart0`; val ARM_OK_def = Define ` ARM_OK state = (ARM_ARCH state = ARMv4) /\ (ARM_EXTENSIONS state = {}) /\ (ARM_UNALIGNED_SUPPORT state) /\ (ARM_READ_EVENT_REGISTER state) /\ ~(ARM_READ_INTERRUPT_WAIT state) /\ ~(ARM_READ_SCTLR sctlrV state) /\ (ARM_READ_SCTLR sctlrA state) /\ ~(ARM_READ_SCTLR sctlrU state) /\ (ARM_READ_IT state = 0w) /\ ~(ARM_READ_STATUS psrJ state) /\ ~(ARM_READ_STATUS psrT state) /\ ~(ARM_READ_STATUS psrE state) /\ (ARM_MODE state = 16w)`; val LPC_READ_UNDEF_def = Define ` LPC_READ_UNDEF ((s,p):lpc_state) = ~ARM_OK s /\ ~PERIPHERALS_OK p`; (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Converting from lpc_state to lpc_set *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val lpc2set'_def = Define ` lpc2set' (rs,st:arm_bit set,is,ms,tt:unit set,ua:unit set,ud:unit set) (s:lpc_state) = IMAGE (\a. tReg a (LPC_READ_REG a s)) rs UNION IMAGE (\a. tStatus a (LPC_READ_STATUS a s)) st UNION IMAGE (\a. tRom a (LPC_READ_ROM a s)) is UNION IMAGE (\a. tRam a (LPC_READ_RAM a s)) ms UNION IMAGE (\a. tTime (LPC_READ_TIME s)) tt UNION IMAGE (\a. tUart0 (LPC_READ_UART0 s)) ua UNION IMAGE (\a. tUndef (LPC_READ_UNDEF s)) ud`; val lpc2set_def = Define `lpc2set s = lpc2set' (UNIV,UNIV,UNIV,UNIV,UNIV,UNIV,UNIV) s`; val lpc2set''_def = Define `lpc2set'' x s = lpc2set s DIFF lpc2set' x s`; (* theorems *) val lpc2set'_SUBSET_lpc2set = prove( ``!y s. lpc2set' y s SUBSET lpc2set s``, SIMP_TAC std_ss [pairTheory.FORALL_PROD] \\ SIMP_TAC std_ss [SUBSET_DEF,lpc2set'_def,lpc2set_def,IN_IMAGE,IN_UNION,IN_UNIV] \\ METIS_TAC [NOT_IN_EMPTY]); val SPLIT_lpc2set = prove( ``!x s. SPLIT (lpc2set s) (lpc2set' x s, lpc2set'' x s)``, REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [SPLIT_def,EXTENSION,IN_UNION,IN_DIFF,lpc2set''_def] \\ `lpc2set' x s SUBSET lpc2set s` by METIS_TAC [lpc2set'_SUBSET_lpc2set] \\ SIMP_TAC bool_ss [DISJOINT_DEF,EXTENSION,IN_INTER,NOT_IN_EMPTY,IN_DIFF] \\ METIS_TAC [SUBSET_DEF]); val SUBSET_lpc2set = prove( ``!u s. u SUBSET lpc2set s = ?y. u = lpc2set' y s``, REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ EQ_TAC \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ ASM_REWRITE_TAC [lpc2set'_SUBSET_lpc2set] \\ Q.EXISTS_TAC `( { a |a| ?x. tReg a x IN u }, { a |a| ?x. tStatus a x IN u }, { a |a| ?x. tRom a x IN u }, { a |a| ?x. tRam a x IN u }, { a |a| ?x. tTime x IN u }, { a |a| ?x. tUart0 x IN u }, { a |a| ?x. tUndef x IN u })` \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [lpc2set'_def,lpc2set_def,EXTENSION,SUBSET_DEF,IN_IMAGE, IN_UNION,GSPECIFICATION,IN_INSERT,NOT_IN_EMPTY,IN_UNIV] \\ STRIP_TAC \\ ASM_REWRITE_TAC [] \\ EQ_TAC \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN1 METIS_TAC [] \\ PAT_ASSUM ``!x:'a. b:bool`` IMP_RES_TAC \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [lpc_el_11,lpc_el_distinct]); val SPLIT_lpc2set_EXISTS = prove( ``!s u v. SPLIT (lpc2set s) (u,v) = ?y. (u = lpc2set' y s) /\ (v = lpc2set'' y s)``, REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ EQ_TAC \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ ASM_REWRITE_TAC [SPLIT_lpc2set] \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC bool_ss [SPLIT_def,lpc2set'_def,lpc2set''_def] \\ `u SUBSET (lpc2set s)` by (FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [EXTENSION,SUBSET_DEF,IN_UNION] \\ METIS_TAC []) \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [SUBSET_lpc2set] \\ Q.EXISTS_TAC `y` \\ REWRITE_TAC [] \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [EXTENSION,IN_DIFF,IN_UNION,DISJOINT_DEF,NOT_IN_EMPTY,IN_INTER] \\ METIS_TAC []); val IN_lpc2set = (SIMP_RULE std_ss [] o prove)(`` (!a x s. tReg a x IN (lpc2set s) = (x = LPC_READ_REG a s)) /\ (!a x s. tReg a x IN (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_REG a s) /\ a IN rs) /\ (!a x s. tReg a x IN (lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_REG a s) /\ ~(a IN rs)) /\ (!a x s. tStatus a x IN (lpc2set s) = (x = LPC_READ_STATUS a s)) /\ (!a x s. tStatus a x IN (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_STATUS a s) /\ a IN st) /\ (!a x s. tStatus a x IN (lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_STATUS a s) /\ ~(a IN st)) /\ (!a x s. tRom a x IN (lpc2set s) = (x = LPC_READ_ROM a s)) /\ (!a x s. tRom a x IN (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_ROM a s) /\ a IN is) /\ (!a x s. tRom a x IN (lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_ROM a s) /\ ~(a IN is)) /\ (!a x s. tRam a x IN (lpc2set s) = (x = LPC_READ_RAM a s)) /\ (!a x s. tRam a x IN (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_RAM a s) /\ a IN ms) /\ (!a x s. tRam a x IN (lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_RAM a s) /\ ~(a IN ms)) /\ (!a x s. tTime x IN (lpc2set s) = (x = LPC_READ_TIME s)) /\ (!a x s. tTime x IN (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_TIME s) /\ a IN tt) /\ (!a x s. tTime x IN (lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_TIME s) /\ ~(a IN tt)) /\ (!a x s. tUart0 x IN (lpc2set s) = (x = LPC_READ_UART0 s)) /\ (!a x s. tUart0 x IN (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_UART0 s) /\ a IN ua) /\ (!a x s. tUart0 x IN (lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_UART0 s) /\ ~(a IN ua)) /\ (!a x s. tUndef x IN (lpc2set s) = (x = LPC_READ_UNDEF s)) /\ (!a x s. tUndef x IN (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_UNDEF s) /\ a IN ud) /\ (!a x s. tUndef x IN (lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (x = LPC_READ_UNDEF s) /\ ~(a IN ud))``, SRW_TAC [] [lpc2set'_def,lpc2set''_def,lpc2set_def,IN_UNION,IN_DIFF,] \\ METIS_TAC []); val SET_NOT_EQ = prove( ``!x y. ~(x = y:'a set) = ?a. ~(a IN x = a IN y)``, FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [EXTENSION]) val lpc2set''_11 = prove( ``!y y' s s'. (lpc2set'' y' s' = lpc2set'' y s) ==> (y = y')``, REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ `?rs st is ms tt ua ud. y = (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud)` by METIS_TAC [PAIR] \\ `?rs2 st2 is2 ms2 tt2 ua2 ud2. y' = (rs2,st2,is2,ms2,tt2,ua2,ud2)` by METIS_TAC [PAIR] \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [] \\ CCONTR_TAC \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [EXTENSION] THEN1 (`~((?y. tReg x y IN lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (?y. tReg x y IN lpc2set'' (rs2,st2,is2,ms2,tt2,ua2,ud2) s'))` by FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set] THEN1 METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (`~((?y. tStatus x y IN lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (?y. tStatus x y IN lpc2set'' (rs2,st2,is2,ms2,tt2,ua2,ud2) s'))` by FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] THEN1 METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (`~((?y. tRom