structure generateBuildSummary = struct (* reads the output of bin/build on standard input, and turns it into a mail message *) infix |> fun (x |> f) = f x fun die s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, s^"\n"); TextIO.flushOut TextIO.stdErr; OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure) fun usage() = die ("Usage:\n "^^ " from-address system-description\n") fun datestring () = let (* SML implementations have such broken time/date code that this seems best - now only works on Unixy systems *) val tmp = OS.FileSys.tmpName() val result = OS.Process.system ("date +\"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z\" > "^tmp) val _ = OS.Process.isSuccess result orelse die "Couldn't run date" val istrm = TextIO.openIn tmp in TextIO.inputAll istrm before TextIO.closeIn istrm end fun standard_header from subject = "To:\n\ \From: "^from^"\n\ \Date: "^datestring()^ (* datestring provides its own newline *) "Subject: "^subject^"\n"^ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n\ \Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n\ \Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n" val remove_nulls = String.translate (fn #"\000" => "^@" | c => str c) val lastlines = 80 fun tidy_p2_lines linelist = let val maxlen = List.foldl (fn (l,acc) => Int.max(size l, acc)) 0 linelist val maxlen = Int.max(78, maxlen) fun make_maxlen s = if size s = maxlen then s else let fun findlbrack i = if String.sub(s, i) = #"[" then i else findlbrack (i - 1) val lbrack_i = findlbrack (size s - 1) val pfx = String.extract(s, 0, SOME lbrack_i) val spaces = CharVector.tabulate(maxlen - size s, (fn _ => #" ")) val sfx = String.extract(s, lbrack_i, NONE) in pfx ^ spaces ^ sfx end in map make_maxlen linelist end fun filter_input instr = let fun phase1 lines = case TextIO.inputLine instr of NONE => (lines, false) | SOME s => if s = "-- Configuration Description Ends --\n" then ("\n"::s::lines, true) else phase1 (s::lines) fun phase2 (lines, dirlines, cnt) = case remove_nulls (TextIO.inputLine instr) of NONE => (if length lines > lastlines then List.take(lines, lastlines) else lines, false) | SOME s => if s = "Hol built successfully.\n" then (dirlines, true) else let val dirlines = if String.isPrefix "Building directory" s then s :: dirlines else dirlines val (lines, cnt) = if cnt = lastlines * 2 then (s :: List.take(lines, lastlines - 1), lastlines) else (s::lines, cnt + 1) in phase2 (lines, dirlines, cnt) end val (p1_lines, p1_ok) = phase1 [] in if not p1_ok then (String.concat (List.rev p1_lines), false) else let val (p2_lines, p2_ok) = phase2 ([], [], 0) val p2_lines = if p2_ok then tidy_p2_lines p2_lines else p2_lines val all_lines = String.concat (List.rev p1_lines @ List.rev p2_lines) in (all_lines, p2_ok) end end fun main() = let open TextIO val (from, sysdesc) = case CommandLine.arguments() of [f,s] => (f,s) | _ => usage() val (outputthis, succeeded) = filter_input stdIn val header = standard_header from ((if succeeded then "SUCCESS: " else "FAILURE: ")^sysdesc) in output(stdOut, header); output(stdOut, outputthis) end handle e => die ("Unexpected exception: "^exnMessage e) end