use "../tools/Holmake/GetOpt.sig"; use "../tools/Holmake/GetOpt.sml"; use "../tools-poly/poly/Binaryset.sig"; use "../tools-poly/poly/Binaryset.sml"; use "../tools-poly/poly/Binarymap.sig"; use "../tools-poly/poly/Binarymap.sml"; use "../tools/Holmake/Systeml.sig"; use "../tools-poly/Holmake/Systeml.sml"; use "../tools/Holmake/holpathdb.sig"; use "../tools/Holmake/holpathdb.sml"; val _ = holpathdb.extend_db {vname = "HOLDIR", path = Systeml.HOLDIR} infix |> fun x |> f = f x fun die s = (TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, s ^ "\n"); OS.Process.exit OS.Process.failure) fun mkBuffer () = let val buf = ref ([] : string list) fun push s = buf := s :: !buf fun read () = let val contents = String.concat (List.rev (!buf)) in buf := [contents]; contents end fun reset() = buf := [] in (push, read, reset) end; val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QuoteFilter.sml"; val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QFRead.sig"; val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/QFRead.sml"; val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/Holdep_tokens.sig" val _ = use "../tools/Holmake/Holdep_tokens.sml"; infix ^^ val op^^ = OS.Path.concat fun addIfReadable src fname rest = if OS.FileSys.access(fname, [OS.FileSys.A_READ]) then (src,fname)::rest else rest fun ToplevelLoad {worklist, alreadySeen, acc} (src,s) = let val basefname = if OS.Path.isRelative s then Systeml.HOLDIR ^^ "sigobj" ^^ s else s val uo = basefname ^ ".uo" val ui = basefname ^ ".ui" in {worklist = worklist |> addIfReadable src uo |> addIfReadable src ui, alreadySeen = Binaryset.add(alreadySeen, s), acc = acc} end fun load1 (S as {worklist, alreadySeen, acc}) (src,s) = let fun doSource () = {worklist = worklist, alreadySeen = Binaryset.add(alreadySeen, s), acc = s::acc} fun doUOI () = let val instrm = TextIO.openIn s fun recurse acc lnum = case TextIO.inputLine instrm of NONE => (TextIO.closeIn instrm ; acc) | SOME line => let val newfile = String.substring(line, 0, size line - 1) |> holpathdb.subst_pathvars in recurse ((s ^ ":" ^ Int.toString lnum, newfile) :: acc) (lnum + 1) end in {worklist = List.rev (recurse [] 1) @ worklist, alreadySeen = Binaryset.add(alreadySeen, s), acc = acc} end in if Binaryset.member(alreadySeen, s) then S else case OS.Path.ext s of SOME "sig" => doSource() | SOME "sml" => doSource() | SOME "uo" => doUOI() | SOME "ui" => doUOI() | _ => ToplevelLoad S (src,s) end fun dowork {worklist, alreadySeen, acc} = case worklist of [] => List.rev acc | h :: rest => dowork (load1 {worklist = rest, alreadySeen = alreadySeen, acc = acc} h) type config = {dohelp : bool, prefix : string, prelude : string, suffix : string} val default_config = {dohelp = false, prefix = "", prelude = "", suffix = ""} val HOLprelude = "local val dir = OS.FileSys.getDir()\n\ \val _ = OS.FileSys.chDir \"" ^ Systeml.HOLDIR ^^ "tools-poly" ^ "\";\n" ^ "val _ = use \"poly/poly-init2.ML\";\n\ \val _ = OS.FileSys.chDir dir in end;\n\ \use \"" ^ Systeml.HOLDIR ^^ "tools" ^^ "Holmake" ^^ "FunctionalRecordUpdate.sml" ^ "\";\n\ \val use = QUse.use;\n" fun turnOnHelp _ = {dohelp = true, prefix = "", prelude = "", suffix = ""} fun turnOnHOL {dohelp,...} = {dohelp = dohelp, prefix = "use \"", suffix = "\";", prelude = HOLprelude} fun setPrefix s {prefix,dohelp,suffix,prelude} = {prefix = s, dohelp = dohelp, suffix = suffix, prelude = prelude} fun setSuffix s {prefix,dohelp,suffix,prelude} = {prefix = prefix, dohelp = dohelp, suffix = s, prelude = prelude} val options : (config -> config) GetOpt.opt_descr list = let open GetOpt in [{short = "h", long = ["help"], help = "Show some help information", desc = NoArg (fn () => turnOnHelp)}, {short = "", long = ["hol"], help = "Generate a poly-usable source file", desc = NoArg (fn () => turnOnHOL)}, {short = "p", long = ["prefix"], help = "String to be emitted before each line of output", desc = ReqArg (setPrefix, "prefix")}, {short = "s", long = ["suffix"], help = "String emitted after each line of output (before \\n)", desc = ReqArg (setPrefix, "prefix")} ] end fun usage() = print (GetOpt.usageInfo { header = "Usage:\n "^^ " [options] fname\n\nOptions:", options = options}); val optionConfig = {argOrder = GetOpt.RequireOrder, errFn = die, options = options} fun main () = let val (optChanges,fnames) = GetOpt.getOpt optionConfig (CommandLine.arguments()) handle e => die (General.exnMessage e) val config = List.foldl (fn (f,acc) => f acc) default_config optChanges in if #dohelp config then (usage(); OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success) else case fnames of [fname] => let val deps = Holdep_tokens.file_deps fname handle e => die (General.exnMessage e) val result = dowork {worklist = Binarymap.foldr (fn (s,_,acc) => ("toplevel", s) :: acc) [] deps, acc = [], alreadySeen = Binaryset.empty} in print (#prelude config) ; (fn s => print (#prefix config ^ s ^ #suffix config ^ "\n")) result end | _ => (usage(); die "") end