x y IN lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (?y. tRom x y IN lpc2set'' (rs2,st2,is2,ms2,tt2,ua2,ud2) s'))` by FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] THEN1 METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (`~((?y. tRam x y IN lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (?y. tRam x y IN lpc2set'' (rs2,st2,is2,ms2,tt2,ua2,ud2) s'))` by FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] THEN1 METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (`~((?y. tTime y IN lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (?y. tTime y IN lpc2set'' (rs2,st2,is2,ms2,tt2,ua2,ud2) s'))` by FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] THEN1 METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (`~((?y. tUart0 y IN lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (?y. tUart0 y IN lpc2set'' (rs2,st2,is2,ms2,tt2,ua2,ud2) s'))` by FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] THEN1 METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (`~((?y. tUndef y IN lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = (?y. tUndef y IN lpc2set'' (rs2,st2,is2,ms2,tt2,ua2,ud2) s'))` by FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] THEN1 METIS_TAC [])); val DELETE_lpc2set = (SIMP_RULE std_ss [] o prove)(`` (!a s. (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) DELETE tReg a (LPC_READ_REG a s) = (lpc2set' (rs DELETE a,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s)) /\ (!a s. (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) DELETE tStatus a (LPC_READ_STATUS a s) = (lpc2set' (rs,st DELETE a,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s)) /\ (!a s. (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) DELETE tRom a (LPC_READ_ROM a s) = (lpc2set' (rs,st,is DELETE a,ms,tt,ua,ud) s)) /\ (!a s. (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) DELETE tRam a (LPC_READ_RAM a s) = (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms DELETE a,tt,ua,ud) s)) /\ (!a s. (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) DELETE tTime (LPC_READ_TIME s) = (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt DELETE a,ua,ud) s)) /\ (!a s. (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) DELETE tUart0 (LPC_READ_UART0 s) = (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua DELETE a,ud) s)) /\ (!a s. (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) DELETE tUndef (LPC_READ_UNDEF s) = (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud DELETE a) s))``, SRW_TAC [] [lpc2set'_def,EXTENSION,IN_UNION,GSPECIFICATION,LEFT_AND_OVER_OR, EXISTS_OR_THM,IN_DELETE,IN_INSERT,NOT_IN_EMPTY,] \\ Cases_on `x` \\ SRW_TAC [] [] \\ METIS_TAC []); val EMPTY_lpc2set = prove(`` (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s = {}) = (rs = {}) /\ (st = {}) /\ (is = {}) /\ (ms = {}) /\ (tt = {}) /\ (ua = {}) /\ (ud = {})``, SRW_TAC [] [lpc2set'_def,EXTENSION,IN_UNION,GSPECIFICATION,LEFT_AND_OVER_OR,EXISTS_OR_THM] \\ METIS_TAC []); (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Defining the LPC_MODEL *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val tR_def = Define `tR a x = SEP_EQ {tReg a x}`; val tM_def = Define `tM a x = SEP_EQ {tRam a x}`; val tS_def = Define `tS a x = SEP_EQ {tStatus a x}`; val tU_def = Define `tU x = SEP_EQ {tUndef x}`; val tT_def = Define `tT x = SEP_EQ {tTime x}`; val