/* * Copyright 2014, NICTA * * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details. * * @TAG(NICTA_BSD) */ #include "alloc_lite.h" /* Disable "printk" error messages. */ #define printk(x...) /* * Ensure condition "x" is true. */ #define assert(x) \ do { if (!(x)) { for (;;); } } while (0) /* Return the maximum of "a" and "b". */ static word_t max(word_t a, word_t b) { if (a >= b) return a; return b; } /* * This simple allocator uses a linked list of "mem_nodes", each which * contain a size (indicating that the 'size' bytes from the beginning * of the mem_node are free, other than containing the mem_node itself), * and a pointer to the next. The list of "mem_nodes" are in sorted * order by their virtual address. * * We additionally have an initial "dummy" mem_node that begins the list * of size 0. This is to make the code simpler by each node having * a previous node. The typical method of dealing with this (taking * a pointer the previous node's next pointer) unfortunately does not * work due to limitations in the verification framework. (Pointers * can't be taken to a field of a struct.) * * To allocate, we find a mem_node which contains a valid range and * allocate the range out of the mem_node. This may completely use up * the mem_node (in which case, it is taken out of the list), be * allocated from the start or end of the mem_node (in which case it is * adjusted/moved), or be allocated from the middle of the mem_node (in * which case, we end up with one more mem_node than we begun with). * * Free'ing is the reverse process, ensuring that we correctly merge * mem_nodes as required. * * This allocator ignores alignment. */ /* Align "val" up to the next "2 ** align_bits" boundary. */ static word_t align_up(word_t val, word_t align_bits) { assert(align_bits < 32UL); return (val + ((1UL << align_bits) - 1UL)) & (~((1UL << align_bits) - 1UL)); } /* * Provides a user wrapper for alloc. * Keeps track of the size of the allocated chunk in an 8-byte chunk * just before the allocated chunk. */ void* ualloc(struct heap* heap, word_t size) { assert(size > 0); void* chunk = alloc(heap, size + 8); if(chunk == NULL){ return NULL; } word_t* store = chunk; *store = size; return chunk + 8; } /* Allocate a chunk of memory. */ void* alloc(struct heap* heap, word_t size) { assert(size > 0); struct mem_node *prev = heap->head; struct mem_node *current = prev->next; size = align_up(size, ALLOC_CHUNK_SIZE_BITS); while (current != NULL) { /* Calculate the bounds of this region of memory. */ word_t node_start = (word_t)current; word_t node_end = node_start + current->size - 1; assert(node_start < node_end); /* Calculate the bounds of our desired memory region, * noting that we may overflow in either calculation. */ word_t desired_start = node_start; word_t desired_end = desired_start + size - 1; /* If the desired range * fits within this node, then allocate it. */ if (desired_start >= node_start && desired_end <= node_end && desired_start < desired_end) { /* If we have space after the allocation, create a new node * covering the area. */ if (desired_end != node_end) { assert(node_end - desired_end >= ALLOC_CHUNK_SIZE_BITS); struct mem_node *new_node = (struct mem_node *)(desired_end + 1); new_node->size = node_end - desired_end; new_node->next = current->next; current->next = new_node; } /* If we have space before the allocation, update the node. * Otherwise, remove it. */ if (desired_start != node_start) { current->size = desired_start - node_start; } else { prev->next = current->next; } /* Return the allocation. */ heap->num_allocs++; return (void *)desired_start; } prev = current; current = current->next; } return NULL; } void udealloc(struct heap* heap, void* ptr) { assert(ptr != NULL); word_t* store = ptr - 8; word_t size = *store + 8; dealloc(heap, store, size); } /* Free a chunk of memory. */ void dealloc(struct heap* heap, void* ptr, word_t size) { assert(size > 0); assert(ptr != NULL); struct mem_node *prev = heap->head; struct mem_node *current = prev->next; struct mem_node *new = (struct mem_node *)ptr; /* Find our position in the list. */ while ((word_t)current < (word_t)ptr && (current != NULL)) { prev = current; current = current->next; } /* Determine if we should merge with previous, or add a new node. */ if ((word_t)prev + prev->size == (word_t)new) { prev->size += size; new = prev; } else { new->size = size; prev->next = new; } /* Determine if we should merge the next with the new. */ if ((word_t)new + new->size == (word_t)current) { new->size += current->size; new->next = current->next; } else { new->next = current; } /* Track deallocation. */ heap->num_allocs--; } /* Add a pool of memory to the given allocator. */ void add_mem_pool(struct heap *heap, void *ptr, word_t size) { printk("Adding memory pool %lx--%lx\n", (word_t)ptr, (word_t)ptr + size); dealloc(heap, ptr, size); heap->num_allocs++; } /* Setup the initial allocator. */ void init_allocator(struct heap *init_heap, struct mem_node *init_mem_node) { init_heap->head = init_mem_node; init_heap->head->size = 0; init_heap->head->next = NULL; }