/* * Copyright 2017, Data61 * Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) * ABN 41 687 119 230. * * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. * See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details. * * @TAG(DATA61_GPL) */ #include #ifdef CONFIG_HARDWARE_DEBUG_API #include #include #include #include #include /* seL4_NumHWBReakpoints */ /* Intel manual Vol3, 17.2.4 */ #define X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_1B (0x0u) #define X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_2B (0x1u) #define X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_4B (0x3u) #define X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_8B (0x2u) #define X86_DEBUG_BP0_SIZE_SHIFT (18) #define X86_DEBUG_BP1_SIZE_SHIFT (22) #define X86_DEBUG_BP2_SIZE_SHIFT (26) #define X86_DEBUG_BP3_SIZE_SHIFT (30) /* NOTE: Intel manual 17.2.4: * I/O breakpoints are supported by every processor later than i486, but only * when CR4.DE=1. * When CR4.DE=0, or if processor is earlier than i586, this bit is "Undefined", * which is not the same as "Reserved", so it won't trigger an exception - it * will just cause an undefined reaction from the CPU. */ #define X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_IO (0x2u) #define X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_INSTR (0x0u) #define X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_DATA_WRITE (0x1u) #define X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_DATA_READWRITE (0x3u) #define X86_DEBUG_BP0_TYPE_SHIFT (16) #define X86_DEBUG_BP1_TYPE_SHIFT (20) #define X86_DEBUG_BP2_TYPE_SHIFT (24) #define X86_DEBUG_BP3_TYPE_SHIFT (28) #define X86_DEBUG_EFLAGS_TRAP_FLAG ((word_t)BIT(8)) #define X86_DEBUG_EFLAGS_RESUME_FLAG ((word_t)BIT(16)) #define X86_DEBUG_DR6_SINGLE_STEP_FLAG ((word_t)BIT(14)) #define X86_DEBUG_DR6_BP_MASK (0xFu) static bool_t byte8_bps_supported = false; bool_t byte8BreakpointsSupported(void) { return byte8_bps_supported; } static inline void bitwiseAndDr6Reg(word_t mask) { word_t tmp; tmp = readDr6Reg() & mask; writeDr6Reg(tmp); } static inline word_t readDr7Context(tcb_t *t) { return t->tcbArch.tcbContext.breakpointState.dr[5]; } static inline void bitwiseOrDr7Context(tcb_t *t, word_t val) { t->tcbArch.tcbContext.breakpointState.dr[5] |= val; } static inline void bitwiseAndDr7Context(tcb_t *t, word_t mask) { t->tcbArch.tcbContext.breakpointState.dr[5] &= mask; } static void unsetDr7BitsFor(tcb_t *t, uint16_t bp_num) { word_t mask; switch (bp_num) { case 0: mask = (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP0_SIZE_SHIFT) | (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP0_TYPE_SHIFT); break; case 1: mask = (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP1_SIZE_SHIFT) | (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP1_TYPE_SHIFT); break; case 2: mask = (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP2_SIZE_SHIFT) | (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP2_TYPE_SHIFT); break; default: /* 3 */ assert(bp_num == 3); mask = (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP3_SIZE_SHIFT) | (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP3_TYPE_SHIFT); break; } mask = ~mask; bitwiseAndDr7Context(t, mask); } /** Converts an seL4_BreakpointType value into the underlying hardware * equivalent. * @param bp_num Breakpoint number. * @param type One of the values of seL4_BreakpointType. * @param rw Access trigger condition (read/write). * @return Hardware specific register value representing the inputs. */ PURE static inline word_t convertTypeAndAccessToArch(uint16_t bp_num, word_t type, word_t rw) { switch (type) { case seL4_InstructionBreakpoint: type = X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_INSTR; break; default: /* seL4_DataBreakpoint */ assert(type == seL4_DataBreakpoint); type = (rw == seL4_BreakOnWrite) ? X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_DATA_WRITE : X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_DATA_READWRITE; } switch (bp_num) { case 0: return type << X86_DEBUG_BP0_TYPE_SHIFT; case 1: return type << X86_DEBUG_BP1_TYPE_SHIFT; case 2: return type << X86_DEBUG_BP2_TYPE_SHIFT; default: /* 3 */ assert(bp_num == 3); return type << X86_DEBUG_BP3_TYPE_SHIFT; } } /** Reverse of convertTypeAndAccessToArch(): converts hardware values into * seL4 API values. * @param dr7 Hardware register value as input for conversion. * @param bp_num Breakpoint number. * @param type[out] Converted type value. * @param rw[out] Converted output access trigger value. */ typedef struct { word_t type, rw; } convertedTypeAndAccess_t; PURE static inline convertedTypeAndAccess_t convertArchToTypeAndAccess(word_t dr7, uint16_t bp_num) { convertedTypeAndAccess_t ret; switch (bp_num) { case 0: dr7 &= 0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP0_TYPE_SHIFT; dr7 >>= X86_DEBUG_BP0_TYPE_SHIFT; break; case 1: dr7 &= 0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP1_TYPE_SHIFT; dr7 >>= X86_DEBUG_BP1_TYPE_SHIFT; break; case 2: dr7 &= 0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP2_TYPE_SHIFT; dr7 >>= X86_DEBUG_BP2_TYPE_SHIFT; break; default: /* 3 */ assert(bp_num == 3); dr7 &= 0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP3_TYPE_SHIFT; dr7 >>= X86_DEBUG_BP3_TYPE_SHIFT; } switch (dr7) { case X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_INSTR: ret.type = seL4_InstructionBreakpoint; ret.rw = seL4_BreakOnRead; break; case X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_DATA_WRITE: ret.type = seL4_DataBreakpoint; ret.rw = seL4_BreakOnWrite; break; default: /* Read-write */ assert(dr7 == X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_DATA_READWRITE); ret.type = seL4_DataBreakpoint; ret.rw = seL4_BreakOnReadWrite; break; } return ret; } /** Converts an integer size number into an equivalent hardware register value. * @param n Breakpoint number. * @param type One value from seL4_BreakpointType. * @param size An integer for the operand size of the breakpoint. * @return Converted, hardware-specific value. */ PURE static inline word_t convertSizeToArch(uint16_t bp_num, word_t type, word_t size) { if (type == seL4_InstructionBreakpoint) { /* Intel manual vol3 17.2.4: * "If the corresponding RWn field in register DR7 is 00 (instruction * execution), then the LENn field should also be 00" */ size = 0; } else { switch (size) { case 1: size = X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_1B; break; case 2: size = X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_2B; break; case 8: size = X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_8B; break; default: /* 4B */ assert(size == 4); size = X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_4B; } } switch (bp_num) { case 0: return size << X86_DEBUG_BP0_SIZE_SHIFT; case 1: return size << X86_DEBUG_BP1_SIZE_SHIFT; case 2: return size << X86_DEBUG_BP2_SIZE_SHIFT; default: /* 3 */ assert(bp_num == 3); return size << X86_DEBUG_BP3_SIZE_SHIFT; } } /** Reverse of convertSizeToArch(): converts a hardware-specific size value * into an integer representation. * @param dr7 Hardware register value as input. * @param n Breakpoint number. * @return Converted size value. */ PURE static inline word_t convertArchToSize(word_t dr7, uint16_t bp_num) { word_t type; switch (bp_num) { case 0: type = dr7 & (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP0_TYPE_SHIFT); type >>= X86_DEBUG_BP0_TYPE_SHIFT; dr7 &= 0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP0_SIZE_SHIFT; dr7 >>= X86_DEBUG_BP0_SIZE_SHIFT; break; case 