tUART0_def = Define `tUART0 x = SEP_EQ {tUart0 x}`; val tPC_def = Define `tPC x = tR 15w x * tU F * cond (ALIGNED x)`; val LPC_ROM_def = Define `LPC_ROM (a,w:word32) = { tRom (a+3w) (SOME ((31 >< 24) w)) ; tRom (a+2w) (SOME ((23 >< 16) w)) ; tRom (a+1w) (SOME ((15 >< 8) w)) ; tRom (a+0w) (SOME (( 7 >< 0) w)) }`; val LPC_MODEL_def = Define ` LPC_MODEL = (lpc2set, LPC_NEXT, LPC_ROM, (\x y. (x:lpc_state) = y))`; (* theorems *) val lemma = METIS_PROVE [SPLIT_lpc2set] ``p (lpc2set' y s) ==> (?u v. SPLIT (lpc2set s) (u,v) /\ p u /\ (\v. v = lpc2set'' y s) v)``; val LPC_SPEC_SEMANTICS = store_thm("LPC_SPEC_SEMANTICS", ``SPEC LPC_MODEL p {} q = !y s seq. p (lpc2set' y s) /\ rel_sequence LPC_NEXT seq s ==> ?k. q (lpc2set' y (seq k)) /\ (lpc2set'' y s = lpc2set'' y (seq k))``, SIMP_TAC bool_ss [GSYM RUN_EQ_SPEC,RUN_def,LPC_MODEL_def,STAR_def,SEP_REFINE_def] \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ REVERSE EQ_TAC \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC THEN1 (FULL_SIMP_TAC bool_ss [SPLIT_lpc2set_EXISTS] \\ METIS_TAC []) \\ Q.PAT_ASSUM `!s r. b` (STRIP_ASSUME_TAC o UNDISCH o SPEC_ALL o (fn th => MATCH_MP th (UNDISCH lemma)) o Q.SPECL [`s`,`(\v. v = lpc2set'' y s)`]) \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC bool_ss [SPLIT_lpc2set_EXISTS] \\ IMP_RES_TAC lpc2set''_11 \\ Q.EXISTS_TAC `i` \\ METIS_TAC []); (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* Theorems for construction of |- SPEC LPC_MODEL ... *) (* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val SEP_EQ_STAR_LEMMA = prove( ``!p s t. (SEP_EQ t * p) s <=> t SUBSET s /\ (t SUBSET s ==> p (s DIFF t))``, METIS_TAC [EQ_STAR]); val FLIP_CONJ = prove(``!b c. b /\ (b ==> c) = b /\ c``,METIS_TAC []); val EXPAND_STAR = GEN_ALL o (SIMP_CONV std_ss [tR_def,tM_def,tS_def,tU_def,tT_def,tUART0_def, SEP_EQ_STAR_LEMMA,INSERT_SUBSET,IN_lpc2set,DELETE_lpc2set, DIFF_INSERT,DIFF_EMPTY,EMPTY_SUBSET] THENC SIMP_CONV std_ss [FLIP_CONJ] THENC REWRITE_CONV [GSYM CONJ_ASSOC]) val STAR_lpc2set = save_thm("STAR_lpc2set",LIST_CONJ (map EXPAND_STAR [``(tR a x * p) (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s)``, ``(tM a x * p) (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s)``, ``(tS a x * p) (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s)``, ``(tU x * p) (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s)``, ``(tT x * p) (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s)``, ``(tUART0 x * p) (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s)``])); val CODE_POOL_lpc2set_LEMMA = prove( ``!x y z. (x = z INSERT y) = (z INSERT y) SUBSET x /\ (x DIFF (z INSERT y) = {})``, SIMP_TAC std_ss [EXTENSION,SUBSET_DEF,IN_INSERT,NOT_IN_EMPTY,IN_DIFF] \\ METIS_TAC []); val CODE_POOL_lpc2set = store_thm("CODE_POOL_lpc2set", ``CODE_POOL LPC_ROM {(p,c)} (lpc2set' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s) = ({p+3w;p+2w;p+1w;p} = is) /\ (rs = {}) /\ (st = {}) /\ (ms = {}) /\ (tt = {}) /\ (ua = {}) /\ (ud = {}) /\ (LPC_READ_ROM (p + 0w) s = SOME (( 7 >< 0) c)) /\ (LPC_READ_ROM (p + 1w) s = SOME ((15 >< 8) c)) /\ (LPC_READ_ROM (p + 2w) s = SOME ((23 >< 16) c)) /\ (LPC_READ_ROM (p + 3w) s = SOME ((31 >< 24) c))``, SIMP_TAC bool_ss [CODE_POOL_def,IMAGE_INSERT,IMAGE_EMPTY,BIGUNION_INSERT, BIGUNION_EMPTY,UNION_EMPTY,LPC_ROM_def,CODE_POOL_lpc2set_LEMMA, GSYM