(* * @TAG(OTHER_PRINCETON_OSS) *) (* This is an -*- sml -*- file *) (* Modified by Michael.Norrish@nicta.com.au on 2005-04-13 so that it compiles with both mlton and mosml. *) (* Modified by sweeks@acm.org on 2000-8-24. * Ported to MLton. *) (* Lexical analyzer generator for Standard ML. Version 1.7.0, June 1998 Copyright (c) 1989-1992 by Andrew W. Appel, David R. Tarditi, James S. Mattson This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This software is subject only to the PRINCETON STANDARD ML SOFTWARE LIBRARY COPYRIGHT NOTICE, LICENSE AND DISCLAIMER, (in the file "COPYRIGHT", distributed with this software). You may copy and distribute this software; see the COPYRIGHT NOTICE for details and restrictions. Changes: 07/25/89 (drt): added %header declaration, code to place user declarations at same level as makeLexer, etc. This is needed for the parser generator. /10/89 (appel): added %arg declaration (see lexgen.doc). /04/90 (drt): fixed following bug: couldn't use the lexer after an error occurred -- NextTok and inquote weren't being reset 10/22/91 (drt): disabled use of lookahead 10/23/92 (drt): disabled use of $ operator (which involves lookahead), added handlers for dictionary lookup routine 11/02/92 (drt): changed handler for exception Reject in generated lexer to Internal.Reject 02/01/94 (appel): Moved the exception handler for Reject in such a way as to allow tail-recursion (improves performance wonderfully!). 02/01/94 (appel): Fixed a bug in parsing of state names. 05/19/94 (Mikael Pettersson, mpe@ida.liu.se): Transition tables are usually represented as strings, but when the range is too large, int vectors constructed by code like "Vector.vector[1,2,3,...]" are used instead. The problem with this isn't that the vector itself takes a lot of space, but that the code generated by SML/NJ to construct the intermediate list at run-time is *HUGE*. My fix is to encode an int vector as a string literal (using two bytes per int) and emit code to decode the string to a vector at run-time. SML/NJ compiles string literals into substrings in the code, so this uses much less space. 06/02/94 (jhr): Modified export-lex.sml to conform to new installation scheme. Also removed tab characters from string literals. 10/05/94 (jhr): Changed generator to produce code that uses the new basis style strings and characters. 10/06/94 (jhr) Modified code to compile under new basis style strings and characters. 02/08/95 (jhr) Modified to use new List module interface. 05/18/95 (jhr) changed Vector.vector to Vector.fromList * * $Log$ * Revision 1.3 2005/07/21 07:01:27 michaeln * Get mllex to cope with actions that include strings with unbalanced * parentheses. (Code taken from SML/NJ's mllex.) * * Revision 1.2 2005/04/14 05:42:08 michaeln * Slight change to allow the product of mllex foo to be compiled by mosml * without having to use the -toplevel option. Also a "fix" for an off-by-one * issue that I think is a bug. * * Revision 1.1 2005/04/13 05:31:30 michaeln * A MoscowML compilable version of the "standard" mllex tool, as used by * both SML/NJ and MLton. The source code is also compilable by mlton, * though this is cute more than useful as mlton comes with a version of mllex * anyway. * * Revision 1998/04/08 18:40:10 george * Version 110.5 * * Revision 1.9 1998/01/06 19:23:53 appel * added %posarg feature to permit position-within-file to be passed * as a parameter to makeLexer * # Revision 1.8 1998/01/06 19:01:48 appel # repaired error messages like "cannot have both %structure and %header" # # Revision 1.7 1998/01/06 18:55:49 appel # permit %% to be unescaped within regular expressions # # Revision 1.6 1998/01/06 18:46:13 appel # removed undocumented feature that permitted extra %% at end of rules # # Revision 1.5 1998/01/06 18:29:23 appel # put yylineno variable inside makeLexer function # # Revision 1.4 1998/01/06 18:19:59 appel # check for newline inside quoted string # # Revision 1.3 1997/10/04 03:52:13 dbm # Fix to remove output file if ml-lex fails. # # Revision 1.2 1997/05/06 01:12:38 george # *** empty log message *** # * Revision 1.2 1996/02/26 15:02:27 george * print no longer overloaded. * use of makestring has been removed and replaced with Int.toString .. * use of IO replaced with TextIO * * Revision 1996/01/31 16:01:15 george * Version 109 * *) (* Subject: lookahead in sml-lex Reply-to: david.tarditi@CS.CMU.EDU Date: Mon, 21 Oct 91 14:13:26 -0400 There is a serious bug in the implementation of lookahead, as done in sml-lex, and described in Aho, Sethi, and Ullman, p. 134 "Implementing the Lookahead Operator" We have disallowed the use of lookahead for now because of this bug. As a counter-example to the implementation described in ASU, consider the following specification with the input string "aba" (this example is taken from a comp.compilers