(* * Copyright 2014, NICTA * * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of * the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. * See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details. * * @TAG(NICTA_BSD) * * Base of autolevity. * Needs to be installed to track command start/end locations *) theory AutoLevity_Base imports Main Apply_Trace keywords "levity_tag" :: thy_decl begin ML \ fun is_simp (_: Proof.context) (_: thm) = true \ ML \ val is_simp_installed = is_some ( try (ML_Context.eval ML_Compiler.flags @{here}) (ML_Lex.read_pos @{here} "val is_simp = Raw_Simplifier.is_simp")); \ ML\ (* Describing a ordering on Position.T. Optionally we compare absolute document position, or just line numbers. Somewhat complicated by the fact that jEdit positions don't have line or file identifiers. *) fun pos_ord use_offset (pos1, pos2) = let fun get_offset pos = if use_offset then Position.offset_of pos else SOME 0; fun get_props pos = (SOME (Position.file_of pos |> the, (Position.line_of pos |> the, get_offset pos |> the)), NONE) handle Option => (NONE, Position.parse_id pos) val props1 = get_props pos1; val props2 = get_props pos2; in prod_ord (option_ord (prod_ord string_ord (prod_ord int_ord int_ord))) (option_ord (int_ord)) (props1, props2) end structure Postab = Table(type key = Position.T val ord = (pos_ord false)); structure Postab_strict = Table(type key = Position.T val ord = (pos_ord true)); signature AUTOLEVITY_BASE = sig type extras = {levity_tag : string option, subgoals : int} val get_transactions : unit -> ((string * extras) Postab_strict.table * string list Postab_strict.table) Symtab.table; val get_applys : unit -> ((string * string list) list) Postab_strict.table Symtab.table; val add_attribute_test: string -> (Proof.context -> thm -> bool) -> theory -> theory; val attribs_of: Proof.context -> thm -> string list; val used_facts: Proof.context option -> thm -> (string * thm) list; val used_facts_attribs: Proof.context -> thm -> (string * string list) list; (* Install toplevel hook for tracking command positions. *) val setup_command_hook: {trace_apply : bool} -> theory -> theory; (* Used to trace the dependencies of all apply statements. They are set up by setup_command_hook if the appropriate hooks in the "Proof" module exist. *) val pre_apply_hook: Proof.context -> Method.text -> thm -> thm; val post_apply_hook: Proof.context -> Method.text -> thm -> thm -> thm; end; structure AutoLevity_Base : AUTOLEVITY_BASE = struct val applys = Synchronized.var "applys" (Symtab.empty : (((string * string list) list) Postab_strict.table) Symtab.table) fun get_applys () = Synchronized.value applys; type extras = {levity_tag : string option, subgoals : int} val transactions = Synchronized.var "hook" (Symtab.empty : ((string * extras) Postab_strict.table * ((string list) Postab_strict.table)) Symtab.table); fun get_transactions () = Synchronized.value transactions; structure Data = Theory_Data ( type T = (bool * string option * (Proof.context -> thm -> bool) Symtab.table); (* command_hook * levity tag * attribute tests *) val empty = (false, NONE, Symtab.empty); val extend = I; fun merge (((b1, _, tab), (b2, _, tab')) : T * T) = (b1 orelse b2, NONE, Symtab.merge (fn _ => true) (tab, tab')); ); val set_command_hook_flag = Data.map (@{apply 3(1)} (fn _ => true)); val get_command_hook_flag = #1 o Data.get fun set_levity_tag tag = Data.map (@{apply 3(2)} (fn _ => tag)); val get_levity_tag = #2 o Data.get fun update_attrib_tab f = Data.map (@{apply 3(3)} f); fun add_attribute_test nm f = let val f' = (fn ctxt => fn thm => the_default false (try (f ctxt) thm)) in update_attrib_tab (Symtab.update_new (nm,f')) end; val get_attribute_tests = Symtab.dest o #3 o Data.get; (* Internal fact names get the naming scheme "foo_3" to indicate the third member of the multi-thm "foo". We need to do some work to guess if such a fact refers to an indexed multi-thm or a real fact named "foo_3" *) fun base_and_index nm = let val exploded = space_explode "_" nm; val base = (exploded, (length exploded) - 1) |> try (List.take #> space_implode "_") |> Option.mapPartial (Option.filter (fn nm => nm <> "")) val idx = exploded |> try (List.last #> Int.fromString) |> Option.join; in case (base, idx) of (SOME base, SOME idx) => SOME (base, idx) | _ => NONE end fun fact_from_derivation ctxt prop xnm = let val facts = Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt; (* TODO: Check that exported local fact