DELETE_DEF, INSERT_SUBSET, EMPTY_SUBSET,IN_lpc2set] \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ EQ_TAC \\ ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [] \\ ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [DELETE_lpc2set,EMPTY_lpc2set,DIFF_INSERT,WORD_ADD_0] \\ ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [GSYM AND_IMP_INTRO,DELETE_lpc2set,EMPTY_lpc2set,DIFF_EMPTY] \\ ONCE_REWRITE_TAC [EQ_SYM_EQ] \\ ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [DELETE_lpc2set,EMPTY_lpc2set]); val LPC_SPEC_CODE = (RW [GSYM LPC_MODEL_def] o SIMP_RULE std_ss [LPC_MODEL_def] o prove) (``SPEC LPC_MODEL (CODE_POOL (FST (SND (SND LPC_MODEL))) c * p) {} (CODE_POOL (FST (SND (SND LPC_MODEL))) c * q) = SPEC LPC_MODEL p c q``, REWRITE_TAC [SPEC_CODE]); val IMP_LPC_SPEC_LEMMA = prove( ``!p q. (!s s2 y. p (lpc2set' y s) ==> (?s1. LPC_NEXT s s1) /\ (LPC_NEXT s s2 ==> q (lpc2set' y s2) /\ (lpc2set'' y s = lpc2set'' y s2))) ==> SPEC LPC_MODEL p {} q``, REWRITE_TAC [LPC_SPEC_SEMANTICS] \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ RES_TAC \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC bool_ss [rel_sequence_def] \\ Q.EXISTS_TAC `SUC 0` \\ METIS_TAC []); val IMP_LPC_SPEC = save_thm("IMP_LPC_SPEC", (RW1 [STAR_COMM] o RW [LPC_SPEC_CODE] o SPECL [``CODE_POOL LPC_ROM {(p,c)} * p1``, ``CODE_POOL LPC_ROM {(p,c)} * q1``]) IMP_LPC_SPEC_LEMMA); val lpc2set''_thm = store_thm("lpc2set''_thm", ``(lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s1 = lpc2set'' (rs,st,is,ms,tt,ua,ud) s2) = (!a. ~(a IN rs) ==> (LPC_READ_REG a s1 = LPC_READ_REG a s2)) /\ (!a. ~(a IN st) ==> (LPC_READ_STATUS a s1 = LPC_READ_STATUS a s2)) /\ (!a. ~(a IN is) ==> (LPC_READ_ROM a s1 = LPC_READ_ROM a s2)) /\ (!a. ~(a IN ms) ==> (LPC_READ_RAM a s1 = LPC_READ_RAM a s2)) /\ (!a. ~(a IN tt) ==> (LPC_READ_TIME s1 = LPC_READ_TIME s2)) /\ (!a. ~(a IN ua) ==> (LPC_READ_UART0 s1 = LPC_READ_UART0 s2)) /\ (!a. ~(a IN ud) ==> (LPC_READ_UNDEF s1 = LPC_READ_UNDEF s2))``, SIMP_TAC std_ss [] \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ REVERSE EQ_TAC \\ REPEAT STRIP_TAC \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [EXTENSION] THEN1 (Cases \\ ASM_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set] \\ METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (Q.PAT_ASSUM `!` (ASSUME_TAC o Q.SPEC `tReg a (LPC_READ_REG a s1)`) \\ METIS_TAC [IN_lpc2set]) THEN1 (Q.PAT_ASSUM `!` (ASSUME_TAC o Q.SPEC `tStatus a (LPC_READ_STATUS a s1)`) \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] \\ METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (Q.PAT_ASSUM `!` (ASSUME_TAC o Q.SPEC `tRom a (LPC_READ_ROM a s1)`) \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] \\ METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (Q.PAT_ASSUM `!` (ASSUME_TAC o Q.SPEC `tRam a (LPC_READ_RAM a s1)`) \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] \\ METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (Q.PAT_ASSUM `!` (ASSUME_TAC o Q.SPEC `tTime (LPC_READ_TIME s1)`) \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] \\ METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (Q.PAT_ASSUM `!` (ASSUME_TAC o Q.SPEC `tUart0 (LPC_READ_UART0 s1)`) \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] \\ METIS_TAC []) THEN1 (Q.PAT_ASSUM `!` (ASSUME_TAC o Q.SPEC `tUndef (LPC_READ_UNDEF s1)`) \\ FULL_SIMP_TAC std_ss [IN_lpc2set,] \\ METIS_TAC [])); val _ = export_theory();