message from Dec. 1989, I think): type lexresult=unit val linenum = ref 1 fun error x = TextIO.output(TextIO.stdErr, x ^ "\n") val eof = fn () => () %% %structure Lex %% (a|ab)/ba => (print yytext; print "\n"; ()); The ASU proposal works as follows. Suppose that we are using NFA's to represent our regular expressions. Then to build an NFA for e1 / e2, we build an NFA n1 for e1 and an NFA n2 for e2, and add an epsilon transition from e1 to e2. When lexing, when we encounter the end state of e1e2, we take as the end of the string the position in the string that was the last occurrence of the state of the NFA having a transition on the epsilon introduced for /. Using the example we have above, we'll have an NFA with the following states: 1 -- a --> 2 -- b --> 3 | | | epsilon | epsilon | | |------------> 4 -- b --> 5 -- a --> 6 On our example, we get the following list of transitions: a : 2, 4 (make an epsilon transition from 2 to 4) ab : 3, 4, 5 (make an epsilon transition from 3 to 4) aba : 6 If we chose the last state in which we made an epsilon transition, we'll chose the transition from 3 to 4, and end up with "ab" as our token, when we should have "a" as our token. *) functor RedBlack(B : sig type key val > : key*key->bool end): sig type tree type key val empty : tree val insert : key * tree -> tree val lookup : key * tree -> key exception notfound of key end = struct open B datatype color = RED | BLACK datatype tree = empty | tree of key * color * tree * tree exception notfound of key fun insert (key,t) = let fun f empty = tree(key,RED,empty,empty) | f (tree(k,BLACK,l,r)) = if key>k then case f r of r as tree(rk,RED, rl as tree(rlk,RED,rll,rlr),rr) => (case l of tree(lk,RED,ll,lr) => tree(k,RED,tree(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), tree(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => tree(rlk,BLACK,tree(k,RED,l,rll), tree(rk,RED,rlr,rr))) | r as tree(rk,RED,rl, rr as tree(rrk,RED,rrl,rrr)) => (case l of tree(lk,RED,ll,lr) => tree(k,RED,tree(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), tree(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => tree(rk,BLACK,tree(k,RED,l,rl),rr)) | r => tree(k,BLACK,l,r) else if k>key then case f l of l as tree(lk,RED,ll, lr as tree(lrk,RED,lrl,lrr)) => (case r of tree(rk,RED,rl,rr) => tree(k,RED,tree(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), tree(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => tree(lrk,BLACK,tree(lk,RED,ll,lrl), tree(k,RED,lrr,r))) | l as tree(lk,RED, ll as tree(llk,RED,lll,llr), lr) => (case r of tree(rk,RED,rl,rr) => tree(k,RED,tree(lk,BLACK,ll,lr), tree(rk,BLACK,rl,rr)) | _ => tree(lk,BLACK,ll,tree(k,RED,lr,r))) | l => tree(k,BLACK,l,r) else tree(key,BLACK,l,r) | f (tree(k,RED,l,r)) = if key>k then tree(k,RED,l, f r) else if k>key then tree(k,RED, f l, r) else tree(key,RED,l,r) in case f t of tree(k,RED, l as tree(_,RED,_,_), r) => tree(k,BLACK,l,r) | tree(k,RED, l, r as tree(_,RED,_,_)) => tree(k,BLACK,l,r) | t => t end fun lookup (key,t) = let fun look empty = raise (notfound key) | look (tree(k,_,l,r)) = if k>key then look l else if key>k then look r else k in look t end end signature LEXGEN = sig val lexGen: string -> unit end structure LexGen: LEXGEN = struct open Array List infix 9 sub datatype token = CHARS of bool array | QMARK | STAR | PLUS | BAR | LP | RP | CARAT | DOLLAR | SLASH | STATE of string list | REPS of int * int | ID of string | ACTION of string | BOF | EOF | ASSIGN | SEMI | ARROW | LEXMARK | LEXSTATES | COUNT | REJECT | FULLCHARSET | STRUCT | HEADER | ARG | POSARG datatype exp = EPS | CLASS of bool array * int | CLOSURE of exp | ALT of exp * exp | CAT of exp * exp | TRAIL of int | END of int (* flags describing input Lex spec. - unnecessary code is omitted *) (* if possible *) val CharFormat = ref false; val UsesTrailingContext = ref false; val UsesPrevNewLine = ref false; (* flags for various bells & whistles that Lex has. These slow the lexer down and should be omitted from production lexers (if you really want speed) *) val CountNewLines = ref false; val PosArg = ref false; val HaveReject = ref false; (* Can increase size of character set *) val CharSetSize: int ref = ref 129; (* Can name structure or declare header code *) val StrName = ref "Mlex" val HeaderCode = ref "" val HeaderDecl = ref false val ArgCode = ref (NONE: string option) val StrDecl = ref false val ResetFlags = fn () => (CountNewLines := false; HaveReject := false; PosArg := false; UsesTrailingContext := false; CharSetSize := 129; StrName := "Mlex"; HeaderCode := ""; HeaderDecl:= false; ArgCode := NONE; StrDecl := false) val LexOut = ref(TextIO.stdOut) fun say x = TextIO.output(!LexOut, x) (* Union: merge two sorted lists of integers *) fun union(a,b) = let val rec merge = fn (nil,nil,z) => z | (nil,el::more,z) => merge(nil,more,el::z) | (el::more,nil,z) => merge(more,nil,el::z) | (x::morex,y::morey,z) => if (x:int)=(y:int) then merge(morex,morey,x::z) else if x>y then merge(morex,y::morey,x::z) else merge(x::morex,morey,y::z) in merge(rev a,rev b,nil) end (* Nullable: compute if a important expression parse tree node is nullable *) val rec nullable = fn EPS => true | CLASS(_) => false | CLOSURE(_) => true | ALT(n1,n2) => nullable(n1) orelse nullable(n2) | CAT(n1,n2) => nullable(n1) andalso nullable(n2) | TRAIL(_) => true | END(_) => false (* FIRSTPOS: firstpos function for parse tree expressions *) and firstpos = fn EPS => nil | CLASS(_,i) => [i] | CLOSURE(n) => firstpos(n) | ALT(n1,n2) => union(firstpos(n1),firstpos(n2)) | CAT(n1,n2) => if nullable(n1) then union(firstpos(n1),firstpos(n2)) else firstpos(n1) | TRAIL(i) => [i] | END(i) => [i] (* LASTPOS: Lastpos function for parse tree expressions *) and lastpos = fn EPS => nil | CLASS(_,i) => [i] | CLOSURE(n) => lastpos(n) | ALT(n1,n2) => union(lastpos(n1),lastpos(n2)) | CAT(n1,n2) => if nullable(n2) then union(lastpos(n1),lastpos(n2)) else lastpos(n2) | TRAIL(i) => [i] | END(i) => [i] ; (* ++: Increment an integer reference *) fun ++(x) : int = (x := !x + 1; !x); structure dict = struct type 'a relation = 'a * 'a -> bool abstype ('b,'a) dictionary = DATA of { Table : ('b * 'a) list, Leq : 'b * 'b -> bool } with exception LOOKUP fun create Leqfunc = DATA { Table = nil, Leq = Leqfunc } fun lookup (DATA { Table = entrylist, Leq = leq }) key = let fun search [] = raise LOOKUP | search((k,item)::entries) = if leq(key,k) then if leq(k,key) then item else raise LOOKUP else search entries in search entrylist end fun enter (DATA { Table = entrylist, Leq = leq }) (newentry as (key : 'b,item :'a)) : ('b,'a) dictionary = let val gt = fn a => fn b => not (leq(a,b)) val eq = fn k => fn k' => (leq(k,k')) andalso (leq(k',k)) fun update nil = [ newentry ] | update ((entry as (k,_))::entries) = if (eq key k) then newentry::entries else if gt k key then newentry::(entry::entries) else entry::(update entries) in DATA { Table = update entrylist, Leq = leq } end fun listofdict (DATA { Table = entrylist,Leq = leq}) = let fun f (nil,r) = rev r | f (a::b,r) = f (b,a::r) in f(entrylist,nil) end end end open dict; (* INPUT.ML : Input w/ one character push back capability *) val LineNum: int ref = ref 1; abstype ibuf = BUF of TextIO.instream * {b : string ref, p : int ref} with fun make_ibuf(s) = BUF (s, {b=ref"", p = ref 0}) fun close_ibuf (BUF (s,_)) = TextIO.closeIn(s) exception eof fun getch (a as (BUF(s,{b,p}))) = if (!p = (size (!b))) then (b := TextIO.inputN(s, 1024); p := 0; if (size (!b))=0 then raise eof else getch a) else (let val ch = String.sub(!b,!p) in (if ch = #"\n" then LineNum := !LineNum + 1 else (); p := !p + 1; ch) end) fun ungetch(BUF(s,{b,p})) = ( p := !p - 1; if String.sub(!b,!p) = #"\n" then LineNum := !LineNum - 1 else ()) end; exception Error fun prErr x = ( TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, String.concat [ "ml-lex: error, line ", (Int.toString (!LineNum)), ": ", x, "\n" ]); raise Error) fun prSynErr x = ( TextIO.output (TextIO.stdErr, String.concat [ "ml-lex: syntax error, line ", (Int.toString (!LineNum)), ": ", x, "\n" ]); raise Error) exception SyntaxError; (* error in user's input file *) exception LexError; (* unexpected error in lexer *) val LexBuf = ref(make_ibuf(TextIO.stdIn)); val LexState = ref 0; val NextTok = ref BOF; val inquote = ref false; fun AdvanceTok () : unit = let fun isLetter c = ((c >= #"a") andalso (c <= #"z")) orelse ((c >= #"A") andalso (c <= #"Z")) fun isDigit c = (c >= #"0") andalso (c <= #"9") (* check for valid (non-leading) identifier character (added by JHR) *) fun isIdentChr c = ((isLetter c) orelse (isDigit c) orelse (c = #"_") orelse (c = #"'")) fun atoi s = let fun num (c::r, n) = if isDigit c then num (r, 10*n + (Char.ord c - Char.ord #"0")) else n | num ([], n) = n in num (explode s, 0) end fun skipws () = (case nextch() of #" " => skipws() | #"\t" => skipws() | #"\n" => skipws() | x => x (* end case *)) and nextch () = getch(!LexBuf) and escaped () = (case nextch() of #"b" => #"\008" | #"n" => #"\n" | #"t" => #"\t" | #"h" => #"\128" | x => let fun err t = prErr("illegal ascii escape '"^(implode(rev t))^"'") fun cvt c = (Char.ord c - Char.ord #"0") fun f (n: int, c, t) = if c=3 then if n >= (!CharSetSize) then err t else Char.chr n else let val ch=nextch() in if isDigit ch then f(n*10+(cvt ch), c+1, ch::t) else err t end in if isDigit x then f(cvt x, 1, [x]) else x end (* end case *)) and onechar x = let val c = array(!CharSetSize, false) in update(c, Char.ord(x), true); CHARS(c) end in case !LexState of 0 => let val makeTok = fn () => case skipws() (* Lex % operators *) of #"%" => (case nextch() of #"%" => LEXMARK | a => let fun f s = let val a = nextch() in if isLetter