is equivalent to external one *) fun maybe_nth idx xs = idx |> try (curry List.nth xs) fun check_prop thm = Thm.full_prop_of thm = prop fun entry (name, idx) = (name, Position.none) |> try (Facts.retrieve (Context.Proof ctxt) facts) |> Option.mapPartial (#thms #> maybe_nth (idx - 1)) |> Option.mapPartial (Option.filter check_prop) |> Option.map (pair name) val idx_result = (base_and_index xnm) |> Option.mapPartial entry val non_idx_result = (xnm, 1) |> entry val _ = if is_some idx_result andalso is_some non_idx_result then warning ( "Levity: found two possible results for name " ^ quote xnm ^ " with the same prop:\n" ^ (@{make_string} (the idx_result)) ^ ",\nand\n" ^ (@{make_string} (the non_idx_result)) ^ ".\nUsing the first one.") else () in merge_options (idx_result, non_idx_result) end (* Local facts (from locales) aren't marked in proof bodies, we only see their external variants. We guess the local name from the external one (i.e. "Theory_Name.Locale_Name.foo" -> "foo") This is needed to perform localized attribute tests (e.g.. is this locale assumption marked as simp?) *) (* TODO: extend_locale breaks this naming scheme by adding the "chunk" qualifier. This can probably just be handled as a special case *) fun most_local_fact_of ctxt xnm prop = let val local_name = xnm |> try (Long_Name.explode #> tl #> tl #> Long_Name.implode) val local_result = local_name |> Option.mapPartial (fact_from_derivation ctxt prop) fun global_result () = fact_from_derivation ctxt prop xnm in if is_some local_result then local_result else global_result () end (* We recursively descend into the proof body to find dependent facts. We skip over empty derivations or facts that we fail to find, but recurse into their dependents. This ensures that an attempt to re-build the proof dependencies graph will result in a connected graph. *) fun thms_of (PBody {thms,...}) = thms fun proof_body_deps (filter_name: string -> bool) (get_fact: string -> term -> (string * thm) option) (thm_ident, thm_node) (tab: (string * thm) option Inttab.table) = let val name = Proofterm.thm_node_name thm_node val body = Proofterm.thm_node_body thm_node val prop = Proofterm.thm_node_prop thm_node val result = if filter_name name then NONE else get_fact name prop val is_new_result = not (Inttab.defined tab thm_ident) val insert = if is_new_result then Inttab.update (thm_ident, result) else I val descend = if is_new_result andalso is_none result then fold (proof_body_deps filter_name get_fact) (thms_of (Future.join body)) else I in tab |> insert |> descend end fun used_facts opt_ctxt thm = let val nm = Thm.get_name_hint thm; val get_fact = case opt_ctxt of SOME ctxt => most_local_fact_of ctxt | NONE => fn name => fn _ => (SOME (name, Drule.dummy_thm)); val body = thms_of (Thm.proof_body_of thm); fun filter_name nm' = nm' = "" orelse nm' = nm; in fold (proof_body_deps filter_name get_fact) body Inttab.empty |> Inttab.dest |> map_filter snd end fun attribs_of ctxt = let val tests = get_attribute_tests (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) |> map (apsnd (fn test => test ctxt)); in (fn t => map_filter (fn (testnm, test) => if test t then SOME testnm else NONE) tests) end; fun used_facts_attribs ctxt thm = let val fact_nms = used_facts (SOME ctxt) thm; val attribs_of = attribs_of ctxt; in map (apsnd attribs_of) fact_nms end (* We identify "apply" applications by the document position of their corresponding method. We can only get a document position out of "real" methods, so internal methods (i.e. Method.Basic) won't have a position.*) fun get_pos_of_text' (Method.Source src) = SOME (snd (Token.name_of_src src)) | get_pos_of_text' (Method.Combinator (_, _, texts)) = get_first get_pos_of_text' texts | get_pos_of_text' _ = NONE (* We only want to apply our hooks in batch mode, so we test if our position has a line number (in jEdit it will only have an id number) *) fun get_pos_of_text text = case get_pos_of_text' text of SOME pos => if is_some (Position.line_of pos) then SOME pos else NONE | NONE => NONE (* Clear the theorem dependencies using the apply_trace oracle, then pick up the new ones after the apply step is finished. *) fun pre_apply_hook ctxt text thm = case get_pos_of_text text of NONE => thm | SOME _ => if Apply_Trace.can_clear (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) then Apply_Trace.clear_deps thm else thm; val post_apply_hook = (fn ctxt => fn text => fn pre_thm => fn post_thm => case get_pos_of_text text