1: type = dr7 & (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP1_TYPE_SHIFT); type >>= X86_DEBUG_BP1_TYPE_SHIFT; dr7 &= 0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP1_SIZE_SHIFT; dr7 >>= X86_DEBUG_BP1_SIZE_SHIFT; break; case 2: type = dr7 & (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP2_TYPE_SHIFT); type >>= X86_DEBUG_BP2_TYPE_SHIFT; dr7 &= 0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP2_SIZE_SHIFT; dr7 >>= X86_DEBUG_BP2_SIZE_SHIFT; break; default: /* 3 */ assert(bp_num == 3); type = dr7 & (0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP3_TYPE_SHIFT); type >>= X86_DEBUG_BP3_TYPE_SHIFT; dr7 &= 0x3u << X86_DEBUG_BP3_SIZE_SHIFT; dr7 >>= X86_DEBUG_BP3_SIZE_SHIFT; } /* Force size to 0 if type is instruction breakpoint. */ if (type == X86_DEBUG_BP_TYPE_INSTR) { return 0; } switch (dr7) { case X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_1B: return 1; case X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_2B: return 2; case X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_8B: return 8; default: /* 4B */ assert(dr7 == X86_DEBUG_BP_SIZE_4B); return 4; } } /** Enables a breakpoint. * @param bp_num Hardware breakpoint ID. Usually an integer from 0..N. */ static void enableBreakpoint(tcb_t *t, uint16_t bp_num) { word_t enable_bit; assert(t != NULL); assert(bp_num < X86_DEBUG_BP_N_REGS); switch (bp_num) { case 0: enable_bit = X86_DEBUG_BP0_ENABLE_BIT; break; case 1: enable_bit = X86_DEBUG_BP1_ENABLE_BIT; break; case 2: enable_bit = X86_DEBUG_BP2_ENABLE_BIT; break; default: enable_bit = X86_DEBUG_BP3_ENABLE_BIT; break; } bitwiseOrDr7Context(t, enable_bit); } /** Disables a breakpoint without clearing its configuration. * @param bp_num Hardware breakpoint ID. Usually an integer from 0..N. */ static void disableBreakpoint(tcb_t *t, uint16_t bp_num) { word_t disable_mask; assert(t != NULL); assert(bp_num < X86_DEBUG_BP_N_REGS); switch (bp_num) { case 0: disable_mask = ~X86_DEBUG_BP0_ENABLE_BIT; break; case 1: disable_mask = ~X86_DEBUG_BP1_ENABLE_BIT; break; case 2: disable_mask = ~X86_DEBUG_BP2_ENABLE_BIT; break; default: disable_mask = ~X86_DEBUG_BP3_ENABLE_BIT; break; } bitwiseAndDr7Context(t, disable_mask); } /** Returns a boolean for whether or not a breakpoint is enabled. * @param bp_num Hardware breakpoint ID. Usually an integer from 0..N. */ static bool_t breakpointIsEnabled(tcb_t *t, uint16_t bp_num) { word_t dr7; assert(t != NULL); assert(bp_num < X86_DEBUG_BP_N_REGS); dr7 = readDr7Context(t); switch (bp_num) { case 0: return !!(dr7 & X86_DEBUG_BP0_ENABLE_BIT); case 1: return !!(dr7 & X86_DEBUG_BP1_ENABLE_BIT); case 2: return !!(dr7 & X86_DEBUG_BP2_ENABLE_BIT); default: return !!(dr7 & X86_DEBUG_BP3_ENABLE_BIT); } } static void setBpVaddrContext(tcb_t *t, uint16_t bp_num, word_t vaddr) { assert(t != NULL); user_breakpoint_state_t *ubs = &t->tcbArch.tcbContext.breakpointState; switch (bp_num) { case 0: ubs->dr[0] = vaddr; break; case 1: ubs->dr[1] = vaddr; break; case 2: ubs->dr[2] = vaddr; break; default: assert(bp_num == 3); ubs->dr[3] = vaddr; break; } return; } /** Backend for the seL4_TCB_SetBreakpoint invocation. * * @param uds Arch TCB register context structure. * @param bp_num Hardware breakpoint ID. * @param vaddr USerspace virtual address on which you'd like this breakpoing * to trigger. * @param types One of the seL4_BreakpointType values. * @param size positive integer indicating the byte-range size that should * trigger the breakpoint. 