a then f(a::s) else (ungetch(!LexBuf); implode(rev s)) end in case f [a] of "reject" => REJECT | "count" => COUNT | "full" => FULLCHARSET | "s" => LEXSTATES | "S" => LEXSTATES | "structure" => STRUCT | "header" => HEADER | "arg" => ARG | "posarg" => POSARG | _ => prErr "unknown % operator " end ) (* semicolon (for end of LEXSTATES) *) | #";" => SEMI (* anything else *) | ch => if isLetter(ch) then let fun getID matched = let val x = nextch() (**** fix by JHR in if isLetter(x) orelse isDigit(x) orelse x = "_" orelse x = "'" ****) in if (isIdentChr x) then getID (x::matched) else (ungetch(!LexBuf); implode(rev matched)) end in ID(getID [ch]) end else (prSynErr ("bad character: " ^ String.str ch)) in NextTok := makeTok() end | 1 => let val rec makeTok = fn () => if !inquote then case nextch() of (* inside quoted string *) #"\\" => onechar(escaped()) | #"\"" => (inquote := false; makeTok()) | #"\n" => (prSynErr "end-of-line inside quoted string"; inquote := false; makeTok()) | x => onechar(x) else case skipws() of (* single character operators *) #"?" => QMARK | #"*" => STAR | #"+" => PLUS | #"|" => BAR | #"(" => LP | #")" => RP | #"^" => CARAT | #"$" => DOLLAR | #"/" => SLASH | #";" => SEMI | #"." => let val c = array(!CharSetSize,true) in update(c,10,false); CHARS(c) end (* assign and arrow *) | #"=" => let val c = nextch() in if c = #">" then ARROW else (ungetch(!LexBuf); ASSIGN) end (* character set *) | #"[" => let val rec classch = fn () => let val x = skipws() in if x = #"\\" then escaped() else x end; val first = classch(); val flag = (first <> #"^"); val c = array(!CharSetSize,not flag); fun add NONE = () | add (SOME x) = update(c, Char.ord(x), flag) and range (x, y) = if x>y then (prErr "bad char. range") else let val i = ref(Char.ord(x)) and j = Char.ord(y) in while !i<=j do ( add (SOME(Char.chr(!i))); i := !i + 1) end and getClass last = (case classch() of #"]" => (add(last); c) | #"-" => (case last of NONE => getClass(SOME #"-") | (SOME last') => let val x = classch() in if x = #"]" then (add(last); add(SOME #"-"); c) else (range(last',x); getClass(NONE)) end (* end case *)) | x => (add(last); getClass(SOME x)) (* end case *)) in CHARS(getClass(if first = #"^" then NONE else SOME first)) end (* Start States specification *) | #"<" => let val rec get_state = fn (prev,matched) => case nextch() of #">" => matched::prev | #"," => get_state(matched::prev,"") | x => if isIdentChr(x) then get_state(prev,matched ^ String.str x) else (prSynErr "bad start state list") in STATE(get_state(nil,"")) end (* {id} or repititions *) | #"{" => let val ch = nextch() in if isLetter(ch) then let fun getID matched = (case nextch() of #"}" => matched | x => if (isIdentChr x) then getID(matched ^ String.str x) else (prErr "invalid char. class name") (* end case *)) in ID(getID(String.str ch)) end else if isDigit(ch) then let fun get_r (matched, r1) = (case nextch() of #"}" => let val n = atoi(matched) in if r1 = ~1 then (n,n) else (r1,n) end | #"," => if r1 = ~1 then get_r("",atoi(matched)) else (prErr "invalid repetitions spec.") | x => if isDigit(x) then get_r(matched ^ String.str x,r1) else (prErr "invalid char in repetitions spec") (* end case *)) in REPS(get_r(String.str ch,~1)) end else (prErr "bad repetitions spec") end (* Lex % operators *) | #"\\" => onechar(escaped()) (* start quoted string *) | #"\"" => (inquote := true; makeTok()) (* anything else *) | ch => onechar(ch) in NextTok := makeTok() end | 2 => NextTok := (case skipws() of #"(" => let fun loop_to_end (backslash, x) = let val c = getch (! LexBuf) val notb = not backslash val nstr = c :: x in case c of #"\"" => if notb then nstr else loop_to_end (false, nstr) | _ => loop_to_end (c = #"\\" andalso notb, nstr) end fun GetAct (lpct, x) = let val c = getch (! LexBuf) val nstr = c :: x in case c of #"\"" => GetAct (lpct, loop_to_end (false, nstr)) | #"(" => GetAct (lpct + 1, nstr) | #")" => if lpct = 0 then implode (rev x) else GetAct(lpct - 1, nstr) | _ => GetAct(lpct, nstr) end in ACTION (GetAct (0,nil)) end | #";" => SEMI | c => (prSynErr ("invalid character " ^ String.str c))) | _ => raise LexError end handle eof => NextTok := EOF ; fun GetTok (_:unit) : token = let val t = !NextTok in AdvanceTok(); t end; val SymTab = ref (create String.