of NONE => post_thm | SOME pos => if Apply_Trace.can_clear (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt) then (let val thy_nm = Context.theory_name (Thm.theory_of_thm post_thm); val used_facts = the_default [] (try (used_facts_attribs ctxt) post_thm); val _ = Synchronized.change applys (Symtab.map_default (thy_nm, Postab_strict.empty) (Postab_strict.update (pos, used_facts))) (* We want to keep our old theorem dependencies around, so we put them back into the goal thm when we are done *) val post_thm' = post_thm |> Apply_Trace.join_deps pre_thm in post_thm' end) else post_thm) (* The Proof hooks need to be patched in to track apply dependencies, but the rest of levity can work without them. Here we graciously fail if the hook interface is missing *) fun setup_pre_apply_hook () = try (ML_Context.eval ML_Compiler.flags @{here}) (ML_Lex.read_pos @{here} "Proof.set_pre_apply_hook AutoLevity_Base.pre_apply_hook"); fun setup_post_apply_hook () = try (ML_Context.eval ML_Compiler.flags @{here}) (ML_Lex.read_pos @{here} "Proof.set_post_apply_hook AutoLevity_Base.post_apply_hook"); (* This command is treated specially by AutoLevity_Theory_Report. The command executed directly after this one will be tagged with the given tag *) val _ = Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword levity_tag} "tag for levity" (Parse.string >> (fn str => Toplevel.local_theory NONE NONE (Local_Theory.raw_theory (set_levity_tag (SOME str))))) fun get_subgoals' state = let val proof_state = Toplevel.proof_of state; val {goal, ...} = Proof.raw_goal proof_state; in Thm.nprems_of goal end fun get_subgoals state = the_default ~1 (try get_subgoals' state); fun setup_toplevel_command_hook () = Toplevel.add_hook (fn transition => fn start_state => fn end_state => let val name = Toplevel.name_of transition val pos = Toplevel.pos_of transition; val thy = Toplevel.theory_of start_state; val thynm = Context.theory_name thy; val end_thy = Toplevel.theory_of end_state; in if name = "clear_deps" orelse name = "dummy_apply" orelse Position.line_of pos = NONE then () else (let val levity_input = if name = "levity_tag" then get_levity_tag end_thy else NONE; val subgoals = get_subgoals start_state; val entry = {levity_tag = levity_input, subgoals = subgoals} val _ = Synchronized.change transactions (Symtab.map_default (thynm, (Postab_strict.empty, Postab_strict.empty)) (apfst (Postab_strict.update (pos, (name, entry))))) in () end) handle e => if Exn.is_interrupt e then Exn.reraise e else Synchronized.change transactions (Symtab.map_default (thynm, (Postab_strict.empty, Postab_strict.empty)) (apsnd (Postab_strict.map_default (pos, []) (cons (@{make_string} e))))) end) fun setup_attrib_tests theory = if not (is_simp_installed) then error "Missing interface into Raw_Simplifier. Can't trace apply statements with unpatched isabelle." else let fun is_first_cong ctxt thm = let val simpset = Raw_Simplifier.internal_ss (Raw_Simplifier.simpset_of ctxt); val (congs, _) = #congs simpset; val cong_thm = #mk_cong (#mk_rews simpset) ctxt thm; in case (find_first (fn (_, thm') => Thm.eq_thm_prop (cong_thm, thm')) congs) of SOME (nm, _) => Thm.eq_thm_prop (find_first (fn (nm', _) => nm' = nm) congs |> the |> snd, cong_thm) | NONE => false end fun is_classical proj ctxt thm = let val intros = proj (Classical.claset_of ctxt |> Classical.rep_cs); val results = Item_Net.retrieve intros (Thm.full_prop_of thm); in exists (fn (thm', _, _) => Thm.eq_thm_prop (thm',thm)) results end in theory |> add_attribute_test "simp" is_simp |> add_attribute_test "cong" is_first_cong |> add_attribute_test "intro" (is_classical #unsafeIs) |> add_attribute_test "intro!" (is_classical #safeIs) |> add_attribute_test "elim" (is_classical #unsafeEs) |> add_attribute_test "elim!" (is_classical #safeEs) |> add_attribute_test "dest" (fn ctxt => fn thm => is_classical #unsafeEs ctxt (Tactic.make_elim thm)) |> add_attribute_test "dest!" (fn ctxt => fn thm => is_classical #safeEs ctxt (Tactic.make_elim thm)) end fun setup_command_hook {trace_apply, ...} theory = if get_command_hook_flag theory then theory else let val _ = if trace_apply then (the (setup_pre_apply_hook ()); the (setup_post_apply_hook ())) handle Option => error "Missing interface into Proof module. Can't trace apply statements with unpatched isabelle" else () val _ = setup_toplevel_command_hook (); val theory' = theory |> trace_apply ? setup_attrib_tests |> set_command_hook_flag in theory' end; end \ end