(* Title: Pure/Thy/thy_syntax.ML Author: Makarius Theory syntax elements. *) signature THY_SYNTAX = sig datatype 'a element = Element of 'a * ('a element list * 'a) option val atom: 'a -> 'a element val map_element: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a element -> 'b element val flat_element: 'a element -> 'a list val last_element: 'a element -> 'a val parse_elements: Keyword.keywords -> Command_Span.span list -> Command_Span.span element list end; structure Thy_Syntax: THY_SYNTAX = struct (* datatype element: command with optional proof *) datatype 'a element = Element of 'a * ('a element list * 'a) option; fun element (a, b) = Element (a, SOME b); fun atom a = Element (a, NONE); fun map_element f (Element (a, NONE)) = Element (f a, NONE) | map_element f (Element (a, SOME (elems, b))) = Element (f a, SOME ((map o map_element) f elems, f b)); fun flat_element (Element (a, NONE)) = [a] | flat_element (Element (a, SOME (elems, b))) = a :: maps flat_element elems @ [b]; fun last_element (Element (a, NONE)) = a | last_element (Element (_, SOME (_, b))) = b; (* scanning spans *) val eof = Command_Span.Span (Command_Span.Command_Span ("", Position.none), []); fun is_eof (Command_Span.Span (Command_Span.Command_Span ("", _), _)) = true | is_eof _ = false; val not_eof = not o is_eof; val stopper = Scan.stopper (K eof) is_eof; (* parse *) local fun command_with pred = Scan.one (fn (Command_Span.Span (Command_Span.Command_Span (name, _), _)) => pred name | _ => false); fun parse_element keywords = let val proof_atom = Scan.one (fn (Command_Span.Span (Command_Span.Command_Span (name, _), _)) => Keyword.is_proof_body keywords name | _ => true) >> atom; fun proof_element x = (command_with (Keyword.is_proof_goal keywords) -- proof_rest >> element || proof_atom) x and proof_rest x = (Scan.repeat proof_element -- command_with (Keyword.is_qed keywords)) x; in command_with (Keyword.is_theory_goal keywords) -- proof_rest >> element || Scan.one not_eof >> atom end; in fun parse_elements keywords = Source.of_list #> Source.source stopper (Scan.bulk (parse_element keywords)) #> Source.exhaust; end; end;