<=) : (string,exp) dictionary ref fun GetExp () : exp = let val rec optional = fn e => ALT(EPS,e) and lookup' = fn name => lookup(!SymTab) name handle LOOKUP => prErr ("bad regular expression name: "^ name) and newline = fn () => let val c = array(!CharSetSize,false) in update(c,10,true); c end and endline = fn e => trail(e,CLASS(newline(),0)) and trail = fn (e1,e2) => CAT(CAT(e1,TRAIL(0)),e2) and closure1 = fn e => CAT(e,CLOSURE(e)) and repeat = fn (min,max,e) => let val rec rep = fn (0,0) => EPS | (0,1) => ALT(e,EPS) | (0,i) => CAT(rep(0,1),rep(0,i-1)) | (i,j) => CAT(e,rep(i-1,j-1)) in rep(min,max) end and exp0 = fn () => case GetTok() of CHARS(c) => exp1(CLASS(c,0)) | LP => let val e = exp0() in if !NextTok = RP then (AdvanceTok(); exp1(e)) else (prSynErr "missing '('") end | ID(name) => exp1(lookup' name) | _ => raise SyntaxError and exp1 = fn (e) => case !NextTok of SEMI => e | ARROW => e | EOF => e | LP => exp2(e,exp0()) | RP => e | t => (AdvanceTok(); case t of QMARK => exp1(optional(e)) | STAR => exp1(CLOSURE(e)) | PLUS => exp1(closure1(e)) | CHARS(c) => exp2(e,CLASS(c,0)) | BAR => ALT(e,exp0()) | DOLLAR => (UsesTrailingContext := true; endline(e)) | SLASH => (UsesTrailingContext := true; trail(e,exp0())) | REPS(i,j) => exp1(repeat(i,j,e)) | ID(name) => exp2(e,lookup' name) | _ => raise SyntaxError) and exp2 = fn (e1,e2) => case !NextTok of SEMI => CAT(e1,e2) | ARROW => CAT(e1,e2) | EOF => CAT(e1,e2) | LP => exp2(CAT(e1,e2),exp0()) | RP => CAT(e1,e2) | t => (AdvanceTok(); case t of QMARK => exp1(CAT(e1,optional(e2))) | STAR => exp1(CAT(e1,CLOSURE(e2))) | PLUS => exp1(CAT(e1,closure1(e2))) | CHARS(c) => exp2(CAT(e1,e2),CLASS(c,0)) | BAR => ALT(CAT(e1,e2),exp0()) | DOLLAR => (UsesTrailingContext := true; endline(CAT(e1,e2))) | SLASH => (UsesTrailingContext := true; trail(CAT(e1,e2),exp0())) | REPS(i,j) => exp1(CAT(e1,repeat(i,j,e2))) | ID(name) => exp2(CAT(e1,e2),lookup' name) | _ => raise SyntaxError) in exp0() end; val StateTab = ref(create(String.<=)) : (string,int) dictionary ref val StateNum: int ref = ref 0; fun GetStates () : int list = let fun add nil sl = sl | add (x::y) sl = add y (union ([lookup (!StateTab)(x) handle LOOKUP => prErr ("bad state name: "^x) ],sl)) fun addall i sl = if i <= !StateNum then addall (i+2) (union ([i],sl)) else sl fun incall (x::y) = (x+1)::incall y | incall nil = nil fun addincs nil = nil | addincs (x::y) = x::(x+1)::addincs y val state_list = case !NextTok of STATE s => (AdvanceTok(); LexState := 1; add s nil) | _ => addall 1 nil in case !NextTok of CARAT => (LexState := 1; AdvanceTok(); UsesPrevNewLine := true; incall state_list) | _ => addincs state_list end val LeafNum: int ref = ref ~1; fun renum(e : exp) : exp = let val rec label = fn EPS => EPS | CLASS(x,_) => CLASS(x,++LeafNum) | CLOSURE(e) => CLOSURE(label(e)) | ALT(e1,e2) => ALT(label(e1),label(e2)) | CAT(e1,e2) => CAT(label(e1),label(e2)) | TRAIL(i) => TRAIL(++LeafNum) | END(i) => END(++LeafNum) in label(e) end; exception ParseError; fun parse() : (string * (int list * exp) list * ((string,string) dictionary)) = let val Accept = ref (create String.<=) : (string,string) dictionary ref val rec ParseRtns = fn l => case getch(!LexBuf) of #"%" => let val c = getch(!LexBuf) in if c = #"%" then (implode (rev l)) else ParseRtns(c :: #"%" :: l) end | c => ParseRtns(c::l) and ParseDefs = fn () => (LexState:=0; AdvanceTok(); case !NextTok of LEXMARK => () | LEXSTATES => let fun f () = (case !NextTok of (ID i) => (StateTab := enter(!StateTab)(i,++StateNum); ++StateNum; AdvanceTok(); f()) | _ => ()) in AdvanceTok(); f (); if !NextTok=SEMI then ParseDefs() else (prSynErr "expected ';'") end | ID x => (LexState:=1; AdvanceTok(); if GetTok() = ASSIGN then (SymTab := enter(!SymTab)(x,GetExp()); if !NextTok = SEMI then ParseDefs() else (prSynErr "expected ';'")) else raise SyntaxError) | REJECT => (HaveReject := true; ParseDefs()) | COUNT => (CountNewLines := true; ParseDefs()) | FULLCHARSET => (CharSetSize := 256; ParseDefs()) | HEADER => (LexState := 2; AdvanceTok(); case GetTok() of ACTION s => if (!StrDecl) then (prErr "cannot have both %structure and %header \ \declarations") else if (!HeaderDecl) then (prErr "duplicate %header declarations") else (HeaderCode := s; LexState := 0; HeaderDecl := true; ParseDefs()) | _ => raise SyntaxError) | POSARG => (PosArg := true; ParseDefs()) | ARG => (LexState := 2; AdvanceTok(); case GetTok() of ACTION s => (case !ArgCode of SOME _ => prErr "duplicate %arg declarations" | NONE => ArgCode := SOME s; LexState := 0; ParseDefs()) | _ => raise SyntaxError) | STRUCT => (AdvanceTok(); case !NextTok of (ID i) => if (!HeaderDecl) then (prErr "cannot have both %structure and %header \ \declarations") else if (!StrDecl) then (prErr "duplicate %structure declarations") else (StrName := i; StrDecl := true) | _ => (prErr "expected ID"); ParseDefs()) | _ => raise SyntaxError) and ParseRules = fn rules => (LexState:=1; AdvanceTok(); case !NextTok of EOF => rules | _ => let val s = GetStates() val e = renum(CAT(GetExp(),END(0))) in if !NextTok = ARROW then (LexState:=2; AdvanceTok(); case GetTok() of ACTION(act) => if !NextTok=SEMI then (Accept:=enter(!Accept) (Int.toString (!LeafNum),act); ParseRules((s,e)::rules)) else (prSynErr "expected ';'") | _ => raise SyntaxError) else (prSynErr "expected '=>'") end) in let val usercode = ParseRtns nil in (ParseDefs(); (usercode,ParseRules(nil),!Accept)) end end handle SyntaxError => (prSynErr "") fun makebegin () : unit = let fun make nil = () | make ((x,n:int)::y)=(say "val "; say x; say " = " ; say "STARTSTATE "; say (Int.toString n); say ";\n"; make y) in say "\n(* start state definitions *)\n\n"; make(listofdict(!StateTab)) end structure L = struct nonfix > type key = int list * string fun > ((key,item:string),(key',item')) = let fun f ((a:int)::a') (b::b') = if Int.