0 is valid for Instruction breakpoints. * @param rw Access type that should trigger the BP (read/write). */ void setBreakpoint(tcb_t *t, uint16_t bp_num, word_t vaddr, word_t types, word_t size, word_t rw) { word_t dr7val; assert(t != NULL); dr7val = convertTypeAndAccessToArch(bp_num, types, rw); dr7val |= convertSizeToArch(bp_num, types, size); setBpVaddrContext(t, bp_num, vaddr); unsetDr7BitsFor(t, bp_num); bitwiseOrDr7Context(t, dr7val); enableBreakpoint(t, bp_num); } static word_t getBpVaddrContext(tcb_t *t, uint16_t bp_num) { assert(t != NULL); user_breakpoint_state_t *ubs = &t->tcbArch.tcbContext.breakpointState; switch (bp_num) { case 0: return ubs->dr[0]; case 1: return ubs->dr[1]; case 2: return ubs->dr[2]; default: assert(bp_num == 3); return ubs->dr[3]; } } /** Backend for the x86 seL4_TCB_GetBreakpoint invocation. * * Returns information about a particular breakpoint ID, including whether or * not it's enabled. * * @param uds Arch TCB register context pointer. * @param bp_num Hardware breakpoint ID of the BP you'd like to query. * @return Structure containing information about the status of the breakpoint. */ getBreakpoint_t getBreakpoint(tcb_t *t, uint16_t bp_num) { word_t dr7val; getBreakpoint_t ret; convertedTypeAndAccess_t res; dr7val = readDr7Context(t); ret.vaddr = getBpVaddrContext(t, bp_num); ret.size = convertArchToSize(dr7val, bp_num); res = convertArchToTypeAndAccess(dr7val, bp_num); ret.type = res.type; ret.rw = res.rw; ret.is_enabled = breakpointIsEnabled(t, bp_num); return ret; } /** Backend for the x86 seL4_TCB_UnsetBreakpoint invocation. * * Unsets and *clears* a hardware breakpoint. * @param uds Arch TCB register context pointer. * @param bp_num The hardware breakpoint ID you'd like to clear. */ void unsetBreakpoint(tcb_t *t, uint16_t bp_num) { disableBreakpoint(t, bp_num); unsetDr7BitsFor(t, bp_num); setBpVaddrContext(t, bp_num, 0); } /** Used in the exception path to determine if an exception was caused by * single-stepping being active. * * @param uc Arch TCB register context structure. * @return a structure stating whether or not the exception was caused by * hardware single-stepping, and what the instruction vaddr was. */ typedef struct { bool_t ret; word_t instr_vaddr; } testAndResetSingleStepException_t; static testAndResetSingleStepException_t testAndResetSingleStepException(tcb_t *t) { testAndResetSingleStepException_t ret; word_t dr6; dr6 = readDr6Reg(); if (!(dr6 & X86_DEBUG_DR6_SINGLE_STEP_FLAG)) { ret.ret = false; return ret; } ret.ret = true; ret.instr_vaddr = t->tcbArch.tcbContext.registers[FaultIP]; bitwiseAndDr6Reg(~X86_DEBUG_DR6_SINGLE_STEP_FLAG); /* And that's not all: if the breakpoint is an instruction breakpoint, we * also need to set EFLAGS.RF. The processor raises the #DB exception BEFORE * the instruction executes. This means that when we IRET to userspace, the * SAME breakpoint will trigger again, and so on ad infinitum. EFLAGS.RF * solves this problem: * * When EFLAGS.RF is set, the processor will ignore instruction breakpoints * that should be raised, for one instruction. After that instruction * executes, the processor will also automatically unset EFLAGS.RF. See * Intel manuals, vol3, section */ /* This will automatically be popped by restore_user_context() */ t->tcbArch.tcbContext.registers[FLAGS] |= X86_DEBUG_EFLAGS_RESUME_FLAG; return ret; } bool_t configureSingleStepping(tcb_t *t, uint16_t bp_num, word_t n_instr, UNUSED bool_t is_reply) { /* On x86 no hardware breakpoints are needed for single stepping. */ if (n_instr == 0) { /* If n_instr (number of instructions to single-step) is 0, that is the * same as requesting that single-stepping be disabled. */ t->tcbArch.tcbContext.breakpointState.single_step_enabled = false; t->tcbArch.tcbContext.registers[FLAGS] &= ~X86_DEBUG_EFLAGS_TRAP_FLAG; } else { t->tcbArch.tcbContext.breakpointState.single_step_enabled = true; } t->tcbArch.tcbContext.breakpointState.n_instructions = n_instr; return false; } /** Used in the exception path to determine which breakpoint triggered the * exception. * * First, checks to see which hardware breakpoint was triggered, and saves * the ID of that breakpoint. Secondly, resets that breakpoint such that its * "triggered" bit is no longer in the asserted state -- whatever that means * for the arch. So on x86, that means clearing the indicator bit in DR6. * * Aside from the ID of the breakpoint that was raised, also returns * information about the breakpoint (vaddr, access, type, etc). * * @param uc Arch TCB register context pointer. * @return Structure with a "bp_num" member that states which hardware * breakpoint was triggered, and gives information describing the * breakpoint. */ typedef struct { int bp_num; word_t vaddr, reason; } getAndResetActiveBreakpoint_t; static getAndResetActiveBreakpoint_t getAndResetActiveBreakpoint(tcb_t *t) { convertedTypeAndAccess_t tmp; getAndResetActiveBreakpoint_t ret; /* Read from the hardware regs, not user context */ word_t dr6 = readDr6Reg(); if (dr6 & BIT(0)) { ret.bp_num = 0; } else if (dr6 & BIT(1)) { ret.bp_num = 1; } else if (dr6 & BIT(2)) { ret.bp_num = 2; } else if (dr6 & BIT(3)) { ret.bp_num = 3; } else { ret.bp_num = -1; return ret; } tmp = convertArchToTypeAndAccess(readDr7Context(t), ret.bp_num); ret.vaddr = getBpVaddrContext(t, ret.bp_num); ret.reason = tmp.type; bitwiseAndDr6Reg(~BIT(ret.bp_num)); return ret; } exception_t handleUserLevelDebugException(int int_vector) { tcb_t *ct; getAndResetActiveBreakpoint_t active_bp; testAndResetSingleStepException_t single_step_info; #if defined(CONFIG_DEBUG_BUILD) || defined(CONFIG_BENCHMARK_TRACK_KERNEL_ENTRIES) ksKernelEntry.path = Entry_UserLevelFault; ksKernelEntry.word = int_vector; #else (void)int_vector; #endif /* DEBUG */ #ifdef CONFIG_BENCHMARK_TRACK_KERNEL_ENTRIES benchmark_track_start(); #endif ct = NODE_STATE(ksCurThread); /* Software break request (INT3) is detected by the vector number */ if (int_vector == int_software_break_request) { current_fault = seL4_Fault_DebugException_new(getRestartPC(NODE_STATE(ksCurThread)), 0, seL4_SoftwareBreakRequest); } else { /* Hardware breakpoint trigger is detected using DR6 */ active_bp = getAndResetActiveBreakpoint(ct); if (active_bp.bp_num >= 0) { current_fault = seL4_Fault_DebugException_new(active_bp.vaddr, active_bp.bp_num, active_bp.reason); } else { single_step_info = testAndResetSingleStepException(ct); if (single_step_info.ret == true) { /* If the caller asked us to skip over N instructions before * generating the next single-step breakpoint, we shouldn't * bother to construct a fault message until we've skipped N * instructions. */ if (singleStepFaultCounterReady(ct) == false) { return EXCEPTION_NONE; } current_fault = seL4_Fault_DebugException_new(single_step_info.instr_vaddr, 0, seL4_SingleStep); } else { return EXCEPTION_SYSCALL_ERROR; } } } handleFault(NODE_STATE(ksCurThread)); schedule(); activateThread(); return EXCEPTION_NONE; } BOOT_CODE bool_t Arch_initHardwareBreakpoints(void) { x86_cpu_identity_t *modelinfo; modelinfo = x86_cpuid_get_model_info(); /* Intel manuals, vol3, section 17.2.4, "NOTES". */ if (modelinfo->family == 15) { if (modelinfo->model == 3 || modelinfo->model == 4 || modelinfo->model == 6) { byte8_bps_supported = true; } } if (modelinfo->family == 6) { if (modelinfo->model == 15 || modelinfo->model == 23 || modelinfo->model == 0x1C) { byte8_bps_supported = true; } } return true; } void Arch_initBreakpointContext(user_breakpoint_state_t *uds) { memset(uds, 0, sizeof(*uds)); /* Preload reserved values into register context */ uds->dr[4] = readDr6Reg() & ~(BIT(0) | BIT(1) | BIT(2) | BIT(3) | X86_DEBUG_DR6_SINGLE_STEP_FLAG); uds->dr[5] = readDr7Reg() & ~(X86_DEBUG_BP0_ENABLE_BIT | X86_DEBUG_BP1_ENABLE_BIT | X86_DEBUG_BP2_ENABLE_BIT | X86_DEBUG_BP3_ENABLE_BIT); } #endif