> (a,b) then true else if a=b then f a' b' else false | f _ _ = false in f key key' end end structure RB = RedBlack(L) fun maketable (fins:(int * (int list)) list, tcs :(int * (int list)) list, tcpairs: (int * int) list, trans : (int*(int list)) list) : unit = (* Fins = (state #, list of final leaves for the state) list tcs = (state #, list of trailing context leaves which begin in this state) list tcpairs = (trailing context leaf, end leaf) list trans = (state #,list of transitions for state) list *) let datatype elem = N of int | T of int | D of int val count = ref 0 val _ = (if length(trans)<256 then CharFormat := true else CharFormat := false; if !UsesTrailingContext then (say "\ndatatype yyfinstate = N of int | \ \ T of int | D of int\n") else say "\ndatatype yyfinstate = N of int"; say "\ntype statedata = {fin : yyfinstate list, trans: "; case !CharFormat of true => say "string}" | false => say "int Vector.vector}"; say "\n(* transition & final state table *)\nval tab = let\n"; case !CharFormat of true => () | false => (say "fun decode s k =\n"; say " let val k' = k + k\n"; say " val hi = Char.ord(String.sub(s, k'))\n"; say " val lo = Char.ord(String.sub(s, k' + 1))\n"; say " in hi * 256 + lo end\n")) val newfins = let fun IsEndLeaf t = let fun f ((l,e)::r) = if (e=t) then true else f r | f nil = false in f tcpairs end fun GetEndLeaf t = let fun f ((tl,el)::r) = if (tl=t) then el else f r | f [] = raise Fail "GetEndLeaf" in f tcpairs end fun GetTrConLeaves s = let fun f ((s',l)::r) = if (s = s') then l else f r | f nil = nil in f tcs end fun sort_leaves s = let fun insert (x:int) (a::b) = if (x <= a) then x::(a::b) else a::(insert x b) | insert x nil = [x] in List.foldr (fn (x,r) => insert x r) [] s end fun conv a = if (IsEndLeaf a) then (D a) else (N a) fun merge (a::a',b::b') = if (a <= b) then (conv a)::merge(a',b::b') else (T b)::(merge(a::a',b')) | merge (a::a',nil) = (conv a)::(merge (a',nil)) | merge (nil,b::b') = (T b)::(merge (b',nil)) | merge (nil,nil) = nil in map (fn (x,l) => rev (merge (l, sort_leaves (map (fn x => GetEndLeaf x) (GetTrConLeaves x))))) fins end val rs = let open RB fun makeItems x = let fun emit8(x, pos) = let val s = StringCvt.padLeft #"0" 3 (Int.toString x) in case pos of 16 => (say "\\\n\\\\"; say s; 1) | _ => (say "\\"; say s; pos+1) end fun emit16(x, pos) = let val hi8 = x div 256 val lo8 = x - hi8 * 256 (* x rem 256 *) in emit8(lo8, emit8(hi8, pos)) end fun MakeString([], _, _) = () | MakeString(x::xs, emitter, pos) = MakeString(xs, emitter, emitter(x, pos)) in case !CharFormat of true => (say " \n\""; MakeString(x,emit8,0); say "\"\n") | false => (say (Int.toString(length x)); say ", \n\""; MakeString(x,emit16,0); say "\"\n") end fun makeEntry(nil,rs,t) = rev rs | makeEntry(((l:int,x)::y),rs,t) = let val name = (Int.toString l) in let val (r,n) = lookup ((x,name),t) in makeEntry(y,(n::rs),t) end handle notfound _ => (count := !count+1; say " ("; say name; say ","; makeItems x; say "),\n"; makeEntry(y,(name::rs),(insert ((x,name),t)))) end val _ = say "val s = [ \n" val res = makeEntry(trans,nil,empty) val _ = case !CharFormat of true => (say "(0, \"\")]\n"; say "fun f x = x \n") | false => (say "(0, 0, \"\")]\n"; say "fun f(n, i, x) = (n, Vector.tabulate(i, decode x)) \n") val _ = say "val s = map f (rev (tl (rev s))) \n" val _ = say "exception LexHackingError \n" val _ = say "fun look ((j,x)::r, i) = if i = j then x else look(r, i) \n" val _ = say " | look ([], i) = raise LexHackingError\n" val _ = say "fun g {fin=x, trans=i} = {fin=x, trans=look(s,i)} \n" in res end fun makeTable(nil,nil) = () | makeTable(a::a',b::b') = let fun makeItems nil = () | makeItems (hd::tl) = let val (t,n) = case hd of (N i) => ("(N ",i) | (T i) => ("(T ",i) | (D i) => ("(D ",i) in (say t; say (Int.toString n); say ")"; if null tl then () else (say ","; makeItems tl)) end in (say "{fin = ["; makeItems b; say "], trans = "; say a; say "}"; if null a' then () else (say ",\n"; makeTable(a',b'))) end | makeTable _ = raise Fail "makeTable" fun msg x = TextIO.output(TextIO.stdOut, x) in (say "in Vector.fromList(map g \n["; makeTable(rs,newfins); say "])\nend\n"; msg ("\nNumber of states = " ^ (Int.toString (length trans))); msg ("\nNumber of distinct rows = " ^ (Int.toString (!count))); msg ("\nApprox. memory size of trans. table = " ^ (Int.toString (!count*(!CharSetSize)*(if !CharFormat then 1 else 8)))); msg " bytes\n") end (* makeaccept: Takes a (string,string) dictionary, prints case statement for accepting leaf actions. The key strings are the leaf #'s, the data strings are the actions *) fun makeaccept ends = let fun startline f = if f then say " " else say "| " fun make(nil,f) = (startline f; say "_ => raise Internal.LexerError\n") | make((x,a)::y,f) = (startline f; say x; say " => "; if Substring.size(#2 (Substring.position "yytext" (Substring.full a))) = 0 then (say "("; say a; say ")") else (say "let val yytext=yymktext() in "; say a; say " end"); say "\n"; make(y,false)) in make (listofdict(ends),true) end fun leafdata(e:(int list * exp) list) = let val fp = array(!LeafNum + 1,nil) and leaf = array(!LeafNum + 1,EPS) and tcpairs = ref nil and trailmark = ref ~1; val rec add = fn (nil,x) => () | (hd::tl,x) => (update(fp,hd,union(fp sub hd,x)); add(tl,x)) and moredata = fn CLOSURE(e1) => (moredata(e1); add(lastpos(e1),firstpos(e1))) | ALT(e1,e2) => (moredata(e1); moredata(e2)) | CAT(e1,e2) => (moredata(e1); moredata(e2); add(lastpos(e1),firstpos(e2))) | CLASS(x,i) => update(leaf,i,CLASS(x,i)) | TRAIL(i) => (update(leaf,i,TRAIL(i)); if !trailmark = ~1 then trailmark := i else ()) | END(i) => (update(leaf,i,END(i)); if !trailmark <> ~1 then (tcpairs := (!trailmark,i)::(!tcpairs); trailmark := ~1) else ()) | _ => () and makedata = fn nil => () | (_,x)::tl => (moredata(x);makedata(tl)) in trailmark := ~1; makedata(e); (fp,leaf,!tcpairs) end; fun makedfa(rules) = let val StateTab = ref (create(String.<=)) : (string,int) dictionary ref val fintab = ref (create(Int.<=)) : (int,(int list)) dictionary ref val transtab = ref (create(Int.<=)) : (int,int list) dictionary ref val tctab = ref (create(Int.<=)) : (int,(int list)) dictionary ref val (fp, leaf, tcpairs) = leafdata(rules); fun visit (state,statenum) = let val transitions = gettrans(state) in fintab := enter(!fintab)(statenum,getfin(state)); tctab := enter(!tctab)(statenum,gettc(state)); transtab := enter(!transtab)(statenum,transitions) end and visitstarts (states) = let fun vs nil i = () | vs (hd::tl) i = (visit (hd,i); vs tl (i+1)) in vs states 0 end and hashstate(s: int list) = let val rec hs = fn (nil,z) => z | ((x:int)::y,z) => hs(y,z ^ " " ^ (Int.toString x)) in hs(s,"") end and find(s) = lookup(!StateTab)(hashstate(s)) and add(s,n) = StateTab := enter(!StateTab)(hashstate(s),n) and getstate (state) = find(state) handle LOOKUP => let val n = ++StateNum in add(state,n); visit(state,n); n end and getfin state = let fun f nil fins = fins | f (hd::tl) fins = case (leaf sub hd) of END _ => f tl (hd::fins) | _ => f tl fins in f state nil end and gettc state = let fun f nil fins = fins | f (hd::tl) fins = case (leaf sub hd) of TRAIL _ => f tl (hd::fins) | _ => f tl fins in f state nil end and gettrans (state) = let fun loop c tlist = let fun cktrans nil r = r | cktrans (hd::tl) r = case (leaf sub hd) of CLASS(i,_)=> (if (i sub c) then cktrans tl (union(r,fp sub hd)) else cktrans tl r handle Subscript => cktrans tl r ) | _ => cktrans tl r in if c >= 0 then let val v=cktrans state nil in loop (c-1) (if v=nil then 0::tlist else (getstate v)::tlist) end else tlist end in loop ((!CharSetSize) - 1) nil end and startstates() = let val startarray = array(!StateNum + 1, nil); fun listofarray(a,n) = let fun f i l = if i >= 0 then f (i-1) ((a sub i)::l) else l in f (n-1) nil end val rec makess = fn nil => () | (startlist,e)::tl => (fix(startlist,firstpos(e));makess(tl)) and fix = fn (nil,_) => () | (s::tl,firsts) => (update(startarray,s, union(firsts,startarray sub s)); fix(tl,firsts)) in makess(rules);listofarray(startarray, !StateNum + 1) end in visitstarts(startstates()); (listofdict(!fintab),listofdict(!transtab),listofdict(!tctab),tcpairs) end val skel_hd = " struct\n\ \ type int = Int.int\n\ \ structure UserDeclarations =\n\ \ struct\n\ \" val skel_mid2 = " | Internal.D k => action (i,(acts::l),k::rs)\n\ \ | Internal.T k =>\n\ \ let fun f (a::b,r) =\n\ \ if a=k\n\ \ then action(i,(((Internal.N a)::acts)::l),(b@r))\n\ \ else f (b,a::r)\n\ \ | f (nil,r) = action(i,(acts::l),rs)\n\ \ in f (rs,nil)\n\ \ end\n\ \" fun lexGen infile = let val outfile = infile ^ ".sml" fun PrintLexer (ends) = let val sayln = fn x => (say x; say "\n") in case !ArgCode of NONE => (sayln "fun lex () : Internal.result ="; sayln "let fun continue() = lex() in") | SOME s => (say "fun lex "; say "(yyarg as ("; say s; sayln ")) ="; sayln "let fun continue() : Internal.result = "); say " let fun scan (s,AcceptingLeaves : Internal.yyfinstate"; sayln " list list,l,i0: int) ="; if !UsesTrailingContext then say "\tlet fun action (i: int,nil,rs)" else say "\tlet fun action (i: int,nil)"; sayln " = raise LexError"; if !UsesTrailingContext then sayln "\t| action (i,nil::l,rs) = action(i-1,l,rs)" else sayln "\t| action (i,nil::l) = action (i-1,l)"; if !UsesTrailingContext then sayln "\t| action (i,(node::acts)::l,rs) =" else sayln "\t| action (i,(node::acts)::l) ="; sayln "\t\tcase node of"; sayln "\t\t Internal.N yyk => "; sayln "\t\t\t(let fun yymktext() = String.substring(!yyb,i0,i-i0)\n\ \\t\t\t val yypos: int = i0+ !yygone"; if !CountNewLines then (sayln "\t\t\tval _ = yylineno := CharVector.foldl"; sayln "\t\t\t\t(fn (_,#\"\\n\", n) => n+1 | (_,_, n) => n) (!yylineno) (!yyb,i0,SOME(i-i0))") else (); if !HaveReject then (say "\t\t\tfun REJECT() = action(i,acts::l"; if !UsesTrailingContext then sayln ",rs)" else sayln ")") else (); sayln "\t\t\topen UserDeclarations Internal.StartStates"; sayln " in (yybufpos := i; case yyk of "; sayln ""; sayln "\t\t\t(* Application actions *)\n"; makeaccept(ends); say "\n\t\t) end "; say ")\n\n"; if (!UsesTrailingContext) then say skel_mid2 else (); sayln "\tval {fin,trans} = Vector.sub (Internal.tab, s)"; sayln "\tval NewAcceptingLeaves = fin::AcceptingLeaves"; sayln "\tin if l = !yybl then"; sayln "\t if trans = #trans(Vector.sub(Internal.tab,0))"; sayln "\t then action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves"; if !UsesTrailingContext then say ",nil" else (); say ") else"; sayln "\t let val newchars= if !yydone then \"\" else yyinput 1024"; sayln "\t in if (String.size newchars)=0"; sayln "\t\t then (yydone := true;"; say "\t\t if (l=i0) then UserDeclarations.eof "; sayln (case !ArgCode of NONE => "()" | SOME _ => "yyarg"); say "\t\t else action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves"; if !UsesTrailingContext then sayln ",nil))" else sayln "))"; sayln "\t\t else (if i0=l then yyb := newchars"; sayln "\t\t else yyb := String.substring(!yyb,i0,l-i0)^newchars;"; sayln "\t\t yygone := !yygone+i0;"; sayln "\t\t yybl := String.size (!yyb);"; sayln "\t\t scan (s,AcceptingLeaves,l-i0,0))"; sayln "\t end"; sayln "\t else let val NewChar = Char.ord (CharVector.sub (!yyb,l))"; if !CharSetSize=129 then sayln "\t\tval NewChar = if NewChar<128 then NewChar else 128" else (); say "\t\tval NewState = "; sayln (if !CharFormat then "Char.ord (CharVector.sub (trans,NewChar))" else "Vector.sub (trans, NewChar)"); say "\t\tin if NewState=0 then action(l,NewAcceptingLeaves"; if !UsesTrailingContext then sayln ",nil)" else sayln ")"; sayln "\t\telse scan(NewState,NewAcceptingLeaves,l+1,i0)"; sayln "\tend"; sayln "\tend"; if !UsesPrevNewLine then () else sayln "(*"; sayln "\tval start= if String.substring(!yyb,!yybufpos-1,1)=\"\\n\""; sayln "then !yybegin+1 else !yybegin"; if !UsesPrevNewLine then () else sayln "*)"; say "\tin scan("; if !UsesPrevNewLine then say "start" else say "!yybegin (* start *)"; sayln ",nil,!yybufpos,!yybufpos)"; sayln " end"; sayln (case !ArgCode of NONE => "end" | SOME _ => "in continue end"); sayln " in lex"; sayln " end"; sayln "end" end in (UsesPrevNewLine := false; ResetFlags(); LexBuf := make_ibuf(TextIO.openIn infile); NextTok := BOF; inquote := false; LexOut := TextIO.openOut(outfile); StateNum := 2; LineNum := 1; StateTab := enter(create(String.<=))("INITIAL",1); LeafNum := ~1; let val (user_code,rules,ends) = parse() handle x => (close_ibuf(!LexBuf); TextIO.closeOut(!LexOut); OS.FileSys.remove outfile; raise x) val (fins,trans,tctab,tcpairs) = makedfa(rules) val _ = if !UsesTrailingContext then (close_ibuf(!LexBuf); TextIO.closeOut(!LexOut); OS.FileSys.remove outfile; prErr "lookahead is unimplemented") else () in if (!HeaderDecl) then say (!HeaderCode) else say ("structure " ^ (!StrName)); say "=\n"; say skel_hd; say user_code; say "end (* end of user routines *)\n"; say "exception LexError (* raised if illegal leaf "; say "action tried *)\n"; say "structure Internal =\n\tstruct\n"; maketable(fins,tctab,tcpairs,trans); say "structure StartStates =\n\tstruct\n"; say "\tdatatype yystartstate = STARTSTATE of int\n"; makebegin(); say "\nend\n"; say "type result = UserDeclarations.lexresult\n"; say "\texception LexerError (* raised if illegal leaf "; say "action tried *)\n"; say "end\n\n"; say "type int = Int.int\n"; say (if (!PosArg) then "fun makeLexer (yyinput: int -> string,yygone0:int) =\nlet\n" else "fun makeLexer (yyinput: int -> string) =\nlet\tval yygone0:int=0\n"); if !CountNewLines then say "\tval yylineno: int ref = ref 0\n\n" else (); say "\tval yyb = ref \"\\n\" \t\t(* buffer *)\n\ \\tval yybl: int ref = ref 1\t\t(*buffer length *)\n\ \\tval yybufpos: int ref = ref 1\t\t(* location of next character to use *)\n\ \\tval yygone: int ref = ref yygone0\t(* position in file of beginning of buffer *)\n\ \\tval yydone = ref false\t\t(* eof found yet? *)\n\ \\tval yybegin: int ref = ref 1\t\t(*Current 'start state' for lexer *)\n\ \\n\tval YYBEGIN = fn (Internal.StartStates.STARTSTATE x) =>\n\ \\t\t yybegin := x\n\n"; PrintLexer(ends); close_ibuf(!LexBuf); TextIO.closeOut(!LexOut) end) end end